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// Copyright 2018-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! Integration of the GRANDPA finality gadget into substrate.
//! This crate is unstable and the API and usage may change.
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asynchronous rob committed
//! This crate provides a long-running future that produces finality notifications.
//! # Usage
//! First, create a block-import wrapper with the `block_import` function. The
//! GRANDPA worker needs to be linked together with this block import object, so
//! a `LinkHalf` is returned as well. All blocks imported (from network or
//! consensus or otherwise) must pass through this wrapper, otherwise consensus
//! is likely to break in unexpected ways.
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asynchronous rob committed
//! Next, use the `LinkHalf` and a local configuration to `run_grandpa_voter`.
//! This requires a `Network` implementation. The returned future should be
//! driven to completion and will finalize blocks in the background.
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asynchronous rob committed
//! # Changing authority sets
//! The rough idea behind changing authority sets in GRANDPA is that at some point,
//! we obtain agreement for some maximum block height that the current set can
//! finalize, and once a block with that height is finalized the next set will
//! pick up finalization from there.
//! Technically speaking, this would be implemented as a voting rule which says,
//! "if there is a signal for a change in N blocks in block B, only vote on
//! chains with length NUM(B) + N if they contain B". This conditional-inclusion
//! logic is complex to compute because it requires looking arbitrarily far
//! back in the chain.
//! Instead, we keep track of a list of all signals we've seen so far (across
//! all forks), sorted ascending by the block number they would be applied at.
//! We never vote on chains with number higher than the earliest handoff block
//! number (this is num(signal) + N). When finalizing a block, we either apply
//! or prune any signaled changes based on whether the signaling block is
//! included in the newly-finalized chain.
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures03::{StreamExt, future::ready};
use log::{debug, error, info};
use sc_client_api::{BlockchainEvents, CallExecutor, backend::{AuxStore, Backend}, ExecutionStrategy};
use sp_blockchain::{HeaderBackend, Error as ClientError};
use sc_client::Client;
use parity_scale_codec::{Decode, Encode};
use sp_runtime::generic::BlockId;
use sp_runtime::traits::{NumberFor, Block as BlockT, DigestFor, Zero};
use sc_keystore::KeyStorePtr;
use sp_inherents::InherentDataProviders;
use sp_consensus::SelectChain;
use serde_json;
use sp_finality_tracker;
use finality_grandpa::Error as GrandpaError;
use finality_grandpa::{voter, BlockNumberOps, voter_set::VoterSet};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
mod aux_schema;
mod communication;
mod consensus_changes;
mod environment;
mod finality_proof;
mod import;
mod justification;
mod light_import;
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André Silva committed
mod observer;
mod until_imported;
mod voting_rule;
pub use finality_proof::FinalityProofProvider;
pub use justification::GrandpaJustification;
pub use light_import::light_block_import;
André Silva's avatar
André Silva committed
pub use observer::run_grandpa_observer;
pub use voting_rule::{
	BeforeBestBlockBy, ThreeQuartersOfTheUnfinalizedChain, VotingRule, VotingRulesBuilder
use environment::{Environment, VoterSetState};
use import::GrandpaBlockImport;
use until_imported::UntilGlobalMessageBlocksImported;
use communication::{NetworkBridge, Network as NetworkT};
use sp_finality_grandpa::{AuthorityList, AuthorityPair, AuthoritySignature, SetId};
// Re-export these two because it's just so damn convenient.
pub use sp_finality_grandpa::{AuthorityId, ScheduledChange};
mod tests;

/// A GRANDPA message for a substrate chain.
pub type Message<Block> = finality_grandpa::Message<<Block as BlockT>::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
/// A signed message.
pub type SignedMessage<Block> = finality_grandpa::SignedMessage<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,
/// A primary propose message for this chain's block type.
pub type PrimaryPropose<Block> = finality_grandpa::PrimaryPropose<<Block as BlockT>::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
/// A prevote message for this chain's block type.
pub type Prevote<Block> = finality_grandpa::Prevote<<Block as BlockT>::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
/// A precommit message for this chain's block type.
pub type Precommit<Block> = finality_grandpa::Precommit<<Block as BlockT>::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>;
/// A catch up message for this chain's block type.
pub type CatchUp<Block> = finality_grandpa::CatchUp<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,
/// A commit message for this chain's block type.
pub type Commit<Block> = finality_grandpa::Commit<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,
/// A compact commit message for this chain's block type.
pub type CompactCommit<Block> = finality_grandpa::CompactCommit<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,
/// A global communication input stream for commits and catch up messages. Not
/// exposed publicly, used internally to simplify types in the communication
/// layer.
type CommunicationIn<Block> = finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationIn<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,

