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// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
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// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.
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//! Support code for the runtime.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
/// Export ourself as `frame_support` to make tests happy.
extern crate self as frame_support;
extern crate bitmask;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub extern crate tracing;
Gav Wood's avatar
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#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use once_cell;
pub use paste;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use sp_state_machine::BasicExternalities;
pub use sp_io::storage::root as storage_root;
pub use sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug;
pub mod debug;
Gav Wood's avatar
Gav Wood committed
pub mod dispatch;
Gav's avatar
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pub mod storage;
mod hash;
pub mod metadata;
pub mod unsigned;
pub mod error;
pub mod traits;
pub use self::hash::{Twox256, Twox128, Blake2_256, Blake2_128, Twox64Concat, Hashable};
pub use self::storage::{
	StorageValue, StorageMap, StorageLinkedMap, StorageDoubleMap, StoragePrefixedMap
pub use self::dispatch::{Parameter, Callable, IsSubType};
pub use sp_runtime::{self, ConsensusEngineId, print, traits::Printable};
/// Macro for easily creating a new implementation of the `Get` trait. Use similarly to
/// how you would declare a `const`:
/// ```no_compile
/// parameter_types! {
///   pub const Argument: u64 = 42;
/// }
/// trait Config {
///   type Parameter: Get<u64>;
/// }
/// struct Runtime;
/// impl Config for Runtime {
///   type Parameter = Argument;
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! parameter_types {
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis const $name:ident: $type:ty = $value:expr;
		$( $rest:tt )*
	) => (
		$( #[ $attr ] )*
		$vis struct $name;
		$crate::parameter_types!{IMPL $name , $type , $value}
		$crate::parameter_types!{ $( $rest )* }
	() => ();
	(IMPL $name:ident , $type:ty , $value:expr) => {
			pub fn get() -> $type {
		impl<I: From<$type>> $crate::traits::Get<I> for $name {
			fn get() -> I {
pub use frame_support_procedural::{decl_storage, construct_runtime};
/// Return Err of the expression: `return Err($expression);`.
/// Used as `fail!(expression)`.
macro_rules! fail {
	( $y:expr ) => {{
		return Err($y.into());
/// Evaluate `$x:expr` and if not true return `Err($y:expr)`.
/// Used as `ensure!(expression_to_ensure, expression_to_return_on_false)`.
macro_rules! ensure {
	( $x:expr, $y:expr $(,)? ) => {{
/// Evaluate an expression, assert it returns an expected `Err` value and that
/// runtime storage has not been mutated (i.e. expression is a no-operation).
/// Used as `assert_noop(expression_to_assert, expected_error_expression)`.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! assert_noop {
		$y:expr $(,)?
	) => {
		let h = $crate::storage_root();
		assert_eq!(h, $crate::storage_root());
/// Panic if an expression doesn't evaluate to an `Err`.
/// Used as `assert_err!(expression_to_assert, expected_err_expression)`.

/// Assert an expression returns an error specified.
/// Used as `assert_err!(expression_to_assert, expected_error_expression)`
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! assert_err {
	( $x:expr , $y:expr $(,)? ) => {
		assert_eq!($x, Err($y.into()));
/// Panic if an expression doesn't evaluate to `Ok`.
/// Used as `assert_ok!(expression_to_assert, expected_ok_expression)`,
/// or `assert_ok!(expression_to_assert)` which would assert against `Ok(())`.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! assert_ok {
	( $x:expr $(,)? ) => {
Gav Wood's avatar
Gav Wood committed
		assert_eq!($x, Ok(()));
	( $x:expr, $y:expr $(,)? ) => {
Gav Wood's avatar
Gav Wood committed
		assert_eq!($x, Ok($y));
/// The void type - it cannot exist.
// Oh rust, you crack me up...
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub enum Void {}
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use codec::{Codec, EncodeLike};
	use frame_metadata::{
		DecodeDifferent, StorageEntryMetadata, StorageMetadata, StorageEntryType,
		StorageEntryModifier, DefaultByteGetter, StorageHasher,
	use sp_std::marker::PhantomData;

