1. May 26, 2022
  2. May 19, 2022
  3. May 06, 2022
  4. Apr 12, 2022
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Use rustfmt config from `ink!` 🦑 (#505) · cfd55bd6
      Andrew Jones authored
      * Copy ink rustfmt config
      * inkify
      * Add editorconfig
      * Fmt
      * Fmt
      * Fmt
    • Sasha Gryaznov's avatar
      Add `decode` command for event, message and constructor data decoding (#481) · bce9301c
      Sasha Gryaznov authored
      * add contract call data to debug log
      * [REVERT!] some debug data to dig into an error
      * save
      * decode cmd works for both event and message
      save: +output tuned
      +decoder for message data and specifier of type to DecodeCommand
      removed redundant args to decode cmd
      * remove some debugging prints
      This reverts commit 1375fee8
      * test fixed
      * use util decode_hex()
      * moved decode cmd to root (it's not an extrinsic)
      * e2e test for decoding message data
      * add decoding event to the same e2e test
      * Update src/cmd/decode.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrew Jones <[email protected]>
      * added constructor data decoder
      * ci fixes
      * lil test update
      * Partially revert "lil test update" (mainfest fixes)
      This reverts commit 1f24d5be.
      * Build before test, and test --release
      * Revert "Build before test, and test --release"
      This reverts commit 7f6ef5ee
      * Move decode test to an integration test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrew Jones <[email protected]>
  5. Apr 08, 2022
  6. Mar 11, 2022
  7. Feb 23, 2022
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Add ink! linting MVP stage (#431) · 836acbff
      Michael Müller authored
      * Add ink! linting MVP stage
      * CI: cache cargo installations; update versions
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergejs Kostjucenko <[email protected]>
      * Update changelog
      * Check if `dylint` requirements are installed
      * Make `clippy` happy
      * Make tests happy
      * Make `LICENSE` symlink
      * Make error handling and panic's consistent
      * Improve code structure
      * Remove unneeded `--workspace`
      * Fix `mapping-two-constructor` test file
      * Simplify `Option<Vec<_>>` to `Vec`
      * Generalize unsetting of env variables in `invoke_cargo`
      * Move special case of `dylint` verbosity to call site
      * Keep calm and return an `Err`
      * Move checking for `dylint-link` to `build.rs`
      * Add `ink_linting/Cargo.lock`
      * Move `bool_to_exit_code` inline
      * Add test for non-fully-qualified path call of `initialize_contract`
      * Fix panic when no manifest path was supplied
      * Improve structure of `build.rs`
      * Make linting error message non-blaming
      * Remove incorrect note on not detecting indirections
      * Make `clippy` happy
      * Impprove text
      * Build `ink_linting` with `--locked`
      * Fix path separators for Windows CI
      * Revert "Fix path separators for Windows CI"
      This reverts commit b5998313.
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Revert me: Debug failing Windows CI
      * Use `which` for detecting `dylint-link` installation
      * Remove `DYLINT_DRIVER_PATH`
      * Add `--lib`
      * Revert "Remove `DYLINT_DRIVER_PATH`"
      This reverts commit d0d209fe
      * Use temporary `DYLINT_DRIVER_PATH` path during tests
      * Give `template` variable a speaking name
      Co-authored-by: CI system <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSergejs Kostjucenko <[email protected]>
  8. Feb 18, 2022
  9. Feb 16, 2022
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Interact with contracts: upload, instantiate and call commands (#79) · 4195197c
      Andrew Jones authored
      * WIP display all events
      * Clean up and generalize displaying events
      * Fix multiple event new lines
      * Fmt
      * Create wrapper types for Display, derive Debug for originals
      * Control indentation of pretty printing
      * Indent events display
      * More tuning of runtime events pretty printing
      * Fmt
      * Use Display impls for printing events
      * Add DisplayTransferEvent
      * Namespace events
      * Add CodeStored and Instantiated events
      * Refactor Deploy command and use verbosity for events display
      * Fix up string message return
      * Code hash LowerHex and println after events
      * Use LowerHex api for Bytes
      * Parse code hash with 0x prefix
      * Fmt
      * Spawn canvas node for integration test
      * Increment attempts
      * Get the test running with spawned canvas node
      * Instantiate deploy works with manual node
      * Test works locally and cleans up temp dir
      * Fmt
      * Fix duplicate import
      * Build before testing so cargo-contract bin available for testing
      * Separate line for build
      * Extract decode_hex util fn
      * WIP failing Literal tests for SS58 account ids
      * Upgrade to nom 0.6
      * Use nom error in custom error, impl FromStr
      * Fmt
      * Update lockfile after merge
      * Make TryFrom take reference for verbosity conversion
      * Fix parsing literals
      * Plumbing for custom encoders
      * Implement AccountId32 custom encoder
      * Refactor: extract env types
      * Test for encoding ss58 literal
      * Fmt and add back failing struct test
      * Use AccountId type in test
      * TEMP: Use github dependencies of scale-info and ink
      * Err for 256 bit ints
      * Use new registry type enumeration
      * Extract type lookup and introduce Encoder
      * WIP: extract Transcoder and implement env type decoding
      * Implement env type decoding, removes generic Input.
