Unverified Commit 60e537b9 authored by Andrei Sandu's avatar Andrei Sandu Committed by GitHub
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Elastic scaling: use an assumed `CoreIndex` in `candidate-backing` (#3229)

First step in implementing

### Summary of changes
- switch statement `Table` candidate mapping from `ParaId` to
- introduce experimental `InjectCoreIndex`  node feature.
- determine and assume a `CoreIndex` for a candidate based on statement
validator index. If the signature is valid it means validator controls
the validator that index and we can easily map it to a validator
- introduce a temporary provisioner fix until we fully enable elastic
scaling in the subystem. The fix ensures we don't fetch the same
backable candidate when calling `get_backable_candidate` for each core.

- [x] fix backing tests
- [x] fix statement table tests
- [x] add new test


Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: default avataralindima <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avataralindima <[email protected]>
parent e76b2448
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