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  1. Apr 24, 2024
  2. Apr 08, 2024
    • Aaro Altonen's avatar
      Integrate litep2p into Polkadot SDK (#2944) · 80616f6d
      Aaro Altonen authored
      [litep2p]( is a libp2p-compatible P2P
      networking library. It supports all of the features of `rust-libp2p`
      that are currently being utilized by Polkadot SDK.
      Compared to `rust-libp2p`, `litep2p` has a quite different architecture
      which is why the new `litep2p` network backend is only able to use a
      little of the existing code in `sc-network`. The design has been mainly
      influenced by how we'd wish to structure our networking-related code in
      Polkadot SDK: independent higher-levels protocols directly communicating
      with the network over links that support bidirectional backpressure. A
      good example would be `NotificationHandle`/`RequestResponseHandle`
      abstractions which allow, e.g., `SyncingEngine` to directly communicate
      with peers to announce/request blocks.
      I've tried running `polkadot --network-backend litep2p` with a few
      different peer configurations and there is a noticeable reduction in
      networking CPU usage. For high load (`--out-peers 200`), networking CPU
      usage goes down from ~110% to ~30% (80 pp) and for normal load
      (`--out-peers 40`), the usage goes down from ~55% to ~18% (37 pp).
      These should not be taken as final numbers because:
      a) there are still some low-hanging optimization fruits, such as
      enabling [receive window
      ), integrating
      `Peerset` more closely with `litep2p` or improving memory usage of the
      WebSocket transport
      b) fixing bugs/instabilities that incorrectly cause `litep2p` to do less
      work will increase the networking CPU usage
      c) verification in a more diverse set of tests/conditions is needed
      Nevertheless, these numbers should give an early estimate for CPU usage
      of the new networking backend.
      This PR consists of three separate changes:
      * introduce a generic `PeerId` (wrapper around `Multihash`) so that we
      don't have use `NetworkService::PeerId` in every part of the code that
      uses a `PeerId`
      * introduce `NetworkBackend` trait, implement it for the libp2p network
      stack and make Polkadot SDK generic over `NetworkBackend`
        * implement `NetworkBackend` for litep2p
      The new library should be considered experimental which is why
      `rust-libp2p` will remain as the default option for the time being. This
      PR currently depends on the master branch of `litep2p` but I'll cut a
      new release for the library once all review comments have been
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDmitry Markin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
  3. Apr 02, 2024
  4. Mar 19, 2024
    • Davide Galassi's avatar
      Implement crypto byte array newtypes in term of a shared type (#3684) · 1e9fd237
      Davide Galassi authored
      Introduces `CryptoBytes` type defined as:
      pub struct CryptoBytes<const N: usize, Tag = ()>(pub [u8; N], PhantomData<fn() -> Tag>);
      The type implements a bunch of methods and traits which are typically
      expected from a byte array newtype
      (NOTE: some of the methods and trait implementations IMO are a bit
      redundant, but I decided to maintain them all to not change too much
      stuff in this PR)
      It also introduces two (generic) typical consumers of `CryptoBytes`:
      `PublicBytes` and `SignatureBytes`.
      pub struct PublicTag;
      pub PublicBytes<const N: usize, CryptoTag> = CryptoBytes<N, (PublicTag, CryptoTag)>;
      pub struct SignatureTag;
      pub SignatureBytes<const N: usize, CryptoTag> = CryptoBytes<N, (SignatureTag, CryptoTag)>;
      Both of them use a tag to differentiate the two types at a higher level.
      Downstream specializations will further specialize using a dedicated
      crypto tag. For example in ECDSA:
      pub struct EcdsaTag;
      pub type Public = PublicBytes<PUBLIC_KEY_SERIALIZED_SIZE, EcdsaTag>;
      pub type Signature = PublicBytes<PUBLIC_KEY_SERIALIZED_SIZE, EcdsaTag>;
      Overall we have a cleaner and most importantly **consistent** code for
      all the types involved
      All these details are opaque to the end user which can use `Public` and
      `Signature` for the cryptos as before
  5. Mar 13, 2024
  6. Mar 04, 2024
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      FRAME: Create `TransactionExtension` as a replacement for `SignedExtension` (#2280) · fd5f9292
      Gavin Wood authored
      Closes #2160
      First part of [Extrinsic
      Introduces a new trait `TransactionExtension` to replace
      `SignedExtension`. Introduce the idea of transactions which obey the
      runtime's extensions and have according Extension data (né Extra data)
      yet do not have hard-coded signatures.
      Deprecate the terminology of "Unsigned" when used for
      transactions/extrinsics owing to there now being "proper" unsigned
      transactions which obey the extension framework and "old-style" unsigned
      which do not. Instead we have __*General*__ for the former and
      __*Bare*__ for the latter. (Ultimately, the latter will be phased out as
      a type of transaction, and Bare will only be used for Inherents.)
      Types of extrinsic are now therefore:
      - Bare (no hardcoded signature, no Extra data; used to be known as
      - Bare transactions (deprecated): Gossiped, validated with
      `ValidateUnsigned` (deprecated) and the `_bare_compat` bits of
      `TransactionExtension` (deprecated).
        - Inherents: Not gossiped, validated with `ProvideInherent`.
      - Extended (Extra data): Gossiped, validated via `TransactionExtension`.
        - Signed transactions (with a hardcoded signature).
        - General transactions (without a hardcoded signature).
      `TransactionExtension` differs from `SignedExtension` because:
      - A signature on the underlying transaction may validly not be present.
      - It may alter the origin during validation.
      - `pre_dispatch` is renamed to `prepare` and need not contain the checks
      present in `validate`.
      - `validate` and `prepare` is passed an `Origin` rather than a
      - `validate` may pass arbitrary information into `prepare` via a new
      user-specifiable type `Val`.
      - `AdditionalSigned`/`additional_signed` is renamed to
      `Implicit`/`implicit`. It is encoded *for the entire transaction* and
      passed in to each extension as a new argument to `validate`. This
      facilitates the ability of extensions to acts as underlying crypto.
      There is a new `DispatchTransaction` trait which contains only default
      function impls and is impl'ed for any `TransactionExtension` impler. It
      provides several utility functions which reduce some of the tedium from
      using `TransactionExtension` (indeed, none of its regular functions
      should now need to be called directly).
      Three transaction version discriminator ("versions") are now
      - 0b000000100: Bare (used to be called "Unsigned"): contains Signature
      or Extra (extension data). After bare transactions are no longer
      supported, this will strictly identify an Inherents only.
      - 0b100000100: Old-school "Signed" Transaction: contains Signature and
      Extra (extension data).
      - 0b010000100: New-school "General" Transaction: contains Extra
      (extension data), but no Signature.
      For the New-school General Transaction, it becomes trivial for authors
      to publish extensions to the mechanism for authorizing an Origin, e.g.
      through new kinds of key-signing schemes, ZK proofs, pallet state,
      mutations over pre-authenticated origins or any combination of the
      ## Code Migration
      ### NOW: Getting it to build
      Wrap your `SignedExtension`s in `AsTransactionExtension`. This should be
      accompanied by renaming your aggregate type in line with the new
      terminology. E.g. Before:
      /// The SignedExtension to the basic transaction logic.
      pub type SignedExtra = (
      	/* snip */
      /// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
      pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
      	generic::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, RuntimeCall, Signature, SignedExtra>;
      /// The extension to the basic transaction logic.
      pub type TxExtension = (
      	/* snip */
      /// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
      pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
      	generic::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, RuntimeCall, Signature, TxExtension>;
      You'll also need to alter any transaction building logic to add a
      `.into()` to make the conversion happen. E.g. Before:
      fn construct_extrinsic(
      		/* snip */
      ) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
      	let extra: SignedExtra = (
      		/* snip */
      		MySpecialSignedExtension::new(/* snip */),
      	let payload = SignedPayload::new(call.clone(), extra.clone()).unwrap();
      	let signature = payload.using_encoded(|e| sender.sign(e));
      		/* snip */
      fn construct_extrinsic(
      		/* snip */
      ) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
      	let tx_ext: TxExtension = (
      		/* snip */
      		MySpecialSignedExtension::new(/* snip */).into(),
      	let payload = SignedPayload::new(call.clone(), tx_ext.clone()).unwrap();
      	let signature = payload.using_encoded(|e| sender.sign(e));
      		/* snip */
      ### SOON: Migrating to `TransactionExtension`
      Most `SignedExtension`s can be trivially converted to become a
      `TransactionExtension`. There are a few things to know.
      - Instead of a single trait like `SignedExtension`, you should now
      implement two traits individually: `TransactionExtensionBase` and
      - Weights are now a thing and must be provided via the new function `fn
      #### `TransactionExtensionBase`
      This trait takes care of anything which is not dependent on types
      specific to your runtime, most notably `Call`.
      - `AdditionalSigned`/`additional_signed` is renamed to
      - Weight must be returned by implementing the `weight` function. If your
      extension is associated with a pallet, you'll probably want to do this
      via the pallet's existing benchmarking infrastructure.
      #### `TransactionExtension`
      - `pre_dispatch` is now `prepare` and you *should not reexecute the
      `validate` functionality in there*!
      - You don't get an account ID any more; you get an origin instead. If
      you need to presume an account ID, then you can use the trait function
      - You get an additional ticket, similar to `Pre`, called `Val`. This
      defines data which is passed from `validate` into `prepare`. This is
      important since you should not be duplicating logic from `validate` to
      `prepare`, you need a way of passing your working from the former into
      the latter. This is it.
      - This trait takes two type parameters: `Call` and `Context`. `Call` is
      the runtime call type which used to be an associated type; you can just
      move it to become a type parameter for your trait impl. `Context` is not
      currently used and you can safely implement over it as an unbounded
      - There's no `AccountId` associated type any more. Just remove it.
      Regarding `validate`:
      - You get three new parameters in `validate`; all can be ignored when
      migrating from `SignedExtension`.
