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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 29, 2024
  2. Apr 24, 2024
  3. Apr 11, 2024
  4. Apr 05, 2024
    • EgorPopelyaev's avatar
      move prdocs to the release folder · 7049c3c9
      EgorPopelyaev authored
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
      Added support for coretime-kusama/polkadot and people-kusama/polkadot (#3961) · 7af3c711
      Branislav Kontur authored
      ## Running  `./polkadot-parachain --chain coretime-kusama` works now:
      **Parachain genesis state and header** match expected ones from
      2024-04-03 12:03:58 [Parachain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xc418…889c, header-hash: 0x638c…d050) 
      2024-04-03 12:04:04 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x638c…d050), finalized #0 (0x638c…d050)
      **Relaychain genesis state and header** match expected ones:
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb000…ef6b, header-hash: 0xb0a8…dafe)    
      **Full logs:**
      bparity@bkontur-ThinkPad-P14s-Gen-2i:~/parity/polkadot-sdk$ ./target/debug/polkadot-parachain --chain coretime-kusama
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 Polkadot parachain    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :v:️  version 4.0.0-665e3654    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :heart:️  by Parity Technologies <>, 2017-2024    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :clipboard: Chain specification: Kusama Coretime    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :label:  Node name: subsequent-quicksand-2382    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :bust_in_silhouette: Role: FULL    
      2024-04-03 12:03:52 :floppy_disk: Database: RocksDb at /home/bparity/.local/share/polkadot-parachain/chains/coretime-kusama/db/full    
      2024-04-03 12:03:54 Parachain id: Id(1005)    
      2024-04-03 12:03:54 Parachain Account: 5Ec4AhPakEiNWFbAd26nRrREnaGQZo3uukPDC5xLr6314Dwg    
      2024-04-03 12:03:54 Is collating: no    
      2024-04-03 12:03:58 [Parachain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xc418…889c, header-hash: 0x638c…d050)    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb000…ef6b, header-hash: 0xb0a8…dafe)    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :older_man: Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :baby: Creating empty BABE epoch changes on what appears to be first startup.    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :label:  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWSfXNBZYimwSKBqfKf7F1X6adNQQD5HVQbdnvSyBFn8Wd    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Operating system: linux    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU architecture: x86_64    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Target environment: gnu    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU cores: 4    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Memory: 31797MB    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Kernel: 5.15.0-101-generic    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Linux distribution: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :computer: Virtual machine: no    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :package: Highest known block at #0    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :part_alternation_mark:️ Prometheus exporter started at    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: CPU score: 1.40 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Memory score: 15.42 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (seq. writes): 1.39 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (rand. writes): 690.56 MiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :label:  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWAAvNqXn8WPmvnEj36j7HsdbtpRpmWDPT9xtp4CuphvxW    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Operating system: linux    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: CPU architecture: x86_64    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Target environment: gnu    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: CPU cores: 4    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Memory: 31797MB    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Kernel: 5.15.0-101-generic    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Linux distribution: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :computer: Virtual machine: no    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :package: Highest known block at #0    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :part_alternation_mark:️ Prometheus exporter started at    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: CPU score: 1.40 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Memory score: 15.42 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (seq. writes): 1.39 GiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (rand. writes): 690.56 MiBs    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWSfXNBZYimwSKBqfKf7F1X6adNQQD5HVQbdnvSyBFn8Wd /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWAAvNqXn8WPmvnEj36j7HsdbtpRpmWDPT9xtp4CuphvxW /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWAAvNqXn8WPmvnEj36j7HsdbtpRpmWDPT9xtp4CuphvxW /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWSfXNBZYimwSKBqfKf7F1X6adNQQD5HVQbdnvSyBFn8Wd /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWAAvNqXn8WPmvnEj36j7HsdbtpRpmWDPT9xtp4CuphvxW /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:03:59 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWSfXNBZYimwSKBqfKf7F1X6adNQQD5HVQbdnvSyBFn8Wd /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:04:00 [Relaychain] :mag: Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/    
