1. Apr 26, 2024
  2. Apr 25, 2024
  3. Apr 24, 2024
  4. Apr 23, 2024
  5. Apr 22, 2024
  6. Apr 19, 2024
  7. Apr 17, 2024
    • Muharem Ismailov's avatar
      Asset Conversion: Pool Touch Call (#3251) · 305d311d
      Muharem Ismailov authored
      Introduce `touch` call designed to address operational prerequisites
      before providing liquidity to a pool.
      This function ensures that essential requirements, such as the presence
      of the pool's accounts, are fulfilled. It is particularly beneficial in
      scenarios where a pool creator removes the pool's accounts without
      providing liquidity.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
      Fix nostd build of several crates (#4060) · 7a2c9d4a
      Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
      Preparation for https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/3935
      - Add some `default-features = false` for the case that a crate and that
      dependency both support nostd builds.
      - Shuffle files around of some benchmarking-only crates. These
      conditionally disabled the `cfg_attr` for nostd and pulled in libstd.
      Example [here](https://github.com/ggwpez/zepter/pull/95
      ). The actual
      logic is moved into a `inner.rs` to preserve nostd capability of the
      crate in case the benchmarking feature is disabled.
      - Add some `use sp_std::vec` where needed.
      - Remove some `optional = true` in cases where it was not optional.
      - Removed one superfluous `cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std..`.
      All in all this should be logical no-op.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
    • Muharem Ismailov's avatar
      Asset Conversion: Pool Account ID derivation with additional Pallet ID seed (#3250) · 4e10d3b0
      Muharem Ismailov authored
      Introduce `PalletId` as an additional seed parameter for pool's account
      id derivation.
      The PR also introduces the `pallet_asset_conversion_ops` pallet with a
      call to migrate a given pool to thew new account. Additionally
      `fungibles::lifetime::ResetTeam` and `fungible::lifetime::Refund`
      traits, to facilitate the migration of pools.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
    • Sergej Sakac's avatar
      XCM coretime region transfers (#3455) · e6f3106d
      Sergej Sakac authored
      This PR introduces changes enabling the transfer of coretime regions via
      TL;DR: There are two primary issues that are resolved in this PR:
      1. The `mint` and `burn` functions were not implemented for coretime
      regions. These operations are essential for moving assets to and from
      the XCM holding register.
      2. The transfer of non-fungible assets through XCM was previously
      disallowed. This was due to incorrectly benchmarking non-fungible asset
      transfers via XCM, which led to assigning it a weight of `Weight::Max`,
      effectively preventing its execution.
      ### `mint_into` and `burn` implementation
      This PR addresses the issue with cross-chain transferring regions back
      to the Coretime chain. Remote reserve transfers are performed by
      withdrawing and depositing the asset to and from the holding registry.
      This requires the asset to support burning and minting functionality.
      This PR adds burning and minting; however, they work a bit differently
      than usual so that the associated region record is not lost when
      burning. Instead of removing all the data, burning will set the owner of
      the region to `None`, and when minting it back, it will set it to an
      actual value. So, when cross-chain transferring, withdrawing into the
      registry will remove the region from its original owner, and when
      depositing it from the registry, it will set its owner to another
      This was originally implemented in this PR: #3455, however we decided to
      move all of it to this single PR
      ### Fixes made in this PR
      - Update the `XcmReserveTransferFilter` on coretime chain since it is
      meant as a reserve chain for coretime regions.
      - Update the XCM benchmark to use `AssetTransactor` instead of assuming
      `pallet-balances` for fungible transfers.
      - Update the XCM benchmark to properly measure weight consumption for
      nonfungible reserve asset transfers. ATM reserve transfers via the
      extrinsic do not work since the weight for it is set to `Weight::max()`.
