1. Jan 12, 2024
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Run bridges zombienet tests on CI (#2439) · 5ed0a75f
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored
      Brridges zombienet tests are non-standard - zombienet currently missing
      multiple relay chains support (see e.g.
      https://github.com/paritytech/zombienet/pull/796), so we need to go live
      with two relay networks, their parachains + custom test runner (which
      e.g. doesn't shutdown net when its tests are finished and instead waits
      for both networks tests to complete). So we are stuck with native
      zombienet provider => this PR is an attempt to gather everything in a
      single docker container and run tests there ~Draft, because it is far
      from finishing - what I want now is to see how it works on CI~
  2. Jan 11, 2024
  3. Jan 10, 2024
    • ordian's avatar
      statement-distribution: validator disabling (#1841) · a4195326
      ordian authored
      Closes #1591.
      The purpose of this PR is filter out backing statements from the network
      signed by disabled validators. This is just an optimization, since we
      will do filtering in the runtime in #1863 to avoid nodes to filter
      garbage out at block production time.
      - [x] Ensure it's ok to fiddle with the mask of manifests
      - [x] Write more unit tests
      - [x] Test locally
      - [x] simple zombienet test
      - [x] PRDoc
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
  4. Jan 08, 2024
  5. Dec 31, 2023
  6. Dec 20, 2023
    • Dónal Murray's avatar
      Fix clippy lints behind feature gates and add new CI step all features (#2569) · d68868f6
      Dónal Murray authored
      Many clippy lints usually enforced by `-Dcomplexity` and `-Dcorrectness`
      are not caught by CI as they are gated by `features`, like
      `runtime-benchmarks`, while the clippy CI job runs with only the default
      features for all targets.
      This PR also adds a CI step to run clippy with `--all-features` to
      ensure the code quality is maintained behind feature gates from now on.
      To improve local development, clippy lints are downgraded to warnings,
      but they still will result in an error at CI due to the `-Dwarnings`
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
  7. Dec 19, 2023
  8. Dec 18, 2023
  9. Dec 15, 2023
  10. Dec 13, 2023
    • Squirrel's avatar
      Set clippy lints in workspace (requires rust 1.74) (#2390) · be8e6268
      Squirrel authored
      We currently use a bit of a hack in `.cargo/config` to make sure that
      clippy isn't too annoying by specifying the list of lints.
      There is now a stable way to define lints for a workspace. The only down
      side is that every crate seems to have to opt into this so there's a
      *few* files modified in this PR.
      - [x] PR that upgrades CI to use rust 1.74 is merged.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
    • Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar
      Approve multiple candidates with a single signature (#1191) · a84dd0db
      Alexandru Gheorghe authored
      Initial implementation for the plan discussed here: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/701
      Built on top of https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/1178
      v0: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/7554,
      ## Overall idea
      When approval-voting checks a candidate and is ready to advertise the
      approval, defer it in a per-relay chain block until we either have
      MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT candidates to sign or a candidate has stayed
      MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS in the queue, in both cases we sign what
      candidates we have available.
      This should allow us to reduce the number of approvals messages we have
      to create/send/verify. The parameters are configurable, so we should
      find some values that balance:
      - Security of the network: Delaying broadcasting of an approval
      shouldn't but the finality at risk and to make sure that never happens
      we won't delay sending a vote if we are past 2/3 from the no-show time.
      - Scalability of the network: MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT = 1 &
      MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS =0, is what we have now and we know from
      the measurements we did on versi, it bottlenecks
      approval-distribution/approval-voting when increase significantly the
      number of validators and parachains
      - Block storage: In case of disputes we have to import this votes on
      chain and that increase the necessary storage with
      MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT * CandidateHash per vote. Given that
      disputes are not the normal way of the network functioning and we will
      limit MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT in the single digits numbers, this
      should be good enough. Alternatively, we could try to create a better
      way to store this on-chain through indirection, if that's needed.
      ## Other fixes:
      - Fixed the fact that we were sending random assignments to
      non-validators, that was wrong because those won't do anything with it
      and they won't gossip it either because they do not have a grid topology
      set, so we would waste the random assignments.
      - Added metrics to be able to debug potential no-shows and
      mis-processing of approvals/assignments.