      - `validate` returns a tuple on success; the second item in the tuple is
      the new ticket type `Self::Val` which gets passed in to `prepare`. If
      you use any information extracted during `validate` (off-chain and
      on-chain, non-mutating) in `prepare` (on-chain, mutating) then you can
      pass it through with this. For the tuple's last item, just return the
      `origin` argument.
      Regarding `prepare`:
      - This is renamed from `pre_dispatch`, but there is one change:
      - (This is different to `SignedExtension` which was required to run the
      same checks in `pre_dispatch` as in `validate`.)
      Regarding `post_dispatch`:
      - Since there are no unsigned transactions handled by
      `TransactionExtension`, `Pre` is always defined, so the first parameter
      is `Self::Pre` rather than `Option<Self::Pre>`.
      If you make use of `SignedExtension::validate_unsigned` or
      `SignedExtension::pre_dispatch_unsigned`, then:
      - Just use the regular versions of these functions instead.
      - Have your logic execute in the case that the `origin` is `None`.
      - Ensure your transaction creation logic creates a General Transaction
      rather than a Bare Transaction; this means having to include all
      `TransactionExtension`s' data.
      - `ValidateUnsigned` can still be used (for now) if you need to be able
      to construct transactions which contain none of the extension data,
      however these will be phased out in stage 2 of the Transactions Horizon,
      so you should consider moving to an extension-centric design.
      ## TODO
      - [x] Introduce `CheckSignature` impl of `TransactionExtension` to
      ensure it's possible to have crypto be done wholly in a
      - [x] Deprecate `SignedExtension` and move all uses in codebase to
        - [x] `ChargeTransactionPayment`
        - [x] `DummyExtension`
        - [x] `ChargeAssetTxPayment` (asset-tx-payment)
        - [x] `ChargeAssetTxPayment` (asset-conversion-tx-payment)
        - [x] `CheckWeight`
        - [x] `CheckTxVersion`
        - [x] `CheckSpecVersion`
        - [x] `CheckNonce`
        - [x] `CheckNonZeroSender`
        - [x] `CheckMortality`
        - [x] `CheckGenesis`
        - [x] `CheckOnlySudoAccount`
        - [x] `WatchDummy`
        - [x] `PrevalidateAttests`
        - [x] `GenericSignedExtension`
        - [x] `SignedExtension` (chain-polkadot-bulletin)
        - [x] `RefundSignedExtensionAdapter`
      - [x] Implement `fn weight` across the board.
      - [ ] Go through all pre-existing extensions which assume an account
      signer and explicitly handle the possibility of another kind of origin.
      - [x] `CheckNonce` should probably succeed in the case of a non-account
      - [x] `CheckNonZeroSender` should succeed in the case of a non-account
      - [x] `ChargeTransactionPayment` and family should fail in the case of a
      non-account origin.
        - [ ] 
      - [x] Fix any broken tests.
      Signed-off-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNikhil Gupta <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChevdor <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Bullrich <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: Vladimir Istyufeev's avatarVladimir Istyufeev <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSvyatoslav Nikolsky <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatars0me0ne-unkn0wn <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSebastian Kunert <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAaro Altonen <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDmitry Markin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Samusev <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJulian Eager <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichal Kucharczyk <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavide Galassi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataryjh <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTom Mi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarWill | Paradox | <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJoshy Orndorff <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJoshy Orndorff <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPG Herveou <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJuan Girini <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarbader y <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJames Wilson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParth <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrew Jones <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJonathan Udd <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSerban Iorga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarEgor_P <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarEvgeny Snitko <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJust van Stam <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargupnik <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatardzmitry-lahoda <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarzhiqiangxu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNazar Mokrynskyi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnwesh <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarcheme <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSam Johnson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJegor Sidorenko <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMuharem <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoepetrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Facco de Arruda <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSquirrel <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  7. Feb 29, 2024
  8. Feb 23, 2024
  9. Feb 20, 2024
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      rpc server: make possible to disable/enable batch requests (#3364) · fee810a5
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      The rationale behind this, is that it may be useful for some users
      actually disable RPC batch requests or limit them by length instead of
      the total size bytes of the batch.
      This PR adds two new CLI options:
      --rpc-disable-batch-requests - disable batch requests on the server
      --rpc-max-batch-request-len <LEN> - limit batches to LEN on the server.
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
      Lift dependencies to the workspace (Part 2/x) (#3366) · e89d0fca
      Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
      Lifting some more dependencies to the workspace. Just using the
      most-often updated ones for now.
      It can be reproduced locally.
      # First you can check if there would be semver incompatible bumps (looks good in this case):
      $ zepter transpose dependency lift-to-workspace --ignore-errors syn quote thiserror "regex:^serde.*"
      # Then apply the changes:
      $ zepter transpose dependency lift-to-workspace --version-resolver=highest syn quote thiserror "regex:^serde.*" --fix
      # And format the changes:
      $ taplo format --config .config/taplo.toml
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
  10. Feb 17, 2024
  11. Feb 16, 2024
  12. Jan 29, 2024
    • s0me0ne-unkn0wn's avatar
      Do not run unneeded subsystems on collator and its alongside node (#3061) · 3e8139e7
      s0me0ne-unkn0wn authored
      Currently, collators and their alongside nodes spin up a full-scale
      overseer running a bunch of subsystems that are not needed if the node
      is not a validator. That was considered to be harmless; however, we've
      got problems with unused subsystems getting stalled for a reason not
      currently known, resulting in the overseer exiting and bringing down the
      whole node.
      This PR aims to only run needed subsystems on such nodes, replacing the
      rest with `DummySubsystem`.
      It also enables collator-optimized availability recovery subsystem
      Partially solves #1730.
  13. Jan 23, 2024
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      rpc: backpressured RPC server (bump jsonrpsee 0.20) (#1313) · e16ef086
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      This is a rather big change in jsonrpsee, the major things in this bump
      - Server backpressure (the subscription impls are modified to deal with
      - Allow custom error types / return types (remove jsonrpsee::core::Error
      and jsonrpee::core::CallError)
      - Bug fixes (graceful shutdown in particular not used by substrate
         - Less dependencies for the clients in particular
         - Return type requires Clone in method call responses
         - Moved to tokio channels
         - Async subscription API (not used in this PR)
      Major changes in this PR:
      - The subscriptions are now bounded and if subscription can't keep up
      with the server it is dropped
      - CLI: add parameter to configure the jsonrpc server bounded message
      buffer (default is 64)
      - Add our own subscription helper to deal with the unbounded streams in
      The most important things in this PR to review is the added helpers
      functions in `substrate/client/rpc/src/` and the rest is pretty
      much chore.
      Regarding the "bounded buffer limit" it may cause the server to handle
      the JSON-RPC calls
      slower than before.
      The message size limit is bounded by "--rpc-response-size" thus "by
      default 10MB * 64 = 640MB"
      but the subscription message size is not covered by this limit and could
      be capped as well.
      Hopefully the last release prior to 1.0, sorry in advance for a big PR
      Previous attempt:
      Resolves, resolves
  14. Jan 07, 2024
  15. Jan 04, 2024
  16. Dec 13, 2023
  17. Dec 05, 2023
  18. Dec 01, 2023
  19. Nov 28, 2023
  20. Nov 06, 2023
  21. Nov 05, 2023
  22. Sep 19, 2023
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Remove Polkadot & Kusama native runtime (#1304) · 6079b6dd
      Bastian Köcher authored
      This pull request removes the Polkadot and Kusama native runtime from
      the polkadot node. This brings some implications with it:
      There are no more kusama/polkadot-dev chain specs available. We will
      need to write some tooling in the fellowship repo to provide them
      The try-runtime job for polkadot & kusama is not available anymore as we
      don't have the dev chain specs anymore.
      Certain benchmarking commands will also not work until we migrate them
      to use a runtime api.
      Some crates in utils are still depending on the polkadot/kusama native
      runtime that will also need to be fixed.
      Port of:
  23. Sep 15, 2023
  24. Sep 11, 2023
  25. Sep 04, 2023
    • Chevdor's avatar
      Markdown linter (#1309) · a30092ab
      Chevdor authored
      * Add markdown linting
      - add linter default rules
      - adapt rules to current code
      - fix the code for linting to pass
      - add CI check
      fix #1243
      * Fix markdown for Substrate
      * Fix tooling install
      * Fix workflow
      * Add documentation
      * Remove trailing spaces
      * Update .github/.markdownlint.yaml
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Fix mangled markdown/lists
      * Fix captalization issues on known words
  26. Aug 31, 2023
  27. Aug 29, 2023
  28. Aug 28, 2023
  29. Aug 25, 2023
  30. Aug 18, 2023
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Asynchronous Backing MegaPR (#5022) · 5174b9d2
      asynchronous rob authored
      * inclusion emulator logic for asynchronous backing (#4790)
      * initial stab at candidate_context
      * fmt
      * docs & more TODOs
      * some cleanups
      * reframe as inclusion_emulator
      * documentations yes
      * update types
      * add constraint modifications
      * watermark
      * produce modifications
      * v2 primitives: re-export all v1 for consistency
      * vstaging primitives
      * emulator constraints: handle code upgrades
      * produce outbound HRMP modifications
      * stack.
      * method for applying modifications
      * method just for sanity-checking modifications
      * fragments produce modifications, not prospectives
      * make linear
      * add some TODOs
      * remove stacking; handle code upgrades
      * take `fragment` private
      * reintroduce stacking.
