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// Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
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//! Support code for the runtime.
//! ## Note on Tuple Traits
//! Many of the traits defined in [`traits`] have auto-implementations on tuples as well. Usually,
//! the tuple is a function of number of pallets in the runtime. By default, the traits are
//! implemented for tuples of up to 64 items.
// If you have more pallets in your runtime, or for any other reason need more, enabled `tuples-96`
// or the `tuples-128` complication flag. Note that these features *will increase* the compilation
// of this crate.
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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
/// Export ourself as `frame_support` to make tests happy.
extern crate self as frame_support;
Bastian Köcher's avatar
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pub use sp_tracing;
pub use frame_metadata as metadata;
pub use log;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use once_cell;
pub use paste;
pub use scale_info;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use serde;
pub use sp_core::Void;
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pub use sp_core_hashing_proc_macro;
pub use sp_io::{self, storage::root as storage_root};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use sp_runtime::{bounded_btree_map, bounded_vec};
pub use sp_runtime::{RuntimeDebug, StateVersion};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use sp_state_machine::BasicExternalities;
pub use tt_call::*;
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pub mod dispatch;
mod hash;
pub mod error;
pub mod instances;
pub mod traits;
pub mod unsigned {
	pub use crate::sp_runtime::traits::ValidateUnsigned;
	pub use crate::sp_runtime::transaction_validity::{
		TransactionSource, TransactionValidity, TransactionValidityError, UnknownTransaction,
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "runtime-benchmarks", feature = "try-runtime", test))]
pub use self::storage::storage_noop_guard::StorageNoopGuard;
pub use self::{
	dispatch::{Callable, Parameter},
		Blake2_128, Blake2_128Concat, Blake2_256, Hashable, Identity, ReversibleStorageHasher,
		StorageHasher, Twox128, Twox256, Twox64Concat,
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Zeke Mostov committed
		bounded_vec::{BoundedSlice, BoundedVec},
		IterableStorageDoubleMap, IterableStorageMap, IterableStorageNMap, StorageDoubleMap,
		StorageMap, StorageNMap, StoragePrefixedMap, StorageValue,
pub use sp_runtime::{
	self, print, traits::Printable, ConsensusEngineId, MAX_MODULE_ERROR_ENCODED_SIZE,
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::TypeId;

/// A unified log target for support operations.
pub const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::frame-support";
/// A type that cannot be instantiated.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, TypeInfo)]
/// A pallet identifier. These are per pallet and should be stored in a registry somewhere.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct PalletId(pub [u8; 8]);

impl TypeId for PalletId {
	const TYPE_ID: [u8; 4] = *b"modl";

