Skip to content 103 KiB
Newer Older
			let insert_idx =
				pruning.binary_search_by_key(&now, |&(_, b)| b).unwrap_or_else(|idx| idx);
			pruning.insert(insert_idx, (id, now));

		T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 3)

	// looks at old code metadata, compares them to the current acceptance window, and prunes those
	// that are too old.
	fn prune_old_code(now: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight {
		let config = configuration::Pallet::<T>::config();
		let code_retention_period = config.code_retention_period;
		if now <= code_retention_period {
			let weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 0);
			return weight

		// The height of any changes we no longer should keep around.
		let pruning_height = now - (code_retention_period + One::one());
		let pruning_tasks_done = <Self as Store>::PastCodePruning::mutate(
			|pruning_tasks: &mut Vec<(_, T::BlockNumber)>| {
				let (pruning_tasks_done, pruning_tasks_to_do) = {
					// find all past code that has just exited the pruning window.
					let up_to_idx =
						pruning_tasks.iter().take_while(|&(_, at)| at <= &pruning_height).count();
					(up_to_idx, pruning_tasks.drain(..up_to_idx))

				for (para_id, _) in pruning_tasks_to_do {
					let full_deactivate = <Self as Store>::PastCodeMeta::mutate(&para_id, |meta| {
						for pruned_repl_at in meta.prune_up_to(pruning_height) {
							let removed_code_hash =
								<Self as Store>::PastCodeHash::take(&(para_id, pruned_repl_at));

							if let Some(removed_code_hash) = removed_code_hash {
							} else {
									target: LOG_TARGET,
									"Missing code for removed hash {:?}",
						meta.is_empty() && Self::para_head(&para_id).is_none()

					// This parachain has been removed and now the vestigial code
					// has been removed from the state. clean up meta as well.
					if full_deactivate {
						<Self as Store>::PastCodeMeta::remove(&para_id);

				pruning_tasks_done as u64

		// 1 read for the meta for each pruning task, 1 read for the config
		// 2 writes: updating the meta and pruning the code
		T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1 + pruning_tasks_done, 2 * pruning_tasks_done)

	/// Process the timers related to upgrades. Specifically, the upgrade go ahead signals toggle
	/// and the upgrade cooldown restrictions.
	/// Takes the current block number and returns the weight consumed.
	fn process_scheduled_upgrade_changes(now: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight {
		let upgrades_signaled = <Self as Store>::UpcomingUpgrades::mutate(
			|upcoming_upgrades: &mut Vec<(ParaId, T::BlockNumber)>| {
				let num = upcoming_upgrades.iter().take_while(|&(_, at)| at <= &now).count();
				for (para, _) in upcoming_upgrades.drain(..num) {
					<Self as Store>::UpgradeGoAheadSignal::insert(&para, UpgradeGoAhead::GoAhead);
		let cooldowns_expired = <Self as Store>::UpgradeCooldowns::mutate(
			|upgrade_cooldowns: &mut Vec<(ParaId, T::BlockNumber)>| {
				let num = upgrade_cooldowns.iter().take_while(|&(_, at)| at <= &now).count();
				for (para, _) in upgrade_cooldowns.drain(..num) {
					<Self as Store>::UpgradeRestrictionSignal::remove(&para);

		T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, upgrades_signaled as u64 + cooldowns_expired as u64)

	/// Goes over all PVF votes in progress, reinitializes ballots, increments ages and prunes the
	/// active votes that reached their time-to-live.
	fn groom_ongoing_pvf_votes(
		cfg: &configuration::HostConfiguration<T::BlockNumber>,
		new_n_validators: usize,
	) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);

		let potentially_active_votes = PvfActiveVoteList::<T>::get();