      * fragment constructor
      * add TODO
      * allow validating fragments against future constraints
      * docs
      * relay-parent number and min code size checks
      * check code upgrade restriction
      * check max hrmp per candidate
      * fmt
      * remove GoAhead logic because it wasn't helpful
      * docs on code upgrade failure
      * test stacking
      * test modifications against constraints
      * fmt
      * test fragments
      * descending or duplicate test
      * fmt
      * remove unused imports in vstaging
      * wrong primitives
      * spellcheck
      * Runtime changes for Asynchronous Backing (#4786)
      * inclusion: utility for allowed relay-parents
      * inclusion: use prev number instead of prev hash
      * track most recent context of paras
      * inclusion: accept previous relay-parents
      * update dmp  advancement rule for async backing
      * fmt
      * add a comment about validation outputs
      * clean up a couple of TODOs
      * weights
      * fix weights
      * fmt
      * Resolve dmp todo
      * Restore inclusion tests
      * Restore paras_inherent tests
      * MostRecentContext test
      * Benchmark for new paras dispatchable
      * Prepare check_validation_outputs for upgrade
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=kusama-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=runtime_parachains::paras --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --output=./runtime/kusama/src/weights/
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=westend-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=runtime_parachains::paras --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --output=./runtime/westend/src/weights/
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=polkadot-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=runtime_parachains::paras --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --output=./runtime/polkadot/src/weights/
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=rococo-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=runtime_parachains::paras --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --output=./runtime/rococo/src/weights/
      * Implementers guide changes
      * More tests for allowed relay parents
      * Add a github issue link
      * Compute group index based on relay parent
      * Storage migration
      * Move allowed parents tracker to shared
      * Compile error
      * Get group assigned to core at the next block
      * Test group assignment
      * fmt
      * Error instead of panic
      * Update guide
      * Extend doc-comment
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParity Bot <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Prospective Parachains Subsystem (#4913)
      * docs and skeleton
      * subsystem skeleton
      * main loop
      * fragment tree basics & fmt
      * begin fragment trees & view
      * flesh out more of view update logic
      * further flesh out update logic
      * some refcount functions for fragment trees
      * add fatal/non-fatal errors
      * use non-fatal results
      * clear up some TODOs
      * ideal format for scheduling info
      * add a bunch of TODOs
      * some more fluff
      * extract fragment graph to submodule
      * begin fragment graph API
      * trees, not graphs
      * improve docs
      * scope and constructor for trees
      * add some test TODOs
      * limit max ancestors and store constraints
      * constructor
      * constraints: fix bug in HRMP watermarks
      * fragment tree population logic
      * set::retain
      * extract population logic
      * implement add_and_populate
      * fmt
      * add some TODOs in tests
      * implement child-selection
      * strip out old stuff based on wrong assumptions
      * use fatality
      * implement pruning
      * remove unused ancestor constraints
      * fragment tree instantiation
      * remove outdated comment
      * add message/request types and skeleton for handling
      * fmt
      * implement handle_candidate_seconded
      * candidate storage: handle backed
      * implement handle_candidate_backed
      * implement answer_get_backable_candidate
      * remove async where not needed
      * implement fetch_ancestry
      * add logic for run_iteration
      * add some docs
      * remove global allow(unused), fix warnings
      * make spellcheck happy (despite English)
      * fmt
      * bump Cargo.lock
      * replace tracing with gum
      * introduce PopulateFrom trait
      * implement GetHypotheticalDepths
      * revise docs slightly
      * first fragment tree scope test
      * more scope tests
      * test add_candidate
      * fmt
      * test retain
      * refactor test code
      * test populate is recursive
      * test contiguity of depth 0 is maintained
      * add_and_populate tests
      * cycle tests
      * remove PopulateFrom trait
      * fmt
      * test hypothetical depths (non-recursive)
      * have CandidateSeconded return membership
      * tree membership requests
      * Add a ProspectiveParachainsSubsystem struct
      * add a staging API for base constraints
      * add a `From` impl
      * add runtime API for staging_validity_constraints
      * implement fetch_base_constraints
      * implement `fetch_upcoming_paras`
      * remove reconstruction of candidate receipt; no obvious usecase
      * fmt
      * export message to broader module
      * remove last TODO
      * correctly export
      * fix compilation and add GetMinimumRelayParent request
      * make provisioner into a real subsystem with proper mesage bounds
      * fmt
      * fix ChannelsOut in overseer test
      * fix overseer tests
      * fix again
      * fmt
      * Integrate prospective parachains subsystem into backing: Part 1 (#5557)
      * BEGIN ASYNC candidate-backing CHANGES
      * rename & document modes
      * answer prospective validation data requests
      * GetMinimumRelayParents request is now plural
      * implement an implicit view utility for backing subsystems
      * implicit-view: get allowed relay parents
      * refactorings and improvements to implicit view
      * add some TODOs for tests
      * split implicit view updates into 2 functions
      * backing: define State to prepare for functional refactor
      * add some docs
      * backing: implement bones of new leaf activation logic
      * backing: create per-relay-parent-states
      * use new handle_active_leaves_update
      * begin extracting logic from CandidateBackingJob
      * mostly extract statement import from job logic
      * handle statement imports outside of job logic
      * do some TODO planning for prospective parachains integration
      * finish rewriting backing subsystem in functional style
      * add prospective parachains mode to relay parent entries
      * fmt
      * add a RejectedByProspectiveParachains error
      * notify prospective parachains of seconded and backed candidates
      * always validate candidates exhaustively in backing.
      * return persisted_validation_data from validation
      * handle rejections by prospective parachains
      * implement seconding sanity check
      * invoke validate_and_second
      * Alter statement table to allow multiple seconded messages per validator
      * refactor backing to have statements carry PVD
      * clean up all warnings
      * Add tests for implicit view
      * Improve doc comments
      * Prospective parachains mode based on Runtime API version
      * Add a TODO
      * Rework seconding_sanity_check
      * Iterate over responses
      * Update backing tests
      * collator-protocol: load PVD from runtime
      * Fix validator side tests
      * Update statement-distribution to fetch PVD
      * Fix statement-distribution tests
      * Backing tests with prospective paras #1
      * fix per_relay_parent pruning in backing
      * Test multiple leaves
      * Test seconding sanity check
      * Import statement order
      Before creating an entry in `PerCandidateState` map
      wait for the approval from the prospective parachains
      * Add a test for correct state updates
      * Second multiple candidates per relay parent test
      * Add backing tests with prospective paras
      * Second more than one test without prospective paras
      * Add a test for prospective para blocks
      * Update malus
      * typos
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Track occupied depth in backing per parachain (#5778)
      * provisioner: async backing changes (#5711)
      * Provisioner changes for async backing
      * Select candidates based on prospective paras mode
      * Revert naming
      * Update tests
      * Update TODO comment
      * review
      * provisioner: async backing changes (#5711)
      * Provisioner changes for async backing
      * Select candidates based on prospective paras mode
      * Revert naming
      * Update tests
      * Update TODO comment
      * review
      * fmt
      * Network bridge changes for asynchronous backing + update subsystems to handle versioned packets (#5991)
      create a vstaging network protocol which is the same as v1
      * mostly make network bridge amenable to vstaging
      * network-bridge: fully adapt to vstaging
      * add some TODOs for tests
      * fix fallout in bitfield-distribution
      * bitfield distribution tests + TODOs
      * fix fallout in gossip-support
      * collator-protocol: fix message fallout
      * collator-protocol: load PVD from runtime
      * add TODO for vstaging tests
      * make things compile
      * set used network protocol version using a feature
      * fmt
      * get approval-distribution building
      * fix approval-distribution tests
      * spellcheck
      * nits
      * approval distribution net protocol test
      * bitfield distribution net protocol test
      * Revert "collator-protocol: fix message fallout"
      This reverts commit 07cc887303e16c6b3843ecb25cdc7cc2080e2ed1.
      * Network bridge tests
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * remove max_pov_size requirement from prospective pvd request (#6014)
      * remove max_pov_size requirement from prospective pvd request
      * fmt
      * Extract legacy statement distribution to its own module (#6026)
      * add compatibility type to v2 statement distribution message
      * warning cleanup
      * handle compatibility layer for v2
      * clean up an unimplemented!() block
      * circulate statements based on version
      * extract legacy v1 code into separate module
      * remove unimplemented
      * clean up naming of from_requester/responder
      * remove TODOs
      * have backing share seconded statements with PVD
      * fmt
      * fix warning
      * Quick fix unused warning for not yet implemented/used staging messages.
      * Fix network bridge test
      * Fix wrong merge.
      We now have 23 subsystems (network bridge split + prospective
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Klotzner <[email protected]>
      * Version 3 is already live.
      * Fix tests (#6055)
      * Fix backing tests
      * Fix warnings.
      * fmt
      * collator-protocol: asynchronous backing changes (#5740)
      * Draft collator side changes
      * Start working on collations management
      * Handle peer's view change
      * Versioning on advertising
      * Versioned collation fetching request
      * Handle versioned messages
      * Improve docs for collation requests
      * Add spans
      * Add request receiver to overseer
      * Fix collator side tests
      * Extract relay parent mode to lib
      * Validator side draft
      * Add more checks for advertisement
      * Request pvd based on async backing mode
      * review
      * Validator side improvements
      * Make old tests green
      * More fixes
      * Collator side tests draft
      * Send collation test
      * fmt
      * Collator side network protocol versioning
      * cleanup
      * merge artifacts
      * Validator side net protocol versioning
      * Remove fragment tree membership request
      * Resolve todo
      * Collator side core state test
      * Improve net protocol compatibility
      * Validator side tests
      * more improvements
      * style fixes
      * downgrade log
      * Track implicit assignments
      * Limit the number of seconded candidates per para
      * Add a sanity check
      * Handle fetched candidate
      * fix tests
      * Retry fetch
      * Guard against dequeueing while already fetching
      * Reintegrate connection management
      * Timeout on advertisements
      * fmt
      * spellcheck
      * update tests after merge
      * validator assignment fixes for backing and collator protocol (#6158)
      * Rename depth->ancestry len in tests
      * Refactor group assignments
      * Remove implicit assignments
      * backing: consider occupied core assignments
      * Track a single para on validator side
      * Refactor prospective parachains mode request (#6179)
      * Extract prospective parachains mode into util
      * Skip activations depending on the mode
      * backing: don't send backed candidate to provisioner (#6185)
      * backing: introduce `CanSecond` request for advertisements filtering (#6225)
      * Drop BoundToRelayParent
      * draft changes
      * fix backing tests
      * Fix genesis ancestry
      * Fix validator side tests
      * more tests
      * cargo generate-lockfile
      * Implement `StagingValidityConstraints` Runtime API method (#6258)
      * Implement StagingValidityConstraints
      * spellcheck
      * fix ump params
      * Update hrmp comment
      * Introduce ump per candidate limit
      * hypothetical earliest block
      * refactor primitives usage
      * hypothetical earliest block number test
      * fix build
      * Prepare the Runtime for asynchronous backing upgrade (#6287)
      * Introduce async backing params to runtime config
      * fix cumulus config
      * use config
      * finish runtimes
      * Introduce new staging API
      * Update collator protocol
      * Update provisioner
      * Update prospective parachains
      * Update backing
      * Move async backing params lower in the config
      * make naming consistent
      * misc
      * Use real prospective parachains subsystem (#6407)
      * Backport `HypotheticalFrontier` into the feature branch (#6605)
      * implement more general HypotheticalFrontier
      * fmt
      * drop unneeded request
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Resolve todo about legacy leaf activation (#6447)
      * fix bug/warning in handling membership answers
      * Remove `HypotheticalDepthRequest` in favor of `HypotheticalFrontierRequest` (#6521)
      * Remove `HypotheticalDepthRequest` for `HypotheticalFrontierRequest`
      * Update tests
      * Fix (removed wrong docstring)
      * Fix can_second request
      * Patch some dead_code errors
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Async Backing: Send Statement Distribution "Backed" messages (#6634)
      * Backing: Send Statement Distribution "Backed" messages
      Closes #6590.