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/// Generate a new type alias for [`storage::types::StorageValue`],
/// [`storage::types::StorageMap`], [`storage::types::StorageDoubleMap`]
/// and [`storage::types::StorageNMap`].
/// Useful for creating a *storage-like* struct for test and migrations.
/// # use frame_support::storage_alias;
/// use frame_support::codec;
/// use frame_support::Twox64Concat;
/// // generate a storage value with type u32.
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type StorageName = StorageValue<Prefix, u32>;
/// // generate a double map from `(u32, u32)` (with hashers `Twox64Concat` for each key)
/// // to `Vec<u8>`
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type OtherStorageName = StorageDoubleMap<
/// 	OtherPrefix,
/// 	Twox64Concat,
/// 	u32,
/// 	Twox64Concat,
/// 	u32,
/// 	Vec<u8>,
/// >;
/// // optionally specify the query type
/// use frame_support::pallet_prelude::{ValueQuery, OptionQuery};
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type ValueName = StorageValue<Prefix, u32, OptionQuery>;
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type SomeStorageName = StorageMap<
/// 	Prefix,
/// 	Twox64Concat,
/// 	u32,
/// 	Vec<u8>,
/// 	ValueQuery,
/// >;
/// // generate a map from `Config::AccountId` (with hasher `Twox64Concat`) to `Vec<u8>`
/// trait Config { type AccountId: codec::FullCodec; }
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type GenericStorage<T> = StorageMap<Prefix, Twox64Concat, <T as Config>::AccountId, Vec<u8>>;
/// // It also supports NMap
/// use frame_support::storage::types::Key as NMapKey;
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type SomeNMap = StorageNMap<Prefix, (NMapKey<Twox64Concat, u32>, NMapKey<Twox64Concat, u64>), Vec<u8>>;
/// // Using pallet name as prefix.
/// //
/// // When the first generic argument is taking generic arguments it is expected to be a pallet.
/// // The prefix will then be the pallet name as configured in the runtime through
/// // `construct_runtime!`.
/// # struct Pallet<T: Config, I = ()>(std::marker::PhantomData<(T, I)>);
/// # impl<T: Config, I: 'static> frame_support::traits::PalletInfoAccess for Pallet<T, I> {
/// # 	fn index() -> usize { 0 }
/// # 	fn name() -> &'static str { "pallet" }
/// # 	fn module_name() -> &'static str { "module" }
/// # 	fn crate_version() -> frame_support::traits::CrateVersion { unimplemented!() }
/// # }
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type SomeValue<T: Config> = StorageValue<Pallet<T>, u64>;
/// // Pallet with instance
/// #[storage_alias]
/// type SomeValue2<T: Config, I: 'static> = StorageValue<Pallet<T, I>, u64>;
pub use frame_support_procedural::storage_alias;
/// Create new implementations of the [`Get`](crate::traits::Get) trait.
/// The so-called parameter type can be created in four different ways:
/// - Using `const` to create a parameter type that provides a `const` getter. It is required that
///   the `value` is const.
/// - Declare the parameter type without `const` to have more freedom when creating the value.
/// - Using `storage` to create a storage parameter type. This type is special as it tries to load
///   the value from the storage under a fixed key. If the value could not be found in the storage,
///   the given default value will be returned. It is required that the value implements
///   [`Encode`](codec::Encode) and [`Decode`](codec::Decode). The key for looking up the value in
///   the storage is built using the following formula:
///   `twox_128(":" ++ NAME ++ ":")` where `NAME` is the name that is passed as type name.
/// - Using `static` to create a static parameter type. Its value is being provided by a static
///   variable with the equivalent name in `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE`. An additional `set` function is
///   provided in this case to alter the static variable. **This is intended for testing ONLY and is
///   ONLY available when `std` is enabled.**
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::traits::Get;
/// # use frame_support::parameter_types;
/// // This function cannot be used in a const context.
/// fn non_const_expression() -> u64 { 99 }
/// const FIXED_VALUE: u64 = 10;
/// parameter_types! {
///    pub const Argument: u64 = 42 + FIXED_VALUE;
///    /// Visibility of the type is optional
///    OtherArgument: u64 = non_const_expression();
///    pub storage StorageArgument: u64 = 5;
///    pub static StaticArgument: u32 = 7;
/// trait Config {
///    type Parameter: Get<u64>;
///    type OtherParameter: Get<u64>;
///    type StorageParameter: Get<u64>;
///    type StaticParameter: Get<u32>;
/// struct Runtime;
/// impl Config for Runtime {
///    type Parameter = Argument;
///    type OtherParameter = OtherArgument;
///    type StorageParameter = StorageArgument;
///    type StaticParameter = StaticArgument;
/// // In testing, `StaticArgument` can be altered later: `StaticArgument::set(8)`.
/// # Invalid example:
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use frame_support::traits::Get;
/// # use frame_support::parameter_types;
/// // This function cannot be used in a const context.
/// fn non_const_expression() -> u64 { 99 }
/// parameter_types! {
///    pub const Argument: u64 = non_const_expression();
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! parameter_types {
		$vis:vis const $name:ident $(< $($ty_params:ident),* >)?: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$vis struct $name $(
			< $($ty_params),* >( $($crate::sp_std::marker::PhantomData<$ty_params>),* )
		$crate::parameter_types!(IMPL_CONST $name , $type , $value $( $(, $ty_params)* )?);
		$crate::parameter_types!( $( $rest )* );
		$vis:vis $name:ident $(< $($ty_params:ident),* >)?: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$vis struct $name $(
			< $($ty_params),* >( $($crate::sp_std::marker::PhantomData<$ty_params>),* )
		$crate::parameter_types!(IMPL $name, $type, $value $( $(, $ty_params)* )?);
		$crate::parameter_types!( $( $rest )* );
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis storage $name:ident $(< $($ty_params:ident),* >)?: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => (
		$( #[ $attr ] )*
		$vis struct $name $(
			< $($ty_params),* >( $($crate::sp_std::marker::PhantomData<$ty_params>),* )
		$crate::parameter_types!(IMPL_STORAGE $name, $type, $value $( $(, $ty_params)* )?);
		$crate::parameter_types!( $( $rest )* );
	(IMPL_CONST $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr $(, $ty_params:ident)*) => {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			/// Returns the value of this parameter type.
		impl<_I: From<$type> $(, $ty_params)*> $crate::traits::Get<_I> for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			fn get() -> _I {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $crate::traits::TypedGet for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			type Type = $type;
			fn get() -> $type {
	(IMPL $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr $(, $ty_params:ident)*) => {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			/// Returns the value of this parameter type.
			pub fn get() -> $type {
		impl<_I: From<$type>, $(, $ty_params)*> $crate::traits::Get<_I> for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			fn get() -> _I {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $crate::traits::TypedGet for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			type Type = $type;
			fn get() -> $type {
	(IMPL_STORAGE $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr $(, $ty_params:ident)*) => {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			/// Returns the key for this parameter type.
			pub fn key() -> [u8; 16] {
cheme's avatar
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				$crate::sp_core_hashing_proc_macro::twox_128!(b":", $name, b":")