		// Initially empty list which contains all the PVF active votes that made it through this
		// session change.
		// **Ordered** as well as `PvfActiveVoteList`.
		let mut actually_active_votes = Vec::with_capacity(potentially_active_votes.len());

		for vote_subject in potentially_active_votes {
			let mut vote_state = match PvfActiveVoteMap::<T>::take(&vote_subject) {
				Some(v) => v,
				None => {
					// This branch should never be reached. This is due to the fact that the set of
					// `PvfActiveVoteMap`'s keys is always equal to the set of items found in
					// `PvfActiveVoteList`.
						target: LOG_TARGET,
						"The PvfActiveVoteMap is out of sync with PvfActiveVoteList!",

			vote_state.age += 1;
			if vote_state.age < cfg.pvf_voting_ttl {
				weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);
				PvfActiveVoteMap::<T>::insert(&vote_subject, vote_state);

				// push maintaining the original order.
			} else {
				// TTL is reached. Reject.
				weight += Self::enact_pvf_rejected(&vote_subject, vote_state.causes);

		weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);


	fn enact_pvf_accepted(
		now: T::BlockNumber,
		code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash,
		causes: &[PvfCheckCause<T::BlockNumber>],
		sessions_observed: SessionIndex,
		cfg: &configuration::HostConfiguration<T::BlockNumber>,
	) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = 0;
		for cause in causes {
			match cause {
				PvfCheckCause::Onboarding(id) => {
					weight += Self::proceed_with_onboarding(*id, sessions_observed);
				PvfCheckCause::Upgrade { id, relay_parent_number } => {
					weight +=
						Self::proceed_with_upgrade(*id, code_hash, now, *relay_parent_number, cfg);

	fn proceed_with_onboarding(id: ParaId, sessions_observed: SessionIndex) -> Weight {
		let weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1);

		// we should onboard only after `SESSION_DELAY` sessions but we should take
		// into account the number of sessions the PVF pre-checking occupied.
		// we cannot onboard at the current session, so it must be at least one
		// session ahead.
		let onboard_at: SessionIndex = shared::Pallet::<T>::session_index() +
			cmp::max(shared::SESSION_DELAY.saturating_sub(sessions_observed), 1);

		ActionsQueue::<T>::mutate(onboard_at, |v| {
			if let Err(i) = v.binary_search(&id) {
				v.insert(i, id);


	fn proceed_with_upgrade(
		id: ParaId,
		code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash,
		now: T::BlockNumber,
		relay_parent_number: T::BlockNumber,
		cfg: &configuration::HostConfiguration<T::BlockNumber>,
	) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = 0;

		// Compute the relay-chain block number starting at which the code upgrade is ready to be
		// applied.
		// The first parablock that has a relay-parent higher or at the same height of `expected_at`
		// will trigger the code upgrade. The parablock that comes after that will be validated
		// against the new validation code.
		// Here we are trying to choose the block number that will have `validation_upgrade_delay`
		// blocks from the relay-parent of the block that schedule code upgrade but no less than
		// `minimum_validation_upgrade_delay`. We want this delay out of caution so that when
		// the last vote for pre-checking comes the parachain will have some time until the upgrade
		// finally takes place.
		let expected_at = cmp::max(
			relay_parent_number + cfg.validation_upgrade_delay,
			now + cfg.minimum_validation_upgrade_delay,

		weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 4);
		FutureCodeUpgrades::<T>::insert(&id, expected_at);

		<Self as Store>::UpcomingUpgrades::mutate(|upcoming_upgrades| {
			let insert_idx = upcoming_upgrades
				.binary_search_by_key(&expected_at, |&(_, b)| b)
				.unwrap_or_else(|idx| idx);
			upcoming_upgrades.insert(insert_idx, (id, expected_at));

		let expected_at = expected_at.saturated_into();
		let log = ConsensusLog::ParaScheduleUpgradeCode(id, *code_hash, expected_at);


	fn enact_pvf_rejected(
		code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash,
		causes: Vec<PvfCheckCause<T::BlockNumber>>,
	) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);

		for cause in causes {
			// Whenever PVF pre-checking is started or a new cause is added to it, the RC is bumped.
			// Now we need to unbump it.
			weight += Self::decrease_code_ref(code_hash);

