Unverified Commit 3d9439f6 authored by Branislav Kontur's avatar Branislav Kontur Committed by GitHub
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[pallet-xcm] Adjust benchmarks (teleport_assets/reserve_transfer_assets) not relying on ED (#3464)

## Problem
During the bumping of the `polkadot-fellows` repository to
`[email protected]`, I encountered a situation where the benchmarks
`teleport_assets` and `reserve_transfer_assets` in AssetHubKusama
started to fail. This issue arose due to a decreased ED balance for
AssetHubs introduced
and also because of a [missing CI
pipeline](https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes/issues/197) to
check the benchmarks, which went unnoticed.

These benchmarks expect the `caller` to have enough:
1. balance to transfer (BTT)
2. balance for paying delivery (BFPD).
So the initial balance was calculated as `ED * 100`, which seems
const ED_MULTIPLIER: u32 = 100;
let balance = existential_deposit.saturating_mul(ED_MULTIPLIER.into());`
The problem arises when the price for delivery is 100 times higher than
the existential deposit. In other words, when `ED * 100` does not cover
`BTT` + `BFPD`.

I check AHR/AHW/AHK/AHP and this problem has only AssetHubKusama
ED: 3333333
calculated price to parent delivery:  1031666634  (from xcm logs from the benchmark)

3333333 * 100 - BTT(3333333) - BFPD(1031666634) = −701666667
which results in the error;
2024-02-23 09:19:42 Unable to charge fee with error Module(ModuleError { index: 31, error: [17, 0, 0, 0], message: Some("FeesNotMet") })
Error: Input("Benchmark pallet_xcm::reserve_transfer_assets failed: FeesNotMet")

## Solution

The benchmarks `teleport_assets` and `reserve_transfer_assets` were
fixed by removing `ED * 100` and replacing it with `DeliveryHelper`
logic, which calculates the (almost real) price for delivery and sets it
along with the existential deposit as the initial balance for the
account used in the benchmark.


- [ ] patch for 1.6 -
- [ ] patch for 1.7 -

- [ ] patch for 1.8 - TODO: PR


Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
parent b9c792a4
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