1. Aug 05, 2020
  2. Aug 04, 2020
  3. Aug 03, 2020
  4. Jul 31, 2020
    • ordian's avatar
      Chain API subsystem (#1498) · d4022633
      ordian authored
      * chain-api subsystem skeleton
      * chain-api subsystem: draft impl
      * chain-api subsystem: mock testclient
      * chain-api subsystem: impl HeaderBacked for TestClient
      * chain-api subsystem: impl basic tests
      * chain-api subsystem: tiny guide
      * chain-api subsystem: rename ChainApiRequestMessage to ChainApiMessage
      * chain-api subsystem: add the page to the ToC
      * chain-api subsystem: proper error type
      * chain-api subsystem: impl ancestors request
      * chain-api subsystem: tests for ancestors request
      * guide: fix ancestor return type
      * runtime-api subsystem: remove unused dep
      * fix fmt
      * fix outdated comment
      * chain-api subsystem: s/format/to_string
      * lower-case subsystem names
      * chain-api subsystem: resolve Finalized todo
      * chain-api subsystem: remove TODO
      * extract request errors into a module
      * remove caching TODO
      * fix imports
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      guide: collator networking & subsystems (#1452) · 0bcb6f9d
      asynchronous rob authored
      * Do a small write-up on collation-generation
      * preamble to collator protocol
      * notes on protocol
      * collation-generation: point to collator protocol
      * fix missing bracket
      * expand on collator protocol wire protocol
      * add a couple more sentences
      * expand on requests some more
      * go higher level
      * network bridge: note peerset
      * note peer-set = validation for protocols
      * add `ConnectToValidators` message
      * use ConnectToValidators in collator protocol
      * typo
      * remove references to sentry nodes
    • ordian's avatar
      Guide: add a diagram for Inclusion Pipeline & Approval Subsystem (#1457) · caaed9a1
      ordian authored
      * guide: optimize diagrams for readability
      * guide: inclusion subsystem diagram
      * guide: rename Approval Subsystem for clarity
      * guide: correct the approval subsystem
      * guide: clarify that validator are selected from the same set
      * guide: simplify secondary checkers labels
  5. Jul 30, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Candidate Validation Subsystem (#1432) · cdb5c408
      asynchronous rob authored
      * skeleton for candidate-validation
      * add to workspace
      * implement candidate validation logic
      * guide: note occupied-core assumption for candidate validation
      * adjust message doc
      * wire together `run` asynchronously
      * add a Subsystem implementation
      * clean up a couple warnings
      * fix compilation errors due to merge
      * improve candidate-validation.md
      * remove old reference to subsystem-test helpers crate
      * update Cargo.lock
      * add a couple new Runtime API methods
      * add a candidate validation message
      * fetch validation data from the chain state
      * some tests for assumption checking
      * make spawn_validate_exhaustive mockable
      * more tests on the error handling side
      * fix all other grumbles except for wasm validation API change
      * wrap a SpawnNamed in candidate-validation
      * warn
      * amend guide
      * squanch warning
      * remove duplicate after merge
  6. Jul 29, 2020
  7. Jul 28, 2020
  8. Jul 27, 2020
  9. Jul 23, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Include a reference to the validation data in the candidate descriptor (#1442) · cce0a950
      asynchronous rob authored
      * rename GlobalValidationSchedule to GlobalValidationData
      * guide: update candidate descriptor to contain validation data hash
      * guide: add note in inclusion module about checking validation data hash
      * primitives: update CandidateDescriptor to contain new hash
      * fix payload computation
      * add helpers for computing validation data to runtime modules
      * guide: note routines
      * inclusion: check validation data hash and fix local_validation_data bug
      * add a case to candidate_checks and improve that test substantially
      * bump versions
      * address review comments
      * add a test for including code upgrade
      * bump kusama version
      * bump westend & polkadot versions
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      implement bitfield signing subsystem (#1364) · 8217ca67
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * update guide to reduce confusion and TODOs
      * work from previous bitfield signing effort
      There were large merge issues with the old bitfield signing PR, so
      we're just copying all the work from that onto this and restarting.
