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  1. Mar 14, 2025
  2. Mar 13, 2025
    • ordian's avatar
      staking: add `manual_slash` extrinsic (#7805) · f8c90b2a
      ordian authored
      This PR adds a convenience extrinsic `manual_slash` for the governance
      to slash a validator manually.
      ## Changes
      * The `on_offence` implementation for the Staking pallet accepts a slice
      of `OffenceDetails` including the full validator exposure, however, it
      that part. I've extracted the functionality into an inherent
      `on_offence` method that takes `OffenceDetails` without the full
      exposure and this is called directly in `manual_slash`
      * `manual_slash` creates an offence for a validator with a given slash
      ## Questions
      - [x] should `manual_slash` accept session instead of an era when the
      validator was in the active set? staking thinks in terms of eras and we
      can check out of bounds this way, which is why it was chosen for this
      implementation, but if there are arguments against, happy to change to
      session index
      - [X] should the accepted origin be something more than just root?
      Changed to `T::AdminOrigin` to align with `cancel_deferred_slash`
      - [X] should I adapt this PR also against looking at the
      changes, it should apply mostly without conflicts
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnkan <>
  3. Mar 12, 2025
  4. Feb 28, 2025
  5. Feb 26, 2025
    • Ankan's avatar
      [Nomination Pool] Make staking restrictions configurable (#7685) · f7e98b40
      Ankan authored
      Need to be backported to stable2503 release.
      With the migration of staking accounts to [fungible
      currency](, we can
      now allow pool users to stake directly and vice versa. This update
      introduces a configurable filter mechanism to determine which accounts
      can join a nomination pool.
      ## Example Usage  
      ### 1. Allow any account to join a pool  
      To permit all accounts to join a nomination pool, use the `Nothing`
      impl pallet_nomination_pools::Config for Runtime {
          type Filter = Nothing;
      ### 2. Restrict direct stakers from joining a pool
      To prevent direct stakers from joining a nomination pool, use
      impl pallet_nomination_pools::Config for Runtime {
          type Filter = pallet_staking::AllStakers<Runtime>;
      ### 3. Define a custom filter
      For more granular control, you can define a custom filter:
      struct MyCustomFilter<T: Config>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);
      impl<T: Config> Contains<T::AccountId> for MyCustomFilter<T> {
          fn contains(account: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
              todo!("Implement custom logic. Return `false` to allow the account to join a pool.")
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
  6. Feb 18, 2025
  7. Feb 17, 2025
    • Ankan's avatar
      [Staking] Bounded Slashing: Paginated Offence Processing & Slash Application (#7424) · dda2cb59
      Ankan authored
      helps, but need
      to migrate storage `Offences::Reports` before we can remove exposure
      dependency in RC pallets.
      ## Context  
      Slashing in staking is unbounded currently, which is a major blocker
      until staking can move to a parachain (AH).
      ### Current Slashing Process (Unbounded)  
      1. **Offence Reported**  
      - Offences include multiple validators, each with potentially large
      exposure pages.
      - Slashes are **computed immediately** and scheduled for application
      after **28 eras**.
      2. **Slash Applied**  
      - All unapplied slashes are executed in **one block** at the start of
      the **28th era**. This is an **unbounded operation**.
      ### Proposed Slashing Process (Bounded)  
      1. **Offence Queueing**  
         - Offences are **queued** after basic sanity checks.  
      2. **Paged Offence Processing (Computing Slash)**  
         - Slashes are **computed one validator exposure page at a time**.  
         - **Unapplied slashes** are stored in a **double map**:  
           - **Key 1 (k1):** `EraIndex`  
      - **Key 2 (k2):** `(Validator, SlashFraction, PageIndex)` — a unique
      identifier for each slash page
      3. **Paged Slash Application**  
      - Slashes are **applied one page at a time** across multiple blocks.
      - Slash application starts at the **27th era** (one era earlier than
      before) to ensure all slashes are applied **before stakers can unbond**
      (which starts from era 28 onwards).
      ## Worst-Case Block Calculation for Slash Application  
      ### Polkadot:  
      - **1 era = 24 hours**, **1 block = 6s** → **14,400 blocks/era**  
      - On parachains (**12s blocks**) → **7,200 blocks/era**  
      ### Kusama:  
      - **1 era = 6 hours**, **1 block = 6s** → **3,600 blocks/era**  
      - On parachains (**12s blocks**) → **1,800 blocks/era**  
      ### Worst-Case Assumptions:  
      - **Total stakers:** 40,000 nominators, 1000 validators. (Polkadot
      currently has ~23k nominators and 500 validators)
      - **Max slashed:** 50% so 20k nominators, 250 validators.  
      - **Page size:** Validators with multiple page: (512 + 1)/2 = 256 ,
      Validators with single page: 1
      ### Calculation:  
      There might be a more accurate way to calculate this worst-case number,
      and this estimate could be significantly higher than necessary, but it
      shouldn’t exceed this value.
      Blocks needed: 250 + 20k/256 = ~330 blocks.
      ##  *Potential Improvement:*  
      - Consider adding an **Offchain Worker (OCW)** task to further optimize
      slash application in future updates.
      - Dynamically batch unapplied slashes based on number of nominators in
      the page, or process until reserved weight limit is exhausted.