      2024-04-03 12:04:00 [Relaychain] Sending fatal alert BadCertificate    
      2024-04-03 12:04:00 [Relaychain] Sending fatal alert BadCertificate    
      2024-04-03 12:04:04 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing, target=#22575321 (7 peers), best: #738 (0x1803…bbef), finalized #512 (0xb9b6…7014), :arrow_down: 328.5kiB/s :arrow_up: 102.9kiB/s    
      2024-04-03 12:04:04 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x638c…d050), finalized #0 (0x638c…d050), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      2024-04-03 12:04:09 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing 169.5 bps, target=#22575322 (8 peers), best: #1586 (0x405b…a8aa), finalized #1536 (0x55d1…fb04), :arrow_down: 232.3kiB/s :arrow_up: 55.9kiB/s    
      2024-04-03 12:04:09 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x638c…d050), finalized #0 (0x638c…d050), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      2024-04-03 12:04:14 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing 168.0 bps, target=#22575323 (8 peers), best: #2426 (0x155f…d083), finalized #2048 (0xede6…f879), :arrow_down: 235.8kiB/s :arrow_up: 67.2kiB/s    
      2024-04-03 12:04:14 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x638c…d050), finalized #0 (0x638c…d050), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      2024-04-03 12:04:19 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing 170.0 bps, target=#22575324 (8 peers), best: #3276 (0x94d8…097e), finalized #3072 (0x0e4c…f587), :arrow_down: 129.0kiB/s :arrow_up: 34.0kiB/s
      ## Running  `./polkadot-parachain --chain people-kusama` works now:
      **Parachain genesis state and header** match expected ones from
      2024-04-04 10:26:24 [Parachain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x023a…2733, header-hash: 0x07b8…2645)    
      2024-04-04 10:26:30 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x07b8…2645), finalized #0 (0x07b8…2645), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      **Relaychain genesis state and header** match expected ones:
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb000…ef6b, header-hash: 0xb0a8…dafe)  
      **Full logs:**
      bparity@bkontur-ThinkPad-P14s-Gen-2i:~/parity/aaa/polkadot-sdk$ ./target/debug/polkadot-parachain --chain people-kusama
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 Polkadot parachain    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :v:️  version 4.0.0-39274bb7    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :heart:️  by Parity Technologies <>, 2017-2024    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :clipboard: Chain specification: Kusama People    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :label:  Node name: knotty-flight-5398    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :bust_in_silhouette: Role: FULL    
      2024-04-04 10:26:18 :floppy_disk: Database: RocksDb at /home/bparity/.local/share/polkadot-parachain/chains/people-kusama/db/full    
      2024-04-04 10:26:21 Parachain id: Id(1004)    
      2024-04-04 10:26:21 Parachain Account: 5Ec4AhPaYcfBz8fMoPd4EfnAgwbzRS7np3APZUnnFo12qEYk    
      2024-04-04 10:26:21 Is collating: no    
      2024-04-04 10:26:24 [Parachain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x023a…2733, header-hash: 0x07b8…2645)    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :hammer: Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb000…ef6b, header-hash: 0xb0a8…dafe)    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :older_man: Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :baby: Creating empty BABE epoch changes on what appears to be first startup.    