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// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! The Balances pallet provides functionality for handling accounts and balances for a single
//! token.
//! It makes heavy use of concepts such as Holds and Freezes from the
//! [`frame_support::traits::fungible`] traits, therefore you should read and understand those docs
//! as a prerequisite to understanding this pallet.
//! Also see the [`frame_tokens`] reference docs for higher level information regarding the
//! place of this palet in FRAME.
//! ## Overview
//! The Balances pallet provides functions for:
//! - Getting and setting free balances.
//! - Retrieving total, reserved and unreserved balances.
//! - Repatriating a reserved balance to a beneficiary account that exists.
//! - Transferring a balance between accounts (when not reserved).
//! - Slashing an account balance.
//! - Account creation and removal.
//! - Managing total issuance.
//! - Setting and managing locks.
//! ### Terminology
//! - **Reaping an account:** The act of removing an account by resetting its nonce. Happens after
//!   its total balance has become less than the Existential Deposit.
//! ### Implementations
//! The Balances pallet provides implementations for the following [`fungible`] traits. If these
//! traits provide the functionality that you need, then you should avoid tight coupling with the
//! Balances pallet.
//! - [`fungible::Inspect`]
//! - [`fungible::Mutate`]
//! - [`fungible::Unbalanced`]
//! - [`fungible::Balanced`]
//! - [`fungible::BalancedHold`]
//! - [`fungible::InspectHold`]
//! - [`fungible::MutateHold`]
//! - [`fungible::InspectFreeze`]
//! - [`fungible::MutateFreeze`]
//! - [`fungible::Imbalance`]
//! It also implements the following [`Currency`] related traits, however they are deprecated and
//! will eventually be removed.
//! - [`Currency`]: Functions for dealing with a fungible assets system.
//! - [`ReservableCurrency`]
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//! - [`NamedReservableCurrency`](frame_support::traits::NamedReservableCurrency):
//! Functions for dealing with assets that can be reserved from an account.
//! - [`LockableCurrency`](frame_support::traits::LockableCurrency): Functions for
//! dealing with accounts that allow liquidity restrictions.
//! - [`Imbalance`](frame_support::traits::Imbalance): Functions for handling
//! imbalances between total issuance in the system and account balances. Must be used when a
//! function creates new funds (e.g. a reward) or destroys some funds (e.g. a system fee).
//! ## Usage
//! The following examples show how to use the Balances pallet in your custom pallet.
//! ### Examples from the FRAME
//! The Contract pallet uses the `Currency` trait to handle gas payment, and its types inherit from
//! `Currency`:
//! use frame_support::traits::Currency;
//! # pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
//! #   type Currency: Currency<Self::AccountId>;
//! pub type BalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
//! pub type NegativeImbalanceOf<T> = <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
//! # fn main() {}
//! The Staking pallet uses the `LockableCurrency` trait to lock a stash account's funds:
//! use frame_support::traits::{WithdrawReasons, LockableCurrency};
//! use sp_runtime::traits::Bounded;
//! pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
//!     type Currency: LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId, Moment=frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
//! # struct StakingLedger<T: Config> {
//! #   stash: <T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
//! #   total: <<T as Config>::Currency as frame_support::traits::Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance,
//! #   phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
//! # }
//! # const STAKING_ID: [u8; 8] = *b"staking ";
//! fn update_ledger<T: Config>(
//!     controller: &T::AccountId,
//!     ledger: &StakingLedger<T>
//!     T::Currency::set_lock(
//!         STAKING_ID,
//!         &ledger.stash,
//!         WithdrawReasons::all()
//!     );
//!     // <Ledger<T>>::insert(controller, ledger); // Commented out as we don't have access to Staking's storage here.
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! ## Genesis config
//! The Balances pallet depends on the [`GenesisConfig`].
//! * Total issued balanced of all accounts should be less than `Config::Balance::max_value()`.
//! * Existential Deposit is set to a value greater than zero.
//! Note, you may find the Balances pallet still functions with an ED of zero when the
//! `insecure_zero_ed` cargo feature is enabled. However this is not a configuration which is
//! generally supported, nor will it be.
//! [`frame_tokens`]: ../polkadot_sdk_docs/reference_docs/frame_tokens/index.html