      - [ ] Adjust tests
      * Fix compile errors
      * (Mostly) fix tests
      * Fix comment
      * Fix test and compile error
      * Test that `StatementDistributionMessage::Backed` is sent
      * Fix compile error
      * Fix some clippy errors
      * Add prospective parachains subsystem tests (#6454)
      * Add prospective parachains subsystem test
      * Add `should_do_no_work_if_async_backing_disabled_for_leaf` test
      * Implement `activate_leaf` helper, up to getting ancestry
      * Finish implementing `activate_leaf`
      * Small refactor in `activate_leaf`
      * Get `CandidateSeconded` working
      * Finish `send_candidate_and_check_if_found` test
      * Refactor; send more leaves & candidates
      * Refactor test
      * Implement `check_candidate_parent_leaving_view` test
      * Start work on `check_candidate_on_multiple_forks` test
      * Don’t associate specific parachains with leaf
      * Finish `correctly_updates_leaves` test
      * Fix cycle due to reused head data
      * Fix `check_backable_query` test
      * Fix `check_candidate_on_multiple_forks` test
      * Add `check_depth_and_pvd_queries` test
      * Address review comments
      * Remove TODO
      * add a new index for output head data to candidate storage
      * Resolve test TODOs
      * Fix compile errors
      * test candidate storage pruning, make sure new index is cleaned up
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Node-side metrics for asynchronous backing (#6549)
      * Add metrics for `prune_view_candidate_storage`
      * Add metrics for `request_unblocked_collations`
      * Fix docstring
      * Couple fixes from review comments
      * Fix `check_depth_query` test
      * inclusion-emulator: mirror advancement rule check (#6361)
      * inclusion-emulator: mirror advancement rule check
      * fix build
      * prospective-parachains: introduce `backed_in_path_only` flag for advertisements (#6649)
      * Introduce `backed_in_path_only` flag for depth request
      * fmt
      * update doc comment
      * fmt
      * Add async-backing zombienet tests (#6314)
      * Async backing: impl guide for statement distribution (#6738)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBradley Olson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      * Asynchronous backing statement distribution: Take III (#5999)
      * add notification types for v2 statement-distribution
      * improve protocol docs
      * add empty vstaging module
      * fmt
      * add backed candidate packet request types
      * start putting down structure of new logic
      * handle activated leaf
      * some sanity-checking on outbound statements
      * fmt
      * update vstaging share to use statements with PVD
      * tiny refactor, candidate_hash location
      * import local statements
      * refactor statement import
      * first stab at broadcast logic
      * fmt
      * fill out some TODOs
      * start on handling incoming
      * split off session info into separate map
      * start in on a knowledge tracker
      * address some grumbles
      * format
      * missed comment
      * some docs for direct
      * add note on slashing
      * amend
      * simplify 'direct' code
      * finish up the 'direct' logic
      * add a bunch of tests for the direct-in-group logic
      * rename 'direct' to 'cluster', begin a candidate_entry module
      * distill candidate_entry
      * start in on a statement-store module
      * some utilities for the statement store
      * rewrite 'send_statement_direct' using new tools
      * filter sending logic on peers which have the relay-parent in their view.
      * some more logic for handling incoming statements
      * req/res: BackedCandidatePacket -> AttestedCandidate + tweaks
      * add a `validated_in_group` bitfield to BackedCandidateInventory
      * BackedCandidateInventory -> Manifest
      * start in on requester module
      * add outgoing request for attested candidate
      * add a priority mechanism for requester
      * some request dispatch logic
      * add seconded mask to tagged-request
      * amend manifest to hold group index
      * handle errors and set up scaffold for response validation
      * validate attested candidate responses
      * requester -> requests
      * add some utilities for manipulating requests
      * begin integrating requester
      * start grid module
      * tiny
      * refactor grid topology to expose more info to subsystems
      * fix grid_topology test
      * fix overseer test
      * implement topology group-based view construction logic
      * fmt
      * flesh out grid slightly more
      * add indexed groups utility
      * integrate Groups into per-session info
      * refactor statement store to borrow Groups
      * implement manifest knowledge utility
      * add a test for topology setup
      * don't send to group members
      * test for conflicting manifests
      * manifest knowledge tests
      * fmt
      * rename field
      * garbage collection for grid tracker
      * routines for finding correct/incorrect advertisers
      * add manifest import logic
      * tweak naming
      * more tests for manifest import
      * add comment
      * rework candidates into a view-wide tracker
      * fmt
      * start writing boilerplate for grid sending
      * fmt
      * some more group boilerplate
      * refactor handling of topology and authority IDs
      * fmt
      * send statements directly to grid peers where possible
      * send to cluster only if statement belongs to cluster
      * improve handling of cluster statements
      * handle incoming statements along the grid
      * API for introduction of candidates into the tree
      * backing: use new prospective parachains API
      * fmt prospective parachains changes
      * fmt statement-dist
      * fix condition
      * get ready for tracking importable candidates
      * prospective parachains: add Cow logic
      * incomplete and complete hypothetical candidates
      * remove keep_if_unneeded
      * fmt
      * implement more general HypotheticalFrontier
      * fmt, cleanup
      * add a by_parent_hash index to candidate tracker
      * more framework for future code
      * utilities for getting all hypothetical candidates for frontier
      * track origin in statement store
      * fmt
      * requests should return peer
      * apply post-confirmation reckoning
      * flesh out import/announce/circulate logic on new statements
      * adjust
      * adjust TODO comment
      * fix  backing tests
      * update statement-distribution to use new indexedvec
      * fmt
      * query hypothetical candidates
      * implement `note_importable_under`
      * extract common utility of fragment tree updates
      * add a helper function for getting statements unknown by backing
      * import fresh statements to backing
      * send announcements and acknowledgements over grid
      * provide freshly importable statements
      also avoid tracking backed candidates in statement distribution
      * do not issue requests on newly importable candidates
      * add TODO for later when confirming candidate
      * write a routine for handling backed candidate notifications
      * simplify grid substantially
      * add some test TODOs
      * handle confirmed candidates & grid announcements
      * finish implementing manifest handling, including follow up statements
      * send follow-up statements when acknowledging freshly backed
      * fmt
      * handle incoming acknowledgements
      * a little DRYing
      * wire up network messages to handlers
      * fmt
      * some skeleton code for peer view update handling
      * more peer view skeleton stuff
      * Fix async backing statement distribution tests (#6621)
      * Fix compile errors in tests
      * Cargo fmt
      * Resolve some todos in async backing statement-distribution branch (#6482)
      * Implement `remove_by_relay_parent`
      * Extract `minimum_votes` to shared primitives.
      * Add `can_send_statements_received_with_prejudice` test
      * Fix test
      * Update docstrings
      * Cargo fmt
      * Fix compile error
      * Fix compile errors in tests
      * Cargo fmt
      * Add module docs; write `test_priority_ordering` (first draft)
      * Fix `test_priority_ordering`
      * Move `insert_or_update_priority`: `Drop` -> `set_cluster_priority`
      * Address review comments
      * Remove `Entry::get_mut`
      * fix test compilation
      * add a TODO for a test
      * clean up a couple of TODOs
      * implement sending pending cluster statements
      * refactor utility function for sending acknowledgement and statements
      * mostly implement catching peers up via grid
      * Fix clippy error
      * alter grid to track all pending statements
      * fix more TODOs and format
      * tweak a TODO in requests
      * some logic for dispatching requests
      * fmt
      * skeleton for response receiving
      * Async backing statement distribution: cluster tests (#6678)
      * Add `pending_statements_set_when_receiving_fresh_statements`
      * Add `pending_statements_updated_when_sending_statements` test
      * fix up
      * fmt
      * update TODO
      * rework seconded mask in requests
      * change doc
      * change unhandledresponse not to borrow request manager
      * only accept responses sufficient to back
      * finish implementing response handling
      * extract statement filter to protocol crate
      * rework requests: use statement filter in network protocol
      * dispatch cluster requests correctly
      * rework cluster statement sending
      * implement request answering
      * fmt
      * only send confirmed candidate statement messages on unified relay-parent
      * Fix Tests In Statement Distribution Branch
      * Async Backing: Integrate `vstaging` of statement distribution into `` (#6715)
      * Integrate `handle_active_leaves_update`
      * Integrate `share_local_statement`/`handle_backed_candidate_message`
      * Start hooking up request/response flow
      * Finish hooking up request/response flow
      * Limit number of parallel requests in responder
      * Fix test compilation errors
      * Fix missing check for prospective parachains mode
      * Fix some more compile errors
      * clean up some review comments
      * clean up warnings
      * Async backing statement distribution: grid tests (#6673)
      * Add `manifest_import_returns_ok_true` test
      * cargo fmt
      * Add pending_communication_receiving_manifest_on_confirmed_candidate
      * Add `senders_can_provide_manifests_in_acknowledgement` test
      * Add a couple of tests for pending statements
      * Add `pending_statements_cleared_when_sending` test
      * Add `pending_statements_respect_remote_knowledge` test
      * Refactor group creation in tests
      * Clarify docs
      * Address some review comments
      * Make some clarifications
      * Fix post-merge errors
      * Clarify test `senders_can_provide_manifests_in_acknowledgement`
      * Try writing `pending_statements_are_updated_after_manifest_exchange`
      * Document "seconding limit" and `reject_overflowing_manifests` test
      * Test that seconding counts are not updated for validators on error
      * Fix tests
      * Fix manifest exchange test
      * Add more tests in `` (#6707)
      This resolves remaining TODOs in this file.