			match cause {
				PvfCheckCause::Onboarding(id) => {
					// Here we need to undo everything that was done during `schedule_para_initialize`.
					// Essentially, the logic is similar to offboarding, with exception that before
					// actual onboarding the parachain did not have a chance to reach to upgrades.
					// Therefore we can skip all the upgrade related storage items here.
					weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(3);
				PvfCheckCause::Upgrade { id, .. } => {
					weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(2);
					UpgradeGoAheadSignal::<T>::insert(&id, UpgradeGoAhead::Abort);


	/// Verify that `schedule_para_initialize` can be called successfully.
	/// Returns false if para is already registered in the system.
	pub fn can_schedule_para_initialize(id: &ParaId) -> bool {
	/// Schedule a para to be initialized. If the validation code is not already stored in the
	/// code storage, then a PVF pre-checking process will be initiated.
	/// Only after the PVF pre-checking succeeds can the para be onboarded. Note, that calling this
	/// does not guarantee that the parachain will eventually be onboarded. This can happen in case
	/// the PVF does not pass PVF pre-checking.
	/// The Para ID should be not activated in this module. The validation code supplied in
	/// `genesis_data` should not be empty. If those conditions are not met, then the para cannot
	/// be onboarded.
	pub(crate) fn schedule_para_initialize(
		id: ParaId,
		mut genesis_data: ParaGenesisArgs,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		// Make sure parachain isn't already in our system and that the onboarding parameters are
		// valid.
		ensure!(Self::can_schedule_para_initialize(&id), Error::<T>::CannotOnboard);
		ensure!(!genesis_data.validation_code.0.is_empty(), Error::<T>::CannotOnboard);
		ParaLifecycles::<T>::insert(&id, ParaLifecycle::Onboarding);

		// HACK: here we are doing something nasty.
		// In order to fix the [soaking issue] we insert the code eagerly here. When the onboarding
		// is finally enacted, we do not need to insert the code anymore. Therefore, there is no
		// reason for the validation code to be copied into the `ParaGenesisArgs`. We also do not
		// want to risk it by copying the validation code needlessly to not risk adding more
		// memory pressure.
		// That said, we also want to preserve `ParaGenesisArgs` as it is, for now. There are two
		// reasons:
		// - Doing it within the context of the PR that introduces this change is undesirable, since
		//   it is already a big change, and that change would require a migration. Moreover, if we
		//   run the new version of the runtime, there will be less things to worry about during
		//   the eventual proper migration.
		// - This data type already is used for generating genesis, and changing it will probably
		//   introduce some unnecessary burden.
		// So instead of going through it right now, we will do something sneaky. Specifically:
		// - Insert the `CurrentCodeHash` now, instead during the onboarding. That would allow to
		//   get rid of hashing of the validation code when onboarding.
		// - Replace `validation_code` with a sentinel value: an empty vector. This should be fine
		//   as long we do not allow registering parachains with empty code. At the moment of writing
		//   this should already be the case.
		// - Empty value is treated as the current code is already inserted during the onboarding.
		// This is only an intermediate solution and should be fixed in foreseable future.
		// [soaking issue]:
		let validation_code =
			mem::replace(&mut genesis_data.validation_code, ValidationCode(Vec::new()));
		UpcomingParasGenesis::<T>::insert(&id, genesis_data);
		let validation_code_hash = validation_code.hash();
		<Self as Store>::CurrentCodeHash::insert(&id, validation_code_hash);

		let cfg = configuration::Pallet::<T>::config();