/// Global communication input stream for commits and catch up messages, with
/// the hash type not being derived from the block, useful for forcing the hash
/// to some type (e.g. `H256`) when the compiler can't do the inference.
type CommunicationInH<Block, H> = finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationIn<

/// A global communication sink for commits. Not exposed publicly, used
/// internally to simplify types in the communication layer.
type CommunicationOut<Block> = finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationOut<
	<Block as BlockT>::Hash,

/// Global communication sink for commits with the hash type not being derived
/// from the block, useful for forcing the hash to some type (e.g. `H256`) when
/// the compiler can't do the inference.
type CommunicationOutH<Block, H> = finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationOut<

/// Configuration for the GRANDPA service.
pub struct Config {
	/// The expected duration for a message to be gossiped across the network.
	pub gossip_duration: Duration,
	/// Justification generation period (in blocks). GRANDPA will try to generate justifications
	/// at least every justification_period blocks. There are some other events which might cause
	/// justification generation.
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Gavin Wood committed
	pub justification_period: u32,
	/// Whether the GRANDPA observer protocol is live on the network and thereby
	/// a full-node not running as a validator is running the GRANDPA observer
	/// protocol (we will only issue catch-up requests to authorities when the
	/// observer protocol is enabled).
	pub observer_enabled: bool,
	/// Whether the node is running as an authority (i.e. running the full GRANDPA protocol).
	pub is_authority: bool,
	/// Some local identifier of the voter.
	pub name: Option<String>,
	/// The keystore that manages the keys of this node.
	pub keystore: Option<sc_keystore::KeyStorePtr>,

impl Config {
	fn name(&self) -> &str {|s| s.as_str()).unwrap_or("<unknown>")

/// Errors that can occur while voting in GRANDPA.
pub enum Error {
	/// An error within grandpa.
	/// A network error.
	/// A blockchain error.
	/// Could not complete a round on disk.
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asynchronous rob committed
	/// An invariant has been violated (e.g. not finalizing pending change blocks in-order)
	/// A timer failed to fire.

impl From<GrandpaError> for Error {
	fn from(e: GrandpaError) -> Self {

impl From<ClientError> for Error {
	fn from(e: ClientError) -> Self {

/// Something which can determine if a block is known.
pub(crate) trait BlockStatus<Block: BlockT> {
	/// Return `Ok(Some(number))` or `Ok(None)` depending on whether the block
	/// is definitely known and has been imported.
	/// If an unexpected error occurs, return that.
	fn block_number(&self, hash: Block::Hash) -> Result<Option<NumberFor<Block>>, Error>;
impl<B, E, Block: BlockT, RA> BlockStatus<Block> for Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>> where
	B: Backend<Block>,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync,
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	fn block_number(&self, hash: Block::Hash) -> Result<Option<NumberFor<Block>>, Error> {
			.map_err(|e| Error::Blockchain(format!("{:?}", e)))

/// Something that one can ask to do a block sync request.
pub(crate) trait BlockSyncRequester<Block: BlockT> {
	/// Notifies the sync service to try and sync the given block from the given
	/// peers.
	/// If the given vector of peers is empty then the underlying implementation
	/// should make a best effort to fetch the block from any peers it is
	/// connected to (NOTE: this assumption will change in the future #3629).
	fn set_sync_fork_request(&self, peers: Vec<sc_network::PeerId>, hash: Block::Hash, number: NumberFor<Block>);
impl<Block, Network> BlockSyncRequester<Block> for NetworkBridge<Block, Network> where
	fn set_sync_fork_request(&self, peers: Vec<sc_network::PeerId>, hash: Block::Hash, number: NumberFor<Block>) {
		NetworkBridge::set_sync_fork_request(self, peers, hash, number)