      * remove outdated inventory terminology
      * Async backing statement distribution: `Candidates` tests (#6658)
      * Async Backing: Fix clippy errors in statement distribution branch (#6720)
      * Integrate `handle_active_leaves_update`
      * Integrate `share_local_statement`/`handle_backed_candidate_message`
      * Start hooking up request/response flow
      * Finish hooking up request/response flow
      * Limit number of parallel requests in responder
      * Fix test compilation errors
      * Fix missing check for prospective parachains mode
      * Fix some more compile errors
      * Async Backing: Fix clippy errors in statement distribution branch
      * Fix some more clippy lints
      * add tests module
      * fix warnings in existing tests
      * create basic test harness
      * create a test state struct
      * fmt
      * create empty cluster & grid modules for tests
      * some TODOs for cluster test suite
      * describe test-suite for grid logic
      * describe request test suite
      * fix seconding-limit bug
      * Remove extraneous `pub`
      This somehow made it into my clippy PR.
      * Fix some test compile warnings
      * Remove some unneeded `allow`s
      * adapt some new test helpers from Marcin
      * add helper for activating a gossip topology
      * add utility for signing statements
      * helpers for connecting/disconnecting peers
      * round out network utilities
      * fmt
      * fix bug in initializing validator-meta
      * fix compilation
      * implement first cluster test
      * TODOs for incoming request tests
      * Remove unneeded `make_committed_candidate` helper
      * fmt
      * some more tests for cluster
      * add a TODO about grid senders
      * integrate inbound req/res into test harness
      * polish off initial cluster test suite
      * keep introduce candidate request
      * fix tests after introduce candidate request
      * fmt
      * Add grid protocol to module docs
      * Fix comments
      * Test `backed_in_path_only: true`
      * Update node/network/protocol/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Update node/network/protocol/src/request_response/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Mark receiver with `vstaging`
      * validate grid senders based on manifest kind
      * fix mask_seconded/valid
      * fix unwanted-mask check
      * fix build
      * resolve todo on leaf mode
      * Unify protocol naming to vstaging
      * fmt, fix grid test after topology change
      * typo
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * address review
      * adjust comment, make easier to understand
      * Fix typo
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * miscellaneous fixes to make asynchronous backing work (#6791)
      * propagate network-protocol-staging feature
      * add feature to adder-collator as well
      * allow collation-generation of occupied cores
      * prospective parachains: special treatment for pending availability candidates
      * runtime: fetch candidates pending availability
      * lazily construct PVD for pending candidates
      * fix fallout in prospective parachains hypothetical/select_child
      * runtime: enact candidates when creating paras-inherent
      * make tests compile
      * test pending availability in the scope
      * add prospective parachains test
      * fix validity constraints leftovers
      * drop prints
      * Fix typos
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      * Remove restart from test (#6840)
      * Async Backing: Statement Distribution Tests (#6755)
      * start on handling incoming
      * split off session info into separate map
      * start in on a knowledge tracker
      * address some grumbles
      * format
      * missed comment
      * some docs for direct
      * add note on slashing
      * amend
      * simplify 'direct' code
      * finish up the 'direct' logic
      * add a bunch of tests for the direct-in-group logic
      * rename 'direct' to 'cluster', begin a candidate_entry module
      * distill candidate_entry
      * start in on a statement-store module
      * some utilities for the statement store
      * rewrite 'send_statement_direct' using new tools
      * filter sending logic on peers which have the relay-parent in their view.
      * some more logic for handling incoming statements
      * req/res: BackedCandidatePacket -> AttestedCandidate + tweaks
      * add a `validated_in_group` bitfield to BackedCandidateInventory
      * BackedCandidateInventory -> Manifest
      * start in on requester module
      * add outgoing request for attested candidate
      * add a priority mechanism for requester
      * some request dispatch logic
      * add seconded mask to tagged-request
      * amend manifest to hold group index
      * handle errors and set up scaffold for response validation
      * validate attested candidate responses
      * requester -> requests
      * add some utilities for manipulating requests
      * begin integrating requester
      * start grid module
      * tiny
      * refactor grid topology to expose more info to subsystems
      * fix grid_topology test
      * fix overseer test
      * implement topology group-based view construction logic
      * fmt
      * flesh out grid slightly more
      * add indexed groups utility
      * integrate Groups into per-session info
      * refactor statement store to borrow Groups
      * implement manifest knowledge utility
      * add a test for topology setup
      * don't send to group members
      * test for conflicting manifests
      * manifest knowledge tests
      * fmt
      * rename field
      * garbage collection for grid tracker
      * routines for finding correct/incorrect advertisers
      * add manifest import logic
      * tweak naming
      * more tests for manifest import
      * add comment
      * rework candidates into a view-wide tracker
      * fmt
      * start writing boilerplate for grid sending
      * fmt
      * some more group boilerplate
      * refactor handling of topology and authority IDs
      * fmt
      * send statements directly to grid peers where possible
      * send to cluster only if statement belongs to cluster
      * improve handling of cluster statements
      * handle incoming statements along the grid
      * API for introduction of candidates into the tree
      * backing: use new prospective parachains API
      * fmt prospective parachains changes
      * fmt statement-dist
      * fix condition
      * get ready for tracking importable candidates
      * prospective parachains: add Cow logic
      * incomplete and complete hypothetical candidates
      * remove keep_if_unneeded
      * fmt
      * implement more general HypotheticalFrontier
      * fmt, cleanup
      * add a by_parent_hash index to candidate tracker
      * more framework for future code
      * utilities for getting all hypothetical candidates for frontier
      * track origin in statement store
      * fmt
      * requests should return peer
      * apply post-confirmation reckoning
      * flesh out import/announce/circulate logic on new statements
      * adjust
      * adjust TODO comment
      * fix  backing tests
      * update statement-distribution to use new indexedvec
      * fmt
      * query hypothetical candidates
      * implement `note_importable_under`
      * extract common utility of fragment tree updates
      * add a helper function for getting statements unknown by backing
      * import fresh statements to backing
      * send announcements and acknowledgements over grid
      * provide freshly importable statements
      also avoid tracking backed candidates in statement distribution
      * do not issue requests on newly importable candidates
      * add TODO for later when confirming candidate
      * write a routine for handling backed candidate notifications
      * simplify grid substantially
      * add some test TODOs
      * handle confirmed candidates & grid announcements
      * finish implementing manifest handling, including follow up statements
      * send follow-up statements when acknowledging freshly backed
      * fmt
      * handle incoming acknowledgements
      * a little DRYing
      * wire up network messages to handlers
      * fmt
      * some skeleton code for peer view update handling
      * more peer view skeleton stuff
      * Fix async backing statement distribution tests (#6621)
      * Fix compile errors in tests
      * Cargo fmt
      * Resolve some todos in async backing statement-distribution branch (#6482)
      * Implement `remove_by_relay_parent`
      * Extract `minimum_votes` to shared primitives.
      * Add `can_send_statements_received_with_prejudice` test
      * Fix test
      * Update docstrings
      * Cargo fmt
      * Fix compile error
      * Fix compile errors in tests
      * Cargo fmt
      * Add module docs; write `test_priority_ordering` (first draft)
      * Fix `test_priority_ordering`
      * Move `insert_or_update_priority`: `Drop` -> `set_cluster_priority`
      * Address review comments
      * Remove `Entry::get_mut`
      * fix test compilation
      * add a TODO for a test
      * clean up a couple of TODOs
      * implement sending pending cluster statements
      * refactor utility function for sending acknowledgement and statements
      * mostly implement catching peers up via grid
      * Fix clippy error
      * alter grid to track all pending statements
      * fix more TODOs and format
      * tweak a TODO in requests
      * some logic for dispatching requests
      * fmt
      * skeleton for response receiving
      * Async backing statement distribution: cluster tests (#6678)
      * Add `pending_statements_set_when_receiving_fresh_statements`
      * Add `pending_statements_updated_when_sending_statements` test
      * fix up
      * fmt
      * update TODO
      * rework seconded mask in requests
      * change doc
      * change unhandledresponse not to borrow request manager
      * only accept responses sufficient to back
      * finish implementing response handling
      * extract statement filter to protocol crate
      * rework requests: use statement filter in network protocol
      * dispatch cluster requests correctly
      * rework cluster statement sending
      * implement request answering
      * fmt
      * only send confirmed candidate statement messages on unified relay-parent
      * Fix Tests In Statement Distribution Branch
      * Async Backing: Integrate `vstaging` of statement distribution into `` (#6715)
      * Integrate `handle_active_leaves_update`
      * Integrate `share_local_statement`/`handle_backed_candidate_message`
      * Start hooking up request/response flow
      * Finish hooking up request/response flow
      * Limit number of parallel requests in responder
      * Fix test compilation errors
      * Fix missing check for prospective parachains mode
      * Fix some more compile errors
      * clean up some review comments
      * clean up warnings
      * Async backing statement distribution: grid tests (#6673)
      * Add `manifest_import_returns_ok_true` test
      * cargo fmt
      * Add pending_communication_receiving_manifest_on_confirmed_candidate
      * Add `senders_can_provide_manifests_in_acknowledgement` test
      * Add a couple of tests for pending statements
      * Add `pending_statements_cleared_when_sending` test
      * Add `pending_statements_respect_remote_knowledge` test
      * Refactor group creation in tests
      * Clarify docs
      * Address some review comments
      * Make some clarifications
      * Fix post-merge errors
      * Clarify test `senders_can_provide_manifests_in_acknowledgement`
      * Try writing `pending_statements_are_updated_after_manifest_exchange`
      * Document "seconding limit" and `reject_overflowing_manifests` test
      * Test that seconding counts are not updated for validators on error
      * Fix tests
      * Fix manifest exchange test
      * Add more tests in `` (#6707)
      This resolves remaining TODOs in this file.