      Closes: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/865
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <[email protected]>
  8. Apr 16, 2024
  9. Apr 14, 2024
  10. Apr 12, 2024
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
      Remove `xcm::v3` from `assets-common` nits (#4037) · 5601f286
      Branislav Kontur authored
      This PR mainly removes `xcm::v3` stuff from `assets-common` to make it
      more generic and facilitate the transition to newer XCM versions. Some
      of the implementations here used hard-coded `xcm::v3::Location`, but now
      it's up to the runtime to configure according to its needs.
      Additional/consequent changes:
      - `penpal` runtime uses now `xcm::latest::Location` for `pallet_assets`
      as `AssetId`, because we don't care about migrations here
      - it pretty much simplify xcm-emulator integration tests, where we don't
      need now a lots of boilerplate conversions:
            v3::Location::try_from(...).expect("conversion works")`
      - xcm-emulator tests
      - split macro `impl_assets_helpers_for_parachain` to the
      `impl_assets_helpers_for_parachain` and
      `impl_foreign_assets_helpers_for_parachain` (avoids using hard-coded
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      pallet-xcm: add new extrinsic for asset transfers using explicit XCM transfer types (#3695) · 1e971b8d
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      # Description
      Add `transfer_assets_using()` for transferring assets from local chain
      to destination chain using explicit XCM transfer types such as:
      - `TransferType::LocalReserve`: transfer assets to sovereign account of
      destination chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and
      deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`.
      - `TransferType::DestinationReserve`: burn local assets and forward a
      notification to `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this
      chain's sovereign account and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
      - `TransferType::RemoteReserve(reserve)`: burn local assets, forward XCM
      to `reserve` chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to `dest`
      chain's SA, and forward another XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit
      reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`. Typically the remote `reserve` is
      Asset Hub.
      - `TransferType::Teleport`: burn local assets and forward XCM to `dest`
      chain to mint/teleport assets and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
      By default, an asset's reserve is its origin chain. But sometimes we may
      want to explicitly use another chain as reserve (as long as allowed by
      runtime `IsReserve` filter).
      This is very helpful for transferring assets with multiple configured
      reserves (such as Asset Hub ForeignAssets), when the transfer strictly
      depends on the used reserve.
      E.g. For transferring Foreign Assets over a bridge, Asset Hub must be
      used as the reserve location.
      # Example usage scenarios
      ## Transfer bridged ethereum ERC20-tokenX between ecosystem parachains.
      ERC20-tokenX is registered on AssetHub as a ForeignAsset by the
      Polkadot<>Ethereum bridge (Snowbridge). Its asset_id is something like
      `(parents:2, (GlobalConsensus(Ethereum), Address(tokenX_contract)))`.
      Its _original_ reserve is Ethereum (only we can't use Ethereum as a
      reserve in local transfers); but, since tokenX is also registered on
      AssetHub as a ForeignAsset, we can use AssetHub as a reserve.
      With this PR we can transfer tokenX from ParaA to ParaB while using
      AssetHub as a reserve.
      ## Transfer AssetHub ForeignAssets between parachains
      AssetA created on ParaA but also registered as foreign asset on Asset
      Hub. Can use AssetHub as a reserve.
      And all of the above can be done while still controlling transfer type
      for `fees` so mixing assets in same transfer is supported.
      # Tests
      Added integration tests for showcasing:
      - transferring local (not bridged) assets from parachain over bridge
      using local Asset Hub reserve,
      - transferring foreign assets from parachain to Asset Hub,
      - transferring foreign assets from Asset Hub to parachain,
      - transferring foreign assets from parachain to parachain using local
      Asset Hub reserve.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
    • Andrei Sandu's avatar
      Runtime API: introduce `candidates_pending_availability` (#4027) · 2dfe5f74
      Andrei Sandu authored
      Fixes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/3576
      Required by elastic scaling collators.
      Deprecates old API: `candidate_pending_availability`.
      - [x] PRDoc
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
  11. Apr 11, 2024
    • Liam Aharon's avatar
      Remove deprecated `TryRuntime` subcommand (#4017) · 39b1f50f
      Liam Aharon authored
      Completes the removal of `try-runtime-cli` logic from `polkadot-sdk`.