      ## TODO:
      - [x] Get feedback, that this is moving in the right direction. @ordian
      @sandreim @eskimor @burdges, let me know what you think.
      - [x] More and more testing.
      - [x]  Test in versi.
      MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_MILLIS a parachain host configuration.
      - [x] Make sure the backwards compatibility works correctly
      - [x] Make sure this direction is compatible with other streams of work:
      https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/635 &
      - [x] Final versi burn-in before merging
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
  11. Dec 12, 2023
  12. Dec 06, 2023
  13. Dec 05, 2023
  14. Dec 01, 2023
  15. Nov 30, 2023
  16. Nov 29, 2023
  17. Nov 28, 2023
  18. Nov 27, 2023
    • Maciej's avatar
      Zombienet tests - disputes on finalized blocks (#2184) · dc69dbba
      Maciej authored
      Adding an extra malus variant focusing on disputing finalized blocks. It
      - wrap around approval-voting
      - listen to `OverseerSignal::BlockFinalized` and when encountered start
      a dispute for the `dispute_offset`th ancestor
      - simply pass through all other messages and signals
      Add zombienet tests testing various edgecases:
      - disputing freshly finalized blocks
      - disputing stale finalized blocks
      - disputing eagerly pruned finalized blocks (might be separate PR)
      - [x] Register new malus variant
      - [x] Simple pass through wrapper (approval-voting)
      - [x] Simple network definition
      - [x] Listen to block finalizations
      - [x] Fetch ancestor hash
      - [x] Fetch session index
      - [x] Fetch candidate
      - [x] Construct and send dispute message
      - [x] zndsl test 1 checking that disputes on fresh finalizations resolve
      valid Closes #1365
      - [x] zndsl test 2 checking that disputes for too old finalized blocks
      are not possible Closes #1364
      - [ ] zndsl test 3 checking that disputes for candidates with eagerly
      pruned relay parent state are handled correctly #1359 (deferred to a
      separate PR)
      - [x] Unit tests for new malus variant (testing cli etc)
      - [x] Clean/streamline error handling
      - [ ] ~~Ensure it tests properly on session boundaries~~
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
  19. Nov 25, 2023
  20. Nov 24, 2023
  21. Nov 23, 2023
  22. Nov 22, 2023
  23. Nov 21, 2023
  24. Nov 17, 2023
  25. Nov 16, 2023
  26. Nov 15, 2023
  27. Nov 13, 2023
  28. Nov 06, 2023
    • Andrei Sandu's avatar
      approval-voting improvement: include all tranche0 assignments in one certificate (#1178) · 0570b6fa
      Andrei Sandu authored
      **_PR migrated from https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/6782_** 
      This PR will upgrade the network protocol to version 3 -> VStaging which
      will later be renamed to V3. This version introduces a new kind of
      assignment certificate that will be used for tranche0 assignments.
      Instead of issuing/importing one tranche0 assignment per candidate,
      there will be just one certificate per relay chain block per validator.
      However, we will not be sending out the new assignment certificates,
      yet. So everything should work exactly as before. Once the majority of
      the validators have been upgraded to the new protocol version we will
      enable the new certificates (starting at a specific relay chain block)
      with a new client update.
      There are still a few things that need to be done:
      - [x] Use bitfield instead of Vec<CandidateIndex>:
        - [x] Fix existing approval-distribution and approval-voting tests
        - [x] Fix bitfield-distribution and statement-distribution tests
        - [x] Fix network bridge tests
        - [x] Implement todos in the code
        - [x] Add tests to cover new code
        - [x] Update metrics
        - [x] Remove the approval distribution aggression levels: TBD PR
        - [x] Parachains DB migration 
        - [x] Test network protocol upgrade on Versi
        - [x] Versi Load test
        - [x] Add Zombienet test
        - [x] Documentation updates
      - [x] Fix for sending DistributeAssignment for each candidate claimed by
      a v2 assignment (warning: Importing locally an already known assignment)
       - [x]  Fix AcceptedDuplicate
       - [x] Fix DB migration so that we can still keep old data.
       - [x] Final Versi burn in
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
  29. Nov 05, 2023