			/// Set the value of this parameter type in the storage.
			/// This needs to be executed in an externalities provided
			/// environment.
			pub fn set(value: &$type) {
				$crate::storage::unhashed::put(&Self::key(), value);

			/// Returns the value of this parameter type.
			/// This needs to be executed in an externalities provided
			/// environment.
			pub fn get() -> $type {
				$crate::storage::unhashed::get(&Self::key()).unwrap_or_else(|| $value)

		impl<_I: From<$type> $(, $ty_params)*> $crate::traits::Get<_I> for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			fn get() -> _I {
		impl< $($ty_params),* > $crate::traits::TypedGet for $name< $($ty_params),* > {
			type Type = $type;
			fn get() -> $type {
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis static $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => (
			$( #[ $attr ] )*
			$vis static $name: $type = $value;
		$crate::parameter_types!( $( $rest )* );

#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
macro_rules! parameter_types_impl_thread_local {
	( $( $any:tt )* ) => {
		compile_error!("static parameter types is only available in std and for testing.");

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! parameter_types_impl_thread_local {
			$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
			$vis:vis static $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
	) => {
			IMPL_THREAD_LOCAL $( $vis, $name, $type, $value, )*
		$crate::paste::item! {
					$( #[ $attr ] )*
					$vis $name: $type = [<$name:snake:upper>].with(|v| v.borrow().clone());
				impl $name {
					/// Set the internal value.
					pub fn set(t: $type) {
						[<$name:snake:upper>].with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = t);

					/// Mutate the internal value in place.
					pub fn mutate<R, F: FnOnce(&mut $type) -> R>(mutate: F) -> R{
						let mut current = Self::get();
						let result = mutate(&mut current);

					/// Get current value and replace with initial value of the parameter type.
					pub fn take() -> $type {
						let current = Self::get();
	(IMPL_THREAD_LOCAL $( $vis:vis, $name:ident, $type:ty, $value:expr, )* ) => {
		$crate::paste::item! {
			thread_local! {
					pub static [<$name:snake:upper>]: std::cell::RefCell<$type> =
/// Macro for easily creating a new implementation of both the `Get` and `Contains` traits. Use
/// exactly as with `parameter_types`, only the type must be `Ord`.
macro_rules! ord_parameter_types {
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis const $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => (
		$( #[ $attr ] )*
		$vis struct $name;
		$crate::parameter_types!{IMPL $name , $type , $value}
		$crate::ord_parameter_types!{IMPL $name , $type , $value}
		$crate::ord_parameter_types!{ $( $rest )* }
	() => ();
	(IMPL $name:ident , $type:ty , $value:expr) => {
		impl $crate::traits::SortedMembers<$type> for $name {
			fn contains(t: &$type) -> bool { &$value == t }
			fn sorted_members() -> $crate::sp_std::prelude::Vec<$type> { vec![$value] }
			fn count() -> usize { 1 }
			#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
			fn add(_: &$type) {}
		impl $crate::traits::Contains<$type> for $name {
			fn contains(t: &$type) -> bool { &$value == t }
/// Print out a formatted message.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// frame_support::runtime_print!("my value is {}", 3);
/// ```
macro_rules! runtime_print {
	($($arg:tt)+) => {
			use core::fmt::Write;
			let mut w = $crate::sp_std::Writer::default();
			let _ = core::write!(&mut w, $($arg)+);