    • s0me0ne-unkn0wn's avatar
      Enable mainnet system parachains to use async backing-enabled collator (#3630) · f13408d5
      s0me0ne-unkn0wn authored
      This is phase 2 of async backing enablement for the system parachains on
      the production networks. ~~It should be merged after
      polkadot-fellows/runtimes#228 is enacted. After it is released,~~ all
      the system parachain collators should be upgraded, and then we can
      proceed with phase 3, which will enable async backing in the runtimes.
      UPDATE: Indeed, we don't need to wait for the runtime upgrade enactions.
      The lookahead collator handles the transition by itself, so we can
      upgrade ASAP.
      ## Scope of changes
      Here, we eliminate the dichotomy of having "generic Aura collators" for
      the production system parachains and "lookahead Aura collators" for the
      testnet system parachains. Now, all the collators are started as
      lookahead ones, preserving the logic of transferring from the shell node
      to Aura-enabled collators for the asset hubs. So, indeed, it simplifies
      the parachain service logic, which cannot but rejoice.
  12. Apr 10, 2024
    • Milos Kriz's avatar
      Amend chainspecs for `people-westend` and add IBP bootnodes (#4072) · d21a41f2
      Milos Kriz authored
      Dear team, dear @NachoPal @joepetrowski @bkchr @ggwpez
      This is a retry of #3957, after merging master as advised!,
      Many thanks!
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Update mod.rs · a45e5065
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
    • Bulat Saifullin's avatar
      Convert chainspec to raw (#4057) · d96a9752
      Bulat Saifullin authored
      The plain `people-kusama` and `coretime-kusama` chainspecs were uploaded
      at https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/3961. Only binaries
      with compatible runtime versions can run with plain chainspec. For
      One of the latest master builds fails:
      docker run paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-216509db --chain coretime-kusama
      Error: Service(Client(Storage("wasm call error Other: Exported method GenesisBuilder_get_preset is not found"))
      Master build from 5 days ago:
      docker run paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-68cdb126 --chain coretime-kusama
      2024-04-08 16:51:02 [Parachain] 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xc418…889c, header-hash: 0x638c…d050)
      2024-04-08 16:51:03 [Relaychain] 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb000…ef6b, header-hash: 0xb0a8…dafe)
      2024-04-08 16:51:03 [Relaychain] 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
      2024-04-08 16:51:03 [Relaychain] 👶 Creating empty BABE epoch changes on what appears to be first startup.
      2024-04-08 16:51:03 [Relaychain] 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWQEp2uPow3FnngGmy9dYQ3qxY1GkmumS5MqBWEQscwTyy
      2024-04-08 16:51:03 [Relaychain] 📦 Highest known block at #0
      ## Changes:
      1. Rename:
      coretime-kusama.json -> coretime-kusama-genesis.json
      people-kusama.json -> people-kusama-genesis.json
      2. Generate raw chainspec:
      docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/dir paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-68cdb126 build-spec --raw --chain /dir/people-kusama-genesis.json > people-kusama.json 
      docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/dir paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-68cdb126 build-spec --raw --chain /dir/coretime-kusama-genesis.json > coretime-kusama.json
      ## Tests:
      New chainspec can run on the latest master build:
      docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/dir paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-216509db --chain /dir/coretime-kusama.json
      2024-04-09 16:44:39 [Relaychain] ️ Syncing, target=#22665488 (8 peers), best: #2371 (0x19f8…5f3a), finalized #2048 (0xede6…f879),  388.6kiB/s  87.0kiB/s
      2024-04-09 16:44:39 [Parachain] 💤 Idle (6 peers), best: #0 (0x638c…d050), finalized #0 (0x638c…d050),  6.3kiB/s  2.8kiB/s
      Plain chainspec will fail:
      docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/dir paritypr/polkadot-parachain-debug:master-216509db --chain /dir/coretime-kusama-genesis.json
      Error: Service(Client(Storage("wasm call error Other: Exported method GenesisBuilder_get_preset is not found")))
    • Egor_P's avatar
      [Backport] Version bumps and prdoc reorg from 1.10.0 (#4052) · ddb53c87
      Egor_P authored
      This PR backports `spec_version`, `node_version` bumps and reordering of
      the prdocs from the 1.10.0 release branch
  13. Apr 09, 2024
    • Sebastian Kunert's avatar
      Move cumulus zombienet tests to aura & async backing (#3568) · df818d29
      Sebastian Kunert authored
      Cumulus test-parachain node and test runtime were still using relay
      chain consensus and 12s blocktimes. With async backing around the corner
      on the major chains we should switch our tests too.