      ## Summary of Changes  
      ### Storage  
      - **New:**  
        - `OffenceQueue` *(StorageDoubleMap)*  
          - **K1:** Era  
          - **K2:** Offending validator account  
          - **V:** `OffenceRecord`  
        - `OffenceQueueEras` *(StorageValue)*  
          - **V:** `BoundedVec<EraIndex, BoundingDuration>`  
        - `ProcessingOffence` *(StorageValue)*  
          - **V:** `(Era, offending validator account, OffenceRecord)`  
      - **Changed:**  
        - `UnappliedSlashes`:  
          - **Old:** `StorageMap<K -> Era, V -> Vec<UnappliedSlash>>`  
      - **New:** `StorageDoubleMap<K1 -> Era, K2 -> (validator_acc, perbill,
      page_index), V -> UnappliedSlash>`
      ### Events  
      - **New:**  
        - `SlashComputed { offence_era, slash_era, offender, page }`  
        - `SlashCancelled { slash_era, slash_key, payout }`  
      ### Error  
      - **Changed:**  
        - `InvalidSlashIndex` → Renamed to `InvalidSlashRecord`  
      - **Removed:**  
        - `NotSortedAndUnique`  
      - **Added:**  
        - `EraNotStarted`  
      ### Call  
      - **Changed:**  
        - `cancel_deferred_slash(era, slash_indices: Vec<u32>)`  
          → Now takes `Vec<(validator_acc, slash_fraction, page_index)>`  
      - **New:**  
      - `apply_slash(slash_era, slash_key: (validator_acc, slash_fraction,
      ### Runtime Config  
      - `FullIdentification` is now set to a unit type (`()`) / null identity,
      replacing the previous exposure type for all runtimes using
      ## TODO
      - [x] Fixed broken `CancelDeferredSlashes`.
      - [x] Ensure on_offence called only with validator account for
      identification everywhere.
      - [ ] Ensure we never need to read full exposure.
      - [x] Tests for multi block processing and application of slash.
      - [x] Migrate UnappliedSlashes 
      - [x] Bench (crude, needs proper bench as followup)
        - [x] on_offence()
        - [x] process_offence()
        - [x] apply_slash()
      ## Followups (tracker
      - [ ] OCW task to process offence + apply slashes.
      - [ ] Minimum time for governance to cancel deferred slash.
      - [ ] Allow root or staking admin to add a custom slash.
      - [ ] Test HistoricalSession proof works fine with eras before removing
      exposure as full identity.
      - [ ] Properly bench offence processing and slashing.
      - [ ] Handle Offences::Reports migration when removing validator
      exposure as identity.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGuillaume Thiolliere <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGiuseppe Re <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarcmd[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
  8. Feb 14, 2025
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      [AHM] Multi-block staking election pallet (#7282) · a025562b
      Kian Paimani authored
      ## Multi Block Election Pallet
      This PR adds the first iteration of the multi-block staking pallet. 
      From this point onwards, the staking and its election provider pallets
      are being customized to work in AssetHub. While usage in solo-chains is
      still possible, it is not longer the main focus of this pallet. For a
      safer usage, please fork and user an older version of this pallet.
      ## Replaces
      - [x] 
      - [x]
      ## Related PRs: 
      - [x]
      - [ ]
      - [ ]
      - [ ]
      This branch can be periodically merged into ->
      ## TODOs: 
      - [x] rebase to master 
      - Benchmarking for staking critical path
        - [x] snapshot
        - [x] election result
      - Benchmarking for EPMB critical path
        - [x] snapshot
        - [x] verification
        - [x] submission
        - [x] unsigned submission
        - [ ] election results fetching
      - [ ] Fix deletion weights. Either of
        - [ ] Garbage collector + lazy removal of all paged storage items
        - [ ] Confirm that deletion is small PoV footprint.
      - [ ] Move election prediction to be push based. @tdimitrov 
      - [ ] integrity checks for bounds 
      - [ ] Properly benchmark this as a part of CI -- for now I will remove
      them as they are too slow
      - [x] add try-state to all pallets
      - [x] Staking to allow genesis dev accounts to be created internally
      - [x] Decouple miner config so @niklasad1 can work on the miner
      - [x] duplicate snapshot page reported by @niklasad1
      - [ ] or equivalent
      -- during snapshot, `VoterList` must be locked
      - [ ] Move target snapshot to a separate block
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnkan <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGuillaume Thiolliere <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGiuseppe Re <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarcmd[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
  9. Feb 04, 2025
  10. Jan 16, 2025
    • Ankan's avatar
      [Staking] Currency <> Fungible migration (#5501) · f5673cf2
      Ankan authored
      Migrate staking currency from `traits::LockableCurrency` to
      Resolves part of
      ## Changes
      ### Nomination Pool
      TransferStake is now incompatible with fungible migration as old pools
      were not meant to have additional ED. Since they are anyways deprecated,
      removed its usage from all test runtimes.
      ### Staking
      - Config: `Currency` becomes of type `Fungible` while `OldCurrency` is
      the `LockableCurrency` used before.
      - Lazy migration of accounts. Any ledger update will create a new hold
      with no extra reads/writes. A permissionless extrinsic
      `migrate_currency()` releases the old `lock` along with some
      - Staking now requires ED to be left free. It also adds no consumer to
      staking accounts.
      - If hold cannot be applied to all stake, the un-holdable part is force
      withdrawn from the ledger.
      ### Delegated Staking
      The pallet does not add provider for agents anymore.
      ## Migration stats
      ### Polkadot
      Total accounts that can be migrated: 59564
      Accounts failing to migrate: 0
      Accounts with stake force withdrawn greater than ED: 59
      Total force withdrawal: 29591.26 DOT
      ### Kusama
      Total accounts that can be migrated: 26311
      Accounts failing to migrate: 0
      Accounts with stake force withdrawn greater than ED: 48
      Total force withdrawal: 1036.05 KSM
      [Full logs here](
      ## Note about locks (freeze) vs holds
      With locks or freezes, staking could use total balance of an account.