/// Print out the debuggable type.
pub fn debug(data: &impl sp_std::fmt::Debug) {
	runtime_print!("{:?}", data);

pub use frame_support_procedural::{
	construct_runtime, decl_storage, match_and_insert, transactional, PalletError,
pub use frame_support_procedural::{__create_tt_macro, __generate_dummy_part_checker};
/// Derive [`Clone`] but do not bound any generic.
/// This is useful for type generic over runtime:
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::CloneNoBound;
/// trait Config {
/// 		type C: Clone;
/// }
/// // Foo implements [`Clone`] because `C` bounds [`Clone`].
/// // Otherwise compilation will fail with an output telling `c` doesn't implement [`Clone`].
/// #[derive(CloneNoBound)]
/// struct Foo<T: Config> {
/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::CloneNoBound;

/// Derive [`Eq`] but do not bound any generic.
/// This is useful for type generic over runtime:
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::{EqNoBound, PartialEqNoBound};
/// trait Config {
/// }
/// // Foo implements [`Eq`] because `C` bounds [`Eq`].
/// // Otherwise compilation will fail with an output telling `c` doesn't implement [`Eq`].
/// #[derive(PartialEqNoBound, EqNoBound)]
/// struct Foo<T: Config> {
/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::EqNoBound;

/// Derive [`PartialEq`] but do not bound any generic.
/// This is useful for type generic over runtime:
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::PartialEqNoBound;
/// trait Config {
/// 		type C: PartialEq;
/// }
/// // Foo implements [`PartialEq`] because `C` bounds [`PartialEq`].
/// // Otherwise compilation will fail with an output telling `c` doesn't implement [`PartialEq`].
/// #[derive(PartialEqNoBound)]
/// struct Foo<T: Config> {
/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::PartialEqNoBound;

/// Derive [`Debug`] but do not bound any generic.
/// This is useful for type generic over runtime:
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::DebugNoBound;
/// # use core::fmt::Debug;
/// trait Config {
/// 		type C: Debug;
/// }
/// // Foo implements [`Debug`] because `C` bounds [`Debug`].
/// // Otherwise compilation will fail with an output telling `c` doesn't implement [`Debug`].
/// #[derive(DebugNoBound)]
/// struct Foo<T: Config> {
/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::DebugNoBound;

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Kian Paimani committed
/// Derive [`Default`] but do not bound any generic.
/// This is useful for type generic over runtime:
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::DefaultNoBound;
/// # use core::default::Default;
/// trait Config {
/// 	type C: Default;
Kian Paimani's avatar
Kian Paimani committed
/// }
/// // Foo implements [`Default`] because `C` bounds [`Default`].
/// // Otherwise compilation will fail with an output telling `c` doesn't implement [`Default`].
/// #[derive(DefaultNoBound)]
/// struct Foo<T: Config> {
/// 	c: T::C,
/// }
/// // Also works with enums, by specifying the default with #[default]:
/// #[derive(DefaultNoBound)]
/// enum Bar<T: Config> {
/// 	// Bar will implement Default as long as all of the types within Baz also implement default.
/// 	#[default]
/// 	Baz(T::C),
/// 	Quxx,
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/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::DefaultNoBound;

/// Assert the annotated function is executed within a storage transaction.
/// The assertion is enabled for native execution and when `debug_assertions` are enabled.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::{
/// # 	require_transactional, transactional, dispatch::DispatchResult
/// # };
/// #[require_transactional]
/// fn update_all(value: u32) -> DispatchResult {
/// 	// Update multiple storages.
/// 	// Return `Err` to indicate should revert.
/// 	Ok(())
/// }
/// #[transactional]
/// fn safe_update(value: u32) -> DispatchResult {
/// 	// This is safe
/// 	update_all(value)
/// }
/// fn unsafe_update(value: u32) -> DispatchResult {
/// 	// this may panic if unsafe_update is not called within a storage transaction
/// 	update_all(value)
/// }
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::require_transactional;
/// Convert the current crate version into a [`CrateVersion`](crate::traits::CrateVersion).
/// `CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH` environment variables to fetch the crate version.
/// This means that the [`CrateVersion`](crate::traits::CrateVersion)
/// object will correspond to the version of the crate the macro is called in!
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use frame_support::{traits::CrateVersion, crate_to_crate_version};
/// const Version: CrateVersion = crate_to_crate_version!();
/// ```
pub use frame_support_procedural::crate_to_crate_version;