      Custom env decoders are trait objects so can't have generic type parameters on its decode method.
      * Fix AccountId decoding, add some debug logging
      * Test for different AccountId aliasing
      * Passing tests for AccountId encoding and fmt
      * Update scale-info and ink deps, patch ink deps for now
      * Update scale-info and ink deps, patch ink deps for now
      * Remove extrinsics feature
      * Dependencies
      * More deps
      * Cargo.lock
      * Cargo.lock
      * WIP upgrading to latest subxt and scale-info
      * More upgrading to latest subxt
      * Fix more errors
      * Fix up extrinsic commands
      * Refactor transcoder decode, handle Compact
      * Refactor transcoder encode, initial compact support
      * Fmt
      * Fix metadata file loading
      * Constructor arg rename
      * Enable tokio
      * Make instantiate work
      * Update contracts runtime from substrate-contracts-node
      * Fix warnings and add todo
      * Update subxt
      * Add missing import
      * Use explicit substrate branch to match subxt import
      * Remove sp_rpc dependency
      * Remove sp_rpc dependency
      * Use metadata to decode events
      * Fmt
      * Pretty print events
      * WIP custom transcoders for events
      * Custom transcoders for events working
      * Fix some warnings
      * Slim down bat dependency
      * Decode contract events
      * Use correct field for instantiated contract account
      * Fix warnings
      * Fix multiple line warning
      * Update contracts RPC types
      * Fmt
      * Fix deploy contract account
      * Use ink! master branch
      * Oops
      * Remove patches
      * Bump ink deps to rc6
      * Update to latest subxt
      * Update to latest subxt
      * Fix errors after subxt update
      * Fix instantiate_with_code.rs
      * Update subxt
      * Add deserializing context
      * Fmt
      * Expose public metadata fields
      * Implement full metadata decoding
      * Cargo.lock
      * Update calls to work with storage_gas_limit from https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/10082
      * Cargo.lock
      * Update to latest subxt
      * Fmt
      * WIP unify instantiate command
      * Fix call command errors
      * Main warning unused result
      * Call and instantiate warns and errors and fmt
      * Update to ink rc7
      * Default to local contract wasm if none specified
      * Change instantiate endowment to value
      * Use latest subxt branch
      * Update to latest subxt
      * Unify call and instantiate arg names
      * Instantiate and call args consistency
      * Add todo comment for encoding message args
      * Refactor, tidy up call and instantiate
      * Display decoded contract event separately
      * Register env types with and without aliases
      * Add pretty print flag
      * WIP add upload
      * Wiring up upload code extrinsic
      * Download latest contracts node metadata
      * Wire up upload command and WIP manifest path
      * in! default features and cargo update
      * Add manifest path argument for extrinsics
      * Only fetch crate metadata once
      * Fmt
      * Cargo upgrade
      * Update substrate dependencies
      * Pretty print code upload dry run values
      * Extract name value println macro
      * Print code hash from upload extrinsic
      * Refactor upload code command
      * Pretty print instantiate results
      * Add salt arg to instantiate command
      * WIP custom events display, removes big bat dep
      * Extract method for printing RPC contract result
      * Ugly printing of events
      * Fix contract event decoding
      * Fmt
      * Pretty print event fields
      * Only print event fields if verbose
      * More event prettification
      * Fmt
      * Resolve some todos
      * Remove some code comments, moved to follow ups in PR
      * Refactor: extract compact encoding function
      * Fix storage_deposit_limit and add todo re: compact primitives
      * Add todo re: compact primitives
      * Cargo.lock
      * Use released substrate crates and subxt master
      * Fix encoding compact, inline for each uint
      * Fix encoding compact, inline for each uint
      * Add extrinsics markdown outline
      * Dynamic compact encoding
      * Replace bitvec todos with errs, added follow up in PR
      * Remove todo about friendly encoding error, add to PR follow ups
      * Rename codec to scale for test contract, fix some transcoding tests
      * Attempt to fix linking with __ink_generate_metadata
      * Update to ink rc8
      * Add test for out of order composite fields
      * Update ink metadata version
      * Update ink metadata types and methods