      But with holds, the account needs to be left with at least Existential
      Deposit in free balance. This would also affect nomination pools which
      till now has been able to stake all funds contributed to it. An
      alternate version of this PR is where staking
      pallet does not add any provider, but means pools and delegated-staking
      pallet has to provide for these accounts and makes the end to end logic
      (of provider and consumer ref) lot less intuitive and prone to bug.
      This PR now introduces requirement for stakers to maintain ED in their
      free balance. This helps with removing the bug prone incrementing and
      decrementing of consumers and providers.
      ## TODO
      - [x] Test: Vesting + governance locked funds can be staked.
      - [ ] can `Call::restore_ledger` be removed? @gpestana 
      - [x] Ensure unclaimed withdrawals is not affected by no provider for
      pool accounts.
      - [x] Investigate kusama accounts with balance between 0 and ED.
      - [x] Permissionless call to release lock.
      - [x] Migration of consumer (dec) and provider (inc) for direct stakers.
      - [x] force unstake if hold cannot be applied to all stake.
      - [x] Fix try state checks (it thinks nothing is staked for unmigrated
      - [x] Bench `migrate_currency`.
      - [x] Virtual Staker migration test.
      - [x] Ensure total issuance is upto date when minting rewards.
      ## Followup
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  11. Nov 19, 2024
  12. Nov 13, 2024
    • Michał Gil's avatar
      remove pallet::getter from pallet-staking (#6184) · 95d98e6d
      Michał Gil authored
      # Description
      Part of
      Removes all pallet::getter occurrences from pallet-staking and replaces
      them with explicit implementations.
      Adds tests to verify that retrieval of affected entities works as
      expected so via storage::getter.
      ## Review Notes
      1. Traits added to the `derive` attribute are used in tests (either
      directly or indirectly).
      2. The getters had to be placed in a separate impl block since the other
      one is annotated with `#[pallet::call]` and that requires
      `#[pallet::call_index(0)]` annotation on each function in that block. So
      I thought it's better to separate them.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGuillaume Thiolliere <>
  13. Nov 07, 2024
  14. Oct 07, 2024
    • Ankan's avatar
      [Staking] Noop refactor to prep pallet for currency fungible migration (#5399) · 9128dca3
      Ankan authored
      This is a no-op refactor of staking pallet to move all `T::Currency` api
      calls under one module.
      A followup PR (
      will implement the Currency <> Fungible migration for the pallet.
      Introduces the new `asset` module that centralizes all interaction with
      `T::Currency`. This is an attempt to try minimising staking logic
      changes to minimal parts of the codebase.
      ## Things of note
      - `T::Currency::free_balance` in current implementation includes both
      staked (locked) and liquid tokens (kinda sounds wrong to call it free
      then). This PR renames it to `stakeable_balance` (any better name
      suggestions?). With #5501, this will become `free balance that can be
      held/staked` + `already held/staked balance`.
  15. Sep 11, 2024
    • Ankan's avatar
      [Staking] Propagate actual system error while staking::bond (#5627) · 8f6699be
      Ankan authored
      Trivial and self explanatory changes. 
      Wrapping err such as these makes debugging harder as well as does not
      really give any meaningful reason why this happened. The increment of
      consumer can genuinely fail if there are no providers (account does not
      exist) or it reaches max consumers. In both cases, its better to
      propagate the actual System err.
  16. Jul 15, 2024
    • Jun Jiang's avatar
      Remove most all usage of `sp-std` (#5010) · 7ecf3f75
      Jun Jiang authored
      This should remove nearly all usage of `sp-std` except:
      - bridge and bridge-hubs
      - a few of frames re-export `sp-std`, keep them for now
      - there is a usage of `sp_std::Writer`, I don't have an idea how to move
      Please review proc-macro carefully. I'm not sure I'm doing it the right
      Note: need `/bot fmt`
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  17. Jun 17, 2024
  18. May 22, 2024
  19. May 03, 2024
    • Kris Bitney's avatar
      Fix: dust unbonded for zero existential deposit (#4364) · 51986233
      Kris Bitney authored
      When a staker unbonds and withdraws, it is possible that their stash
      will contain less currency than the existential deposit. If that
      happens, their stash is reaped. But if the existential deposit is zero,
      the reap is not triggered. This PR adjusts `pallet_staking` to reap a
      stash in the special case that the stash value is zero and the
      existential deposit is zero.
      This change is important for blockchains built on substrate that require
      an existential deposit of zero, becuase it conserves valued storage
      There are two places in which ledgers are checked to determine if their
      value is less than the existential deposit and they should be reaped: in
      the methods `do_withdraw_unbonded` and `reap_stash`. When the check is
      made, the condition `ledger_total == 0` is also checked. If
      `ledger_total` is zero, then it must be below any existential deposit
      greater than zero and equal to an existential deposit of 0.
      I added a new test for each method to confirm the change behaves as
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  20. Apr 29, 2024
  21. Apr 26, 2024
    • Tsvetomir Dimitrov's avatar
      Implementation of the new validator disabling strategy (#2226) · 988e30f1
      Tsvetomir Dimitrov authored
      Closes, and
      Disabling strategy specification
      [here]( (Updated
      * validator disabling for a whole era instead of just a session
      * no more than 1/3 of the validators in the active set are disabled
      * `DisableStrategy` enum - now each validator committing an offence is
      * New era is not forced if too many validators are disabled.
      Before this PR not all offenders were disabled. A decision was made
      based on [`enum
      Some offenders were disabled for a whole era, some just for a session,
      some were not disabled at all.
      This PR changes the disabling behaviour. Now a validator committing an
      offense is disabled immediately till the end of the current era.