/// A new authority set along with the canonical block it changed at.
pub(crate) struct NewAuthoritySet<H, N> {
	pub(crate) canon_number: N,
	pub(crate) canon_hash: H,
	pub(crate) set_id: SetId,
	pub(crate) authorities: AuthorityList,

/// Commands issued to the voter.
pub(crate) enum VoterCommand<H, N> {
	/// Pause the voter for given reason.
	/// New authorities.
	ChangeAuthorities(NewAuthoritySet<H, N>)

impl<H, N> fmt::Display for VoterCommand<H, N> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		match *self {
			VoterCommand::Pause(ref reason) => write!(f, "Pausing voter: {}", reason),
			VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(_) => write!(f, "Changing authorities"),

/// Signals either an early exit of a voter or an error.
pub(crate) enum CommandOrError<H, N> {
	/// An error occurred.
	/// A command to the voter.
	VoterCommand(VoterCommand<H, N>),

impl<H, N> From<Error> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
	fn from(e: Error) -> Self {

impl<H, N> From<ClientError> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
	fn from(e: ClientError) -> Self {

impl<H, N> From<finality_grandpa::Error> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
	fn from(e: finality_grandpa::Error) -> Self {

impl<H, N> From<VoterCommand<H, N>> for CommandOrError<H, N> {
	fn from(e: VoterCommand<H, N>) -> Self {

impl<H: fmt::Debug, N: fmt::Debug> ::std::error::Error for CommandOrError<H, N> { }

impl<H, N> fmt::Display for CommandOrError<H, N> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		match *self {
			CommandOrError::Error(ref e) => write!(f, "{:?}", e),
			CommandOrError::VoterCommand(ref cmd) => write!(f, "{}", cmd),

	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
	persistent_data: PersistentData<Block>,
	voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
/// Provider for the Grandpa authority set configured on the genesis block.
pub trait GenesisAuthoritySetProvider<Block: BlockT> {
	/// Get the authority set at the genesis block.
	fn get(&self) -> Result<AuthorityList, ClientError>;

impl<B, E, Block: BlockT, RA> GenesisAuthoritySetProvider<Block> for Client<B, E, Block, RA>
		E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync,
		RA: Send + Sync,
	fn get(&self) -> Result<AuthorityList, ClientError> {
		// This implementation uses the Grandpa runtime API instead of reading directly from the
		// `GRANDPA_AUTHORITIES_KEY` as the data may have been migrated since the genesis block of
		// the chain, whereas the runtime API is backwards compatible.
			.and_then(|call_result| {
				Decode::decode(&mut &call_result[..])
					.map_err(|err| ClientError::CallResultDecode(
						"failed to decode GRANDPA authorities set proof".into(), err

/// Make block importer and link half necessary to tie the background voter
/// to it.
	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
	genesis_authorities_provider: &dyn GenesisAuthoritySetProvider<Block>,
	select_chain: SC,
		GrandpaBlockImport<B, E, Block, RA, SC>,
		LinkHalf<B, E, Block, RA, SC>
	), ClientError>
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync,
	RA: Send + Sync,
	SC: SelectChain<Block>,
	let chain_info = client.chain_info();
	let genesis_hash = chain_info.genesis_hash;

	let persistent_data = aux_schema::load_persistent(
		|| {
			let authorities = genesis_authorities_provider.get()?;
			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.loading_authorities";
				"authorities_len" => ?authorities.len()