      * Fix metadata error message
      * Add std feature to fix test compilation with inline contract
      * Fix out of order struct fields
      * Improve encoding of field error message
      * Fmt imports
      * Rename TypeLookupId to TypeLookup
      * Remove alias matching for custom env type transcoding
      * Fix variant encoding for maps and out of order fields
      * Add failing test & impl for compact struct transcoding
      * Use released version of pallet-contracts primitives
      * WIP attempting to fix compact struct transcoding
      * Fix compact struct decoding
      * Add todo for integration test
      * Renamed SconParseError
      * Failing test for invalid integer
      * Use nom-supreme for combinators, error handling
      * Use released subxt
      * Refactor integer parsing
      * Refactor char parsing
      * Refactor seq parsing
      * Refactor tuple parsing
      * Refactor unit tuple parsing
      * Refactor map parsing
      * Refactor bytes parsing
      * Remove final nom `map` free function usage
      * Use some postfix recognizes
      * Remove final recognize combinator
      * Use postfix value combinator
      * Use opt postfix combinator
      * Move entry point and top level parser to the top of the file
      * Inline some string parsers
      * Inline some local helper functions
      * Fix failing integer tests
      * Fix Rust ident parsing
      * Fix up integration test
      * Make clippy happy
      * Fmt
      * Clippy clippy clippy
      * Ignore integration test for CI
      * Support parsing underscore separators for integer literals
      * + sign prefix parses to signed int
      * Allow underscores for balance CLI args
      * Add helper function for handling runtime errors
      * Add helper function for displaying runtime module errors
      * Elide lifetime
      * Add some basic module level docs for transcoding
      * Improve error message where metadata file not found
      * Adding common args section to extrinsics.md
      * Move --dry-run to extrinisic opts and more docs
      * Move --storage-deposit-limit to ExtrinsicOpts, move ExtrinsicOpts to extrinsics.
      * Add instantiate docs
      * Add call docs
      * Update Extrinsics docs
      * Update Cargo.toml
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      * Don't wait for finalization before displaying transaction success
      * Update docs/extrinsics.md
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      * Remove static error detail lookup, since it may be inaccurate if the target chain differs
      * CLIPPY
      * Print debug message lines
      * Display not Debug return value
      * Fmt
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
  10. Dec 13, 2021
  11. Nov 08, 2021
    • achimcc's avatar
      Offline flag (#356) · 90813a5f
      achimcc authored
      * add offline flag to build mode
      * add network enum and interpret --offline flag
      * support offline flag for metadata generation
      * cargo fmt
      * cargo clippy
      * fix tests
  12. Aug 12, 2021
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Add option for JSON formatted output (#324) · 259b716e
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Spit out JSON results at the end of a build
      * Mark `--output_json` as conflicting with `--verbose`
      * Override verbosity to `quiet` when outputting JSON
      * Update tests to include `OutputType` param
      * Temporarily please Clippy
      * Add some logging
      This is gonna fail, but I want to see what the CI has to say.
      * Remove TODO so that format CI step passes
      * Return result from `serialize_json`
      * Make JSON test a sanity check
      * Mention this PR in the CHANGELOG
      * Implement `Default` for a few build options
      * Address Clippy's `too_many_arguments` lint
      * Use `ExecuteArgs` in tests
      * Make `manifest_path` field public instead
      Clippy was complaining about `dead_code` when building
      in non-test mode, so I'm going with this instead.
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichael Müller <[email protected]>
      * Sanity check `BuildResult'` JSON serialized form
      * Add `execute()` test back
      * Import `OutputType` in tests
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichael Müller <[email protected]>
  13. Jul 22, 2021
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Implement `BuildMode` (#298) · b5f241f8
      Michael Müller authored
      * Implement `BuildMode`
      * Remove `ignore` since all tests are failing anyway
      * Switch to `--release`
      * Revert "Switch to `--release`"
      This reverts commit 3cb01e10.