/// Return Err of the expression: `return Err($expression);`.
/// Used as `fail!(expression)`.
macro_rules! fail {
	( $y:expr ) => {{
		return Err($y.into())
/// Evaluate `$x:expr` and if not true return `Err($y:expr)`.
/// Used as `ensure!(expression_to_ensure, expression_to_return_on_false)`.
macro_rules! ensure {
	( $x:expr, $y:expr $(,)? ) => {{
/// Evaluate an expression, assert it returns an expected `Err` value and that
/// runtime storage has not been mutated (i.e. expression is a no-operation).
/// Used as `assert_noop(expression_to_assert, expected_error_expression)`.
macro_rules! assert_noop {
		$y:expr $(,)?
	) => {
		let h = $crate::storage_root($crate::StateVersion::V1);
		assert_eq!(h, $crate::storage_root($crate::StateVersion::V1), "storage has been mutated");
/// Evaluate any expression and assert that runtime storage has not been mutated
/// (i.e. expression is a storage no-operation).
/// Used as `assert_storage_noop(expression_to_assert)`.
macro_rules! assert_storage_noop {
	) => {
		let h = $crate::storage_root($crate::StateVersion::V1);
		assert_eq!(h, $crate::storage_root($crate::StateVersion::V1));
/// Assert an expression returns an error specified.
/// Used as `assert_err!(expression_to_assert, expected_error_expression)`
macro_rules! assert_err {
	( $x:expr , $y:expr $(,)? ) => {
		assert_eq!($x, Err($y.into()));
/// Assert an expression returns an error specified.
/// This can be used on `DispatchResultWithPostInfo` when the post info should
/// be ignored.
macro_rules! assert_err_ignore_postinfo {
	( $x:expr , $y:expr $(,)? ) => {
		$crate::assert_err!($|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.error), $y);
/// Assert an expression returns error with the given weight.
macro_rules! assert_err_with_weight {
	($call:expr, $err:expr, $weight:expr $(,)? ) => {
		if let Err(dispatch_err_with_post) = $call {
			$crate::assert_err!($|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.error), $err);
			assert_eq!(dispatch_err_with_post.post_info.actual_weight, $weight);
		} else {
			panic!("expected Err(_), got Ok(_).")
/// Panic if an expression doesn't evaluate to `Ok`.
/// Used as `assert_ok!(expression_to_assert, expected_ok_expression)`,
/// or `assert_ok!(expression_to_assert)` which would assert against `Ok(())`.
macro_rules! assert_ok {
	( $x:expr $(,)? ) => {
		let is = $x;
		match is {
			Ok(_) => (),
			_ => assert!(false, "Expected Ok(_). Got {:#?}", is),
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	( $x:expr, $y:expr $(,)? ) => {
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		assert_eq!($x, Ok($y));
/// Assert that the maximum encoding size does not exceed the value defined in
/// [`MAX_MODULE_ERROR_ENCODED_SIZE`] during compilation.
/// This macro is intended to be used in conjunction with `tt_call!`.
macro_rules! assert_error_encoded_size {
		path = [{ $($path:ident)::+ }]
		runtime = [{ $runtime:ident }]
		assert_message = [{ $assert_message:literal }]
		error = [{ $error:ident }]
	} => {
		const _: () = assert!(
				$($path::)+$error<$runtime> as $crate::traits::PalletError
		path = [{ $($path:ident)::+ }]
		runtime = [{ $runtime:ident }]
		assert_message = [{ $assert_message:literal }]
	} => {};