      * remove outdated inventory terminology
      * Async backing statement distribution: `Candidates` tests (#6658)
      * Async Backing: Fix clippy errors in statement distribution branch (#6720)
      * Integrate `handle_active_leaves_update`
      * Integrate `share_local_statement`/`handle_backed_candidate_message`
      * Start hooking up request/response flow
      * Finish hooking up request/response flow
      * Limit number of parallel requests in responder
      * Fix test compilation errors
      * Fix missing check for prospective parachains mode
      * Fix some more compile errors
      * Async Backing: Fix clippy errors in statement distribution branch
      * Fix some more clippy lints
      * add tests module
      * fix warnings in existing tests
      * create basic test harness
      * create a test state struct
      * fmt
      * create empty cluster & grid modules for tests
      * some TODOs for cluster test suite
      * describe test-suite for grid logic
      * describe request test suite
      * fix seconding-limit bug
      * Remove extraneous `pub`
      This somehow made it into my clippy PR.
      * Fix some test compile warnings
      * Remove some unneeded `allow`s
      * adapt some new test helpers from Marcin
      * add helper for activating a gossip topology
      * add utility for signing statements
      * helpers for connecting/disconnecting peers
      * round out network utilities
      * fmt
      * fix bug in initializing validator-meta
      * fix compilation
      * implement first cluster test
      * TODOs for incoming request tests
      * Remove unneeded `make_committed_candidate` helper
      * fmt
      * Hook up request sender
      * Add `valid_statement_without_prior_seconded_is_ignored` test
      * Fix `valid_statement_without_prior_seconded_is_ignored` test
      * some more tests for cluster
      * add a TODO about grid senders
      * integrate inbound req/res into test harness
      * polish off initial cluster test suite
      * keep introduce candidate request
      * fix tests after introduce candidate request
      * fmt
      * Add grid protocol to module docs
      * Remove obsolete test
      * Fix comments
      * Test `backed_in_path_only: true`
      * Update node/network/protocol/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Update node/network/protocol/src/request_response/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Mark receiver with `vstaging`
      * First draft of `ensure_seconding_limit_is_respected` test
      * validate grid senders based on manifest kind
      * fix mask_seconded/valid
      * fix unwanted-mask check
      * fix build
      * resolve todo on leaf mode
      * Unify protocol naming to vstaging
      * Fix `ensure_seconding_limit_is_respected` test
      * Start `backed_candidate_leads_to_advertisement` test
      * fmt, fix grid test after topology change
      * Send Backed notification
      * Finish `backed_candidate_leads_to_advertisement` test
      * Finish `peer_reported_for_duplicate_statements` test
      * Finish `received_advertisement_before_confirmation_leads_to_request`
      * Add `advertisements_rejected_from_incorrect_peers` test
      * Add `manifest_rejected_*` tests
      * Add `manifest_rejected_when_group_does_not_match_para` test
      * Add `local_node_sanity_checks_incoming_requests` test
      * Add `local_node_respects_statement_mask` test
      * Add tests where peer is reported for providing invalid signatures
      * Add `cluster_peer_allowed_to_send_incomplete_statements` test
      * Add `received_advertisement_after_backing_leads_to_acknowledgement`
      * Add `received_advertisement_after_confirmation_before_backing` test
      * peer_reported_for_advertisement_conflicting_with_confirmed_candidate
      * Add `peer_reported_for_not_enough_statements` test
      * Add `peer_reported_for_providing_statements_meant_to_be_masked_out`
      * Add `additional_statements_are_shared_after_manifest_exchange`
      * Add `grid_statements_imported_to_backing` test
      * Add `relay_parent_entering_peer_view_leads_to_advertisement` test
      * Add `advertisement_not_re_sent_when_peer_re_enters_view` test
      * Update node/network/statement-distribution/src/vstaging/tests/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      * Resolve TODOs, update test
      * Address unused code
      * Add check after every test for unhandled requests
      * Refactor (`make_dummy_leaf` and `handle_sent_request`)
      * Refactor (`make_dummy_topology`)
      * Minor refactor
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      * Fix some clippy lints in tests
      * Async backing: minor fixes (#6920)
      * bitfield-distribution test
      * implicit view tests
      * Refactor parameters -> params
      * scheduler: update storage migration (#6963)
      * update scheduler migration
      * Adjust weight to account for storage read
      * Statement Distribution Guide Edits (#7025)
      * Statement distribution guide edits
      * Addressed Marcin's comments
      * Add attested candidate request retry timeouts (#6833)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Fix async backing statement distribution tests (#6621)
      Resolve some todos in async backing statement-distribution branch (#6482)
      Fix clippy errors in statement distribution branch (#6720)
      * Async backing: add Prospective Parachains impl guide (#6933)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBradley Olson <[email protected]>
      * Updates to Provisioner Guide for Async Backing (#7106)
      * Initial corrections and clarifications
      * Partial first draft
      * Finished first draft
      * Adding back wrongly removed test bit
      * fmt
      * Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/utility/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      * Addressing comments
      * Reorganization
      * fmt
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Renaming Parathread Mentions (#7287)
      * Renaming parathreads
      * Renaming module to pallet
      * More updates
      * PVF: Refactor workers into separate crates, remove host dependency (#7253)
      * PVF: Refactor workers into separate crates, remove host dependency
      * Fix compile error
      * Remove some leftover code
      * Fix compile errors
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Remove worker files
      I accidentally copied these from the other PR. This PR isn't intended to
      introduce standalone workers yet.
      * Address review comments
      * cargo fmt
      * Update a couple of comments
      * Update log targets
      * Update quote to 1.0.27 (#7280)
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * pallets: implement `Default` for `GenesisConfig` in `no_std` (#7271)
      * pallets: implement Default for GenesisConfig in no_std
      This change is follow-up of:
      It is a step towards:
      * Cargo.lock updated
      * update lockfile for {"substrate"}
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * cli: enable BEEFY by default on test networks (#7293)
      We consider BEEFY mature enough to run by default on all nodes
      for test networks (Rococo/Wococo/Versi).
      Right now, most nodes are not running it since it's opt-in using
      --beefy flag. Switch to an opt-out model for test networks.
      Replace --beefy flag from CLI with --no-beefy and have BEEFY
      client start by default on test networks.
      Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>
      * runtime: past session slashing runtime API (#6667)
      * runtime/vstaging: unapplied_slashes runtime API
      * runtime/vstaging: key_ownership_proof runtime API
      * runtime/ParachainHost: submit_report_dispute_lost
      * fix key_ownership_proof API
      * runtime: submit_report_dispute_lost runtime API
      * nits
      * Update node/subsystem-types/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      * revert unrelated fmt changes
      * post merge fixes
      * fix compilation
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      * Correcting git mishap
      * Document usage of `gum` crate (#7294)
      * Document usage of gum crate
      * Small fix
      * Add some more basic info
      * Update node/gum/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * Update target docs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * XCM: Fix issue with RequestUnlock (#7278)
      * XCM: Fix issue with RequestUnlock
      * Leave API changes for v4
      * Fix clippy errors
      * Fix tests
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * Companion for Substrate#14228 (#7295)
      * Companion for Substrate#14228
      * update lockfile for {"substrate"}
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * Companion for #14237: Use latest sp-crates (#7300)
      * To revert: Update substrate branch to "lexnv/bump_sp_crates"
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Revert "To revert: Update substrate branch to "lexnv/bump_sp_crates""
      This reverts commit 5f1db84eac4a226c37b7f6ce6ee19b49dc7e2008.
      * Update cargo lock
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Update cargo.lock
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Update cargo.lock
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * bounded-collections bump to 0.1.7 (#7305)
      * bounded-collections bump to 0.1.7
      Companion for: paritytech/substrate#14225
      * update lockfile for {"substrate"}
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * bump to quote 1.0.28 (#7306)
      * `RollingSessionWindow` cleanup (#7204)
      * Replace `RollingSessionWindow` with `RuntimeInfo` - initial commit
      * Fix tests in import
      * Fix the rest of the tests
      * Remove dead code
      * Fix todos
      * Simplify session caching
      * Comments for `SessionInfoProvider`
      * Separate `SessionInfoProvider` from `State`
      * `cache_session_info_for_head` becomes freestanding function
      * Remove unneeded `mut` usage
      * fn session_info -> fn get_session_info() to avoid name clashes. The function also tries to initialize `SessionInfoProvider`
      * Fix SessionInfo retrieval
      * Code cleanup
      * Don't wrap `SessionInfoProvider` in an `Option`
      * Remove `earliest_session()`
      * Remove pre-caching -> wip
      * Fix some tests and code cleanup
      * Fix all tests
      * Fixes in tests
      * Fix comments, variable names and small style changes
      * Fix a warning
      * impl From<SessionWindowSize> for NonZeroUsize
      * Fix logging for `get_session_info` - remove redundant logs and decrease log level to DEBUG
      * Code review feedback
      * Storage migration removing `COL_SESSION_WINDOW_DATA` from parachains db
      * Remove `col_session_data` usages
      * Storage migration clearing columns w/o removing them
      * Remove session data column usages from `approval-voting` and `dispute-coordinator` tests
      * Add some test cases from `RollingSessionWindow` to `dispute-coordinator` tests
      * Fix formatting in
      * Fix a corner case in `SessionInfo` caching for `dispute-coordinator`
      * Remove `RollingSessionWindow` ;(
      * Revert "Fix formatting in"
      This reverts commit 0f94664ec9f3a7e3737a30291195990e1e7065fc.