      * Keep `BuildMode` enum
      * Improve readability
      * Update changelog
      * Make `rustfmt` always report todo's and fixme's
      * Remove todo comment
      * Fix tests
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Change default optimizations pass to focus on code size (#305) · f165b8c4
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Change default opitmization pass to focus on code size
      * Change default optimization level from `-Os` to `-Oz`
      * Update CHANGELOG
  14. Jul 03, 2021
  15. Jun 17, 2021
  16. Apr 21, 2021
  17. Apr 12, 2021
  18. Apr 01, 2021
    • Aten's avatar
      Add git commit hash in cargo-contract version (#189) · cacf2d54
      Aten authored
      * add git commit hash in cargo-contract version
      * remove todo and add version for `cargo contract` command
      * It seems that I misunderstand the requirements. recover the old modify
      * remove `pub`
  19. Mar 26, 2021
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Add missing derive (#236) · ab669b3b
      Michael Müller authored
      * Add missing derive
      * Write value actually to manifest
      * Add another test
      * Reduce code duplication
      * Implement comments
      * Derive `PartialEq` always
  20. Mar 24, 2021
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Support `optimization-passes` in the release profile (#231) · 3454c125
      Michael Müller authored
      * Reduce code for `OptimizationPasses`
      * Fix typo: zeros ➜ zeroes
      * Reduce code for `OptimizationPasses`
      * Add log output for optimization flags
      * Support `optimization-passes` in the release profile
      * Add link to Windows binary releases to Readme
      * Improve failed assert message
      * Account for `binaryen-rs` behavior
      * Link GitHub issue in comment
      * Implement comments
      * Update `--help`
  21. Mar 18, 2021
  22. Mar 10, 2021
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Bring `test-ci-only` back (#180) · 4111385f
      Michael Müller authored
      * Revert "Revert me: Remove `--all-features` (#114)"
      This reverts commit 4a0d352b.
      * Pass verbosity flag
      * Format use
      * Run tests without `binaryen-as-dependency`
      * Update to `scale-info` 0.6
      * Fix `value used after move`
      * Do not continue processing wasm on `check`
      Results in `No such file` otherwise, since
      no *.wasm is generated on `check`.
      * Make casing consistent for `log` messages
      * Clarify behavior of `check`
      * Revert me: add debug output
      * Upgrade `cargo_metadata` to 0.13.1
      * Fix assert for target path `target/ink`
      * Revert "Revert me: add debug output"
      This reverts commit d2bf1dd9.
      * Revert "Upgrade `cargo_metadata` to 0.13.1"
      This reverts commit 723c9b29.
      * Run tests only with `binaryen-as-dependency`
      * Upgrade cargo-metadata and fix usages (#210)
      * Only allow new contract names beginning with an alphabetic character (#219)
      * Only allow contract names beginning with an alphabetic character
      * Add test for contract name beginning with a number
      * Add test for contract name beginning with a number
      * Run tests only with `binaryen-as-dependency`
      * Refactor
      * Revert "Refactor"
      This reverts commit defe20db
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrew Jones <[email protected]>
  23. Feb 18, 2021
  24. Feb 11, 2021
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Implement Wasm validation for known issues/markers (#171) · 4f7356b7
      Michael Müller authored
      * Implement Wasm validation for known issues/markers
      * Add test for invalid panic import
      * Add prefix to error markers
      * Add test for ink! codegen error marker
      * Implement improved linker error protocol
      * Move validation into its own module
      * Migrate tests to new linker error protocol
      * Fix merge
      * Improve code structure
      * Fix formatting
      * Improve code structure
      * Remove mod indirection
      * Replace `contains` with `starts_with`
      * Add note regarding equivalent ink! type necessity
      * Throw an error on invalid import function
      * Add sunny day test
      * Do not panic if no import section is found
      * Update error message on decoding error
  25. Feb 03, 2021
  26. Jan 18, 2021
  27. Jan 06, 2021
  28. Dec 14, 2020
  29. Dec 02, 2020
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Refactorings for `build` and `check` (#116) · 242a4812
      Michael Müller authored
      * Make naming consistent
      * Fix number of steps displayed in `check`
      * Move base name function to utilities
      * Shift logic to `BuildCommand` and `CheckCommand`
      * Consistent naming: GenerationResult ➜ BuildResult
      * Consistent naming: GenerateArtifacts ➜ BuildArtifacts
      * Update comment
      * Move comment to struct
      * Remove Note section from comment
  30. Nov 16, 2020