	/// Schedule a para to be cleaned up at the start of the next session.
	/// Will return error if either is true:
	/// - para is not a stable parachain or parathread (i.e. [`ParaLifecycle::is_stable`] is `false`)
	/// - para has a pending upgrade.
	/// No-op if para is not registered at all.
	pub(crate) fn schedule_para_cleanup(id: ParaId) -> DispatchResult {
		// Disallow offboarding in case there is an upcoming upgrade.
		// This is not a fundamential limitation but rather simplification: it allows us to get
		// away without introducing additional logic for pruning and, more importantly, enacting
		// ongoing PVF pre-checking votes. It also removes some nasty edge cases.
		// This implicitly assumes that the given para exists, i.e. it's lifecycle != None.
		if FutureCodeHash::<T>::contains_key(&id) {
			return Err(Error::<T>::CannotOffboard.into())

		let lifecycle = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id);
			// If para is not registered, nothing to do!
			None => return Ok(()),
			Some(ParaLifecycle::Parathread) => {
				ParaLifecycles::<T>::insert(&id, ParaLifecycle::OffboardingParathread);
			Some(ParaLifecycle::Parachain) => {
				ParaLifecycles::<T>::insert(&id, ParaLifecycle::OffboardingParachain);
			_ => return Err(Error::<T>::CannotOffboard)?,
		let scheduled_session = Self::scheduled_session();
		ActionsQueue::<T>::mutate(scheduled_session, |v| {
			if let Err(i) = v.binary_search(&id) {
				v.insert(i, id);


	/// Schedule a parathread to be upgraded to a parachain.
	/// Will return error if `ParaLifecycle` is not `Parathread`.
	pub(crate) fn schedule_parathread_upgrade(id: ParaId) -> DispatchResult {
		let scheduled_session = Self::scheduled_session();
		let lifecycle = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRegistered)?;
		ensure!(lifecycle == ParaLifecycle::Parathread, Error::<T>::CannotUpgrade);

		ParaLifecycles::<T>::insert(&id, ParaLifecycle::UpgradingParathread);
		ActionsQueue::<T>::mutate(scheduled_session, |v| {
			if let Err(i) = v.binary_search(&id) {
				v.insert(i, id);

	/// Schedule a parachain to be downgraded to a parathread.
	/// Noop if `ParaLifecycle` is not `Parachain`.
	pub(crate) fn schedule_parachain_downgrade(id: ParaId) -> DispatchResult {
		let scheduled_session = Self::scheduled_session();
		let lifecycle = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRegistered)?;
		ensure!(lifecycle == ParaLifecycle::Parachain, Error::<T>::CannotDowngrade);

		ParaLifecycles::<T>::insert(&id, ParaLifecycle::DowngradingParachain);
		ActionsQueue::<T>::mutate(scheduled_session, |v| {
			if let Err(i) = v.binary_search(&id) {
				v.insert(i, id);
	/// Schedule a future code upgrade of the given parachain.
	/// If the new code is not known, then the PVF pre-checking will be started for that validation
	/// code. In case the validation code does not pass the PVF pre-checking process, the
	/// upgrade will be aborted.
	/// Only after the code is approved by the process, the upgrade can be scheduled. Specifically,
	/// the relay-chain block number will be determined at which the upgrade will take place. We
	/// call that block `expected_at`.
	/// Once the candidate with the relay-parent >= `expected_at` is enacted, the new validation code
	/// will be applied. Therefore, the new code will be used to validate the next candidate.
	/// The new code should not be equal to the current one, otherwise the upgrade will be aborted.
	/// If there is already a scheduled code upgrade for the para, this is a no-op.
	pub(crate) fn schedule_code_upgrade(
		id: ParaId,
		new_code: ValidationCode,
		relay_parent_number: T::BlockNumber,
		cfg: &configuration::HostConfiguration<T::BlockNumber>,
		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);

