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// Copyright 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.
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//! # Staking Module
//! The Staking module is used to manage funds at stake by network maintainers.
//! - [`staking::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html)
//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
//! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html)
//! ## Overview
//! The Staking module is the means by which a set of network maintainers (known as _authorities_
//! in some contexts and _validators_ in others) are chosen based upon those who voluntarily place
//! funds under deposit. Under deposit, those funds are rewarded under normal operation but are
//! held at pain of _slash_ (expropriation) should the staked maintainer be found not to be
//! discharging its duties properly.
//! ### Terminology
//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @gavofyork -->
//! - Staking: The process of locking up funds for some time, placing them at risk of slashing
//! (loss) in order to become a rewarded maintainer of the network.
//! - Validating: The process of running a node to actively maintain the network, either by
//! producing blocks or guaranteeing finality of the chain.
//! - Nominating: The process of placing staked funds behind one or more validators in order to
//! share in any reward, and punishment, they take.
//! - Stash account: The account holding an owner's funds used for staking.
//! - Controller account: The account that controls an owner's funds for staking.
//! - Era: A (whole) number of sessions, which is the period that the validator set (and each
//! validator's active nominator set) is recalculated and where rewards are paid out.
//! - Slash: The punishment of a staker by reducing its funds.
//! ### Goals
//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @gavofyork -->
//! The staking system in Substrate NPoS is designed to make the following possible:
//! - Stake funds that are controlled by a cold wallet.
//! - Withdraw some, or deposit more, funds without interrupting the role of an entity.
//! - Switch between roles (nominator, validator, idle) with minimal overhead.
//! ### Scenarios
//! #### Staking
//! Almost any interaction with the Staking module requires a process of _**bonding**_ (also known
//! as being a _staker_). To become *bonded*, a fund-holding account known as the _stash account_,
//! which holds some or all of the funds that become frozen in place as part of the staking process,
//! is paired with an active **controller** account, which issues instructions on how they shall be
//! used.
//! An account pair can become bonded using the [`bond`](./ call.
//! Stash accounts can change their associated controller using the
//! [`set_controller`](./enum.Call.html#variant.set_controller) call.
//! There are three possible roles that any staked account pair can be in: `Validator`, `Nominator`
//! and `Idle` (defined in [`StakerStatus`](./enum.StakerStatus.html)). There are three
//! corresponding instructions to change between roles, namely:
//! [`validate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.validate),
//! [`nominate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.nominate), and [`chill`](./enum.Call.html#variant.chill).
//! #### Validating
//! A **validator** takes the role of either validating blocks or ensuring their finality,
//! maintaining the veracity of the network. A validator should avoid both any sort of malicious
//! misbehavior and going offline. Bonded accounts that state interest in being a validator do NOT
//! get immediately chosen as a validator. Instead, they are declared as a _candidate_ and they
//! _might_ get elected at the _next era_ as a validator. The result of the election is determined
//! by nominators and their votes.
//! An account can become a validator candidate via the
//! [`validate`](./enum.Call.html#variant.validate) call.
//! #### Nomination
//! A **nominator** does not take any _direct_ role in maintaining the network, instead, it votes on
//! a set of validators  to be elected. Once interest in nomination is stated by an account, it
//! takes effect at the next election round. The funds in the nominator's stash account indicate the
//! _weight_ of its vote. Both the rewards and any punishment that a validator earns are shared
//! between the validator and its nominators. This rule incentivizes the nominators to NOT vote for
//! the misbehaving/offline validators as much as possible, simply because the nominators will also
//! lose funds if they vote poorly.
//! An account can become a nominator via the [`nominate`](enum.Call.html#variant.nominate) call.
//! #### Rewards and Slash
//! The **reward and slashing** procedure is the core of the Staking module, attempting to _embrace
//! valid behavior_ while _punishing any misbehavior or lack of availability_.
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//! Reward must be claimed by stakers for each era before it gets too old by $HISTORY_DEPTH using
//! `payout_nominator` and `payout_validator` calls.
//! Only the [`T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`] biggest stakers can claim their reward. This
//! limit the i/o cost to compute nominators payout.
//! Slashing can occur at any point in time, once misbehavior is reported. Once slashing is
//! determined, a value is deducted from the balance of the validator and all the nominators who
//! voted for this validator (values are deducted from the _stash_ account of the slashed entity).
//! Slashing logic is further described in the documentation of the `slashing` module.
//! Similar to slashing, rewards are also shared among a validator and its associated nominators.
//! Yet, the reward funds are not always transferred to the stash account and can be configured.
//! See [Reward Calculation](#reward-calculation) for more details.
//! Finally, any of the roles above can choose to step back temporarily and just chill for a while.
//! This means that if they are a nominator, they will not be considered as voters anymore and if
//! they are validators, they will no longer be a candidate for the next election.
//! An account can step back via the [`chill`](enum.Call.html#variant.chill) call.
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//! ### Session managing
//! The module implement the trait `SessionManager`. Which is the only API to query new validator
//! set and allowing these validator set to be rewarded once their era is ended.
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! The dispatchable functions of the Staking module enable the steps needed for entities to accept
//! and change their role, alongside some helper functions to get/set the metadata of the module.
//! ### Public Functions
//! The Staking module contains many public storage items and (im)mutable functions.
//! ## Usage
//! ### Example: Rewarding a validator by id.
//! use frame_support::{decl_module, dispatch};
//! use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed};
//! use pallet_staking::{self as staking};
//! pub trait Trait: staking::Trait {}
//! decl_module! {
//! 	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
//!			/// Reward a validator.
//! 		#[weight = frame_support::weights::SimpleDispatchInfo::default()]
//! 		pub fn reward_myself(origin) -> dispatch::DispatchResult {
//! 			let reported = ensure_signed(origin)?;
//! 			<staking::Module<T>>::reward_by_ids(vec![(reported, 10)]);
//! 			Ok(())
//! 		}
//! 	}
//! }
//! # fn main() { }
//! ```
//! ## Implementation Details
//! ### Reward Calculation
//! Validators and nominators are rewarded at the end of each era. The total reward of an era is
//! calculated using the era duration and the staking rate (the total amount of tokens staked by
//! nominators and validators, divided by the total token supply). It aims to incentivize toward a
//! defined staking rate. The full specification can be found
//! [here](
//! Total reward is split among validators and their nominators depending on the number of points
//! they received during the era. Points are added to a validator using
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//! [`reward_by_ids`](./enum.Call.html#variant.reward_by_ids) or
//! [`reward_by_indices`](./enum.Call.html#variant.reward_by_indices).
//! [`Module`](./struct.Module.html) implements
//! [`pallet_authorship::EventHandler`](../pallet_authorship/trait.EventHandler.html) to add reward
//! points to block producer and block producer of referenced uncles.
//! The validator and its nominator split their reward as following:
//! The validator can declare an amount, named
//! [`commission`](./struct.ValidatorPrefs.html#structfield.commission), that does not
//! get shared with the nominators at each reward payout through its
//! [`ValidatorPrefs`](./struct.ValidatorPrefs.html). This value gets deducted from the total reward
//! that is paid to the validator and its nominators. The remaining portion is split among the
//! validator and all of the nominators that nominated the validator, proportional to the value
//! staked behind this validator (_i.e._ dividing the
//! [`own`](./struct.Exposure.html#structfield.own) or
//! [`others`](./struct.Exposure.html#structfield.others) by
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