      Also needed to nicely test the changes coming to collators in #3168.
      ### Changes Overview
      - Followed the [migration
      for async backing for the cumulus-test-runtime
      - Adjusted the cumulus-test-service to use the correct import-queue,
      lookahead collator etc.
      - The block validation function now uses the Aura Ext Executor so that
      the seal of the block is validated
      - Previous point requires that we seal block before calling into
      `validate_block`, I introduced a helper function for that
      - Test client adjusted to provide a slot to the relay chain proof and
      the aura pre-digest
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      test runtimes: allow local origins to execute arbitrary XCMs (#3930) · 74a42ceb
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      We are exploring [allowing this for
      Kusama](https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes/pull/261) as well,
      disallowing on test chains seems unnecessarily limiting.
    • Facundo Farall's avatar
      Upgrade `trie-db` from `0.28.0` to `0.29.0` (#3982) · 4e73c0fc
      Facundo Farall authored
      # Description
      - What does this PR do?
      1. Upgrades `trie-db`'s version to the latest release. This release
      includes, among others, an implementation of `DoubleEndedIterator` for
      the `TrieDB` struct, allowing to iterate both backwards and forwards
      within the leaves of a trie.
      2. Upgrades `trie-bench` to `0.39.0` for compatibility.
      3. Upgrades `criterion` to `0.5.1` for compatibility.
      - Why are these changes needed?
      Besides keeping up with the upgrade of `trie-db`, this specifically adds
      the functionality of iterating back on the leafs of a trie, with
      `sp-trie`. In a project we're currently working on, this comes very
      handy to verify a Merkle proof that is the response to a challenge. The
      challenge is a random hash that (most likely) will not be an existing
      leaf in the trie. So the challenged user, has to provide a Merkle proof
      of the previous and next existing leafs in the trie, that surround the
      random challenged hash.
      Without having DoubleEnded iterators, we're forced to iterate until we
      find the first existing leaf, like so:
              // ************* VERIFIER (RUNTIME) *************
              // Verify proof. This generates a partial trie based on the proof and
              // checks that the root hash matches the `expected_root`.
              let (memdb, root) = proof.to_memory_db(Some(&root)).unwrap();
              let trie = TrieDBBuilder::<LayoutV1<RefHasher>>::new(&memdb, &root).build();
              // Print all leaf node keys and values.
              println!("\nPrinting leaf nodes of partial tree...");
              for key in trie.key_iter().unwrap() {
                  if key.is_ok() {
                      println!("Leaf node key: {:?}", key.clone().unwrap());
                      let val = trie.get(&key.unwrap());
                      if val.is_ok() {
                          println!("Leaf node value: {:?}", val.unwrap());
                      } else {
                          println!("Leaf node value: None");
              println!("RECONSTRUCTED TRIE {:#?}", trie);
              // Create an iterator over the leaf nodes.
              let mut iter = trie.iter().unwrap();
              // First element with a value should be the previous existing leaf to the challenged hash.
              let mut prev_key = None;
              for element in &mut iter {
                  if element.is_ok() {
                      let (key, _) = element.unwrap();
                      prev_key = Some(key);
              // Since hashes are `Vec<u8>` ordered in big-endian, we can compare them directly.