      Some implementation notes:
      * `OffendingValidators` in pallet session keeps all offenders (this is
      not changed). However its type is changed from `Vec<(u32, bool)>` to
      `Vec<u32>`. The reason is simple - each offender is getting disabled so
      the bool doesn't make sense anymore.
      * When a validator is disabled it is first added to
      `OffendingValidators` and then to `DisabledValidators`. This is done in
      from staking pallet.
      * In
      the `end_session` also calls
      when an era ends. In this case `OffendingValidators` are cleared
      * Then in
      `DisabledValidators` are cleared **(2)**
      * And finally (still in `rotate_session`) a call to
      repopulates the disabled validators **(3)**.
      * The reason for this complication is that session pallet knows nothing
      abut eras. To overcome this on each new session the disabled list is
      repopulated (points 2 and 3). Staking pallet knows when a new era starts
      so with point 1 it ensures that the offenders list is cleared.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnkan <>
  22. Apr 20, 2024
    • Ankan's avatar
      Allow privileged virtual bond in Staking pallet (#3889) · e504c41a
      Ankan authored
      This is the first PR in preparation for
      ## Follow ups:
      Overall changes are documented here (lot more visual :heart_eyes:):
      [Maybe followup](
      with migration of storage item `VirtualStakers` as a bool or enum in
      ## Context
      We want to achieve a way for a user (`Delegator`) to delegate their
      funds to another account (`Agent`). Delegate implies the funds are
      locked in delegator account itself. Agent can act on behalf of delegator
      to stake directly on Staking pallet.
      The delegation feature is added to Staking via another pallet
      `delegated-staking` worked on
      ## Introduces:
      ### StakingUnchecked Trait
      As the name implies, this trait allows unchecked (non-locked) mutation
      of staking ledger. These apis are only meant to be used by other pallets
      in the runtime and should not be exposed directly to user code path.
      Also related:
      ### Virtual Bond
      Allows other pallets to stake via staking pallet while managing the
      locks on these accounts themselves. Introduces another storage
      `VirtualStakers` that whitelist these accounts.
      We also restrict virtual stakers to set reward account as themselves.
      Since the account has no locks, we cannot support compounding of
      rewards. Conservatively, we require them to set a separate account
      different from the staker. Since these are code managed, it should be
      easy for another pallet to redistribute reward and rebond them.
      ### Slashes
      Since there is no actual lock maintained by staking-pallet for virtual
      stakers, this pallet does not apply any slashes. It is then important
      for pallets managing virtual stakers to listen to slashing events and
      apply necessary slashes.
  23. Mar 27, 2024
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Extrinsic to restore corrupt staking ledgers (#3706) · bbdbeb7e
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      This PR adds a new extrinsic `Call::restore_ledger ` gated by
      `StakingAdmin` origin that restores a corrupted staking ledger. This
      extrinsic will be used to recover ledgers that were affected by the
      issue discussed in
      The extrinsic will re-write the storage items associated with a stash
      account provided as input parameter. The data used to reset the ledger
      can be either i) fetched on-chain or ii) partially/totally set by the
      input parameters of the call.
      In order to use on-chain data to restore the staking locks, we need a
      way to read the current lock in the balances pallet. This PR adds a
      `InspectLockableCurrency` trait and implements it in the pallet
      balances. An alternative would be to tightly couple staking with the
      pallet balances but that's inelegant (an example of how it would look
      like in [this
      More details on the type of corruptions and corresponding fixes
      We verified that the `Call::restore_ledger` does fix all current
      corrupted ledgers in Polkadot and Kusama. You can verify it here
      **Changes introduced**
      - Adds `Call::restore_ledger ` extrinsic to recover a corrupted ledger;
      - Adds trait `frame_support::traits::currency::InspectLockableCurrency`
      to allow external pallets to read current locks given an account and
      lock ID;
      - Implements the `InspectLockableCurrency` in the pallet-balances.
      - Adds staking locks try-runtime checks
      - [x] benchmark `Call::restore_ledger`
      - [x] throughout testing of all ledger recovering cases
      - [x] consider adding the staking locks try-runtime checks to this PR
      - [x] simulate restoring all ledgers
      ( in Polkadot and Kusama
      using chopsticks --
      Related to
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  24. Mar 26, 2024
    • Dcompoze's avatar
      Fix spelling mistakes across the whole repository (#3808) · 002d9260
      Dcompoze authored
      **Update:** Pushed additional changes based on the review comments.
      **This pull request fixes various spelling mistakes in this
      Most of the changes are contained in the first **3** commits:
      - `Fix spelling mistakes in comments and docs`
      - `Fix spelling mistakes in test names`
      - `Fix spelling mistakes in error messages, panic messages, logs and
      Other source code spelling mistakes are separated into individual
      commits for easier reviewing:
      - `Fix the spelling of 'authority'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'prev_enqueud_messages'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'endpoint'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'children'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'PenpalSiblingSovereignAccount'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'PenpalSudoAccount'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'insufficient'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'PalletXcmExtrinsicsBenchmark'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'subtracted'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'CandidatePendingAvailability'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'exclusive'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'until'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'discriminator'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'nonexistent'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'subsystem'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'indices'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'committed'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'topology'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'response'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'beneficiary'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'formatted'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'UNKNOWN_PROOF_REQUEST'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'succeeded'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'reopened'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'proposer'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'InstantiationNonce'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'depositor'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'expiration'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'phantom'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'AggregatedKeyValue'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'randomness'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'defendant'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'AquaticMammal'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'transactions'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'PassingTracingSubscriber'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'TxSignaturePayload'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'versioning'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'descendant'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'overridden'`
      - `Fix the spelling of 'network'`
      Let me know if this structure is adequate.