      Much of the existing work will be discarded because we now have better
      tools available, but that's fine.
      * start rewriting bitfield signing in terms of the util module
      * implement construct_availability_bitvec
      It's not an ideal implementation--we can make it much more concurrent--
      but at least it compiles.
      * implement the unimplemented portions of bitfield signing
      * get core availability concurrently, not sequentially
      * use sp-std instead of std for a parachain item
      * resolve type inference failure caused by multiple From impls
      * handle bitfield signing subsystem & Allmessages variant in overseer
      * fix more multi-From inference issues
      * more concisely handle overflow
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
      * Revert "resolve type inference failure caused by multiple From impls"
      This reverts commit 7fc77805.
      * Revert "fix more multi-From inference issues"
      This reverts commit f14ffe58
      * impl From<i32> for ParaId
      * handle another instance of AllSubsystems
      * improve consistency when returning existing options
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndronik Ordian <[email protected]>
    • Bernhard Schuster's avatar
      implement bitfield distribution subsystem (#1368) · 08fcbda4
      Bernhard Schuster authored
      * feat bitfield distribution
      * feat bitfield distribution part 2
      * pair programming with rustc & cargo
      * lets go
      * move bitfield-distribution to the node/network folder
      * shape shifting
      * lunchtime
      * ignore the two fn recursion for now
      * step by step
      * triplesteps
      * bandaid commit
      * unordered futures magic
      * chore
      * reword markdown
      * clarify
      * lacks abortable processing impl details
      * slimify
      * fix: warnings and avoid ctx.clone() improve comments
      * review comments
      * fix details
      * make sure outgoing messages are tracked
      * fix name
      * fix subsystem
      * partial test impl
      * relax context bounds
      * test
      * X
      * X
      * initial test
      * fix relay_message not tracked when origin is self
      * fix/guide: grammar
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * work around missing Eq+PartialEq
      * fix: add missing message to provisioner
      * unify per_job to job_data
      * fix/review: part one
      * fix/review: more grumbles
      * fix/review: track incoming messages per peer
      * fix/review: extract fn, avoid nested matches
      * fix/review: more tests, simplify test
      * fix/review: extend tests to cover more cases
      * chore/rename: Tracker -> ProtocolState
      * chore check and comment rewording
      * feat test: invalid peer message
      * remove ignored test cases and unused macros
      * fix master merge fallout + warnings
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  10. Jul 22, 2020
  11. Jul 18, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement Runtime APIs (#1411) · 5d7142f1
      asynchronous rob authored
      * create a README on Runtime APIs
      * add ParaId type
      * write up runtime APIs
      * more preamble
      * rename
      * rejig runtime APIs
      * add occupied_since to `BlockNumber`
      * skeleton crate for runtime API subsystem
      * improve group_for_core
      * improve docs on availability cores runtime API
      * guide: freed -> free
      * add primitives for runtime APIs
      * create a v1 ParachainHost API trait
      * guide: make validation code return `Option`al.