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :label:  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWPoTVhnrFNzVYJPR42HE9rYjXhkKHFDL9ut5nafDqJHKB    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Operating system: linux    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU architecture: x86_64    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Target environment: gnu    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: CPU cores: 4    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Memory: 31797MB    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Kernel: 5.15.0-101-generic    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Linux distribution: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :computer: Virtual machine: no    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :package: Highest known block at #0    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :part_alternation_mark:️ Prometheus exporter started at    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: CPU score: 1.18 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Memory score: 15.61 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (seq. writes): 1.49 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (rand. writes): 650.01 MiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :label:  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWS2WPQgtiZZYT6bLGjwGcJU7QVd5EeQvb4jHN3NVSWDdj    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Operating system: linux    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: CPU architecture: x86_64    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Target environment: gnu    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: CPU cores: 4    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Memory: 31797MB    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Kernel: 5.15.0-101-generic    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Linux distribution: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :computer: Virtual machine: no    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :package: Highest known block at #0    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :part_alternation_mark:️ Prometheus exporter started at    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: CPU score: 1.18 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Memory score: 15.61 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (seq. writes): 1.49 GiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] :checkered_flag: Disk score (rand. writes): 650.01 MiBs    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWPoTVhnrFNzVYJPR42HE9rYjXhkKHFDL9ut5nafDqJHKB /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWS2WPQgtiZZYT6bLGjwGcJU7QVd5EeQvb4jHN3NVSWDdj /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWS2WPQgtiZZYT6bLGjwGcJU7QVd5EeQvb4jHN3NVSWDdj /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWPoTVhnrFNzVYJPR42HE9rYjXhkKHFDL9ut5nafDqJHKB /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWS2WPQgtiZZYT6bLGjwGcJU7QVd5EeQvb4jHN3NVSWDdj /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:25 [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWPoTVhnrFNzVYJPR42HE9rYjXhkKHFDL9ut5nafDqJHKB /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:26 [Relaychain] :mag: Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/    
      2024-04-04 10:26:27 [Relaychain] Sending fatal alert BadCertificate    
      2024-04-04 10:26:27 [Relaychain] Sending fatal alert BadCertificate    
      2024-04-04 10:26:30 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing, target=#22588722 (8 peers), best: #638 (0xa9cd…7c30), finalized #512 (0xb9b6…7014), :arrow_down: 345.6kiB/s :arrow_up: 108.7kiB/s    
      2024-04-04 10:26:30 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x07b8…2645), finalized #0 (0x07b8…2645), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      2024-04-04 10:26:35 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing 174.4 bps, target=#22588722 (9 peers), best: #1510 (0xec0b…72f0), finalized #1024 (0x3f17…fd7f), :arrow_down: 203.1kiB/s :arrow_up: 45.0kiB/s    
      2024-04-04 10:26:35 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x07b8…2645), finalized #0 (0x07b8…2645), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up: 0    
      2024-04-04 10:26:40 [Relaychain] :gear:️  Syncing 168.9 bps, target=#22588723 (9 peers), best: #2355 (0xa68b…3a64), finalized #2048 (0xede6…f879), :arrow_down: 201.6kiB/s :arrow_up: 47.4kiB/s    
      2024-04-04 10:26:40 [Parachain] :zzz: Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x07b8…2645), finalized #0 (0x07b8…2645), :arrow_down: 0 :arrow_up:
      ## TODO
      - [x] double check
      (safeXcmVersion=3) see
      - [x] check if ~~`start_generic_aura_node`~~ or
      - [x] generate chain-spec for `people-kusama`
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <>
  5. Apr 04, 2024
  6. Apr 03, 2024
  7. Apr 02, 2024
    • Andrei Eres's avatar
      Remove nextest filtration (#3885) · 665e3654
      Andrei Eres authored
      After moving regression tests to benchmarks
      ( we don't need to
      filter tests anymore.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlin Dima <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSerban Iorga <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDastan <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarClara van Staden <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRon <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarVincent Geddes <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSvyatoslav Nikolsky <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
    • Dino Pačandi's avatar
