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  • parity/mirrors/polkadot-sdk
1 result
Show changes
Commits on Source (1047)
with 529 additions and 300 deletions
......@@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ rustdocflags = [
# Needed for musl builds so user doesn't have to install musl-tools.
CC_x86_64_unknown_linux_musl = { value = ".cargo/musl-gcc", force = true, relative = true }
CXX_x86_64_unknown_linux_musl = { value = ".cargo/musl-g++", force = true, relative = true }
CARGO_WORKSPACE_ROOT_DIR = { value = "", relative = true }
retry = 5
# git-fetch-with-cli = true # commented because there is a risk that a runner can be banned by github
......@@ -18,21 +18,23 @@ accept = [
exclude_path = ["./target"]
exclude_path = [
exclude = [
# Place holders (no need to fix these):
# TODO <>
# TODO meta issue: <>
......@@ -41,16 +43,24 @@ exclude = [
# Behind a captcha (code 403):
# 403 rate limited:
# Exclude strings which contain templates like {} and {:?}
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ retries = 5
# The number of threads to run tests with. Supported values are either an integer or
# the string "num-cpus". Can be overridden through the `--test-threads` option.
# test-threads = "num-cpus"
test-threads = 20
# The number of threads required for each test. This is generally used in overrides to
......@@ -124,3 +123,10 @@ serial-integration = { max-threads = 1 }
filter = 'test(/(^ui$|_ui|ui_)/)'
test-group = 'serial-integration'
# Running eth-rpc tests sequentially
# These tests rely on a shared resource (the RPC and Node)
# and would cause race conditions due to transaction nonces if run in parallel.
filter = 'package(pallet-revive-eth-rpc) and test(/^tests::/)'
test-group = 'serial-integration'
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ exclude = [
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ exclude = [
reorder_arrays = true
inline_table_expand = false
array_auto_expand = false
array_auto_expand = true
array_auto_collapse = false
indent_string = " " # tab
......@@ -40,3 +41,10 @@ keys = ["workspace.dependencies"]
reorder_keys = true
include = ["**/Cargo.toml"]
keys = ["build-dependencies", "dependencies", "dev-dependencies"]
reorder_keys = true
......@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ project_name = "$CI_PROJECT_PATH"
type = "gcs"
bucketName = "parity-ci-forklift"
bucketName = "parity-ci-forklift-regional"
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
/substrate/primitives/merkle-mountain-range/ @acatangiu
# Contracts
/substrate/frame/contracts/ @athei @paritytech/docs-audit
/substrate/frame/contracts/ @paritytech/smart-contracts @paritytech/docs-audit
/substrate/frame/revive/ @paritytech/smart-contracts @paritytech/docs-audit
# NPoS and election
/substrate/frame/election-provider-multi-phase/ @paritytech/staking-core @paritytech/docs-audit
name: "build and push image"
description: "dockerfile to build"
required: true
description: ""
required: true
description: "Branch name for the PR"
value: ${{ steps.branch.outputs.branch }}
using: "composite"
# gcloud
- name: "Set up Cloud SDK"
uses: "google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2"
- name: "gcloud info"
shell: bash
run: "gcloud info"
- name: "Auth in gcloud registry"
shell: bash
run: "gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet"
- name: build
shell: bash
run: |
export DOCKER_IMAGES_VERSION=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
if [[ ${{ github.event_name }} == "merge_group" ]]; then export DOCKER_IMAGES_VERSION="${GITHUB_SHA::8}"; fi
docker build \
--build-arg VCS_REF="${GITHUB_SHA}" \
--build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" \
--build-arg IMAGE_NAME="${{ inputs.image-name }}" \
-t "${{ inputs.image-name }}:$DOCKER_IMAGES_VERSION" \
-f ${{ inputs.dockerfile }} \
docker push "${{ inputs.image-name }}:$DOCKER_IMAGES_VERSION"
name: 'cargo check runtimes'
description: 'Runs `cargo check` for every directory in provided root.'
description: "Root directory. Expected to contain several cargo packages inside."
required: true
using: "composite"
- name: Check
shell: bash
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.forklift
cp .forklift/config.toml ~/.forklift/config.toml
cd ${{ inputs.root }}
for directory in $(echo */); do
echo "_____Running cargo check for ${directory} ______";
cd ${directory};
SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 forklift cargo check --locked;
cd ..;
name: 'install gh'
description: 'Install the gh cli in a debian based distro and switches to the PR branch.'