  31. Nov 10, 2020
    • Michael Müller's avatar
    • Michael Müller's avatar
      Implement new commands `build` and `check` + introduce bundles (.contract files) (#97) · 144ea274
      Michael Müller authored
      * Fix URIs
      * Make `generate-metadata` output consistent with `build`
      * Add `cargo contract pack`
      * Return error instead of panicking
      * Use blake2_hash()
      * Replace match with if
      * Pass reference instead of ownership
      * Generate metadata.json and <contract>.pack
      * Output .wasm, .json, .pack
      * Return result object instead of tuple
      * Get it to run with '--features test-ci-only'
      * Rename .pack to .contract
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      * Introduce '--skip-packing' and '--skip-metadata'
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      * Short help message
      * Output deprecated error for 'generate-metadata'
      * Rename pack ➜ bundle
      * Add 'cargo contract check' command
      * Optimize resulting Wasm file, except on 'check'
      * Do not make unoptimized file easily mistake for optimized one
      * Get it to run with
      * Update readme
      * Make unoptimized wasm not show up in target folder
      * Update comments
      * Remove 'generate-metadata' variants
      * Move dispatch logic into metadata
      * Update src/main.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      * Move logic into build.rs
      * Improve progress output
      * Make clippy happy
      * Fix progress output
      * Make it work with `--features test-ci-only`
      * Apply cargo fmt
      * Always use optimized Wasm for metadata hash
      * Always use optimized Wasm for metadata hash
      * Make it work with `--features test-ci-only`
      * Switch naming
      * Fix metadata/bundle output
      * Use enum `BuildArtifacts` instead of boolean flags
      * Improve misleading fn name
      * Make it work with `--features test-ci-only`
      * Make output more concise
      * Print optimization result at the end
      * Improve output
      * Replace 5-tuple return value with struct
      * Include hash only for bundle in metadata
      * Make it work with `--features test-ci-only`
      * Fix doc test
      * Remove comments
      * Introduce wrapper type CodeHash
      * Make it work with `--features test-ci-only`
      * Display important results bold
      * Include size diff for `code-only` as well
      * Remove comment
      * Shorten code
      * Clone metadata for correct UI output
      * Remove unnecessary return
      * Fix return type
      * Print metadata generation in correct step
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
  32. Oct 29, 2020
  33. Jul 23, 2020
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Generate extended contract metadata (#62) · d28a743b
      Andrew Jones authored
      * Generate main.rs with quote for passing extension metadata
      * Update template to scale-info 0.3
      * Rename ink_abi package to ink_metadata
      * Temporarily change ink dependency branch to aj-extra-metadata
      * Fix up metadata generation codegen
      * Promote metadata mod to directory
      * Move InkProjectExtension data structure over from ink! PR
      * Revert "Generate main.rs with quote for passing extension metadata"
      This reverts commit 0929ce8a
      * Make it compile
      * Flatten metadata struct
      * Fmt
      * Capture ink metadata from stdout
      * Update comment
      * Construct hardcoded metadata values
      * Remove contract metadata builder, it is redundant
      * Generate contract wasm hash
      * Refactor: extract CrateMetadata for use in both metadata and build
      * Fmt
      * Rust version
      * Contract version
      * Add remaining optional enhanced metadata
      * Move wasm build, make repo and license work
      * Just use a String for the license
      * Remove unused variants
      * Read docs and homepage urls directly from manifest
      * Read user defined metadata
      * Fmt
      * This PR no longer depends on an updated version of ink!
      * Fix test error, refactor commands to use common method name
      * Fmt
      * Refactor crate metadata collection
      * Remove ink_lang dependency from generated metadata crate
      * Fmt
      * Return metadata path from generation
      * Fmt
      * Test metadata wasm hash
      * Fmt
      * Read ink language version
      * Ensure tmp dir is cleaned up after build
      * Make cargo-contract tmp dir not hidden
      * Fmt
      * Test source compiler, contract name, contract version
      * Use ink branch temporarily
      * Test for authors and documentation
      * Test user provided metadata section
      * Drop automatically handles tempdir removal
      * Remove redundant unwind bound
      * Comment crate features
      * Revert template to point at ink master
      * Self
      * Update comment
      * Remove redundant comment
  34. Jul 09, 2020
  35. Jun 25, 2020