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod benchmarking;
pub mod migration;
pub mod weights;
use frame_support::{
			fungible, BalanceStatus as Status, DepositConsequence,
			Fortitude::{self, Force, Polite},
			Preservation::{Expendable, Preserve, Protect},
		Currency, Defensive, Get, OnUnbalanced, ReservableCurrency, StoredMap,
use frame_system as system;
pub use impl_currency::{NegativeImbalance, PositiveImbalance};
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::{
		AtLeast32BitUnsigned, Bounded, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, MaybeSerializeDeserialize,
		Saturating, StaticLookup, Zero,
	ArithmeticError, DispatchError, FixedPointOperand, Perbill, RuntimeDebug, TokenError,
use sp_std::{cmp, fmt::Debug, mem, prelude::*, result};
pub use types::{
	AccountData, AdjustmentDirection, BalanceLock, DustCleaner, ExtraFlags, IdAmount, Reasons,
pub use weights::WeightInfo;
const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::balances";

type AccountIdLookupOf<T> = <<T as frame_system::Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source;

pub mod pallet {
	use frame_support::{
		traits::{fungible::Credit, tokens::Precision, VariantCount, VariantCountOf},
	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
	pub type CreditOf<T, I> = Credit<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, Pallet<T, I>>;

	/// Default implementations of [`DefaultConfig`], which can be used to implement [`Config`].
	pub mod config_preludes {
		use super::*;
		use frame_support::{derive_impl, traits::ConstU64};
		#[derive_impl(frame_system::config_preludes::TestDefaultConfig, no_aggregated_types)]
		impl frame_system::DefaultConfig for TestDefaultConfig {}

		impl DefaultConfig for TestDefaultConfig {
			type RuntimeEvent = ();
			type RuntimeHoldReason = ();
			type RuntimeFreezeReason = ();
			type ExistentialDeposit = ConstU64<1>;

			type ReserveIdentifier = ();
			type FreezeIdentifier = ();

			type MaxLocks = ConstU32<100>;
			type MaxReserves = ConstU32<100>;
			type MaxFreezes = ConstU32<100>;
	pub trait Config<I: 'static = ()>: frame_system::Config {
		type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self, I>>
			+ IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;

		/// The overarching hold reason.
		type RuntimeHoldReason: Parameter + Member + MaxEncodedLen + Copy + VariantCount;

		/// The overarching freeze reason.
		type RuntimeFreezeReason: VariantCount;
		/// Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.
		type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;

		/// The balance of an account.
		type Balance: Parameter
			+ Member
			+ AtLeast32BitUnsigned
			+ Codec
			+ Default
			+ Copy
			+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
			+ Debug
		/// Handler for the unbalanced reduction when removing a dust account.
		type DustRemoval: OnUnbalanced<CreditOf<Self, I>>;
		/// The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!
		/// If you *really* need it to be zero, you can enable the feature `insecure_zero_ed` for
		/// this pallet. However, you do so at your own risk: this will open up a major DoS vector.
		/// In case you have multiple sources of provider references, you may also get unexpected
		/// behaviour if you set this to zero.
		/// Bottom line: Do yourself a favour and make it at least one!
		type ExistentialDeposit: Get<Self::Balance>;
		/// The means of storing the balances of an account.
		type AccountStore: StoredMap<Self::AccountId, AccountData<Self::Balance>>;
		/// The ID type for reserves.
		/// Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See ``
		type ReserveIdentifier: Parameter + Member + MaxEncodedLen + Ord + Copy;

		/// The ID type for freezes.
		type FreezeIdentifier: Parameter + Member + MaxEncodedLen + Copy;
		/// The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account.
		/// Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.
		/// Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See ``
		type MaxLocks: Get<u32>;
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		/// The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account.
		/// Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See ``
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		type MaxReserves: Get<u32>;

		/// The maximum number of individual freeze locks that can exist on an account at any time.
		type MaxFreezes: Get<u32>;
	const STORAGE_VERSION: frame_support::traits::StorageVersion =