name: "install gh"
description: "Install the gh cli in a debian based distro and switches to the PR branch."
description: "Number of the PR"
......@@ -9,28 +9,20 @@ inputs:
required: true
description: 'Branch name for the PR'
description: "Branch name for the PR"
value: ${{ steps.branch.outputs.branch }}
using: "composite"
- name: Instal gh cli
shell: bash
# Here it would get the script from previous step
run: |
(type -p wget >/dev/null || (apt update && apt-get install wget -y))
mkdir -p -m 755 /etc/apt/keyrings
wget -qO- | tee /etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
chmod go+r /etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null
apt update
apt install gh -y
git config --global --add '*'
- run: gh pr checkout ${{ }}
shell: bash
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.GH_TOKEN }}
- name: Export branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
id: branch
- name: Set up git
shell: bash
# Here it would get the script from previous step
run: git config --global --add '*'
- run: gh pr checkout ${{ }}
shell: bash
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.GH_TOKEN }}
- name: Export branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
id: branch
name: "stop all workflows"
description: "Action stops all workflows in a PR to save compute resources."
description: "App id"
required: true
description: "App token"
required: true
using: "composite"
- name: Worfklow stopper - Generate token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
id: app-token
app-id: ${{ }}
private-key: ${{ }}
owner: "paritytech"
repositories: "workflow-stopper"
- name: Workflow stopper - Stop all workflows
uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x
route: POST /repos/paritytech/workflow-stopper/actions/workflows/stopper.yml/dispatches
ref: main
inputs: '${{ format(''{{ "github_sha": "{0}", "github_repository": "{1}", "github_ref_name": "{2}", "github_workflow_id": "{3}", "github_job_name": "{4}" }}'', github.event.pull_request.head.sha, github.repository, github.ref_name, github.run_id, github.job) }}'
......@@ -6,4 +6,10 @@ coverage:
target: 1.0
threshold: 2.0
\ No newline at end of file
threshold: 2.0
behavior: new
- "/__w/polkadot-sdk/polkadot-sdk/::"
\ No newline at end of file

30.8 KiB

# Running commands
Command bot has been migrated, it is no longer a comment parser and now it is a GitHub action that works as a [`workflow_dispatch`]( event.
## How to run an action
To run an action, you need to go to the [_actions tab_]( and pick the one you desire to run.
The current available command actions are:
- [Command FMT](
- [Command Update UI](
- [Command Sync](
- [Command Bench](
- [Command Bench All](
- [Command Bench Overhead](
You need to select the action, and click on the dropdown that says: `Run workflow`. It is located in the upper right.
If this dropdown is not visible, you may not have permission to run the action. Contact IT for help.
![command screenshot](command-screnshot.png)
Each command will have the same two required values, but it could have more.
GitHub's official documentation: [Manually running a workflow](
#### Running from CLI
You can use [`gh cli`]( to run the commands too. Refers to the [`gh workflow run`]( section from the documentation for more information.
### Number of the Pull Request
The number of the pull request. Required so the action can fetch the correct branch and comment if it fails.
## Action configurations
### FMT
For FMT you only need the PR number.
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-fmt.yml -f pr=1000
### Update UI
For Update UI you only need the PR number.
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-update-ui.yml -f pr=1000
### Bench
Runs `benchmark pallet` or `benchmark overhead` against your PR and commits back updated weights.
Posible combinations based on the `benchmark` dropdown.
- `substrate-pallet`: Pallet Benchmark for Substrate for specific pallet
- Requires `Subcommand` to be `pallet`
- Requires `Runtime` to be `dev`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `substrate`
- `polkadot-pallet`: Pallet Benchmark for Polkadot for specific pallet
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `rococo`
- `westend`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `polkadot`
- `cumulus-assets`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus assets
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `asset-hub-westend`
- `asset-hub-rococo`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `assets`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-collectives`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus collectives
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be `collectives-westend`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `collectives`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-coretime`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus coretime
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `coretime-rococo`
- `coretime-westend`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `coretime`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-bridge-hubs`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus bridge-hubs
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `bridge-hub-rococo`
- `bridge-hub-westend`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `bridge-hub`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-contracts`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus contracts
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one `contracts-rococo`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `contracts`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-glutton`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus glutton
- Requires `Subcommand` to be `pallet`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `glutton-westend`
- `glutton-westend-dev-1300`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `glutton`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-starters`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus starters
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `seedling`
- `shell`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `starters`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-people`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus people
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `people-westend`
- `people-rococo`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `people`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
- `cumulus-testing`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus testing
- Requires `Subcommand` to be one of the following:
- `pallet`
- `xcm`
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `penpal`
- `rococo-parachain`
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- Requires `Runtime Dir` to be `testing`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-bench.yml -f pr=1000 -f benchmark=polkadot-pallet -f subcommand=pallet -f runtime=rococo -f pallet=pallet_name -f target_dir=polkadot
### Bench-all
This is a wrapper to run `bench` for all pallets.