      SortedMembers::add for pallet-membership benchmarks (#3729) · f88190a5
      Dino Pačandi authored
      Adds implementation for `SortedMembers::add` for _pallet-membership_
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
    • Michal Kucharczyk's avatar
      sp_runtime: TryFrom<RuntimeString> for &str (#3942) · 0becc45b
      Michal Kucharczyk authored
      Added `TryFrom<&'a RuntimeString> for &'a str`
    • Clara van Staden's avatar
      Snowbridge: Synchronize from Snowfork repository (#3761) · 5d9826c2
      Clara van Staden authored
      This PR includes the following 2 improvements:
      ## Ethereum Client
      Author: @yrong 
      ### Original Upstream PRs
      ### Description
      The Ethereum client syncs beacon headers as they are finalized, and
      imports every execution header. When a message is received, it is
      verified against the import execution header. This is unnecessary, since
      the execution header can be sent with the message as proof. The recent
      Deneb Ethereum upgrade made it easier to locate the relevant beacon
      header from an execution header, and so this improvement was made
      possible. This resolves a concern @svyatonik had in our initial Rococo
      ## Inbound Queue
      Author: @yrong 
      ### Original Upstream PR
      ### Description
      When the AH sovereign account (who pays relayer rewards) is depleted,
      the inbound message will not fail. The relayer just will not receive
      Both these changes were done by @yrong, many thanks. :heart:
      Co-authored-by: claravanstaden <Cats 4 life!>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRon <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarVincent Geddes <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSvyatoslav Nikolsky <>
    • Dastan's avatar
      migrations: prevent accidentally using unversioned migrations instead of... · e5427969
      Dastan authored
      migrations: prevent accidentally using unversioned migrations instead of `VersionedMigration` (#3835)
      closes #1324 
      #### Problem
      Currently, it is possible to accidentally use inner unversioned
      migration instead of `VersionedMigration` since both implement
      #### Solution
      With this change, we make it clear that value of `Inner` is not intended
      to be used directly. It is achieved by bounding `Inner` to new trait
      `UncheckedOnRuntimeUpgrade`, which has the same interface (except
      `unchecked_` prefix) as `OnRuntimeUpgrade`.
      #### `try-runtime` functions
      Since developers can implement `try-runtime` for `Inner` value in
      `VersionedMigration` and have custom logic for it, I added the same
      `try-runtime` functions to `UncheckedOnRuntimeUpgrade`. I looked for a
      ways to not duplicate functions, but couldn't find anything that doesn't
      significantly change the codebase. So I would appreciate If you have any
      suggestions to improve this
      cc @liamaharon
      polkadot address: 16FqwPZ8GRC5U5D4Fu7W33nA55ZXzXGWHwmbnE1eT6pxuqcT
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <>
    • Serban Iorga's avatar
      Align dependencies with `parity-bridges-common` (#3937) · 8e95a3e1
      Serban Iorga authored
      Working towards migrating the `parity-bridges-common` repo inside
      `polkadot-sdk`. This PR upgrades some dependencies in order to align
      them with the versions used in `parity-bridges-common`
      Related to
    • Alexandru Vasile's avatar
      chainHead: Allow methods to be called from within a single connection context... · 7430f413
      Alexandru Vasile authored
      chainHead: Allow methods to be called from within a single connection context and limit connections (#3481)
      This PR ensures that the chainHead RPC class can be called only from
      within the same connection context.
      The chainHead methods are now registered as raw methods. 
      The concept of raw methods is introduced in jsonrpsee, which is an async
      method that exposes the connection ID:
      The raw method doesn't have the concept of a blocking method. Previously
      blocking methods are now spawning a blocking task to handle their
      blocking (ie DB) access. We spawn the same number of tasks as before,
      however we do that explicitly.
      Another approach would be implementing a RPC middleware that captures
      and decodes the method parameters:
      However, that approach is prone to errors since the methods are
      hardcoded by name. Performace is affected by the double deserialization
      that needs to happen to extract the subscription ID we'd like to limit.
      Once from the middleware, and once from the methods itself.
      This PR paves the way to implement the chainHead connection limiter:
      Registering tokens (subscription ID / operation ID) on the
      `RpcConnections` could be extended to return an error when the maximum
      number of operations is reached.
      While at it, have added an integration-test to ensure that chainHead
      methods can be called from within the same connection context.
