1. Feb 26, 2024
  2. Feb 23, 2024
  3. Feb 22, 2024
  4. Feb 20, 2024
  5. Feb 19, 2024
  6. Feb 18, 2024
  7. Feb 17, 2024
  8. Feb 16, 2024
  9. Feb 15, 2024
  10. Feb 14, 2024
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      rpc: bump jsonrpsee v0.22 and fix race in `rpc v2 chain_head` (#3230) · c7c4fe01
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      Close #2992 
      Breaking changes:
      - rpc server grafana metric `substrate_rpc_requests_started` is removed
      (not possible to implement anymore)
      - rpc server grafana metric `substrate_rpc_requests_finished` is removed
      (not possible to implement anymore)
      - rpc server ws ping/pong not ACK:ed within 30 seconds more than three
      times then the connection will be closed
      - rpc server grafana metric `substrate_rpc_sessions_time` is added to
      get the duration for each websocket session
    • Sergej Sakac's avatar
      Validate code when scheduling uprades from registrar (#3232) · 7e7c488b
      Sergej Sakac authored
      Currently, anyone can registrar a code that exceeds the code size limit
      when performing the upgrade from the registrar. This PR fixes that and
      adds a new test to cover this.
      cc @bkchr @eskimor
  11. Feb 13, 2024
  12. Feb 12, 2024
  13. Feb 11, 2024
  14. Feb 09, 2024
  15. Feb 08, 2024
  16. Feb 06, 2024
    • Andrei Eres's avatar
      subsystem-bench: Prepare CI output (#3158) · 9e6298e7
      Andrei Eres authored
      1. Benchmark results are collected in a single struct.
      2. The output of the results is prettified.
      3. The result struct used to save the output as a yaml and store it in
      artifacts in a CI job.
      $ cargo run -p polkadot-subsystem-bench --release -- test-sequence --path polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml | tee output.txt
      $ cat output.txt
      polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #1
      Network usage, KiB                     total   per block
      Received from peers               510796.000  170265.333
      Sent to peers                        221.000      73.667
      CPU usage, s                           total   per block
      availability-recovery                 38.671      12.890
      Test environment                       0.255       0.085
      polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #2
      Network usage, KiB                     total   per block
      Received from peers               413633.000  137877.667
      Sent to peers                        353.000     117.667
      CPU usage, s                           total   per block
      availability-recovery                 52.630      17.543
      Test environment                       0.271       0.090
      polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #3
      Network usage, KiB                     total   per block
      Received from peers               424379.000  141459.667
      Sent to peers                        703.000     234.333
      CPU usage, s                           total   per block
      availability-recovery                 51.128      17.043
      Test environment                       0.502       0.167
      $ cargo run -p polkadot-subsystem-bench --release -- --ci test-sequence --path polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml | tee output.txt
      $ cat output.txt
      - benchmark_name: 'polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #1'
        - resource: Received from peers
          total: 509011.0
          per_block: 169670.33333333334
        - resource: Sent to peers
          total: 220.0
          per_block: 73.33333333333333
        - resource: availability-recovery
          total: 31.845848445
          per_block: 10.615282815
        - resource: Test environment
          total: 0.23582828799999941
          per_block: 0.07860942933333313
      - benchmark_name: 'polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #2'
        - resource: Received from peers
          total: 411738.0
          per_block: 137246.0
        - resource: Sent to peers
          total: 351.0
          per_block: 117.0
        - resource: availability-recovery
          total: 18.93596025099999
          per_block: 6.31198675033333
        - resource: Test environment
          total: 0.2541994199999979
          per_block: 0.0847331399999993
      - benchmark_name: 'polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/availability_read.yaml #3'
        - resource: Received from peers
          total: 424548.0
          per_block: 141516.0
        - resource: Sent to peers
          total: 703.0
          per_block: 234.33333333333334
        - resource: availability-recovery
          total: 16.54178526900001
          per_block: 5.513928423000003
        - resource: Test environment
          total: 0.43960946299999537
          per_block: 0.14653648766666513
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
      Ranked collective `Add`+`Remove` origins (#3212) · c552fb54
      Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
      Superseeds https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/1245  
      This PR is a migration of the
      The PR added associated types (`AddOrigin` & `RemoveOrigin`) to
      `Config`. It allows you to decouple types and areas of responsibility,
      since at the moment the same types are responsible for adding and
      promoting(removing and demoting). This will improve the flexibility of
      the pallet configuration.
      /// The origin required to add a member.
      type AddOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = ()>;
      /// The origin required to remove a member. The success value indicates the
      /// maximum rank *from which* the removal may be.
      type RemoveOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = Rank>;
      To achieve the backward compatibility, the users of the pallet can use
      the old type via the new morph:
      type AddOrigin = MapSuccess<Self::PromoteOrigin, Ignore>;
      type RemoveOrigin = Self::DemoteOrigin;
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPraetorP <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPavel Orlov <[email protected]>
    • Alin Dima's avatar