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
	use super::*;
	use crate::metadata::{
		PalletStorageMetadata, StorageEntryMetadata, StorageEntryModifier, StorageEntryType,
	use codec::{Codec, EncodeLike};
	use frame_support::traits::CrateVersion;
	use sp_io::{MultiRemovalResults, TestExternalities};
	use sp_std::result;
	/// A PalletInfo implementation which just panics.
	pub struct PanicPalletInfo;

	impl crate::traits::PalletInfo for PanicPalletInfo {
		fn index<P: 'static>() -> Option<usize> {
			unimplemented!("PanicPalletInfo mustn't be triggered by tests");
		fn name<P: 'static>() -> Option<&'static str> {
			unimplemented!("PanicPalletInfo mustn't be triggered by tests");
		fn module_name<P: 'static>() -> Option<&'static str> {
			unimplemented!("PanicPalletInfo mustn't be triggered by tests");
		fn crate_version<P: 'static>() -> Option<CrateVersion> {
			unimplemented!("PanicPalletInfo mustn't be triggered by tests");
	pub trait Config: 'static {
		type BlockNumber: Codec + EncodeLike + Default + TypeInfo;
		type RuntimeOrigin;
		type PalletInfo: crate::traits::PalletInfo;
		type DbWeight: crate::traits::Get<crate::weights::RuntimeDbWeight>;

	mod module {

		use super::Config;

		decl_module! {
			pub struct Module<T: Config> for enum Call where origin: T::RuntimeOrigin, system=self  {}
	use self::module::Module;

	decl_storage! {
		trait Store for Module<T: Config> as Test {
			pub Data get(fn data) build(|_| vec![(15u32, 42u64)]):
				map hasher(twox_64_concat) u32 => u64;
			pub OptionLinkedMap: map hasher(blake2_128_concat) u32 => Option<u32>;
			pub GenericData get(fn generic_data):
				map hasher(identity) T::BlockNumber => T::BlockNumber;
			pub GenericData2 get(fn generic_data2):
				map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::BlockNumber => Option<T::BlockNumber>;
			pub DataDM config(test_config) build(|_| vec![(15u32, 16u32, 42u64)]):
				double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) u32, hasher(blake2_128_concat) u32 => u64;
			pub GenericDataDM:
				double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::BlockNumber, hasher(identity) T::BlockNumber
				=> T::BlockNumber;
			pub GenericData2DM:
				double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::BlockNumber, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::BlockNumber
				=> Option<T::BlockNumber>;
			pub AppendableDM:
				double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) u32, hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::BlockNumber => Vec<u32>;
	impl Config for Test {
		type BlockNumber = u32;
		type RuntimeOrigin = u32;
		type PalletInfo = PanicPalletInfo;
		type DbWeight = ();
	fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
	trait Sorted {
		fn sorted(self) -> Self;
	impl<T: Ord> Sorted for Vec<T> {
		fn sorted(mut self) -> Self {

		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			type GenericData2<T> = StorageMap<
				<T as Config>::BlockNumber,
				<T as Config>::BlockNumber,

			assert_eq!(Module::<Test>::generic_data2(5), None);
			GenericData2::<Test>::insert(5, 5);
			assert_eq!(Module::<Test>::generic_data2(5), Some(5));

			/// Some random docs that ensure that docs are accepted
			pub type GenericData<T> = StorageMap<
				<T as Config>::BlockNumber,
				<T as Config>::BlockNumber,
	fn map_issue_3318() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 1);
			assert_eq!(OptionLinkedMap::get(1), Some(1));
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 2);
			assert_eq!(OptionLinkedMap::get(1), Some(2));

thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed
	fn map_swap_works() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(0, 0);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 1);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(2, 2);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(3, 3);

			let collect = || OptionLinkedMap::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>().sorted();
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]);
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed

			// Two existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(1, 2);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 3)]);
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed

			// Back to normal
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(2, 1);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]);
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed

			// Left existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(2, 5);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (3, 3), (5, 2)]);
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed

			// Right existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(5, 2);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]);
	fn double_map_swap_works() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			DataDM::insert(0, 1, 1);
			DataDM::insert(1, 0, 2);
			DataDM::insert(1, 1, 3);

			let get_all = || {
					DataDM::get(0, 1),
					DataDM::get(1, 0),
					DataDM::get(1, 1),
					DataDM::get(2, 0),