      Before this is merged, a new JsonRPC release should be made to expose
      the `raw-methods`:
      - [x] Use jsonrpsee from crates io (blocked by:
      cc @paritytech/subxt-team
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <>
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      beefy: error logs for validators with dummy keys (#3939) · 5eff3f94
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      This outputs:
      2024-04-02 14:36:02.135 ERROR tokio-runtime-worker beefy: 🥩 for session starting at block 21990151
      no BEEFY authority key found in store, you must generate valid session keys
      error log entry, once every session, for nodes running with
      `Role::Authority` that have no public BEEFY key in their keystore
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <>
    • Serban Iorga's avatar
      Update bridges subtree (#3938) · d5617cf3
      Serban Iorga authored
      Pulling the latest changes from `parity-bridges-common`
    • Javier Viola's avatar
      chore(zombienet): bump version (#3933) · db1af43c
      Javier Viola authored
      This version includes:
      - Internal metrics of zombienet (used to benchmark with v2).
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Fix parachain upgrade scheduling when done by the owner/root (#3341) · 12eb285d
      Bastian Köcher authored
      When using `schedule_code_upgrade` to change the code of a parachain in
      the relay chain runtime, we had already fixed to not set the `GoAhead`
      signal. This was done to not brick any parachain after the upgrade,
      because they were seeing the signal without having any upgrade prepared.
      The remaining problem is that the parachain code is only upgraded after
      a parachain header was enacted, aka the parachain made some progress.
      However, this is quite complicated if the parachain is bricked (which is
      the most common scenario why to manually schedule a code upgrade). Thus,
      this pull request replaces `SetGoAhead` with `UpgradeStrategy` to signal
      to the logic kind of strategy want to use. The strategies are either
      `SetGoAheadSignal` or `ApplyAtExpectedBlock`. `SetGoAheadSignal` sets
      the go ahead signal as before and awaits a parachain block.
      `ApplyAtExpectedBlock` schedules the upgrade and applies it directly at
      the `expected_block` without waiting for the parachain to make any kind
      of progress.
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      pallet-xcm: fix weights for all XTs and deprecate unlimited weight ones (#3927) · d0ebb850
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      Fix "double-weights" for extrinsics, use only the ones benchmarked in
      the runtime.
      Deprecate extrinsics that don't specify WeightLimit, remove their usage
      across the repo.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
    • Sam Johnson's avatar
      Update derive syn parse 0.2.0 (+ docify) (#3920) · 9a62de27
      Sam Johnson authored
      derive-syn-parse v0.2.0 came out recently which (finally) adds support
      for syn 2x.
      Upgrading to this will remove many of the places where syn 1x was still
      compiling alongside syn 2x in the polkadot-sdk workspace.
      This also upgrades `docify` to 0.2.8 which is the version that upgrades
      derive-syn-pasre to 0.2.0.
      Additionally, this consolidates the `docify` versions in the repo to all
      use the latest, and in one case upgrades to the 0.2x syntax where 0.1.x
      was still being used.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <>
  8. Apr 01, 2024
    • s0me0ne-unkn0wn's avatar
      `im-online` removal final cleanup (#3902) · 52e10378
      s0me0ne-unkn0wn authored
      Rejoice! Rejoice! The story is nearly over.
      This PR removes stale migrations, auxiliary structures, and package
      dependencies, thus making Rococo and Westend totally free from any
      `im-online`-related stuff.
      `im-online` still stays a part of the Substrate node and its runtime:
      I'm not sure if it makes sense to remove it from there considering that
      we're not removing `im-online` from FRAME. Please share your opinion.