	let (voter_commands_tx, voter_commands_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
	voters: &Arc<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>,
	client: &Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
	network: &NetworkBridge<Block, N>,
	keystore: &Option<KeyStorePtr>,
) -> (
	impl Stream<
		Item = CommunicationInH<Block, Block::Hash>,
		Error = CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
		SinkItem = CommunicationOutH<Block, Block::Hash>,
		SinkError = CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>,
	RA: Send + Sync,
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	let is_voter = is_voter(voters, keystore).is_some();
	// verification stream
	let (global_in, global_out) = network.global_communication(
	// block commit and catch up messages until relevant blocks are imported.
	let global_in = UntilGlobalMessageBlocksImported::new(
	let global_in = global_in.map_err(CommandOrError::from);
	let global_out = global_out.sink_map_err(CommandOrError::from);
	(global_in, global_out)
/// Register the finality tracker inherent data provider (which is used by
/// GRANDPA), if not registered already.
fn register_finality_tracker_inherent_data_provider<B, E, Block: BlockT, RA>(
	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
	inherent_data_providers: &InherentDataProviders,
) -> Result<(), sp_consensus::Error> where
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
	if !inherent_data_providers.has_provider(&sp_finality_tracker::INHERENT_IDENTIFIER) {
			.register_provider(sp_finality_tracker::InherentDataProvider::new(move || {
					let info = client.chain_info();
					telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.finalized";
						"finalized_number" => ?info.finalized_number,
						"finalized_hash" => ?info.finalized_hash,
			.map_err(|err| sp_consensus::Error::InherentData(err.into()))
/// Parameters used to run Grandpa.
pub struct GrandpaParams<B, E, Block: BlockT, N, RA, SC, VR, X, Sp> {
	/// Configuration for the GRANDPA service.
	pub config: Config,
	/// A link to the block import worker.
	pub link: LinkHalf<B, E, Block, RA, SC>,
	/// The Network instance.
	pub network: N,
	/// The inherent data providers.
	pub inherent_data_providers: InherentDataProviders,
	/// Handle to a future that will resolve on exit.
	pub on_exit: X,
	/// If supplied, can be used to hook on telemetry connection established events.
	pub telemetry_on_connect: Option<futures03::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>>,
	/// A voting rule used to potentially restrict target votes.
	pub voting_rule: VR,
	/// How to spawn background tasks.
	pub executor: Sp,
/// Run a GRANDPA voter as a task. Provide configuration and a link to a
/// block import worker that has already been instantiated with `block_import`.
pub fn run_grandpa_voter<B, E, Block: BlockT, N, RA, SC, VR, X, Sp>(
	grandpa_params: GrandpaParams<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR, X, Sp>,
) -> sp_blockchain::Result<impl Future<Item=(),Error=()> + Send + 'static> where
	Block::Hash: Ord,
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	N: NetworkT<Block> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
	VR: VotingRule<Block, Client<B, E, Block, RA>> + Clone + 'static,
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	DigestFor<Block>: Encode,
	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
	X: futures03::Future<Output=()> + Clone + Send + Unpin + 'static,
	Sp: futures03::task::Spawn + 'static,
	let GrandpaParams {
	} = grandpa_params;

	let network = NetworkBridge::new(
	register_finality_tracker_inherent_data_provider(client.clone(), &inherent_data_providers)?;
	let conf = config.clone();
	let telemetry_task = if let Some(telemetry_on_connect) = telemetry_on_connect {
		let authorities = persistent_data.authority_set.clone();
		let events = telemetry_on_connect
			.for_each(move |_| {
				let curr = authorities.current_authorities();
				let mut auths = curr.voters().into_iter().map(|(p, _)| p);
				let maybe_authority_id = authority_id(&mut auths, &conf.keystore)

				telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.authority_set";
					"authority_id" => maybe_authority_id.to_string(),
					"authority_set_id" => ?authorities.set_id(),
					"authorities" => {
						let authorities: Vec<String> = curr.voters()
							.iter().map(|(id, _)| id.to_string()).collect();
							.expect("authorities is always at least an empty vector; elements are always of type string")
	} else {
	let voter_work = VoterWork::new(

	let voter_work = voter_work
		.map(|_| ())
		.map_err(|e| {
			error!("GRANDPA Voter failed: {:?}", e);
			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_WARN; "afg.voter_failed"; "e" => ?e);

	// Make sure that `telemetry_task` doesn't accidentally finish and kill grandpa.
	let telemetry_task = telemetry_task
		.then(|_| futures::future::empty::<(), ()>());

	use futures03::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};

	Ok(|_| Ok(())))