      **Note:** The usage of the words `Merkle`, `Merkelize`, `Merklization`,
      `Merkelization`, `Merkleization`, is somewhat inconsistent but I left it
      as it is.
      ~~**Note:** In some places the term `Receival` is used to refer to
      message reception, IMO `Reception` is the correct word here, but I left
      it as it is.~~
      ~~**Note:** In some places the term `Overlayed` is used instead of the
      more acceptable version `Overlaid` but I also left it as it is.~~
      ~~**Note:** In some places the term `Applyable` is used instead of the
      correct version `Applicable` but I also left it as it is.~~
      **Note:** Some usage of British vs American english e.g. `judgement` vs
      `judgment`, `initialise` vs `initialize`, `optimise` vs `optimize` etc.
      are both present in different places, but I suppose that's
      understandable given the number of contributors.
      ~~**Note:** There is a spelling mistake in `.github/CODEOWNERS` but it
      triggers errors in CI when I make changes to it, so I left it as it
  25. Mar 14, 2024
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Staking ledger bonding fixes (#3639) · 606664e1
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      Currently, the staking logic does not prevent a controller from becoming
      a stash of *another* ledger (introduced by [removing this
      Given that the remaining of the code expects that never happens, bonding
      a ledger with a stash that is a controller of another ledger may lead to
      data inconsistencies and data losses in bonded ledgers. For more
      detailed explanation of this issue:
      In a nutshell, when fetching a ledger with a given controller, we may be
      end up getting the wrong ledger which can lead to unexpected ledger
      This PR also ensures that `set_controller` does not lead to data
      inconsistencies in the staking ledger and bonded storage in the case
      when a controller of a stash is a stash of *another* ledger. and
      improves the staking `try-runtime` checks to catch potential issues with
      the storage preemptively.
      In summary, there are two important cases here:
      1. **"Sane" double bonded ledger**
      When a controller of a ledger is a stash of *another* ledger. In this
      case, we have:
      > Bonded(stash, controller)
      (A, B)  // stash A with controller B
      (B, C) // B is also a stash of another ledger
      (C, D)
      > Ledger(controller)
      Ledger(B) = L_a (stash = A)
      Ledger(C) = L_b (stash = B)
      Ledger(D) = L_c (stash = C)
      In this case, the ledgers can be mutated and all operations are OK.
      However, we should not allow `set_controller` to be called if it means
      it results in a "corrupt" double bonded ledger (see below).
      3. **"Corrupt" double bonded ledger**
      > Bonded(stash, controller)
      (A, B)  // stash A with controller B
      (B, B)
      (C, D)
      In this case, B is a stash and controller AND is corrupted, since B is
      responsible for 2 ledgers which is not correct and will lead to
      inconsistent states. Thus, in this case, in this PR we are preventing
      these ledgers from mutating (i.e. operations like bonding extra etc)
      until the ledger is brought back to a consistent state.
      - Checks if stash is already a controller when calling `Call::bond`
      (fixes the regression introduced by [removing this
      - Ensures that all fetching ledgers from storage are done through the
      `StakingLedger` API;
      - Ensures that -- when fetching a ledger from storage using the
      `StakingLedger` API --, a `Error::BadState` is returned if the ledger
      bonding is in a bad state. This prevents bad ledgers from mutating (e.g.
      `bond_extra`, `set_controller`, etc) its state and avoid further data
      - Prevents stashes which are controllers or another ledger from calling
      `set_controller`, since that may lead to a bad state.
      - Adds further try-state runtime checks that check if there are ledgers
      in a bad state based on their bonded metadata.
      Related to
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <>
  26. Feb 28, 2024
    • Liam Aharon's avatar
      Runtime Upgrade ref docs and Single Block Migration example pallet (#1554) · 12ce4f7d
      Liam Aharon authored
      - Changes 'current storage version' terminology to less ambiguous
      'in-code storage version' (suggestion by @ggwpez
      - Adds a new example pallet `pallet-example-single-block-migrations`
      - Adds a new reference doc to replace (temporarily living
      in the pallet while we wait for developer hub PR to merge)
      - Adds documentation for the `storage_alias` macro
      - Improves `trait Hooks` docs 
      - Improves `trait GetStorageVersion` docs
      - Update the suggested patterns for using `VersionedMigration`, so that
      version unchecked migrations are never exported
      - Prevents accidental usage of version unchecked migrations in runtimes
      - Unversioned migration code is kept inside `mod version_unchecked`,
      versioned code is kept in `pub mod versioned`
      - It is necessary to use modules to limit visibility because the inner
      migration must be `pub`. See and
      for more.
      ### todo
      - [x] move to reference docs to proper place within sdk-docs (now that is merged)
      - [x] prdoc
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJuan <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargupnik <>
  27. Feb 15, 2024
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Implements a % cap on staking rewards from era inflation (#1660) · fde44474
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      This PR implements an (optional) cap of the era inflation that is
      allocated to staking rewards. The remaining is minted directly into the
      account, which is the treasury pot account in Polkadot and Kusama.
      The staking pallet now has a percent storage item, `MaxStakersRewards`,
      which defines the max percentage of the era inflation that should be
      allocated to staking rewards. The remaining era inflation (i.e.
      `remaining = max_era_payout - staking_payout.min(staking_payout *
      MaxStakersRewards))` is minted directly into the treasury.
      The `MaxStakersRewards` can be set by a privileged origin through the
      `set_staking_configs` extrinsic.
