1. Jun 20, 2018
    • Marek Kotewicz's avatar
      new blooms database (#8712) · 458afcd2
      Marek Kotewicz authored
      * new blooms database
      * fixed conflict in Cargo.lock
      * removed bloomchain
      * cleanup in progress
      * all tests passing in trace db with new blooms-db
      * added trace_blooms to BlockChainDB interface, fixed db flushing
      * BlockChainDB no longer exposes RwLock in the interface
      * automatically flush blooms-db after every insert
      * blooms-db uses io::BufReader to read files, wrap blooms-db into Mutex, cause fs::File is just a shared file handle
      * fix json_tests
      * blooms-db can filter multiple possibilities at the same time
      * removed enum trace/db.rs CacheId
      * lint fixes
      * fixed tests
      * kvdb-rocksdb uses fs-swap crate
      * update Cargo.lock
      * use fs::rename
      * fixed failing test on linux
      * fix tests
      * use fs_swap
      * fixed failing test on linux
      * cleanup after swap
      * fix tests
      * fixed osx permissions
      * simplify parity database opening functions
      * added migration to blooms-db
      * address @niklasad1 grumbles
      * fix license and authors field of blooms-db Cargo.toml
      * restore blooms-db after snapshot
  2. Jun 13, 2018
  3. Jun 12, 2018
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Limit the number of transactions in pending set (#8777) · 4938d5dd
      Tomasz Drwięga authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Unordered iterator.
      * Use unordered and limited set if full not required.
      * Split timeout work into smaller timers.
      * Avoid collecting all pending transactions when mining
      * Remove println.
      * Use priority ordering in eth-filter.
      * Fix ethcore-miner tests and tx propagation.
      * Review grumbles addressed.
      * Add test for unordered not populating the cache.
      * Fix ethcore tests.
      * Fix light tests.
      * Fix ethcore-sync tests.
      * Fix RPC tests.
  4. Jun 08, 2018
  5. Jun 06, 2018
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      Remove UI related settings from CLI (#8783) · a5190449
      Wei Tang authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Remove all ui reference in dapps interface
      * Pass primary cli build
      * Add back parity wallet dapp as builtin
      * Clean up ui settings
      * Fix all tests in cli
      * Missed ui files to commit
      * Add parity-utils endpoint back
      * Fix non-dapp feature compiling
      * Inline styles
      * Remove parity-utils endpoint
      * Remove ui precompiled crate
      * Remove parity-ui alltogether
      * Remove ui feature flags
      * Move errors to static methods
      * Fix tests
      * Remove all reference to utils endpoint and remove server side injection
      According to https://github.com/paritytech/parity/pull/8539, inject.js is already handled by Parity UI.
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Remove windows tray and installer (#8778) · 114d4433
      Andrew Jones authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Remove windows tray and installer
      * Remove make_exe (installer) target
      * Change windows $ARC to amd64 for consistency
      * Fix windows build - revert to winapi 0.2.8
      * Remove publishing of windows installer bins
  6. Jun 01, 2018
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (#8744) · 0ebcc200
      Benjamin Kampmann authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors
      Add custom mapping of ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (Failure because of missing system resource) right when chaining ioError into ::util::Network::Error to improve Error Messages given to user
      Note: Adds libc as a dependency to util/network
      * Use assert-matches for more readable tests
      * Fix Wording and consistency
  7. May 30, 2018
  8. May 23, 2018
  9. May 22, 2018
  10. May 21, 2018
  11. May 20, 2018
    • David's avatar
      Remove the Keccak C library and use the pure Rust impl (#8657) · 9e719f08
      David authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Add license and readme
      * Use pure rust implementation
      * Bump version to 0.1.1
      * Don't use C, prefer the pure Rust implementation
      * Add test for `write_keccak`
      * Bump version
      * Add benchmarks
      * Add benchmarks
      * Add keccak_256, keccak_512, keccak_256_unchecked and keccak_512_unchecked – mostly for compatibility with ethash
      * Remove failed git merge attempt from external git repo
      Cargo.lock updates
      * whitespace
      * Mark unsafe function unsafe
      * Unsafe calls in unsafe block
      * Document unsafety invariants
      * Revert unintended changes to Cargo.lock
  12. May 10, 2018
  13. May 09, 2018
    • David's avatar
      Handle socket address parsing errors (#8545) · cb7ad236
      David authored
      Unpack errors and check for io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput and return our own AddressParse error. Remove the foreign link to std::net::AddrParseError and add an `impl From` for that error. Test parsing properly.
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Don't block sync when importing old blocks (#8530) · 24838bbc
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Alter IO queueing.
      * Don't require IoMessages to be Clone
      * Ancient blocks imported via IoChannel.
      * Get rid of private transactions io message.
      * Get rid of deadlock and fix disconnected handler.
      * Revert to old disconnect condition.
      * Fix tests.
      * Fix deadlock.