	pub trait Trait {
		type BlockNumber: Codec + EncodeLike + Default;
		type Origin;

	mod module {

		use super::Trait;

		decl_module! {
			pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {}
	use self::module::Module;

	decl_storage! {
		trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Example {
			pub Data get(fn data) build(|_| vec![(15u32, 42u64)]):
				linked_map hasher(twox_64_concat) u32 => u64;
			pub OptionLinkedMap: linked_map u32 => Option<u32>;
			pub GenericData get(fn generic_data):
				linked_map hasher(twox_128) T::BlockNumber => T::BlockNumber;
			pub GenericData2 get(fn generic_data2):
				linked_map T::BlockNumber => Option<T::BlockNumber>;
			pub GetterNoFnKeyword get(no_fn): Option<u32>;
			pub DataDM config(test_config) build(|_| vec![(15u32, 16u32, 42u64)]):
				double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) u32, blake2_256(u32) => u64;
			pub GenericDataDM:
				double_map T::BlockNumber, twox_128(T::BlockNumber) => T::BlockNumber;
			pub GenericData2DM:
				double_map T::BlockNumber, twox_256(T::BlockNumber) => Option<T::BlockNumber>;
			pub AppendableDM: double_map u32, blake2_256(T::BlockNumber) => Vec<u32>;

	struct Test;
	impl Trait for Test {
		type BlockNumber = u32;
		type Origin = u32;

	fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
	fn linked_map_issue_3318() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 1);
			assert_eq!(OptionLinkedMap::get(1), Some(1));
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 2);
			assert_eq!(OptionLinkedMap::get(1), Some(2));

thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed
	fn linked_map_swap_works() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
thiolliere's avatar
thiolliere committed
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(0, 0);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(1, 1);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(2, 2);
			OptionLinkedMap::insert(3, 3);

			let collect = || OptionLinkedMap::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>();
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1), (0, 0)]);

			// Two existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(1, 2);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(3, 3), (2, 1), (1, 2), (0, 0)]);

			// Back to normal
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(2, 1);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1), (0, 0)]);

			// Left existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(2, 5);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(5, 2), (3, 3), (1, 1), (0, 0)]);

			// Right existing
			OptionLinkedMap::swap(5, 2);
			assert_eq!(collect(), vec![(2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 1), (0, 0)]);

	fn double_map_swap_works() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			DataDM::insert(0, 1, 1);
			DataDM::insert(1, 0, 2);
			DataDM::insert(1, 1, 3);

			let get_all = || vec![
				DataDM::get(0, 1),
				DataDM::get(1, 0),
				DataDM::get(1, 1),
				DataDM::get(2, 0),
				DataDM::get(2, 1),
			assert_eq!(get_all(), vec![1, 2, 3, 0, 0]);

			// Two existing
			DataDM::swap(0, 1, 1, 0);
			assert_eq!(get_all(), vec![2, 1, 3, 0, 0]);

			// Left existing
			DataDM::swap(1, 0, 2, 0);
			assert_eq!(get_all(), vec![2, 0, 3, 1, 0]);

			// Right existing
			DataDM::swap(2, 1, 1, 1);
			assert_eq!(get_all(), vec![2, 0, 0, 1, 3]);

	fn linked_map_basic_insert_remove_should_work() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			// initialized during genesis
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&15u32), 42u64);

			// get / insert / take
			let key = 17u32;
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&key), 0u64);
			Map::insert(key, 4u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&key), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::take(&key), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&key), 0u64);

			// mutate
			Map::mutate(&key, |val| {
				*val = 15;
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&key), 15u64);

			// remove
			assert_eq!(Map::get(&key), 0u64);

	fn linked_map_enumeration_and_head_should_work() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(15));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(15, 42)]);
			// insert / remove
			let key = 17u32;
			Map::insert(key, 4u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key, 4), (15, 42)]);
			assert_eq!(Map::take(&15), 42u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::take(&key), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), None);
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);