		// Enacting this should be prevented by the `can_schedule_upgrade`
		if FutureCodeHash::<T>::contains_key(&id) {
			// This branch should never be reached. Signalling an upgrade is disallowed for a para
			// that already has one upgrade scheduled.
			// Any candidate that attempts to do that should be rejected by
			// `can_upgrade_validation_code`.
			// NOTE: we cannot set `UpgradeGoAheadSignal` signal here since this will be reset by
			//       the following call `note_new_head`
			log::warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "ended up scheduling an upgrade while one is pending",);
		// para signals an update to the same code? This does not make a lot of sense, so abort the
		// process right away.
		// We do not want to allow this since it will mess with the code reference counting.
		weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
		if CurrentCodeHash::<T>::get(&id) == Some(code_hash) {
			// NOTE: we cannot set `UpgradeGoAheadSignal` signal here since this will be reset by
			//       the following call `note_new_head`
				target: LOG_TARGET,
				"para tried to upgrade to the same code. Abort the upgrade",
			return weight
		// This is the start of the upgrade process. Prevent any further attempts at upgrading.
		weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(2);
		FutureCodeHash::<T>::insert(&id, &code_hash);
		UpgradeRestrictionSignal::<T>::insert(&id, UpgradeRestriction::Present);

		weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1);
		let next_possible_upgrade_at = relay_parent_number + cfg.validation_upgrade_frequency;
		<Self as Store>::UpgradeCooldowns::mutate(|upgrade_cooldowns| {
			let insert_idx = upgrade_cooldowns
				.binary_search_by_key(&next_possible_upgrade_at, |&(_, b)| b)
				.unwrap_or_else(|idx| idx);
			upgrade_cooldowns.insert(insert_idx, (id, next_possible_upgrade_at));
		weight += Self::kick_off_pvf_check(
			PvfCheckCause::Upgrade { id, relay_parent_number },

	/// Makes sure that the given code hash has passed pre-checking.
	/// If the given code hash has already passed pre-checking, then the approval happens
	/// immediately. Similarly, if the pre-checking is turned off, the update is scheduled immediately
	/// as well. In this case, the behavior is similar to the previous, i.e. the upgrade sequence
	/// is purely time-based.
	/// If the code is unknown, but the pre-checking for that PVF is already running then we perform
	/// "coalescing". We save the cause for this PVF pre-check request and just add it to the
	/// existing active PVF vote.
	/// And finally, if the code is unknown and pre-checking is not running, we start the
	/// pre-checking process anew.
	/// Unconditionally increases the reference count for the passed `code`.
	fn kick_off_pvf_check(
		cause: PvfCheckCause<T::BlockNumber>,
		code_hash: ValidationCodeHash,
		code: ValidationCode,
		cfg: &configuration::HostConfiguration<T::BlockNumber>,
	) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = 0;

		weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
		match PvfActiveVoteMap::<T>::get(&code_hash) {
			None => {
				let known_code = CodeByHash::<T>::contains_key(&code_hash);
				weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);

				if !cfg.pvf_checking_enabled || known_code {
					// Either:
					// - the code is known and there is no active PVF vote for it meaning it is
					//   already checked, or
					// - the PVF checking is diabled
					// In any case: fast track the PVF checking into the accepted state
					weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
					let now = <frame_system::Pallet<T>>::block_number();
					weight += Self::enact_pvf_accepted(now, &code_hash, &[cause], 0, cfg);
				} else {
					// PVF is not being pre-checked and it is not known. Start a new pre-checking
					// process.
					weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(3, 2);
					let now = <frame_system::Pallet<T>>::block_number();
					let n_validators = shared::Pallet::<T>::active_validator_keys().len();
						PvfCheckActiveVoteState::new(now, n_validators, cause),
					PvfActiveVoteList::<T>::mutate(|l| {
						if let Err(idx) = l.binary_search(&code_hash) {
							l.insert(idx, code_hash);
			Some(mut vote_state) => {
				// Coalescing: the PVF is already being pre-checked so we just need to piggy back
				// on it.
				weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);
				PvfActiveVoteMap::<T>::insert(&code_hash, vote_state);