      * skeleton runtime API helpers
      * make parachain-host runtime-generic
      * skeleton for most runtime API implementation functions
      * guide: add runtime API helper methods
      * implement new helpers of the inclusion module
      * guide: remove retries check, as it is unneeded
      * implement helpers for scheduler module for Runtime APIs
      * clean up `validator_groups` implementation
      * implement next_rotation_at and last_rotation_at
      * guide: more helpers on GroupRotationInfo
      * almost finish implementing runtime APIs
      * add explicit block parameter to runtime API fns
      * guide: generalize number parameter
      * guide: add group_responsible to occupied-core
      * update primitives due to guide changes
      * finishing touches on runtime API implementation; squash warnings
      * break out runtime API impl to separate file
      * add tests for next_up logic
      * test group rotation info
      * point to filed TODO
      * remove unused TODO [now]
      * indentation
      * guide: para -> para_id
      * rename para field to para_id for core meta
      * remove reference to outdated AvailabilityCores type
      * add an event in `inclusion` for candidates being included or timing out
      * guide: candidate events
      * guide: adjust language
      * Candidate events type from guide and adjust inclusion event
      * implement `candidate_events` runtime API
      * fix runtime test compilation
      * max -> min
      * fix typos
      * guide: add `RuntimeAPIRequest::CandidateEvents`
  12. Jul 17, 2020
  13. Jul 16, 2020
  14. Jul 10, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Refactor primitives (#1383) · 96af6ead
      asynchronous rob authored
      * create a v1 primitives module
      * Improve guide on availability types
      * punctuate
      * new parachains runtime uses new primitives
      * tests of new runtime now use new primitives
      * add ErasureChunk to guide
      * export erasure chunk from v1 primitives
      * subsystem crate uses v1 primitives
      * node-primitives uses new v1 primitives
      * port overseer to new primitives
      * new-proposer uses v1 primitives (no ParachainHost anymore)
      * fix no-std compilation for primitives
      * service-new uses v1 primitives
      * network-bridge uses new primitives
      * statement distribution uses v1 primitives
      * PoV distribution uses v1 primitives; add PoV::hash fn
      * move parachain to v0
      * remove inclusion_inherent module and place into v1
      * remove everything from primitives crate root
      * remove some unused old types from v0 primitives
      * point everything else at primitives::v0
      * squanch some warns up
      * add RuntimeDebug import to no-std as well
      * port over statement-table and validation
      * fix final errors in validation and node-primitives
      * add dummy Ord impl to committed candidate receipt
      * guide: update CandidateValidationMessage
      * add primitive for validationoutputs
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage further
      * bikeshed
      * add some impls to omitted-validation-data and available-data
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage
      * make erasure-coding generic over v1/v0
      * update usages of erasure-coding
      * implement commitments.hash()
      * use Arc<Pov> for CandidateValidation
      * improve new erasure-coding method names
      * fix up candidate backing
      * update docs a bit
      * fix most tests and add short-circuiting to make_pov_available
      * fix remainder of candidate backing tests
      * squanching warns
      * squanch it up
      * some fallout
      * overseer fallout
      * free from polkadot-test-service hell
  15. Jul 09, 2020
    • Fedor Sakharov's avatar
      CandidateBackingSubsystem (#1312) · 6aa5bfba
      Fedor Sakharov authored
      * Updates guide for CandidateBacking
      * Move assignment types to primitives
      * Initial implementation.
      * More functionality
      * use assert_matches
      * Changes to report misbehaviors
      * Some fixes after a review
      * Remove a blank line
      * Update guide and some types
      * Adds run_job function
      * Some comments and refactorings
      * Fix review
      * Remove warnings
      * Use summary in kicking off validation
      * Parallelize requests
      * Validation provides local and global validation params
      * Test issued validity tracking
      * Nits from review
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Delay session changes' effects on parachains by 1 block (#1354) · da237676
      asynchronous rob authored
      * note that the initializer is responsible for buffering session changes
      * amend initializer definition to include session change buffering
      * support buffered changes before `on_initialize`
      * implement and test session buffering
      * Update roadmap/implementors-guide/src/runtime/README.md
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBernhard Schuster <[email protected]>
      * expand on how this affects misbehavior reports
      * fix typo
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBernhard Schuster <[email protected]>
  16. Jul 08, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement PoV Distribution Subsystem (#1344) · b651e4af
      asynchronous rob authored
      * introduce candidatedescriptor type
      * add PoVDistribution message type
      * loosen bound on PoV Distribution to account for equivocations
      * re-export some types from the messages module
      * begin PoV Distribution subsystem
      * remove redundant index from PoV distribution
      * define state machine for pov distribution
      * handle overseer signals
      * set up control flow
      * remove `ValidatorStatement` section
      * implement PoV fetching
      * implement distribution logic