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Parity as a library (#8412) · ac3de4c5
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Parity as a library
      * Fix concerns
      * Allow using a null on_client_restart_cb
      * Fix more concerns
      * Test the C library in test.sh
      * Reduce CMake version to 3.5
      * Move the clib test before cargo test
      * Add println in test
  14. May 05, 2018
    • Toralf Wittner's avatar
      Consolidate crypto functionality in `ethcore-crypto`. (#8432) · e30839e8
      Toralf Wittner authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Consolidate crypto functionality in `ethcore-crypto`.
      - Move `ecdh`/`ecies` modules to `ethkey`.
      - Refactor `ethcore-crypto` to use file per module.
      - Replace `subtle` with `ethcore_crypto::is_equal`.
      - Add `aes_gcm` module to `ethcore-crypto`.
      * Rename `aes::{encrypt,decrypt,decrypt_cbc}` ...
      ... to `aes::{encrypt_128_ctr,decrypt_128_ctr,decrypt_128_cbc}`.
  15. May 02, 2018
  16. Apr 27, 2018
  17. Apr 26, 2018
  18. Apr 25, 2018
  19. Apr 21, 2018
  20. Apr 20, 2018
  21. Apr 19, 2018
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Move ethcore::Error to error_chain (#8386) · 14361cc7
      Andrew Jones authored
      * WIP
      * Convert Ethcore error to use error_chain
      * Use error_chain for ImportError and BlockImportError
      * Fix error pattern matches for error_chain in miner
      * Implement explicit From for AccountsError
      * Fix pattern matches for ErrorKinds
      * Handle ethcore error_chain in light client
      * Explicitly define Result type to avoid shadowing
      * Fix remaining Error pattern matches
      * Fix tab space formatting
      * Helps if the tests compile
      * Fix error chain matching after merge
    • Marek Kotewicz's avatar
      update zip to 0.3 (#8381) · cb31220a
      Marek Kotewicz authored
      * update zip to 0.3
      * enable zip deflate feature
  22. Apr 16, 2018
  23. Apr 13, 2018
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      Unify and limit rocksdb dependency places (#8371) · 897a9464
      Wei Tang authored
      * secret_store: remove kvdb_rocksdb dependency
      * cli: init db mod for open dispatch
      * cli: move db, client_db, restoration_db, secretstore_db to a separate mod
      * migration: rename to migration-rocksdb and remove ethcore-migrations
      * ethcore: re-move kvdb-rocksdb dep to test
      * mark test_helpers as test only and fix migration mod naming
      * Move restoration_db_handler to test_helpers_internal
      * Fix missing preambles in test_helpers_internal and rocksdb/helpers
      * Move test crates downward
      * Fix missing docs
      * cli, db::open_db: move each argument to a separate line
      * Use featuregate instead of dead code for `open_secretstore_db`
      * Move pathbuf import to open_secretstore_db
      Because it's only used there behind a feature gate
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074) · 1cd93e4c
      Tomasz Drwięga authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready.
      * Queue in progress.
      * TransactionPool.
      * Prepare for txpool release.
      * Miner refactor [WiP]
      * WiP reworking miner.
      * Make it compile.
      * Add some docs.
      * Split blockchain access to a separate file.
      * Work on miner API.
      * Fix ethcore tests.
      * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages.
      * Implement next nonce.
      * RPC compiles.
      * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC.
      * Add transaction queue listeners.
      * Compiles!
      * Clean-up and parallelize.
      * Get rid of RefCell in header.
      * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header."
      This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb.
      * Override Sync requirement.
      * Fix status display.
      * Unify logging.
      * Extract some cheap checks.
      * Measurements and optimizations.
      * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache
      * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification.
      * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again.
      * Make RPC compile again.
      * Bunch of txpool tests.
      * Migrate transaction queue tests.
      * Nonce Cap
      * Nonce cap cache and tests.
      * Remove stale future transactions from the queue.
      * Optimize scoring and write some tests.
      * Simple penalization.
      * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms.
      * Add CLI parameters for the new queue.
      * Remove banning queue.
      * Disable debug build.
      * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5%
      * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions.
      * Remove old todo.
      * Post-review fixes.
      * Fix miner options default.
      * Implement back ready transactions for light client.
      * Get rid of from_pending_block
      * Pass rejection reason.
      * Add more details to drop.
      * Rollback heap size of.
      * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection.
      * Fix tests.
      * Introduce nonces cache.
      * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation.
      * Lower the mem limit.
      * Re-enable parallel verification.
      * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price.
      * Add more traces, fix disabling miner.
      * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities.
      * Fix tests.
      * re-use pending blocks in AuRa
      * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing.
      * Fix log to contain hash not sender.
      * Optimize local transactions.
      * Fix aura tests.
      * Update locks comments.
      * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl.
      * Review fixes.
      * Remove excessive matches.
      * Fix compilation errors.
      * Use new pool in private transactions.
      * Fix private-tx test.
      * Fix secret store tests.
      * Actually use gas_floor_target
      * Fix config tests.
      * Fix pool tests.
      * Address grumbles.
  24. Apr 11, 2018
  25. Apr 10, 2018