      **To finish**
      - [x] run benchmarks for westend-runtime
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  28. Feb 08, 2024
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Fixes `TotalValueLocked` out of sync in nomination pools (#3052) · aac07af0
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      The `TotalLockedValue` storage value in nomination pools pallet may get
      out of sync if the staking pallet does implicit withdrawal of unlocking
      chunks belonging to a bonded pool stash. This fix is based on a new
      method in the `OnStakingUpdate` traits, `on_withdraw`, which allows the
      nomination pools pallet to adjust the `TotalLockedValue` every time
      there is an implicit or explicit withdrawal from a bonded pool's stash.
      This PR also adds a migration that checks and updates the on-chain TVL
      if it got out of sync due to the bug this PR fixes.
      **Changes to `trait OnStakingUpdate`**
      In order for staking to notify the nomination pools pallet that chunks
      where withdrew, we add a new method, `on_withdraw` to the
      `OnStakingUpdate` trait. The nomination pools pallet filters the
      withdraws that are related to bonded pool accounts and updates the
      `TotalValueLocked` accordingly.
      - Adds try-state checks to the EPM/staking e2e tests
      - Adds tests for auto withdrawing in the context of nomination pools
      - [x] check if we need a migration to fix the current `TotalValueLocked`
      (run try-runtime)
      - [x] migrations to fix the current on-chain TVL value 
       :white_check_mark: **Kusama**:
      TotalValueLocked: 99.4559 kKSM
      TotalValueLocked (calculated) 99.4559 kKSM
      ️ **Westend**:
      TotalValueLocked: 18.4060 kWND
      TotalValueLocked (calculated) 18.4050 kWND
      **Polkadot**: TVL not released yet.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <>
  29. Jan 27, 2024
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Removes the `Default` implementation for `RewardDestination` (#2402) · a9992dbb
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      This PR removes current default for `RewardDestination`, which may cause
      confusion since a ledger should not have a default reward destination:
      either it has a reward destination, or something is wrong. It also
      changes the `Payee`'s reward destination in storage from `ValueQuery` to
      In addition, it adds a `try_state` check to make sure each bonded ledger
      have a valid reward destination.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <>
  30. Dec 12, 2023
    • Ross Bulat's avatar
      Staking: Add `deprecate_controller_batch` AdminOrigin call (#2589) · 048a9c27
      Ross Bulat authored
      Partially Addresses #2500
      Adds a `deprecate_controller_batch` call to the staking pallet that is
      callable by `Root` and `StakingAdmin`. To be used for controller account
      deprecation and removed thereafter. Adds
      `MaxControllersDeprecationBatch` pallet constant that defines max
      possible deprecations per call.
      - [x] Add `deprecate_controller_batch` call, and
      `MaxControllersInDeprecationBatch` constant.
      - [x] Add tests, benchmark, weights. Tests that weight is only consumed
      if unique pair.
      - [x] Adds `StakingAdmin` origin to staking's `AdminOrigin` type in
      westend runtime.
      - [x] Determined that worst case 5,900 deprecations does fit into
      `maxBlock` `proofSize` and `refTime` in both normal and operational
      thresholds, meaning we can deprecate all controllers for each network in
      one call.
      ## Block Weights
      By querying `consts.system.blockWeights` we can see that the
      `deprecate_controller_batch` weights fit within the `normal` threshold
      on Polkadot.
      #### `controller_deprecation_batch` where i = 5900:
      #### Ref time: 69,933,325,300
      #### Proof size: 21,040,390
      ### Polkadot 
      // consts.query.blockWeights
      maxBlock: {
              refTime: 2,000,000,000,000
              proofSize: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
      normal: {
       maxExtrinsic: {
      	refTime: 1,479,873,955,000
      	proofSize: 13,650,590,614,545,068,195
       maxTotal: {
      	refTime: 1,500,000,000,000
      	proofSize: 13,835,058,055,282,163,711
      ### Kusama
      // consts.query.blockWeights
        maxBlock: {
          refTime: 2,000,000,000,000
          proofSize: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
          normal: {
            maxExtrinsic: {
              refTime: 1,479,875,294,000
              proofSize: 13,650,590,614,545,068,195
            maxTotal: {
              refTime: 1,500,000,000,000
              proofSize: 13,835,058,055,282,163,711
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
  31. Nov 27, 2023
    • Ross Bulat's avatar
      Staking: `chill_other` takes stash instead of controller (#2501) · 838a534d
      Ross Bulat authored
      The `chill_other` call is the only staking call that explicitly requires
      `controller` in its signature. This PR changes the controller arg to be
      the stash instead, with `StakingLedger` then fetching the controller
      from storage.
      This is not a breaking change per se - the call types do not change, but
      is noteworthy as UIs will now want to pass the stash account into
      `chill_other` calls, & metadata will reflect this.
      Note: This is very low impact. `chill_other` has [hardly ever been
      on Polkadot - notwithstanding the one called 11 days ago at block
      18177457 that was a part of test I did, the last call was made 493 days
      ago. Only 2 calls have ever been successful.
      Addresses controller deprecation #2500
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
  32. Nov 24, 2023
  33. Nov 22, 2023
    • Ross Bulat's avatar
      Deprecate `RewardDestination::Controller` (#2380) · 7a32f4be
      Ross Bulat authored
      Deprecates `RewardDestination::Controller` variant.
      - [x] `RewardDestination::Controller` annotated with `#[deprecated]`.
      - [x] `Controller` variant is now handled the same way as `Stash` in
      - [x] `set_payee` errors if `RewardDestination::Controller` is provided.
      - [x] Added `update_payee` call to lazily migrate
      `RewardDestination::Controller` `Payee` storage entries to
      `RewardDestination::Account(controller)` .
      - [x] `payout_stakers_dead_controller` has been removed from benches &
      weights - was not used.