      * v2 to v3 migration drops `COL_DISPUTE_COORDINATOR_DATA` instead of clearing it
      * Fix `NUM_COLUMNS` in `approval-voting`
      * Use `columns::v3::NUM_COLUMNS` when opening db
      * Update node/service/src/parachains_db/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * Don't write in `COL_DISPUTE_COORDINATOR_DATA` for `test_rocksdb_migrate_2_to_3`
      * Fix `NUM+COLUMNS` in approval_voting
      * Fix formatting
      * Fix columns usage
      * Clarification comments about the different db versions
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * pallet-para-config: Remove remnant WeightInfo functions (#7308)
      * pallet-para-config: Remove remnant WeightInfo functions
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * set_config_with_weight begone
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime kusama-dev runtime_parachains::configuration
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * XCM: PayOverXcm config (#6900)
      * Move XCM query functionality to trait
      * Fix tests
      * Add PayOverXcm implementation
      * fix the PayOverXcm trait to compile
      * moved doc comment out of trait implmeentation and to the trait
      * PayOverXCM documentation
      * Change documentation a bit
      * Added empty benchmark methods implementation and changed docs
      * update PayOverXCM to convert AccountIds to MultiLocations
      * Implement benchmarking method
      * Change v3 to latest
      * Descend origin to an asset sender (#6970)
      * descend origin to an asset sender
      * sender as tuple of dest and sender
      * Add more variants to the QueryResponseStatus enum
      * Change Beneficiary to Into<[u8; 32]>
      * update PayOverXcm to return concrete errors and use AccountId as sender
      * use polkadot-primitives for AccountId
      * fix dependency to use polkadot-core-primitives
      * force Unpaid instruction to the top of the instructions list
      * modify report_outcome to accept interior argument
      * use new_query directly for building final xcm query, instead of report_outcome
      * fix usage of new_query to use the XcmQueryHandler
      * fix usage of new_query to use the XcmQueryHandler
      * tiny method calling fix
      * xcm query handler (#7198)
      * drop redundant query status
      * rename ReportQueryStatus to OuterQueryStatus
      * revert rename of QueryResponseStatus
      * update mapping
      * Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      * Updates
      * Docs
      * Fix benchmarking stuff
      * Destination can be determined based on asset_kind
      * Tweaking API to minimise clones
      * Some repotting and docs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMuharem Ismailov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      * Companion for #14265 (#7307)
      * Update Cargo.lock
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      * Update Cargo.lock
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * bump serde to 1.0.163 (#7315)
      * bump serde to 1.0.163
      * bump ci
      * update lockfile for {"substrate"}
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      * fmt
      * Updated fmt
      * Removing changes accidentally pulled from master
      * fix another master pull issue
      * Another master pull fix
      * fmt
      * Fixing implementers guide build
      * Revert "Merge branch 'rh-async-backing-feature-while-frozen' of
       into brad-rename-parathread"
      This reverts commit bebc24af52ab61155e3fe02cb3ce66a592bce49c, reversing
      changes made to 1b2de662dfb11173679d6da5bd0da9d149c85547.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichal Kucharczyk <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSam Johnson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMuharem Ismailov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      * fix bitfield distribution test
      * approval distribution tests
      * fix bridge tests
      * update Cargo.lock
      * [async-backing-branch] Optimize collator-protocol validator-side request fetching (#7457)
      * Optimize collator-protocol validator-side request fetching
      * address feedback: replace tuples with structs
      * feedback: add doc comments
      * move collation types to subfolder
      Signed-off-by: default avataralindima <[email protected]>
      * Update collation generation for asynchronous backing (#7405)
      * break candidate receipt construction and distribution into own function
      * update implementers' guide to include SubmitCollation
      * implement SubmitCollation for collation-generation
      * fmt
      * fix test compilation & remove unnecessary submodule
      * add some TODOs for a test suite.
      * Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/types/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * add new test harness and first test
      * refactor to avoid requiring background sender
      * ensure collation gets packaged and distributed
      * tests for the fallback case with no hint
      * add parent rp-number hint tests
      * fmt
      * update uses of CollationGenerationConfig
      * fix remaining test
      * address review comments
      * use subsystemsender for background tasks
      * fmt
      * remove ValidationCodeHashHint and related tests
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * fix some more fallout from merge
      * fmt
      * remove staging APIs from Rococo & Westend (#7513)
      * send network messages on main protocol name (#7515)
      * misc async backing improvements for allowed ancestry blocks (#7532)
      * shared: fix acquire_info
      * backwards-compat test for prospective parachains
      * same relay parent is allowed
      * provisioner: request candidate receipt by relay parent (#7527)
      * return candidates hash from prospective parachains
      * update provisioner
      * update tests
      * guide changes
      * send a single message to backing
      * fix test
      * revert to old `handle_new_activations` logic in some cases (#7514)
      * revert to old `handle_new_activations` logic
      * gate sending messages on scheduled cores to max_depth >= 2
      * fmt
      * 2->1
      * Omnibus asynchronous backing bugfix PR (#7529)
      * fix a bug in backing
      * add some more logs
      * prospective parachains: take ancestry only up to session bounds
      * add test
      * fix zombienet tests (#7614)
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      * fix runtime compilation
      * make bitfield distribution tests compile
      * attempt to fix zombienet disputes (#7618)
      * update metric name
      * update some metric names
      * avoid cycles when creating fake candidates
      * make undying collator more friendly to malformed parents
      * fix a bug in malus
      * fmt
      * clippy
      * add RUN_IN_CONTAINER to new ZombieNet tests (#7631)
      * remove duplicated migration
      happened because of master-merge
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avataralindima <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParity Bot <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChris Sosnin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Klotzner <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Klotzner <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMattia L.V. Bradascio <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBradley Olson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBradleyOlson64 <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichal Kucharczyk <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSam Johnson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMuharem Ismailov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Alaribe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlin Dima <[email protected]>
  31. Aug 17, 2023
    • eskimor's avatar
      Parathreads Feature Branch (#6969) · eaf057c5
      eskimor authored
      * First baby steps
      * Split scheduler into several modules
      * Towards a more modular approach for scheduling
      * move free_cores; IntoInterator -> BTreeMap
      * Move clear()
      * Move more functions out of scheduler
      * Change weight composition
      * More abstraction
      * Further refactor
      * clippy
      * fmt
      * fix test-runtime
      * Add parathreads pallet to construct_runtime!
      * Make all runtimes use (Parachains, Parathreads) scheduling
      * Delete commented out code
      * Remove parathreads scheduler from westend, rococo, and kusama
      * fix rococo, westend, and kusama config
      * Revert "fix rococo, westend, and kusama config"
      This reverts commit 59e4de380d5c7d17eaaba5e2c2b81405de3465e3.
      * Revert "Remove parathreads scheduler from westend, rococo, and kusama"
      This reverts commit 4c44255296083ac5670560790ed77104917890a4.
      * Remove CoreIndex from free_cores
      * Remove unnecessary struct for parathreads
      * parathreads provider take 1
      * Comment out parathread tests
      * Pop into lookahead
      * fmt
      * Fill lookahead with two entries for parachains
      * fmt
      * Current stage
      * Towards ab parathreads
      * no AB use
      * Make tests typecheck
      * quick hack to set scheduling lookahead to 1
      * Fix scheduler tests
      * fix paras_inherent tests
      * misc
      * Update more of a test
      * cfg(test)
      * some cleanup
      * Undo paras_inherent changes
      * Adjust paras inherent tests
      * Undo changes to v2 primitives
      * Undo v2 mod changes to tests
      * minor
      * Remove parathreads assigner and pallet
      * minor
      * minor
      * more cleanup
      * fmt
      * minor
      * minor
      * minor
      * Remove on_new_session from assignment provider
      * Make adder collator integration test pass
      * disable failing unit tests
      * minor
      * minor
      * re-enable one unit test
      * minor
      * handle retries, add concluded para to pop interface
      * comment out unused code
      * Remove core_para from interface
      * Remove first claimqueue element on clear if None instead removing all Nones
      * Move claimqueue get out of loop
      * Use VecDeque instead of Ved in ClaimQueue
      * Make occupied() AB ready(?)
      * handle freed disputed in clear_and_fill_claimqueue
      * clear_and_fill_claimqueue returns scheduled Vec
      * Rename and minor refactor
      * return position of assignment taken from claimqueue
      * minor
      * Fix session boundary parachains number change + extended test
      * Fix runtimes
      * Fix polkadot runtime
      * Remove polkadot pallet from benchmarks
      * fix test runtime
      * Add storage migration
      * Minor refactor
      * Minor
      * migratin typechecks
      * Add migration to runtimes
      * Towards modular scheduling II (#6568)
      * Add post migration check
      * pebkac
      * Disable migrations but mine
      * Revert "Disable migrations but mine"
      This reverts commit 4fa5c5a370c199944a7e0926f50b08626bfbad4c.
      * Move scheduler migration
      * Revert "Move scheduler migration"
      This reverts commit a16b1659a907950bae048a9f7010f2aa76e02b6d.
      * Fix migration
      * cleanup
      * Don't lose retries value anymore
      * comment out test function
      * Remove retries value from Assignment again
      * minor
      * Make collator for parathreads optional
      * data type refactor
      * update scheduler tests
      * Change test function cfg
      * comment out test function
      * Try cfg(test) only
      * fix cfg flags
      * Add get_max_retries function to provider interface (#7047)
      * Fix merge commit
      * pebkac
      * fix merge
      * update cargo.lock
      * fix merge
      * fix merge
      * Use btreemap instead of vec, fix scheduler calls.