	pub struct Pallet<T, I = ()>(PhantomData<(T, I)>);
	#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
	pub enum Event<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
		/// An account was created with some free balance.
		Endowed { account: T::AccountId, free_balance: T::Balance },
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		/// An account was removed whose balance was non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit,
		/// resulting in an outright loss.
		DustLost { account: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Transfer succeeded.
		Transfer { from: T::AccountId, to: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// A balance was set by root.
		BalanceSet { who: T::AccountId, free: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved).
		Reserved { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free).
		Unreserved { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account.
		/// Final argument indicates the destination balance type.
		ReserveRepatriated {
			from: T::AccountId,
			to: T::AccountId,
			amount: T::Balance,
			destination_status: Status,
		/// Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees).
		Deposit { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was withdrawn from the account (e.g. for transaction fees).
		Withdraw { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was removed from the account (e.g. for misbehavior).
		Slashed { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was minted into an account.
		Minted { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was burned from an account.
		Burned { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was suspended from an account (it can be restored later).
		Suspended { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some amount was restored into an account.
		Restored { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// An account was upgraded.
		Upgraded { who: T::AccountId },
		/// Total issuance was increased by `amount`, creating a credit to be balanced.
		Issued { amount: T::Balance },
		/// Total issuance was decreased by `amount`, creating a debt to be balanced.
		Rescinded { amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was locked.
		Locked { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was unlocked.
		Unlocked { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was frozen.
		Frozen { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// Some balance was thawed.
		Thawed { who: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance },
		/// The `TotalIssuance` was forcefully changed.
		TotalIssuanceForced { old: T::Balance, new: T::Balance },
	pub enum Error<T, I = ()> {
		/// Vesting balance too high to send value.
		/// Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal.
		/// Balance too low to send value.
		/// Value too low to create account due to existential deposit.
		/// Transfer/payment would kill account.
		/// A vesting schedule already exists for this account.
		/// Beneficiary account must pre-exist.
		/// Number of named reserves exceed `MaxReserves`.
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		/// Number of holds exceed `VariantCountOf<T::RuntimeHoldReason>`.
		/// Number of freezes exceed `MaxFreezes`.
		/// The issuance cannot be modified since it is already deactivated.
		/// The delta cannot be zero.

	/// The total units issued in the system.
	#[pallet::getter(fn total_issuance)]
	pub type TotalIssuance<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageValue<_, T::Balance, ValueQuery>;

	/// The total units of outstanding deactivated balance in the system.
	#[pallet::getter(fn inactive_issuance)]
	pub type InactiveIssuance<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> =
		StorageValue<_, T::Balance, ValueQuery>;

	/// The Balances pallet example of storing the balance of an account.
	/// # Example
	/// ```nocompile
	///  impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {
	///    type AccountStore = StorageMapShim<Self::Account<Runtime>, frame_system::Provider<Runtime>, AccountId, Self::AccountData<Balance>>
	///  }
	/// ```
	/// You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet.
	/// # Example
	/// ```nocompile
	///  impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {
	///   type AccountStore = System
	///  }
	/// ```
	/// But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet stores
	/// `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the
	/// `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only.
	/// NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.
	pub type Account<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> =
		StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId, AccountData<T::Balance>, ValueQuery>;

	/// Any liquidity locks on some account balances.
	/// NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock.
	/// Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See ``
	#[pallet::getter(fn locks)]
	pub type Locks<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageMap<
		WeakBoundedVec<BalanceLock<T::Balance>, T::MaxLocks>,
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	/// Named reserves on some account balances.
	/// Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See ``
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	#[pallet::getter(fn reserves)]
	pub type Reserves<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageMap<
		BoundedVec<ReserveData<T::ReserveIdentifier, T::Balance>, T::MaxReserves>,
	/// Holds on account balances.
	pub type Holds<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageMap<
			IdAmount<T::RuntimeHoldReason, T::Balance>,

	/// Freeze locks on account balances.
	pub type Freezes<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageMap<
		BoundedVec<IdAmount<T::FreezeIdentifier, T::Balance>, T::MaxFreezes>,

	pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
		pub balances: Vec<(T::AccountId, T::Balance)>,

	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Default for GenesisConfig<T, I> {
		fn default() -> Self {
			Self { balances: Default::default() }
	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T, I> {
			let total = self.balances.iter().fold(Zero::zero(), |acc: T::Balance, &(_, n)| acc + n);
			<TotalIssuance<T, I>>::put(total);

			for (_, balance) in &self.balances {
					*balance >= <T as Config<I>>::ExistentialDeposit::get(),
					"the balance of any account should always be at least the existential deposit.",

			// ensure no duplicates exist.
			let endowed_accounts = self
				.map(|(x, _)| x)
				endowed_accounts.len() == self.balances.len(),
				"duplicate balances in genesis."

			for &(ref who, free) in self.balances.iter() {
				assert!(T::AccountStore::insert(who, AccountData { free, ..Default::default() })
	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T, I> {
		#[cfg(not(feature = "insecure_zero_ed"))]
		fn integrity_test() {
				!<T as Config<I>>::ExistentialDeposit::get().is_zero(),
				"The existential deposit must be greater than zero!"