    • Andrei Sandu's avatar
      pallet-scheduler: fix test (#3923) · bf1ca86f
      Andrei Sandu authored
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <>
    • Serban Iorga's avatar
      Fix links (#3928) · 9805ba2c
      Serban Iorga authored
      Fix links
      Related CI failure:
    • Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar
      primitives: Move out of staging released APIs (#3925) · d6f68bb9
      Alexandru Gheorghe authored
      Runtime release 1.2 includes bumping of the ParachainHost APIs up to
      v10, so let's move all the released APIs out of vstaging folder, this PR
      does not include any logic changes only renaming of the modules and some
      moving around.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <>
    • Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar
      Fix 0007-dispute-freshly-finalized.zndsl failing (#3893) · e6bd9205
      Alexandru Gheorghe authored
      Test started failing after
      which enabled approval coalescing, that was expected to happen because
      the test required an polkadot_parachain_approval_checking_finality_lag
      of 0, which can't happen with max_approval_coalesce_count greater than 1
      because we always delay the approval for no_show_duration_ticks/2 in
      case we can coalesce it with other approvals.
      So relax a bit the restrictions, since we don't actually care that the
      lags are 0, but the fact the finalities are progressing and are not
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <>
    • Ross Bulat's avatar
      Pools: Make `PermissionlessWithdraw` the default claim permission (#3438) · b772cb57
      Ross Bulat authored
      Related Issue
      This PR makes permissionless withdrawing the default option, giving any
      network participant access to claim pool rewards on member's behalf. Of
      course, members can still opt out of this by setting a `Permissioned`
      claim permission.
      Permissionless claiming has been a part of the nomination pool pallet
      for around 9 months now, with very limited uptake (~4% of total pool
      members). 1.6% of pool members are using `PermissionlessAll`, strongly
      suggesting it is not wanted - it is too ambiguous and doesn't provide
      guidance to claimers.
      Stakers expect rewards to be claimed on their behalf by default - I have
      expanded upon this in detail within the [accompanying issue's
      Other protocols have this behaviour, whereby staking rewards are
      received without the staker having to take any action. From this
      perspective, permissionless claiming is not intuitive for pool members.
      As evidence of this, over 150,000 DOT is currently unclaimed on
      Polkadot, and is growing at a non-linear rate.
    • Andrei Sandu's avatar
      Improve `HostConfiguration` consistency check (#3897) · 07720dd1
      Andrei Sandu authored
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <>
    • Alessandro Siniscalchi's avatar
      [parachain-template] pallet configurations into `mod configs` (#3809) · 8d305343
      Alessandro Siniscalchi authored
      This PR introduces a refactor of the parachain runtime configuration by
      consolidating all pallet configurations into a new module named
      `configs`. This change aims to improve the readability and
      maintainability of the runtime configuration by centralizing all
      configuration parameters.
      ## Changes
      - **Creation of ``**: A new file `` has been added
      under `templates/parachain/runtime/src/`, containing all the runtime
      configurations previously scattered across ``.
      - **Refactoring of ``**: The `` file has been significantly
      slimmed down by removing the inline pallet configurations and importing
      them from `` instead.
      - **Optimization of Import Statements**: Reorganized import statements
      to clarify the runtime's dependency structure.
      ### Benefits
      - **Improved Readability**: With configurations being centralized,
      developers can now easily locate and review runtime parameters without
      navigating through the `` file.
      This refactor does not introduce any changes to the runtime logic but
      improves the project structure for better development experience.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
    • Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar
      network:bridge: fix peer_count metric (#3711) · e0c081db
      Alexandru Gheorghe authored
      The metric records the current protocol_version of the validator that
      just connected with the peer_map.len(), which contains all peers that
      connected, that has the effect the metric will be wrong since it won't
      tell us how many peers we have connected per version because it will
      always record the total number of peers
      Fix this by counting by version inside peer_map, additionally because
      that might be a bit heavier than len(), publish it only on-active
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <>
    • Matteo Muraca's avatar
      Removed `pallet::getter` usage from `pallet-alliance` (#3738) · a2c9ab8c
      Matteo Muraca authored
      Part of #3326 
      cc @Kianenigma @ggwpez @liamaharon
      polkadot address: 12poSUQPtcF1HUPQGY3zZu2P8emuW9YnsPduA4XG3oCEfJVp
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMatteo Muraca <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <>
  9. Mar 31, 2024