              assert!(prev_key.unwrap() <= challenge_hash.to_vec());
              // The next element should exist (meaning there is no other existing leaf between the
              // previous and next leaf) and it should be greater than the challenged hash.
              let next_key = iter.next().unwrap().unwrap().0;
              assert!(next_key >= challenge_hash.to_vec());
      With DoubleEnded iterators, we can avoid that, like this:
              // ************* VERIFIER (RUNTIME) *************
              // Verify proof. This generates a partial trie based on the proof and
              // checks that the root hash matches the `expected_root`.
              let (memdb, root) = proof.to_memory_db(Some(&root)).unwrap();
              let trie = TrieDBBuilder::<LayoutV1<RefHasher>>::new(&memdb, &root).build();
              // Print all leaf node keys and values.
              println!("\nPrinting leaf nodes of partial tree...");
              for key in trie.key_iter().unwrap() {
                  if key.is_ok() {
                      println!("Leaf node key: {:?}", key.clone().unwrap());
                      let val = trie.get(&key.unwrap());
                      if val.is_ok() {
                          println!("Leaf node value: {:?}", val.unwrap());
                      } else {
                          println!("Leaf node value: None");
              // println!("RECONSTRUCTED TRIE {:#?}", trie);
              println!("\nChallenged key: {:?}", challenge_hash);
              // Create an iterator over the leaf nodes.
              let mut double_ended_iter = trie.into_double_ended_iter().unwrap();
              // First element with a value should be the previous existing leaf to the challenged hash.
              let next_key = double_ended_iter.next_back().unwrap().unwrap().0;
              let prev_key = double_ended_iter.next_back().unwrap().unwrap().0;
              // Since hashes are `Vec<u8>` ordered in big-endian, we can compare them directly.
              println!("Prev key: {:?}", prev_key);
              assert!(prev_key <= challenge_hash.to_vec());
              println!("Next key: {:?}", next_key);
              assert!(next_key >= challenge_hash.to_vec());
      - How were these changes implemented and what do they affect?
      All that is needed for this functionality to be exposed is changing the
      version number of `trie-db` in all the `Cargo.toml`s applicable, and
      re-exporting some additional structs from `trie-db` in `sp-trie`.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      parachain-template: Simplify it (#3801) · 22b95a8a
      Bastian Köcher authored
      Also while doing this, move slot duration fetching into the AURA code.
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
  14. Apr 08, 2024
    • Aaro Altonen's avatar
      Integrate litep2p into Polkadot SDK (#2944) · 80616f6d
      Aaro Altonen authored
      [litep2p](https://github.com/altonen/litep2p) is a libp2p-compatible P2P
      networking library. It supports all of the features of `rust-libp2p`
      that are currently being utilized by Polkadot SDK.
      Compared to `rust-libp2p`, `litep2p` has a quite different architecture
      which is why the new `litep2p` network backend is only able to use a
      little of the existing code in `sc-network`. The design has been mainly
      influenced by how we'd wish to structure our networking-related code in
      Polkadot SDK: independent higher-levels protocols directly communicating
      with the network over links that support bidirectional backpressure. A
      good example would be `NotificationHandle`/`RequestResponseHandle`
      abstractions which allow, e.g., `SyncingEngine` to directly communicate
      with peers to announce/request blocks.
      I've tried running `polkadot --network-backend litep2p` with a few
      different peer configurations and there is a noticeable reduction in
      networking CPU usage. For high load (`--out-peers 200`), networking CPU
      usage goes down from ~110% to ~30% (80 pp) and for normal load
      (`--out-peers 40`), the usage goes down from ~55% to ~18% (37 pp).
      These should not be taken as final numbers because:
      a) there are still some low-hanging optimization fruits, such as
      enabling [receive window
      ), integrating
      `Peerset` more closely with `litep2p` or improving memory usage of the
      WebSocket transport
      b) fixing bugs/instabilities that incorrectly cause `litep2p` to do less
      work will increase the networking CPU usage
      c) verification in a more diverse set of tests/conditions is needed
      Nevertheless, these numbers should give an early estimate for CPU usage
      of the new networking backend.