				T::MaxFreezes::get() >= <T::RuntimeFreezeReason as VariantCount>::VARIANT_COUNT,
				"MaxFreezes should be greater than or equal to the number of freeze reasons: {} < {}",
				T::MaxFreezes::get(), <T::RuntimeFreezeReason as VariantCount>::VARIANT_COUNT,
	#[pallet::call(weight(<T as Config<I>>::WeightInfo))]
	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
		/// Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
		/// `transfer_allow_death` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.
		/// If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result
		/// of the transfer, the account will be reaped.
		/// The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.
		pub fn transfer_allow_death(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			#[pallet::compact] value: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
			let source = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			<Self as fungible::Mutate<_>>::transfer(&source, &dest, value, Expendable)?;
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		/// Exactly as `transfer_allow_death`, except the origin must be root and the source account
		/// may be specified.
		pub fn force_transfer(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			source: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			#[pallet::compact] value: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
			let source = T::Lookup::lookup(source)?;
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			<Self as fungible::Mutate<_>>::transfer(&source, &dest, value, Expendable)?;
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		/// Same as the [`transfer_allow_death`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not
		/// kill the origin account.
		/// 99% of the time you want [`transfer_allow_death`] instead.
		/// [`transfer_allow_death`]: struct.Pallet.html#method.transfer
		pub fn transfer_keep_alive(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			#[pallet::compact] value: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
			let source = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			<Self as fungible::Mutate<_>>::transfer(&source, &dest, value, Preserve)?;
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		/// Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.
		/// NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means that
		/// any locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not be
		/// transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,
		/// you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage
		/// deposits, etc...
		/// The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.
		/// - `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.
		/// - `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send all
		///   of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), or
		///   transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to
		///   keep the sender account alive (true).
		pub fn transfer_all(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			keep_alive: bool,
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let transactor = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let keep_alive = if keep_alive { Preserve } else { Expendable };
			let reducible_balance = <Self as fungible::Inspect<_>>::reducible_balance(
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			<Self as fungible::Mutate<_>>::transfer(
		/// Unreserve some balance from a user by force.
		/// Can only be called by ROOT.
		pub fn force_unreserve(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			who: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			amount: T::Balance,
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let who = T::Lookup::lookup(who)?;
			let _leftover = <Self as ReservableCurrency<_>>::unreserve(&who, amount);
		/// Upgrade a specified account.
		/// - `origin`: Must be `Signed`.
		/// - `who`: The account to be upgraded.
		/// This will waive the transaction fee if at least all but 10% of the accounts needed to
		/// be upgraded. (We let some not have to be upgraded just in order to allow for the
		/// possibility of churn).
		#[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::upgrade_accounts(who.len() as u32))]
		pub fn upgrade_accounts(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			who: Vec<T::AccountId>,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			if who.is_empty() {
				return Ok(Pays::Yes.into())
			let mut upgrade_count = 0;
			for i in &who {
				let upgraded = Self::ensure_upgraded(i);
				if upgraded {
			let proportion_upgraded = Perbill::from_rational(upgrade_count, who.len() as u32);
			if proportion_upgraded >= Perbill::from_percent(90) {
		/// Set the regular balance of a given account.
		/// The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.
			T::WeightInfo::force_set_balance_creating() // Creates a new account.
				.max(T::WeightInfo::force_set_balance_killing()) // Kills an existing account.
		pub fn force_set_balance(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			who: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
			#[pallet::compact] new_free: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
			let who = T::Lookup::lookup(who)?;
			let existential_deposit = Self::ed();
			let wipeout = new_free < existential_deposit;
			let new_free = if wipeout { Zero::zero() } else { new_free };
			// First we try to modify the account's balance to the forced balance.
			let old_free = Self::mutate_account_handling_dust(&who, |account| {
				let old_free =; = new_free;
			// This will adjust the total issuance, which was not done by the `mutate_account`
			// above.
			if new_free > old_free {
				mem::drop(PositiveImbalance::<T, I>::new(new_free - old_free));
			} else if new_free < old_free {
				mem::drop(NegativeImbalance::<T, I>::new(old_free - new_free));
			Self::deposit_event(Event::BalanceSet { who, free: new_free });
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		/// Adjust the total issuance in a saturating way.
		/// Can only be called by root and always needs a positive `delta`.
		/// # Example
		#[doc = docify::embed!("./src/tests/", force_adjust_total_issuance_example)]
		pub fn force_adjust_total_issuance(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			direction: AdjustmentDirection,
			#[pallet::compact] delta: T::Balance,
		) -> DispatchResult {

			ensure!(delta > Zero::zero(), Error::<T, I>::DeltaZero);

			let old = TotalIssuance::<T, I>::get();
			let new = match direction {
				AdjustmentDirection::Increase => old.saturating_add(delta),
				AdjustmentDirection::Decrease => old.saturating_sub(delta),

			ensure!(InactiveIssuance::<T, I>::get() <= new, Error::<T, I>::IssuanceDeactivated);
			TotalIssuance::<T, I>::set(new);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::<T, I>::TotalIssuanceForced { old, new });