      * add missing `
      * implement some network bridge event handlers
      * stub for message processing, handle our view change
      * control flow for handling messages
      * handle `awaiting` message
      * handle any incoming PoVs and redistribute
      * actually provide a subsystem implementation
      * remove set-builder notation
      * begin testing PoV distribution
      * test that we send awaiting messages only to peers with same view
      * ensure we distribute awaited PoVs to peers on view changes
      * test that peers can complete fetch and are rewarded
      * test some reporting logic
      * ensure peer is reported for flooding
      * test punishing peers diverging from awaited protocol
      * test that we eagerly complete peers' awaited PoVs based on what we receive
      * test that we prune the awaited set after receiving
      * expand pov-distribution in guide to match a change I made
      * remove unneeded import
  17. Jul 07, 2020
  18. Jul 06, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement the Statement Distribution Subsystem (#1326) · 8348cc4c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * set up data types and control flow for statement distribution
      * add some set-like methods to View
      * implement sending to peers
      * start fixing equivocation handling
      * Add a section to the statement distribution subsystem on equivocations and flood protection
      * fix typo and amend wording
      * implement flood protection
      * have peer knowledge tracker follow when peer first learns about a candidate
      * send dependents after circulating
      * add another TODO
      * trigger send in one more place
      * refactors from review
      * send new statements to candidate backing
      * instantiate active head data with runtime API values
      * track our view changes and peer view changes
      * apply a benefit to peers who send us statements we want
      * remove unneeded TODO
      * add some comments and improve Hash implementation
      * start tests and fix `note_statement`
      * test active_head seconding logic
      * test that the per-peer tracking logic works
      * test per-peer knowledge tracker
      * test that peer view updates lead to messages being sent
      * test statement circulation
      * address review comments
      * have view set methods return references
  19. Jul 05, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      implement custom proposer (#1320) · 69ce9ff3
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * network bridge skeleton
      * move some primitives around and add debug impls
      * protocol registration glue & abstract network interface
      * add send_msgs to subsystemctx
      * select logic
      * transform different events into actions and handle
      * implement remaining network bridge state machine
      * start test skeleton
      * make network methods asynchronous
      * extract subsystem out to subsystem crate
      * port over overseer to subsystem context trait
      * fix minimal example
      * fix overseer doc test
      * update network-bridge crate
      * write a subsystem test-helpers crate
      * write a network test helper for network-bridge
      * set up (broken) view test
      * Revamp network to be more async-friendly and not require Sync
      * fix spacing
      * fix test compilation
      * insert side-channel for actions
      * Add some more message types to AllMessages
      * introduce a test harness
      * impl ProvideInherent for InclusionInherent
      * reduce import churn; correct expect message
      * move inclusion inherent identifier into primitives
      It's not clear precisely why this is desired, but it's a pattern
      I've seen in several places, so I'm going this to be on the
      safe side. Worst case, we can revert this commit pretty easily.
      * bump kusama spec_version to placate CI
      * copy sc_basic_authorship::{ProposerFactory, Proposer}
      We have from the problem description:
      > This Proposer will require an OverseerHandle to make requests via.
      That's next on the plate.
      * use polkadot custom proposer instead of basic-authorship one
      * add some tests
      * ensure service compiles and passes tests
      * fix typo
      * fix service-new compilation
      * Subsystem test helpers send messages synchronously
      * remove smelly action inspector
      * remove superfluous let binding
      * fix warnings
      * add license header
      * empty commit; maybe github will notice the one with changes
      * Update node/network/bridge/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * add sanity check to only include valid inherents
      * stub: encapsulate block production mechanics instead of copying them
      The goal is to end up with something like what's in
      validation::block_production::*, which encapsulates
      basic block production mechanics. This is a better idea than
      just straight-up copying those mechanics.
      * partial implementation of propose fn
      Doesn't actually compile yet; need to bring in some other
      commits to ensure ProvisionerMessage is a thing, and also
      figure out how to get the block hash given the current
      * fix compilation
      * clear a few more compile errors
      * finish fn propose
      * broken: add timeout to proposal
      * add timeout to proposal
      * guide: provisioner is responsible for selecting parachain candidates
      * implement ProvisionerMessage::RequestInherentData & update fn propose
      * impl CreateProposer::init; clean up
      * impl std::error::Error for Error
      * document error-handling rationale
      * cause polkadot-service-new to compile correctly
      * Move potentially-blocking call from fn init -> fn propose
      This means that we can wrap the delayed call into the same
      timeout check used elsewhere.