		// We increase the code RC here in any case. Intuitively the parachain that requested this
		// action is now a user of that PVF.
		// If the result of the pre-checking is reject, then we would decrease the RC for each cause,
		// including the current.
		// If the result of the pre-checking is accept, then we do nothing to the RC because the PVF
		// will continue be used by the same users.
		// If the PVF was fast-tracked (i.e. there is already non zero RC) and there is no
		// pre-checking, we also do not change the RC then.
		weight += Self::increase_code_ref(&code_hash, &code);


	/// Note that a para has progressed to a new head, where the new head was executed in the context
	/// of a relay-chain block with given number. This will apply pending code upgrades based
	/// on the relay-parent block number provided.
	pub(crate) fn note_new_head(
		id: ParaId,
		new_head: HeadData,
		execution_context: T::BlockNumber,
	) -> Weight {
		Heads::<T>::insert(&id, new_head);
		if let Some(expected_at) = <Self as Store>::FutureCodeUpgrades::get(&id) {
			if expected_at <= execution_context {
				<Self as Store>::FutureCodeUpgrades::remove(&id);
				<Self as Store>::UpgradeGoAheadSignal::remove(&id);

				// Both should always be `Some` in this case, since a code upgrade is scheduled.
				let new_code_hash = if let Some(new_code_hash) = FutureCodeHash::<T>::take(&id) {
				} else {
					log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Missing future code hash for {:?}", &id);
					return T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(3, 1 + 3)
				let maybe_prior_code_hash = CurrentCodeHash::<T>::get(&id);
				CurrentCodeHash::<T>::insert(&id, &new_code_hash);

				let log = ConsensusLog::ParaUpgradeCode(id, new_code_hash);

				// `now` is only used for registering pruning as part of `fn note_past_code`
				let now = <frame_system::Pallet<T>>::block_number();
				let weight = if let Some(prior_code_hash) = maybe_prior_code_hash {
					Self::note_past_code(id, expected_at, now, prior_code_hash)
				} else {
					log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Missing prior code hash for para {:?}", &id);

				// add 1 to writes due to heads update.
				weight + T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(3, 1 + 3)
			} else {
				T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1 + 0)
		} else {
			// This means there is no upgrade scheduled.
			// In case the upgrade was aborted by the relay-chain we should reset
			// the `Abort` signal.
			T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 2)

	/// Returns the list of PVFs (aka validation code) that require casting a vote by a validator in
	/// the active validator set.
	pub(crate) fn pvfs_require_precheck() -> Vec<ValidationCodeHash> {

	/// Submits a given PVF check statement with corresponding signature as an unsigned transaction
	/// into the memory pool. Ultimately, that disseminates the transaction accross the network.
	/// This function expects an offchain context and cannot be callable from the on-chain logic.
	/// The signature assumed to pertain to `stmt`.
	pub(crate) fn submit_pvf_check_statement(
		stmt: PvfCheckStatement,
		signature: ValidatorSignature,
	) {
		use frame_system::offchain::SubmitTransaction;

		if let Err(e) = SubmitTransaction::<T, Call<T>>::submit_unsigned_transaction(
			Call::include_pvf_check_statement { stmt, signature }.into(),
		) {
			log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Error submitting pvf check statement: {:?}", e,);
	/// Returns the current lifecycle state of the para.
	pub fn lifecycle(id: ParaId) -> Option<ParaLifecycle> {
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Sergey Pepyakin committed
	/// Returns whether the given ID refers to a valid para.
	/// Paras that are onboarding or offboarding are not included.
	pub fn is_valid_para(id: ParaId) -> bool {
		if let Some(state) = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id) {
			!state.is_onboarding() && !state.is_offboarding()
		} else {

	/// Whether a para ID corresponds to any live parachain.
	/// Includes parachains which will downgrade to a parathread in the future.
	pub fn is_parachain(id: ParaId) -> bool {
		if let Some(state) = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id) {
	/// Whether a para ID corresponds to any live parathread.
	/// Includes parathreads which will upgrade to parachains in the future.
	pub fn is_parathread(id: ParaId) -> bool {
		if let Some(state) = ParaLifecycles::<T>::get(&id) {
	/// If a candidate from the specified parachain were submitted at the current block, this
	/// function returns if that candidate passes the acceptance criteria.
	pub(crate) fn can_upgrade_validation_code(id: ParaId) -> bool {
		FutureCodeHash::<T>::get(&id).is_none() && UpgradeRestrictionSignal::<T>::get(&id).is_none()