/// Future that powers the voter.
struct VoterWork<B, E, Block: BlockT, N: NetworkT<Block>, RA, SC, VR> {
	voter: Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = CommandOrError<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>> + Send>,
	env: Arc<Environment<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR>>,
	voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
	network: futures03::compat::Compat<NetworkBridge<Block, N>>,
impl<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR> VoterWork<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR>
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	RA: 'static + Send + Sync,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
	VR: VotingRule<Block, Client<B, E, Block, RA>> + Clone + 'static,
	fn new(
		client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
		config: Config,
		network: NetworkBridge<Block, N>,
		voting_rule: VR,
		persistent_data: PersistentData<Block>,
		voter_commands_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>>,
	) -> Self {

		let voters = persistent_data.authority_set.current_authorities();
		let env = Arc::new(Environment {
			voters: Arc::new(voters),
			set_id: persistent_data.authority_set.set_id(),
			authority_set: persistent_data.authority_set.clone(),
			consensus_changes: persistent_data.consensus_changes.clone(),
			voter_set_state: persistent_data.set_state.clone(),

		let mut work = VoterWork {
			// `voter` is set to a temporary value and replaced below when
			// calling `rebuild_voter`.
			voter: Box::new(futures::empty()) as Box<_>,
			network: futures03::future::TryFutureExt::compat(network),

	/// Rebuilds the `self.voter` field using the current authority set
	/// state. This method should be called when we know that the authority set
	/// has changed (e.g. as signalled by a voter command).
	fn rebuild_voter(&mut self) {
		debug!(target: "afg", "{}: Starting new voter with set ID {}",, self.env.set_id);

		let authority_id = is_voter(&self.env.voters, &self.env.config.keystore)
			.map(|ap| ap.public())

		telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.starting_new_voter";
			"name" => ?,
			"set_id" => ?self.env.set_id,
			"authority_id" => authority_id.to_string(),
		let chain_info = self.env.client.chain_info();
		telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.authority_set";
			"number" => ?chain_info.finalized_number,
			"hash" => ?chain_info.finalized_hash,
			"authority_id" => authority_id.to_string(),
			"authority_set_id" => ?self.env.set_id,
			"authorities" => {
				let authorities: Vec<String> = self.env.voters.voters()
					.iter().map(|(id, _)| id.to_string()).collect();
					.expect("authorities is always at least an empty vector; elements are always of type string")

		match &* {
			VoterSetState::Live { completed_rounds, .. } => {
				let last_finalized = (
				let global_comms = global_communication(
				let last_completed_round = completed_rounds.last();

				let voter = voter::Voter::new(

				self.voter = Box::new(voter);
			VoterSetState::Paused { .. } =>
				self.voter = Box::new(futures::empty()),
	fn handle_voter_command(
		&mut self,
		command: VoterCommand<Block::Hash, NumberFor<Block>>
	) -> Result<(), Error> {
		match command {
			VoterCommand::ChangeAuthorities(new) => {
				let voters: Vec<String> = new.authorities.iter().map(move |(a, _)| {
					format!("{}", a)
				telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.voter_command_change_authorities";
					"number" => ?new.canon_number,
					"hash" => ?new.canon_hash,
					"voters" => ?voters,
					"set_id" => ?new.set_id,
				self.env.update_voter_set_state(|_| {
					// start the new authority set using the block where the
					// set changed (not where the signal happened!) as the base.
					let set_state = VoterSetState::live(
						(new.canon_hash, new.canon_number),
					aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&*self.env.client, &set_state)?;

				self.env = Arc::new(Environment {
					voters: Arc::new(new.authorities.into_iter().collect()),
					set_id: new.set_id,
					voter_set_state: self.env.voter_set_state.clone(),
					// Fields below are simply transferred and not updated.
					select_chain: self.env.select_chain.clone(),
					config: self.env.config.clone(),
					authority_set: self.env.authority_set.clone(),
					consensus_changes: self.env.consensus_changes.clone(),
					voting_rule: self.env.voting_rule.clone(),

			VoterCommand::Pause(reason) => {
				info!(target: "afg", "Pausing old validator set: {}", reason);