      * document struct Proposer
      * extract provisioner data fetch
      This satisfies two requirements:
      - only applies the timeout to actually fetching the provisioner data,
        not to constructing the block after
      - simplifies the problem of injecting default data if we could not
        get the real provisioner data in time.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
  20. Jun 24, 2020
  21. Jun 22, 2020
  22. Jun 20, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      signed wrapper (#1283) · 4f79b770
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * add signed wrapper, typedef SignedStatement
      * typedef SignedAvailabilityBitfield
      * implement Signed wrapper
      This is strictly an addition as of this commit; nothing is yet
      changed in existing behavior.
      * inline getters, remove review comment
      * move EncodeAs, Signed from node::primitives to primitives::parachain
      * Refactor SignedAvailabilityBitfield to use Signed
      * don't double-encode real payload
      This isn't an ideal solution, because it depends on the
      implementation details of how SCALE encodes tuples, but OTOH
      that behavior seems unlikely to change anytime soon.
      * fix build errors
      * cause the runtime to build properly with the new changes
      Not sure why cargo check didn't catch this earlier; oh well.
      * fix runtime tests and separate SignedStatement from SignedFullStatement
      * better explain why CompactStatement exists
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Fix glossary link (snowballed) (#1297) · ff708f3a
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * Add mdbook-linkcheck
      * Convert todo to not a link
      * Fix external glossary link
      * Fix various broken links
      * Mass replace: s/.html/.md/
      * My sloppy attempt to add a gitlab CI check
  23. Jun 18, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Inclusion Module (#1242) · 9d874fa5
      asynchronous rob authored
      * add availability bitfield types to primitives
      * begin inclusion module
      * use GitHub issue link for limitation
      * fix some compiler errors
      * integrate validators into initializer
      * add generic signing context
      * make signing-context more generic
      * fix issues with inclusion module
      * add TODO
      * guide: add validators and session index to inclusion
      * guide: add session index to change notification
      * implement session change logic
      * add BackedCandidate type
      * guide: refine inclusion pipeline
      * guide: rename group_on to group_validators
      * guide: add check about collator for parathread
      * guide: add last_code_upgrade to paras and use in inclusion
      * implement Paras::last_code_upgrade
      * implement most checks in process_candidates
      * make candidate receipt structs more generic
      * make BackedCandidate struct more generic
      * use hash param, not block number
      * check that candidate is in context of the parent block
      * include inclusion module in initializer
      * implement enact-candidate
      * check that only occupied cores have bits set
      * finish implementing bitfield processing
      * restructure consistency checks on candidates
      * make some more primitives generic
      * signature checking logic for backed candidates
      * finish implementing process_candidates
      * implement collect_pending
      * add some trait implementations to primitives
      * implement InclusionInherent and squash warnings
      * test bitfield signing checks
      * rename parachain head to para_head
      * fix note_new_head bug in paras
      * test bitfield enactment in inclusion
      * helpers for candidate checks
      * add test for most candidate checks
      * add test for backing setting storage
      * test session change logic
      * remove extraneous type parameter
      * remove some allow(unused)s
      * extract threshold computation to const fn
      * remove some more allow(unused)s
      * improve doc
      * add debug assertion
      * fix primitive test compilation
      * tag unanimous variant as unused
    • Fedor Sakharov's avatar
      Guide: router module (#1279) · f92be014
      Fedor Sakharov authored
      * Router module initial commit
      * Add the router.md itself
      * Enqueue only on enact_candidate
      * Initialization concerns
      * Ignore the snippet
      * Update roadmap/implementors-guide/src/runtime/router.md
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Dispatch messages on finalization
      * More fixes from review
      * Update roadmap/implementors-guide/src/SUMMARY.md
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Adds router to initializer order
      * Adds messages.md
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  24. Jun 17, 2020