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  • Gonçalo Pestana's avatar
    Staking ledger bonding fixes (#3639) · 606664e1
    Gonçalo Pestana authored
    Currently, the staking logic does not prevent a controller from becoming
    a stash of *another* ledger (introduced by [removing this
    Given that the remaining of the code expects that never happens, bonding
    a ledger with a stash that is a controller of another ledger may lead to
    data inconsistencies and data losses in bonded ledgers. For more
    detailed explanation of this issue:
    In a nutshell, when fetching a ledger with a given controller, we may be
    end up getting the wrong ledger which can lead to unexpected ledger
    This PR also ensures that `set_controller` does not lead to data
    inconsistencies in the staking ledger and bonded storage in the case
    when a controller of a stash is a stash of *another* ledger. and
    improves the staking `try-runtime` checks to catch potential issues with
    the storage preemptively.
    In summary, there are two important cases here:
    1. **"Sane" double bonded ledger**
    When a controller of a ledger is a stash of *another* ledger. In this
    case, we have:
    > Bonded(stash, controller)
    (A, B)  // stash A with controller B
    (B, C) // B is also a stash of another ledger
    (C, D)
    > Ledger(controller)
    Ledger(B) = L_a (stash = A)
    Ledger(C) = L_b (stash = B)
    Ledger(D) = L_c (stash = C)
    In this case, the ledgers can be mutated and all operations are OK.
    However, we should not allow `set_controller` to be called if it means
    it results in a "corrupt" double bonded ledger (see below).
    3. **"Corrupt" double bonded ledger**
    > Bonded(stash, controller)
    (A, B)  // stash A with controller B
    (B, B)
    (C, D)
    In this case, B is a stash and controller AND is corrupted, since B is
    responsible for 2 ledgers which is not correct and will lead to
    inconsistent states. Thus, in this case, in this PR we are preventing
    these ledgers from mutating (i.e. operations like bonding extra etc)
    until the ledger is brought back to a consistent state.
    - Checks if stash is already a controller when calling `Call::bond`
    (fixes the regression introduced by [removing this
    - Ensures that all fetching ledgers from storage are done through the
    `StakingLedger` API;
    - Ensures that -- when fetching a ledger from storage using the
    `StakingLedger` API --, a `Error::BadState` is returned if the ledger
    bonding is in a bad state. This prevents bad ledgers from mutating (e.g.
    `bond_extra`, `set_controller`, etc) its state and avoid further data
    - Prevents stashes which are controllers or another ledger from calling
    `set_controller`, since that may lead to a bad state.
    - Adds further try-state runtime checks that check if there are ledgers
    in a bad state based on their bonded metadata.
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    Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <[email protected]>