	/// Return the session index that should be used for any future scheduled changes.
	fn scheduled_session() -> SessionIndex {
	/// Store the validation code if not already stored, and increase the number of reference.
	/// Returns the weight consumed.
	fn increase_code_ref(code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash, code: &ValidationCode) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1);
		<Self as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::mutate(code_hash, |refs| {
			if *refs == 0 {
				weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);
				<Self as Store>::CodeByHash::insert(code_hash, code);
			*refs += 1;
	/// Decrease the number of reference of the validation code and remove it from storage if zero
	/// Returns the weight consumed.
	fn decrease_code_ref(code_hash: &ValidationCodeHash) -> Weight {
		let mut weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads(1);
		let refs = <Self as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::get(code_hash);
			weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(2);
			<Self as Store>::CodeByHash::remove(code_hash);
			<Self as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::remove(code_hash);
		} else {
			weight += T::DbWeight::get().writes(1);
			<Self as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::insert(code_hash, refs - 1);
	/// Test function for triggering a new session in this pallet.
	#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))]
	pub fn test_on_new_session() {
		Self::initializer_on_new_session(&SessionChangeNotification {
			session_index: shared::Pallet::<T>::session_index(),

	#[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))]
	pub fn heads_insert(para_id: &ParaId, head_data: HeadData) {
		Heads::<T>::insert(para_id, head_data);

mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
	use keyring::Sr25519Keyring;
	use primitives::{
		v1::{BlockNumber, ValidatorId},
	use sc_keystore::LocalKeystore;
	use sp_keystore::{SyncCryptoStore, SyncCryptoStorePtr};
	use std::sync::Arc;
	use test_helpers::{dummy_head_data, dummy_validation_code};
	use crate::{
		mock::{new_test_ext, Configuration, MockGenesisConfig, Paras, ParasShared, System, Test},
	static VALIDATORS: &[Sr25519Keyring] = &[

	fn validator_pubkeys(val_ids: &[Sr25519Keyring]) -> Vec<ValidatorId> {
		val_ids.iter().map(|v| v.public().into()).collect()

	fn sign_and_include_pvf_check_statement(stmt: PvfCheckStatement) {
		let validators = &[
		let signature = validators[stmt.validator_index.0 as usize].sign(&stmt.signing_payload());
		Paras::include_pvf_check_statement(None.into(), stmt, signature.into()).unwrap();

	fn run_to_block(to: BlockNumber, new_session: Option<Vec<BlockNumber>>) {
		let keystore: SyncCryptoStorePtr = Arc::new(LocalKeystore::in_memory());
		for validator in VALIDATORS.iter() {
		let validator_pubkeys = validator_pubkeys(VALIDATORS);

		while System::block_number() < to {
			let b = System::block_number();
			if new_session.as_ref().map_or(false, |v| v.contains(&(b + 1))) {
				let mut session_change_notification = SessionChangeNotification::default();
				session_change_notification.session_index = ParasShared::session_index() + 1;
				session_change_notification.validators = validator_pubkeys.clone();

			System::on_initialize(b + 1);
			System::set_block_number(b + 1);