				// not racing because old voter is shut down.
				self.env.update_voter_set_state(|voter_set_state| {
					let completed_rounds = voter_set_state.completed_rounds();
					let set_state = VoterSetState::Paused { completed_rounds };
					aux_schema::write_voter_set_state(&*self.env.client, &set_state)?;
impl<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR> Future for VoterWork<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR>
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	RA: 'static + Send + Sync,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
	VR: VotingRule<Block, Client<B, E, Block, RA>> + Clone + 'static,
	type Item = ();
	type Error = Error;
	fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
		match self.voter.poll() {
			Ok(Async::NotReady) => {}
			Ok(Async::Ready(())) => {
				// voters don't conclude naturally
				return Err(Error::Safety("GRANDPA voter has concluded.".into()))
			Err(CommandOrError::Error(e)) => {
				// return inner observer error
				return Err(e)
			Err(CommandOrError::VoterCommand(command)) => {
				// some command issued internally
		match self.voter_commands_rx.poll() {
			Ok(Async::NotReady) => {}
			Err(_) => {
				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should not fail.
				return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
			Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
				// the `voter_commands_rx` stream should never conclude since it's never closed.
				return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
			Ok(Async::Ready(Some(command))) => {
				// some command issued externally
		match {
			Ok(Async::NotReady) => {},
			Ok(Async::Ready(())) => {
				// the network bridge future should never conclude.
				return Ok(Async::Ready(()))
			e @ Err(_) => return e,

Caio's avatar
Caio committed
#[deprecated(since = "1.1.0", note = "Please switch to run_grandpa_voter.")]
pub fn run_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT, N, RA, SC, VR, X, Sp>(
	grandpa_params: GrandpaParams<B, E, Block, N, RA, SC, VR, X, Sp>,
) -> sp_blockchain::Result<impl Future<Item=(),Error=()> + Send + 'static> where
André Silva's avatar
André Silva committed
	Block::Hash: Ord,
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	N: NetworkT<Block> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
	SC: SelectChain<Block> + 'static,
André Silva's avatar
André Silva committed
	NumberFor<Block>: BlockNumberOps,
	DigestFor<Block>: Encode,
	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
	VR: VotingRule<Block, Client<B, E, Block, RA>> + Clone + 'static,
	X: futures03::Future<Output=()> + Clone + Send + Unpin + 'static,
	Sp: futures03::task::Spawn + 'static,
/// When GRANDPA is not initialized we still need to register the finality
/// tracker inherent provider which might be expected by the runtime for block
/// authoring. Additionally, we register a gossip message validator that
/// discards all GRANDPA messages (otherwise, we end up banning nodes that send
/// us a `Neighbor` message, since there is no registered gossip validator for
/// the engine id defined in the message.)
pub fn setup_disabled_grandpa<B, E, Block: BlockT, RA, N>(
	client: Arc<Client<B, E, Block, RA>>,
	inherent_data_providers: &InherentDataProviders,
	network: N,
) -> Result<(), sp_consensus::Error> where
	B: Backend<Block> + 'static,
	E: CallExecutor<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
	RA: Send + Sync + 'static,
	N: NetworkT<Block> + Send + Clone + 'static,

	// We register the GRANDPA protocol so that we don't consider it an anomaly
	// to receive GRANDPA messages on the network. We don't process the
	// messages.
/// Checks if this node is a voter in the given voter set.
/// Returns the key pair of the node that is being used in the current voter set or `None`.
fn is_voter(
	voters: &Arc<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>,
	keystore: &Option<KeyStorePtr>,
) -> Option<AuthorityPair> {
	match keystore {
		Some(keystore) => voters.voters().iter()
			.find_map(|(p, _)|<AuthorityPair>(&p).ok()),
		None => None,

/// Returns the authority id of this node, if available.
fn authority_id<'a, I>(
	authorities: &mut I,
	keystore: &Option<KeyStorePtr>,
) -> Option<AuthorityId> where
	I: Iterator<Item = &'a AuthorityId>,
	match keystore {
		Some(keystore) => {
				.find_map(|p| {<AuthorityPair>(&p)
						.map(|ap| ap.public())
		None => None,