			// Add couple of more elements
			Map::insert(key, 42u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key, 42)]);
			Map::insert(key + 1, 43u64);
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key + 1));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key + 1, 43), (key, 42)]);

			// mutate
			let key = key + 2;
			Map::mutate(&key, |val| {
				*val = 15;
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key, 15), (key - 1, 43), (key - 2, 42)]);
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key));
			Map::mutate(&key, |val| {
				*val = 17;
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key, 17), (key - 1, 43), (key - 2, 42)]);

			// remove first
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key - 1));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key - 1, 43), (key - 2, 42)]);

			// remove last from the list
			Map::remove(&(key - 2));
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), Some(key - 1));
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(key - 1, 43)]);

			// remove the last element
			Map::remove(&(key - 1));
			assert_eq!(Map::head(), None);
			assert_eq!(Map::enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![]);

	fn double_map_basic_insert_remove_remove_prefix_should_work() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			// initialized during genesis
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&15u32, &16u32), 42u64);

			// get / insert / take
			let key1 = 17u32;
			let key2 = 18u32;
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 0u64);
			DoubleMap::insert(&key1, &key2, &4u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::take(&key1, &key2), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 0u64);
			DoubleMap::mutate(&key1, &key2, |val| {
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 15u64);
			DoubleMap::remove(&key1, &key2);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 0u64);

			// remove prefix
			DoubleMap::insert(&key1, &key2, &4u64);
			DoubleMap::insert(&key1, &(key2 + 1), &4u64);
			DoubleMap::insert(&(key1 + 1), &key2, &4u64);
			DoubleMap::insert(&(key1 + 1), &(key2 + 1), &4u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), 0u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &(key2 + 1)), 0u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&(key1 + 1), &key2), 4u64);
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&(key1 + 1), &(key2 + 1)), 4u64);


	fn double_map_append_should_work() {
		new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
			type DoubleMap = AppendableDM<Test>;

			let key1 = 17u32;
			let key2 = 18u32;

			DoubleMap::insert(&key1, &key2, &vec![1]);
			DoubleMap::append(&key1, &key2, &[2, 3]).unwrap();
			assert_eq!(DoubleMap::get(&key1, &key2), &[1, 2, 3]);
	const EXPECTED_METADATA: StorageMetadata = StorageMetadata {
		prefix: DecodeDifferent::Encode("Example"),
		entries: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("Data"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Default,
					ty: StorageEntryType::Map{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Twox64Concat,
						key: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u64"),
						is_linked: true,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("OptionLinkedMap"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Optional,
					ty: StorageEntryType::Map {
						hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
						key: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						is_linked: true,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("GenericData"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Default,
					ty: StorageEntryType::Map{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Twox128,
						key: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						is_linked: true
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("GenericData2"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Optional,
					ty: StorageEntryType::Map{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
						key: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						is_linked: true
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("GetterNoFnKeyword"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Optional,
					ty: StorageEntryType::Plain(DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32")),
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("DataDM"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Default,
					ty: StorageEntryType::DoubleMap{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Twox64Concat,
						key1: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						key2: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u64"),
						key2_hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("GenericDataDM"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Default,
					ty: StorageEntryType::DoubleMap{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
						key1: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						key2: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						key2_hasher: StorageHasher::Twox128,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("GenericData2DM"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Optional,
					ty: StorageEntryType::DoubleMap{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
						key1: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						key2: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						key2_hasher: StorageHasher::Twox256,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),
				StorageEntryMetadata {
					name: DecodeDifferent::Encode("AppendableDM"),
					modifier: StorageEntryModifier::Default,
					ty: StorageEntryType::DoubleMap{
						hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
						key1: DecodeDifferent::Encode("u32"),
						key2: DecodeDifferent::Encode("T::BlockNumber"),
						value: DecodeDifferent::Encode("Vec<u32>"),
						key2_hasher: StorageHasher::Blake2_256,
					default: DecodeDifferent::Encode(
					documentation: DecodeDifferent::Encode(&[]),

	fn store_metadata() {
		let metadata = Module::<Test>::storage_metadata();
		pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(EXPECTED_METADATA, metadata);