			ParasShared::initializer_initialize(b + 1);
			Paras::initializer_initialize(b + 1);

	fn upgrade_at(
		expected_at: BlockNumber,
		activated_at: BlockNumber,
	) -> ReplacementTimes<BlockNumber> {
		ReplacementTimes { expected_at, activated_at }

	fn check_code_is_stored(validation_code: &ValidationCode) {
		assert!(<Paras as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::get(validation_code.hash()) != 0);
		assert!(<Paras as Store>::CodeByHash::contains_key(validation_code.hash()));

	fn check_code_is_not_stored(validation_code: &ValidationCode) {
		assert!(!<Paras as Store>::CodeByHashRefs::contains_key(validation_code.hash()));
		assert!(!<Paras as Store>::CodeByHash::contains_key(validation_code.hash()));

	fn para_past_code_pruning_works_correctly() {
		let mut past_code = ParaPastCodeMeta::default();
		past_code.note_replacement(10u32, 10);
		past_code.note_replacement(20, 25);
		past_code.note_replacement(30, 35);

		let old = past_code.clone();
		assert_eq!(old, past_code);

		assert_eq!(past_code.prune_up_to(10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![10]);
			ParaPastCodeMeta {
				upgrade_times: vec![upgrade_at(20, 25), upgrade_at(30, 35)],
				last_pruned: Some(10),


		assert_eq!(past_code.prune_up_to(26).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![20]);
			ParaPastCodeMeta { upgrade_times: vec![upgrade_at(30, 35)], last_pruned: Some(25) }

		past_code.note_replacement(40, 42);
		past_code.note_replacement(50, 53);
		past_code.note_replacement(60, 66);

			ParaPastCodeMeta {
				upgrade_times: vec![
					upgrade_at(30, 35),
					upgrade_at(40, 42),
					upgrade_at(50, 53),
					upgrade_at(60, 66)
				last_pruned: Some(25),

		assert_eq!(past_code.prune_up_to(60).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![30, 40, 50]);
			ParaPastCodeMeta { upgrade_times: vec![upgrade_at(60, 66)], last_pruned: Some(53) }
		assert_eq!(past_code.most_recent_change(), Some(60));
		assert_eq!(past_code.prune_up_to(66).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![60]);

			ParaPastCodeMeta { upgrade_times: Vec::new(), last_pruned: Some(66) }
	fn schedule_para_init_rejects_empty_code() {
		new_test_ext(MockGenesisConfig::default()).execute_with(|| {
					ParaGenesisArgs {
						parachain: false,
						genesis_head: dummy_head_data(),
						validation_code: ValidationCode(vec![]),

				ParaGenesisArgs {
					parachain: false,
					genesis_head: dummy_head_data(),
					validation_code: ValidationCode(vec![1]),

	fn para_past_code_pruning_in_initialize() {
		let code_retention_period = 10;
		let paras = vec![
				ParaGenesisArgs {
					parachain: true,
					genesis_head: dummy_head_data(),
					validation_code: dummy_validation_code(),
				ParaGenesisArgs {
					parachain: false,
					genesis_head: dummy_head_data(),
					validation_code: dummy_validation_code(),

		let genesis_config = MockGenesisConfig {
			paras: GenesisConfig { paras, ..Default::default() },
			configuration: crate::configuration::GenesisConfig {
				config: HostConfiguration { code_retention_period, ..Default::default() },

		new_test_ext(genesis_config).execute_with(|| {
			let id = ParaId::from(0u32);
			let at_block: BlockNumber = 10;
			let included_block: BlockNumber = 12;
			let validation_code = ValidationCode(vec![4, 5, 6]);
			Paras::increase_code_ref(&validation_code.hash(), &validation_code);
			<Paras as Store>::PastCodeHash::insert(&(id, at_block), &validation_code.hash());
			<Paras as Store>::PastCodePruning::put(&vec![(id, included_block)]);

				let mut code_meta = Paras::past_code_meta(&id);
				code_meta.note_replacement(at_block, included_block);
				<Paras as Store>::PastCodeMeta::insert(&id, &code_meta);

			let pruned_at: BlockNumber = included_block + code_retention_period + 1;
				<Paras as Store>::PastCodeHash::get(&(id, at_block)),

			run_to_block(pruned_at - 1, None);
				<Paras as Store>::PastCodeHash::get(&(id, at_block)),
			assert_eq!(Paras::past_code_meta(&id).most_recent_change(), Some(at_block));