      * Use imported `ScheduledCore`
      * Remove unused import in inclusion tests
      * Use keys() instead of mapping over a BTreeMap
      * Fix migrations for parachains scheduler
      * Use BlockNumberFor<T> everywhere in scheduler
      * Add on demand assignment provider pallet (#7110)
      * Address some PR comments
      * minor
      * more cleanup
      * find_map and timeout availability fixes
      * Change default scheduling_lookahead to 1
      * Add on demand assignment provider pallet
      * Move test-runtime to new assignment provider
      * Run cargo format on scheduler tests
      * minor
      * Mutate cores in single loop
      * timeout predicate simplification
      * claimqueue desired size fix
      * Replace expect by ok_or
      * More improvements
      * Fix push back order and next_up_on_timeout
      * minor
      * session change docs
      * Add pre_new_session call to hand pre session updates
      * Remove sc_network dependency and PeerId from unnecessary data structures
      * Remove unnecessary peer_ids
      * Add OnDemandOrdering proxy (#7156)
      * Add OnDemandBidding proxy
      * Fix names
      * OnDemandAssigner for rococo only
      * Check PeerId in collator protocol before fetching collation
      * On occupied, remove non occupied cores from the claimqueue front and refill
      * Add missing docs
      * Comment out unused field
      * fix ScheduledCore in tests
      * Fix the fix
      * pebkac
      * fmt
      * Fix occupied dropping
      * Remove double import
      * ScheduledCore fixes
      * Readd sc-network dep
      * pebkac
      * OpaquePeerId -> PeerId in can_collate interface
      * Cargo.lock update for interface change
      * Remove checks not needed anymore?
      * Drop occupied core on session change if it would time out after the new session
      * Add on demand assignment provider pallet
      * Move test-runtime to new assignment provider
      * Run cargo format on scheduler tests
      * Add OnDemandOrdering proxy (#7156)
      * Add OnDemandBidding proxy
      * Fix names
      * OnDemandAssigner for rococo only
      * Remove unneeded config values
      * Update comments
      * Use and_then for queue position
      * Return the max size of the spot queue on error
      * Add comments to add_parathread_entry
      * Add module comments
      * Add log for when can_collate fails
      * Change assigner queue type to `Assignment`
      * Update assignment provider tests
      * More logs
      * Remove unused keyring import
      * disable can_collate
      * comment out can_collate
      * Can collate first checks set if empty
      * Move can_collate call to collation advertisement
      * Fix backing test
      * map to loop
      * Remove obsolete check
      * Move invalid collation test from backing to collator-protocol
      * fix unused imports
      * fix test
      * fix Debug derivation
      * Increase time limit on zombienet predicates
      * Increase zombienet timeout
      * Minor
      * Address some PR comments
      * Address PR comments
      * Comment out failing assert due to on-demand assigner missing
      * remove collator_restrictions info from backing
      * Move can_collate to ActiveParas
      * minor
      * minor
      * Update weight information for on demand config
      * Add ttl to parasentry
      * Fix tests missing parasentry ttl
      * Adjust scheduler tests to use ttl default values
      * Use match instead of if let for ttl drop
      * Use RuntimeDebug trait for `ParasEntry` fields
      * Add comments to on demand assignment pallet
      * Fix spot traffic calculation
      * Revert runtimedebug changes to primitives
      * Remove runtimedebug derivation from `ParasEntry`
      * Mention affinity in pallet level docs
      * Use RuntimeDebug trait for ParasEntry child types
      * Remove collator restrictions
      * Fix primitive versioning and other merge issues
      * Fix tests post merge
      * Fix node side tests
      * Edit parascheduler migration for clarity
      * Move parascheduler migration up to next release
      * Remove vestiges from merge
      * Fix tests
      * Refactor ttl handling
      * Remove unused things from scheduler tests
      * Move on demand assigner to own directory
      * Update documentation
      * Remove unused sc-network dependency in primitives
      Was used for collator restrictions
      * Remove unused import
      * Reenable scheduler test
      * Remove unused storage value
      * Enable timeout predicate test and fix fn
      Turns out that the issue with the compiler is fixed and we can now
      use impl Trait in the manner used here.
      * Remove unused imports
      * Add benchmarking entry for perbill in config
      * Correct typo
      * Address review comments
      * Log out errors when calculating spot traffic.
      * Change parascheduler's log target name
      * Update scheduler_common documentation
      * Use mutate for affinity fns, add tests
      * Add another on demand affinity test
      * Unify parathreads and parachains in HostConfig (take 2) (#7452)
      * Unify parathreads and parachains in HostConfig
      * Fixed missed occurences
      * Remove commented out lines
      * `HostConfiguration v7`
      * Fix version check
      * Add `MigrateToV7` to `Unreleased`
      * fmt
      * fmt
      * Fix compilation errors after the rebase
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/scheduler/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/scheduler/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Fix migration test
      * Fix tests
      * Remove unneeded assert from tests
      * parathread_cores -> on_demand_cores; parathread_retries -> on_demand_retries
      * Fix a compilation error in tests
      * Remove unused `use`
      * update colander image version
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      * Fix branch after merge with master
      * Refactor out duplicate checks into a helper fn
      * Fix tests post merge
      * Rename add_parathread_assignment, add test
      * Update docs
      * Remove unused on_finalize function
      * Add weight info to on demand pallet
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/scheduler_common/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/assigner_on_demand/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      * Add benchmarking to on demand pallet
      * Make place_order test check for success
      * Add on demand benchmarks
      * Add local test weights to rococo runtime
      * Modify TTL drop behaviour to not skip claims
      Previous behaviour would jump a new claim from the assignment provider
      ahead in the claimqueue, assuming lookahead is larger than 1.
      * Refactor ttl test to test claimqueue order
      * Disable place_order ext. when no on_demand cores
      * Use default genesis config for benchmark tests
      * Refactor config builder param
      * Move lifecycle test from scheduler to on demand
      * Remove unneeded lifecycle test
      Paras module via the parachain assignment provider doesn't provide
      new assignments if a parachain loses it's lease. The on demand
      assignment provider doesn't provide an assignment that is not a
      * Re enable validator shuffle test
      * More realistic weights for place_order
      * Remove redundant import
      * Fix backwards compatibility (hopefully)
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" --subcommand=runtime --runtime=rococo --target_dir=polkadot --pallet=runtime_parachains::assigner_on_demand
      * Fix tests.
      * Fix off-by-one.
      * Re enable claimqueue fills test
      * Re enable schedule_rotates_groups test
      * Fix fill_claimqueue_fills test
      * Re enable next_up_on_timeout test, move fn
      * Do not pop from assignment provider when retrying
      * Fix tests missing collator in scheduledcore
      * Add comment about timeout predicate.
      * Rename parasentry retries to availability timeouts
      * Re enable schedule_schedules... test
      * Refactor prune retried test to new scheduler
      * Have all scheduler tests use genesis_cfg fn
      * Update docs
      * Update copyright notices on new files
      * Rename is_parachain_core to is_bulk_core
      * Remove erroneous TODO
      * Simplify import
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" --subcommand=runtime --runtime=rococo --target_dir=polkadot --pallet=runtime_parachains::configuration
      * Revert AdvertiseCollation order shuffle
      * Refactor place_order into keepalive and allowdeath
      * Revert rename of hrmp max inbound channels
      parachain encompasses both on demand and slot auction / bulk.
      * Restore availability_timeout_predicate function
      * Clean up leftover comments
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/scheduler/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" --subcommand=runtime --runtime=westend --target_dir=polkadot --pallet=runtime_parachains::configuration
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatareskimor <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * On Demand - update weights and small nits (#7605)
      * Remove collator restriction test in inclusion
      On demand parachains won't have collator restrictions implemented in
      this way but will instead use a preferred collator registered to a
      `ParaId` in `paras_registrar`.
      * Remove redundant config guard for test fns
      * Update weights
      * Update WeightInfo for on_demand assigner
      * Unify assignment provider parameters into one call (#7606)
      * Combine assignmentprovider params into one fn call
      * Move scheduler_common to a module under scheduler
      * Fix ttl handling in benchmark builder
      * Run cargo format
      * Remove obsolete test.
      * Small improvement.
      * Use same migration pattern as config module
      * Remove old TODO
      * Change log target name for assigner on demand
      * Fix migration
      * Fix clippy warnings
      * Add HostConfiguration storage migration to V8
      * Add `MigrateToV8` to unreleased migrations for all runtimes
      * Fix storage version check for config v8
      * Set `StorageVersion` to 8 in `MigrateToV8`
      * Remove dups.
      * Update primitives/src/v5/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralexgparity <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarantonva <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnton Vilhelm Ásgeirsson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatareskimor <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  32. Aug 16, 2023
  33. Aug 15, 2023
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      Revert "companion for 14754: cli: move no-beefy flag to sc-cli (#7600)" (#7613) · 022a3b97
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      * Revert "companion for 14754: cli: move no-beefy flag to sc-cli (#7600)"
      This reverts commit 26adab4f.
      * update lockfile for {"substrate"}
      * fix merge damage
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Remove superflous parameter `overseer_enable_anyways` and make parachain node... · cf3271fe
      Bastian Köcher authored
      Remove superflous parameter `overseer_enable_anyways` and make parachain node type more explicit (#7617)
      * Remove superflous parameter `overseer_enable_anyways`
      We don't need this flag, as we don't need the overseer enabled when the
      node isn't a collator or validator.
      * Rename `IsCollator` to `IsParachainNode`
      `IsParachainNode` is more expressive and also encapsulates the state of
      the parachain node being a full node. Some functionality like the
      overseer needs to run always when the node runs alongside a parachain
      node. The parachain node needs the overseer to e.g. recover PoVs. Other
      things like candidate validation or pvf checking are only required for
      when the node is running as validator.
      * FMT
      * Fix CI
  34. Aug 14, 2023