Posible combinations based on the `benchmark` dropdown.
- `pallet`: Benchmark for Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus/Trappist for specific pallet
- Requires field `Pallet` to have an input that applies to `^([a-z_]+)([:]{2}[a-z_]+)?$`
- `substrate`: Pallet + Overhead + Machine Benchmark for Substrate for all pallets
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `substrate`
- `polkadot`: Pallet + Overhead Benchmark for Polkadot
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `rococo`
- `westend`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `polkadot`
- `cumulus`: Pallet Benchmark for Cumulus
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `rococo`
- `westend`
- `asset-hub-kusama`
- `asset-hub-polkadot`
- `asset-hub-rococo`
- `asset-hub-westend`
- `bridge-hub-kusama`
- `bridge-hub-polkadot`
- `bridge-hub-rococo`
- `bridge-hub-westend`
- `collectives-polkadot`
- `collectives-westend`
- `coretime-rococo`
- `coretime-westend`
- `contracts-rococo`
- `glutton-kusama`
- `glutton-westend`
- `people-rococo`
- `people-westend`
- Requires `Target Directory` to be `cumulus`
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-bench-all.yml -f pr=1000 -f benchmark=pallet -f pallet=pallet_name -f target_dir=polkadot -f runtime=rococo
### Bench-overhead
Run benchmarks overhead and commit back results to PR.
Posible combinations based on the `benchmark` dropdown.
- `default`: Runs `benchmark overhead` and commits back to PR the updated `` files
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `rococo`
- `westend`
- Requires `Target directory` to be `polkadot`
- `substrate`: Runs `benchmark overhead` and commits back to PR the updated `` files
- Requires `Target directory` to be `substrate`
- `cumulus`: Runs `benchmark overhead` and commits back to PR the updated `` files
- Requires `Runtime` to be one of the following:
- `asset-hub-rococo`
- `asset-hub-westend`
- Requires `Target directory` to be `cumulus`
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-bench-overheard.yml -f pr=1000 -f benchmark=substrate -f runtime=rococo -f target_dir=substrate
### Sync
Run sync and commit back results to PR.
Posible combinations based on the `benchmark` dropdown.
- `chain`
- Requires one of the following:
- `rococo`
- `westend`
- `sync-type`
- Requires one of the following:
- `warp`
- `full`
- `fast`
- `fast-unsafe`
You can use the following [`gh cli`]( inside the repo:
gh workflow run command-sync.yml -f pr=1000 -f chain=rococo -f sync-type=full
## How to modify an action
If you want to modify an action and test it, you can do by simply pushing your changes and then selecting your branch in the `Use worflow from` option.
This will use a file from a specified branch.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ rules:
# excluding files from 'Runtime files' and 'CI files' rules
- ^cumulus/parachains/common/src/[^/]+\.rs$
- ^substrate/frame/(?!.*(nfts/.*|uniques/.*|babe/.*|grandpa/.*|beefy|merkle-mountain-range/.*|contracts/.*|election|nomination-pools/.*|staking/.*|aura/.*))
- ^substrate/frame/(?!.*(nfts/.*|uniques/.*|babe/.*|grandpa/.*|beefy|merkle-mountain-range/.*|contracts/.*|revive/.*|election|nomination-pools/.*|staking/.*|aura/.*))
- ^\.gitlab-ci\.yml
- ^docker/.*
- ^\.github/.*
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ rules:
- name: FRAME coders substrate
- ^substrate/frame/(?!.*(nfts/.*|uniques/.*|babe/.*|grandpa/.*|beefy|merkle-mountain-range/.*|contracts/.*|election|nomination-pools/.*|staking/.*|aura/.*))
- ^substrate/frame/(?!.*(nfts/.*|uniques/.*|babe/.*|grandpa/.*|beefy|merkle-mountain-range/.*|contracts/.*|revive/.*|election|nomination-pools/.*|staking/.*|aura/.*))
type: "and"
- minApprovals: 2
......@@ -66,6 +66,17 @@ rules:
- frame-coders
# Smart Contracts
- name: Smart Contracts
type: basic
- ^substrate/frame/contracts/.*
- ^substrate/frame/revive/.*
minApprovals: 2
- smart-contracts
# Protection of THIS file
- name: Review Bot
countAuthor: true
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
# - `target_group`: Integer starting from 1, the group this script should execute.
# - `groups_total`: Integer starting from 1, total number of groups.
# - `disable_forklift`: Boolean, whether to disable forklift or not.
import subprocess, sys
......@@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ crates.sort()
target_group = int(sys.argv[1]) - 1
groups_total = int(sys.argv[2])
disable_forklift = bool(sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else False)
print(f"Target group: {target_group}, Total groups: {groups_total}, Disable forklift: {disable_forklift}", file=sys.stderr)
if len(crates) == 0:
print("No crates detected!", file=sys.stderr)
......@@ -55,7 +59,11 @@ for i in range(0, crates_per_group + overflow_crates):
print(f"Checking {crates[crate][0]}", file=sys.stderr)
res =["forklift", "cargo", "check", "--locked"], cwd = crates[crate][1])
cmd = ["cargo", "check", "--locked"]
cmd.insert(0, 'forklift') if not disable_forklift else None
res =, cwd = crates[crate][1])
if res.returncode != 0:
echo "Running script relative to `pwd`"
# Find all files
DOCIFY_FILES=$(find . -name "")
# Initialize a variable to track directories needing README regeneration
for file in $DOCIFY_FILES; do
echo "Processing $file"
# Get the directory containing the docify file
DIR=$(dirname "$file")
# Go to the directory and run cargo build
cd "$DIR"
cargo check --features generate-readme || { echo "Readme generation for $DIR failed. Ensure the crate compiles successfully and has a `generate-readme` feature which guards markdown compilation in the crate as follows:" && exit 1; }
# Check if has any uncommitted changes
git diff --exit-code
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Found uncommitted changes in $DIR/"
# Return to the original directory
cd - > /dev/null
# Check if any directories need README regeneration
if [ -n "$NEED_REGENERATION" ]; then
echo "The following directories need README regeneration:"
exit 1
\ No newline at end of file
import argparse
Custom help action for argparse, it prints the help message for the main parser and all subparsers.
class _HelpAction(argparse._HelpAction):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
# retrieve subparsers from parser
subparsers_actions = [
action for action in parser._actions
if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction)]
# there will probably only be one subparser_action,
# but better save than sorry
for subparsers_action in subparsers_actions:
# get all subparsers and print help
for choice, subparser in subparsers_action.choices.items():
print("\n### Command '{}'".format(choice))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
import _help
import importlib.util
import re
_HelpAction = _help._HelpAction
f = open('.github/workflows/runtimes-matrix.json', 'r')
runtimesMatrix = json.load(f)
runtimeNames = list(map(lambda x: x['name'], runtimesMatrix))
common_args = {
'--quiet': {"action": "store_true", "help": "Won't print start/end/failed messages in PR"},
'--clean': {"action": "store_true", "help": "Clean up the previous bot's & author's comments in PR"},
'--image': {"help": "Override docker image '--image'"},
def print_and_log(message, output_file='/tmp/cmd/command_output.log'):
with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
f.write(message + '\n')
def setup_logging():
if not os.path.exists('/tmp/cmd'):
open('/tmp/cmd/command_output.log', 'w')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="/cmd ", description='A command runner for polkadot-sdk repo', add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('--help', action=_HelpAction, help='help for help if you need some help') # help for help
for arg, config in common_args.items():
parser.add_argument(arg, **config)
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='a command to run', dest='command')
bench_example = '''**Examples**:
Runs all benchmarks