      This PR consists of three separate changes:
      * introduce a generic `PeerId` (wrapper around `Multihash`) so that we
      don't have use `NetworkService::PeerId` in every part of the code that
      uses a `PeerId`
      * introduce `NetworkBackend` trait, implement it for the libp2p network
      stack and make Polkadot SDK generic over `NetworkBackend`
        * implement `NetworkBackend` for litep2p
      The new library should be considered experimental which is why
      `rust-libp2p` will remain as the default option for the time being. This
      PR currently depends on the master branch of `litep2p` but I'll cut a
      new release for the library once all review comments have been
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDmitry Markin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
      [FRAME] Runtime Omni Bencher (#3512) · 9543d314
      Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
      This MR contains two major changes and some maintenance cleanup.  
      ## 1. Free Standing Pallet Benchmark Runner
      Closes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/3045, depends
      on your runtime exposing the `GenesisBuilderApi` (like
      Introduces a new binary crate: `frame-omni-bencher`.  
      It allows to directly benchmark a WASM blob - without needing a node or
      chain spec.
      This makes it much easier to generate pallet weights and should allow us
      to remove bloaty code from the node.
      It should work for all FRAME runtimes that dont use 3rd party host calls
      or non `BlakeTwo256` block hashing (basically all polkadot parachains
      should work).
      It is 100% backwards compatible with the old CLI args, when the `v1`
      compatibility command is used. This is done to allow for forwards
      compatible addition of new commands.
      ### Example (full example in the Rust docs)
      Installing the CLI:
      cargo install --locked --path substrate/utils/frame/omni-bencher
      frame-omni-bencher --help
      Building the Westend runtime:
      cargo build -p westend-runtime --release --features runtime-benchmarks
      Benchmarking the runtime:
      frame-omni-bencher v1 benchmark pallet --runtime target/release/wbuild/westend-runtime/westend_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm --all
      ## 2. Building the Benchmark Genesis State in the Runtime
      Closes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/2664
      This adds `--runtime` and `--genesis-builder=none|runtime|spec`
      arguments to the `benchmark pallet` command to make it possible to
      generate the genesis storage by the runtime. This can be used with both
      the node and the freestanding benchmark runners. It utilizes the new
      `GenesisBuilder` RA and depends on having
      ## 3. Simpler args for `PalletCmd::run`
      You can do three things here to integrate the changes into your node:
      - nothing: old code keeps working as before but emits a deprecated
      - delete: remove the pallet benchmarking code from your node and use the
      omni-bencher instead
      - patch: apply the patch below and keep using as currently. This emits a
      deprecated warning at runtime, since it uses the old way to generate a
      genesis state, but is the smallest change.
      runner.sync_run(|config| cmd
      -    .run::<HashingFor<Block>, ReclaimHostFunctions>(config)
      +    .run_with_spec::<HashingFor<Block>, ReclaimHostFunctions>(Some(config.chain_spec))
      ## 4. Maintenance Change
      - `pallet-nis` get a `BenchmarkSetup` config item to prepare its
      counterparty asset.
      - Add percent progress print when running benchmarks.
      - Dont immediately exit on benchmark error but try to run as many as
      possible and print errors last.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
    • Tsvetomir Dimitrov's avatar
      Deprecate `para_id()` from `CoreState` in polkadot primitives (#3979) · 59f868d1
      Tsvetomir Dimitrov authored
      With Coretime enabled we can no longer assume there is a static 1:1
      mapping between core index and para id. This mapping should be obtained
      from the scheduler/claimqueue on block by block basis.
      This PR modifies `para_id()` (from `CoreState`) to return the scheduled
      `ParaId` for occupied cores and removes its usages in the code.
      Closes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/3948
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
    • HongKuang's avatar
      Fix some typos (#4018) · bd4471b4
      HongKuang authored
      Signed-off-by: default avatarhongkuang <[email protected]>
  15. Apr 05, 2024