      - [x] Tests no longer use `RewardDestination::Controller`.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <>
  34. Nov 01, 2023
    • Ankan's avatar
      [NPoS] Paging reward payouts in order to scale rewardable nominators (#1189) · 00b85c51
      Ankan authored
      PR link in the older substrate repository:
      # Context
      Rewards payout is processed today in a single block and limited to
      `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`. This number is currently 512 on both
      Kusama and Polkadot.
      This PR tries to scale the nominators payout to an unlimited count in a
      multi-block fashion. Exposures are stored in pages, with each page
      capped to a certain number (`MaxExposurePageSize`). Starting out, this
      number would be the same as `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, but
      eventually, this number can be lowered through new runtime upgrades to
      limit the rewardeable nominators per dispatched call instruction.
      The changes in the PR are backward compatible.
      ## How payouts would work like after this change
      Staking exposes two calls, 1) the existing `payout_stakers` and 2)
      ### payout_stakers
      This remains backward compatible with no signature change. If for a
      given era a validator has multiple pages, they can call `payout_stakers`
      multiple times. The pages are executed in an ascending sequence and the
      runtime takes care of preventing double claims.
      ### payout_stakers_by_page
      Very similar to `payout_stakers` but also accepts an extra param
      `page_index`. An account can choose to payout rewards only for an
      explicitly passed `page_index`.
      **Lets look at an example scenario**
      Given an active validator on Kusama had 1100 nominators,
      `MaxExposurePageSize` set to 512 for Era e. In order to pay out rewards
      to all nominators, the caller would need to call `payout_stakers` 3
      - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the first 512
      - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the second set of 512
      - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the last set of 76
      - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => calling it the 4th time would
      return an error `InvalidPage`.
      The above calls can also be replaced by `payout_stakers_by_page` and
      passing a `page_index` explicitly.
      ## Commission note
      Validator commission is paid out in chunks across all the pages where
      each commission chunk is proportional to the total stake of the current
      page. This implies higher the total stake of a page, higher will be the
      commission. If all the pages of a validator's single era are paid out,
      the sum of commission paid to the validator across all pages should be
      equal to what the commission would have been if we had a non-paged
      ### Migration Note
      Strictly speaking, we did not need to bump our storage version since
      there is no migration of storage in this PR. But it is still useful to
      mark a storage upgrade for the following reasons:
      - New storage items are introduced in this PR while some older storage
      items are deprecated.
      - For the next `HistoryDepth` eras, the exposure would be incrementally
      migrated to its corresponding paged storage item.
      - Runtimes using staking pallet would strictly need to wait at least
      `HistoryDepth` eras with current upgraded version (14) for the migration
      to complete. At some era `E` such that `E >
      era_at_which_V14_gets_into_effect + HistoryDepth`, we will upgrade to
      version X which will remove the deprecated storage items.
      In other words, it is a strict requirement that E<sub>x</sub> -
      E<sub>14</sub> > `HistoryDepth`, where
      E<sub>x</sub> = Era at which deprecated storages are removed from
      E<sub>14</sub> = Era at which runtime is upgraded to version 14.
      - For Polkadot and Kusama, there is a [tracker
      ticket]( to clean
      up the deprecated storage items.
      ### Storage Changes
      #### Added
      - ErasStakersOverview
      - ClaimedRewards
      - ErasStakersPaged
      #### Deprecated
      The following can be cleaned up after 84 eras which is tracked
      - ErasStakers.
      - ErasStakersClipped.
      - StakingLedger.claimed_rewards, renamed to
      ### Config Changes
      - Renamed MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator to MaxExposurePageSize.
      ### TODO
      - [x] Tracker ticket for cleaning up the old code after 84 eras.
      - [x] Add companion.
      - [x] Redo benchmarks before merge.
      - [x] Add Changelog for pallet_staking.
      - [x] Pallet should be configurable to enable/disable paged rewards.
      - [x] Commission payouts are distributed across pages.
      - [x] Review documentation thoroughly.
      - [x] Rename `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` ->
      - [x] NMap for `ErasStakersPaged`.
      - [x] Deprecate ErasStakers.
      - [x] Integrity tests.
      ### Followup issues
      [Runtime api for deprecated ErasStakers storage
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  35. Oct 15, 2023
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      Refactor staking ledger (#1484) · 8ee4042c
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      This PR refactors the staking ledger logic to encapsulate all reads and
      mutations of `Ledger`, `Bonded`, `Payee` and stake locks within the
      `StakingLedger` struct implementation.
      With these changes, all the reads and mutations to the `Ledger`, `Payee`
      and `Bonded` storage map should be done through the methods exposed by
      StakingLedger to ensure the data and lock consistency of the operations.
      The new introduced methods that mutate and read Ledger are:
      - `ledger.update()`: inserts/updates a staking ledger in storage;
      updates staking locks accordingly (and, which is synthatic
      sugar for ledger.update())
      - `ledger.kill()`: removes all Bonded and StakingLedger related data for
      a given ledger; updates staking locks accordingly;
      `StakingLedger::get(account)`: queries both the `Bonded` and `Ledger`
      storages and returns a `Option<StakingLedger>`. The pallet impl exposes
      fn ledger(account) as synthatic sugar for `StakingLedger::get(account)`.
      Retrieving a ledger with `StakingLedger::get()` can be done by providing
      either a stash or controller account. The input must be wrapped in a
      `StakingAccount` variant (Stash or Controller) which is treated
      accordingly. This simplifies the caller API but will eventually be
      deprecated once we completely get rid of the controller account in
      staking. However, this refactor will help with the work necessary when
      completely removing the controller.