Runs benchmarks for pallet_balances and pallet_multisig for all runtimes which have these pallets. **--quiet** makes it to output nothing to PR but reactions
%(prog)s --pallet pallet_balances pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --quiet
Runs bench for all pallets for westend runtime and fails fast on first failed benchmark
%(prog)s --runtime westend --fail-fast
Does not output anything and cleans up the previous bot's & author command triggering comments in PR
%(prog)s --runtime westend rococo --pallet pallet_balances pallet_multisig --quiet --clean
parser_bench = subparsers.add_parser('bench', aliases=['bench-omni'], help='Runs benchmarks (frame omni bencher)', epilog=bench_example, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
for arg, config in common_args.items():
parser_bench.add_argument(arg, **config)
parser_bench.add_argument('--runtime', help='Runtime(s) space separated', choices=runtimeNames, nargs='*', default=runtimeNames)
parser_bench.add_argument('--pallet', help='Pallet(s) space separated', nargs='*', default=[])
parser_bench.add_argument('--fail-fast', help='Fail fast on first failed benchmark', action='store_true')
parser_fmt = subparsers.add_parser('fmt', help='Formats code (cargo +nightly-VERSION fmt) and configs (taplo format)')
for arg, config in common_args.items():
parser_fmt.add_argument(arg, **config)
Update UI
parser_ui = subparsers.add_parser('update-ui', help='Updates UI tests')
for arg, config in common_args.items():
parser_ui.add_argument(arg, **config)
# Import dynamically
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("generate_prdoc", ".github/scripts/")
generate_prdoc = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
parser_prdoc = subparsers.add_parser('prdoc', help='Generates PR documentation')
generate_prdoc.setup_parser(parser_prdoc, pr_required=False)
def main():
global args, unknown, runtimesMatrix
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
print(f'args: {args}')
if args.command == 'bench' or args.command == 'bench-omni':
runtime_pallets_map = {}
failed_benchmarks = {}
successful_benchmarks = {}
profile = "production"
print(f'Provided runtimes: {args.runtime}')
# convert to mapped dict
runtimesMatrix = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] in args.runtime, runtimesMatrix))
runtimesMatrix = {x['name']: x for x in runtimesMatrix}
print(f'Filtered out runtimes: {runtimesMatrix}')
compile_bencher = os.system(f"cargo install --path substrate/utils/frame/omni-bencher --locked --profile {profile}")
if compile_bencher != 0:
print_and_log('❌ Failed to compile frame-omni-bencher')
# loop over remaining runtimes to collect available pallets
for runtime in runtimesMatrix.values():
build_command = f"forklift cargo build -p {runtime['package']} --profile {profile} --features={runtime['bench_features']}"
print(f'-- building "{runtime["name"]}" with `{build_command}`')
build_status = os.system(build_command)
if build_status != 0:
print_and_log(f'❌ Failed to build {runtime["name"]}')
if args.fail_fast:
print(f'-- listing pallets for benchmark for {runtime["name"]}')
wasm_file = f"target/{profile}/wbuild/{runtime['package']}/{runtime['package'].replace('-', '_')}.wasm"
list_command = f"frame-omni-bencher v1 benchmark pallet " \
f"--no-csv-header " \
f"--no-storage-info " \
f"--no-min-squares " \
f"--no-median-slopes " \
f"--all " \
f"--list " \
f"--runtime={wasm_file} " \
print(f'-- running: {list_command}')
output = os.popen(list_command).read()
raw_pallets = output.strip().split('\n')
all_pallets = set()
for pallet in raw_pallets:
if pallet:
pallets = list(all_pallets)
print(f'Pallets in {runtime["name"]}: {pallets}')
runtime_pallets_map[runtime['name']] = pallets
# filter out only the specified pallets from collected runtimes/pallets
if args.pallet:
print(f'Pallets: {args.pallet}')
new_pallets_map = {}
# keep only specified pallets if they exist in the runtime
for runtime in runtime_pallets_map:
if set(args.pallet).issubset(set(runtime_pallets_map[runtime])):
new_pallets_map[runtime] = args.pallet
runtime_pallets_map = new_pallets_map
print(f'Filtered out runtimes & pallets: {runtime_pallets_map}\n')
if not runtime_pallets_map:
if args.pallet and not args.runtime:
print(f"No pallets {args.pallet} found in any runtime")
elif args.runtime and not args.pallet:
print(f"{args.runtime} runtime does not have any pallets")
elif args.runtime and args.pallet:
print(f"No pallets {args.pallet} found in {args.runtime}")
print('No runtimes found')
for runtime in runtime_pallets_map:
for pallet in runtime_pallets_map[runtime]:
config = runtimesMatrix[runtime]
header_path = os.path.abspath(config['header'])
template = None
print(f'-- config: {config}')
if runtime == 'dev':
# to support sub-modules (
search_manifest_path = f"cargo metadata --locked --format-version 1 --no-deps | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == \"{pallet.replace('_', '-')}\") | .manifest_path'"
print(f'-- running: {search_manifest_path}')
manifest_path = os.popen(search_manifest_path).read()
if not manifest_path:
print(f'-- pallet {pallet} not found in dev runtime')
if args.fail_fast:
print_and_log(f'Error: {pallet} not found in dev runtime')
package_dir = os.path.dirname(manifest_path)
print(f'-- package_dir: {package_dir}')
print(f'-- manifest_path: {manifest_path}')
output_path = os.path.join(package_dir, "src", "")
# TODO: we can remove once all pallets in dev runtime are migrated to polkadot-sdk-frame
uses_polkadot_sdk_frame = "true" in os.popen(f"cargo metadata --locked --format-version 1 --no-deps | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == \"{pallet.replace('_', '-')}\") | .dependencies | any(.name == \"polkadot-sdk-frame\")'").read()
print(f'uses_polkadot_sdk_frame: {uses_polkadot_sdk_frame}')
# Empty output from the previous os.popen command
except StopIteration:
print(f'Error: {pallet} not found in dev runtime')
uses_polkadot_sdk_frame = False
template = config['template']
if uses_polkadot_sdk_frame and re.match(r"frame-(:?umbrella-)?weight-template\.hbs", os.path.normpath(template).split(os.path.sep)[-1]):
template = "substrate/.maintain/frame-umbrella-weight-template.hbs"
print(f'template: {template}')
default_path = f"./{config['path']}/src/weights"
xcm_path = f"./{config['path']}/src/weights/xcm"
output_path = default_path
if pallet.startswith("pallet_xcm_benchmarks"):
template = config['template']
output_path = xcm_path
print(f'-- benchmarking {pallet} in {runtime} into {output_path}')
cmd = f"frame-omni-bencher v1 benchmark pallet " \
f"--extrinsic=* " \
f"--runtime=target/{profile}/wbuild/{config['package']}/{config['package'].replace('-', '_')}.wasm " \
f"--pallet={pallet} " \
f"--header={header_path} " \
f"--output={output_path} " \
f"--wasm-execution=compiled " \
f"--steps=50 " \
f"--repeat=20 " \
f"--heap-pages=4096 " \
f"{f'--template={template} ' if template else ''}" \
f"--no-storage-info --no-min-squares --no-median-slopes " \
print(f'-- Running: {cmd} \n')
status = os.system(cmd)
if status != 0 and args.fail_fast:
print_and_log(f'❌ Failed to benchmark {pallet} in {runtime}')
# Otherwise collect failed benchmarks and print them at the end
# push failed pallets to failed_benchmarks
if status != 0:
failed_benchmarks[f'{runtime}'] = failed_benchmarks.get(f'{runtime}', []) + [pallet]
successful_benchmarks[f'{runtime}'] = successful_benchmarks.get(f'{runtime}', []) + [pallet]
if failed_benchmarks:
print_and_log('❌ Failed benchmarks of runtimes/pallets:')
for runtime, pallets in failed_benchmarks.items():
print_and_log(f'-- {runtime}: {pallets}')
if successful_benchmarks:
print_and_log('✅ Successful benchmarks of runtimes/pallets:')
for runtime, pallets in successful_benchmarks.items():
print_and_log(f'-- {runtime}: {pallets}')
elif args.command == 'fmt':
command = f"cargo +nightly fmt"
print(f'Formatting with `{command}`')
nightly_status = os.system(f'{command}')
taplo_status = os.system('taplo format --config .config/taplo.toml')
if (nightly_status != 0 or taplo_status != 0):
print_and_log('❌ Failed to format code')
elif args.command == 'update-ui':
command = 'sh ./scripts/'
print(f'Updating ui with `{command}`')
status = os.system(f'{command}')
if status != 0:
print_and_log('❌ Failed to update ui')
elif args.command == 'prdoc':
# Call the main function from ./github/scripts/ module
exit_code = generate_prdoc.main(args)
if exit_code != 0:
print_and_log('❌ Failed to generate prdoc')
print('🚀 Done')
if __name__ == '__main__':