      Other goals:
      - No logical changes have been introduced in this PR;
      - No breaking changes or updates in wallets required;
      - No new storage items or need to perform storage migrations;
      - Centralise the changes to bonds and ledger updates to simplify the
      OnStakingUpdate updates to the target list (related to
      Note: it would be great to prevent or at least raise a warning if
      `Ledger<T>`, `Payee<T>` and `Bonded<T>` storage types are accessed
      outside the `StakingLedger` implementation. This PR should not get
      blocked by that feature, but there's a tracking issue here
      Related and step towards
  36. Sep 18, 2023
  37. Aug 31, 2023
  38. Aug 10, 2023
    • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
      [NPoS] Implements dynamic number of nominators (#12970) · 93754780
      Gonçalo Pestana authored
      * Implements dynamic nominations per nominator
      * Adds SnapshotBounds and ElectionSizeTracker
      * Changes the ElectionDataProvider interface to receive ElectionBounds as input
      * Implements get_npos_voters with ElectionBounds
      * Implements get_npos_targets with ElectionBounds
      * Adds comments
      * tests
      * Truncates nomninations that exceed nominations quota; Old tests passing
      * Uses DataProviderBounds and ElectionBounds (to continue)
      * Finishes conversions - tests passing
      * Refactor staking in babe mocks
      * Replaces MaxElectableTargets and MaxElectingVoters with ElectionBounds; Adds more tests
      * Fixes nits; node compiling
      * bechmarks
      * removes nomination_quota extrinsic to request the nomination quota
      * Lazy quota check, ie. at nominate time only
      * remove non-working test (for now)
      * tests lazy nominations quota when quota is lower than current number of nominated targets
      * Adds runtime API and custom RPC call for clients to query the nominations quota for a given balance
      * removes old rpc
      * Cosmetic touches
      * All mocks working
      * Fixes benchmarking mocks
      * nits
      * more tests
      * renames trait methods
      * nit
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"
      * Fix V2 PoV benchmarking (#13485)
      * Bump default 'additional_trie_layers' to two
      The default here only works for extremely small runtimes, which have
      no more than 16 storage prefices. This is changed to a "sane" default
      of 2, which is save for runtimes with up to 4096 storage prefices (eg StorageValue).
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      * Update tests and test weights
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      * Fix PoV weights
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet dev pallet_balances
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet dev pallet_message_queue
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet dev pallet_glutton
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet dev pallet_glutton
      * Fix sanity check
      >0 would also do as a check, but let's try this.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * Move BEEFY code to consensus (#13484)
      * Move beefy primitives to consensus dir
      * Move beefy gadget to client consensus folder
      * Rename beefy crates
      * chore: move genesis block builder to chain-spec crate. (#13427)
      * chore: move genesis block builder to block builder crate.
      * add missing file
      * chore: move genesis block builder to sc-chain-spec
      * Update client/chain-spec/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      * Update test-utils/runtime/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      * Update test-utils/runtime/client/src/
      * fix warnings
      * fix warnings
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      * Speed up storage iteration from within the runtime (#13479)
      * Speed up storage iteration from within the runtime
      * Move the cached iterator into an `Option`
      * Use `RefCell` in no_std
      * Simplify the code slightly
      * Use `Option::replace`
      * Update doc comment for `next_storage_key_slow`
      * Make unbounded channels size warning exact (part 1) (#13490)
      * Replace `futures-channel` with `async-channel` in `out_events`
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <>
      * Also print the backtrace of `send()` call
      * Switch from `backtrace` crate to `std::backtrace`
      * Remove outdated `backtrace` dependency
      * Remove `backtrace` from `Cargo.lock`
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <>
      * Removal of Prometheus alerting rules deployment in cloud-infra (#13499)
      * sp-consensus: remove unused error variants (#13495)
      * Expose `ChargedAmount` (#13488)
      * Expose `ChargedAmount`
      * Fix imports
      * sc-consensus-beefy: fix metrics: use correct names (#13494)
      Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <>
      * clippy fix
      * removes NominationsQuotaExceeded event
      * Update frame/staking/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <>
      * adds back the npos_max_iter
      * remove duplicate imports added after merge
      * fmt
      * Adds comment in public struct; Refactors CountBound and SizeCount to struct
      * addresses various pr comments
      * PR comment reviews
      * Fixes on-chain election bounds and related code
      * EPM checks the size of the voter list returned by the data provider
      * cosmetic changes
      * updates e2e tests mock
      * Adds more tests for size tracker and refactors code
      * Adds back only_iterates_max_2_times_max_allowed_len test
      * Refactor
      * removes unecessary dependency
      * empty commit -- restart all stuck CI jobs
      * restarts ci jobs
      * Renames ElectionBounds -> Bounds in benchmarking mocks et al
      * updates mocks
      * Update frame/election-provider-support/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      * Update frame/staking/src/pallet/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      * Update frame/election-provider-support/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      * Update frame/staking/src/
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
      * more checks in api_nominations_quota in tests
      * Improves docs
      * fixes e2e tests
      * Uses size_hint rather than mem::size_of in size tracker; Refactor size tracker to own module
      * nits from reviews
      * Refactors bounds to own module; improves docs
      * More tests and docs
      * fixes docs
      * Fixes benchmarks
      * Fixes rust docs
      * fixes bags-list remote-ext-tests
      * Simplify bound checks in create_snapshot_external
      * Adds target size check in get_npos_targets
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"
      * restart ci
      * rust doc fixes and cosmetic nits
      * rollback upgrade on parity-scale-codec version (unecessary)
      * reset cargo lock, no need to update it
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavide Galassi <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataryjh <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDmitry Markin <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnthony Lazam <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPiotr Mikołajczyk <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
  39. Jul 18, 2023