	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
		fn ed() -> T::Balance {
		/// Ensure the account `who` is using the new logic.
		/// Returns `true` if the account did get upgraded, `false` if it didn't need upgrading.
		pub fn ensure_upgraded(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
			let mut a = T::AccountStore::get(who);
			if a.flags.is_new_logic() {
				return false
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			if !a.reserved.is_zero() && a.frozen.is_zero() {
				if system::Pallet::<T>::providers(who) == 0 {
					// Gah!! We have no provider refs :(
					// This shouldn't practically happen, but we need a failsafe anyway: let's give
					// them enough for an ED.
						target: LOG_TARGET,
						"account with a non-zero reserve balance has no provider refs, account_id: '{:?}'.",
					); =;
				let _ = system::Pallet::<T>::inc_consumers_without_limit(who).defensive();
			// Should never fail - we're only setting a bit.
			let _ = T::AccountStore::try_mutate_exists(who, |account| -> DispatchResult {
				*account = Some(a);
			Self::deposit_event(Event::Upgraded { who: who.clone() });
		/// Get the free balance of an account.
		pub fn free_balance(who: impl sp_std::borrow::Borrow<T::AccountId>) -> T::Balance {
		/// Get the balance of an account that can be used for transfers, reservations, or any other
		/// non-locking, non-transaction-fee activity. Will be at most `free_balance`.
		pub fn usable_balance(who: impl sp_std::borrow::Borrow<T::AccountId>) -> T::Balance {
			<Self as fungible::Inspect<_>>::reducible_balance(who.borrow(), Expendable, Polite)
		/// Get the balance of an account that can be used for paying transaction fees (not tipping,
		/// or any other kind of fees, though). Will be at most `free_balance`.
		/// This requires that the account stays alive.
		pub fn usable_balance_for_fees(
			who: impl sp_std::borrow::Borrow<T::AccountId>,
		) -> T::Balance {
			<Self as fungible::Inspect<_>>::reducible_balance(who.borrow(), Protect, Polite)
		/// Get the reserved balance of an account.
		pub fn reserved_balance(who: impl sp_std::borrow::Borrow<T::AccountId>) -> T::Balance {
		/// Get both the free and reserved balances of an account.
		pub(crate) fn account(who: &T::AccountId) -> AccountData<T::Balance> {
		/// Mutate an account to some new value, or delete it entirely with `None`. Will enforce
		/// `ExistentialDeposit` law, annulling the account as needed.
		/// It returns the result from the closure. Any dust is handled through the low-level
		/// `fungible::Unbalanced` trap-door for legacy dust management.
		/// NOTE: Doesn't do any preparatory work for creating a new account, so should only be used
		/// when it is known that the account already exists.
		/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
		/// the caller will do this.
		pub(crate) fn mutate_account_handling_dust<R>(
			who: &T::AccountId,
			f: impl FnOnce(&mut AccountData<T::Balance>) -> R,
		) -> Result<R, DispatchError> {
			let (r, maybe_dust) = Self::mutate_account(who, f)?;
			if let Some(dust) = maybe_dust {
				<Self as fungible::Unbalanced<_>>::handle_raw_dust(dust);
		/// Mutate an account to some new value, or delete it entirely with `None`. Will enforce
		/// `ExistentialDeposit` law, annulling the account as needed.
		/// It returns the result from the closure. Any dust is handled through the low-level
		/// `fungible::Unbalanced` trap-door for legacy dust management.
		/// NOTE: Doesn't do any preparatory work for creating a new account, so should only be used
		/// when it is known that the account already exists.
		/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
		/// the caller will do this.
		pub(crate) fn try_mutate_account_handling_dust<R, E: From<DispatchError>>(
			who: &T::AccountId,
			f: impl FnOnce(&mut AccountData<T::Balance>, bool) -> Result<R, E>,
		) -> Result<R, E> {
			let (r, maybe_dust) = Self::try_mutate_account(who, f)?;
			if let Some(dust) = maybe_dust {
				<Self as fungible::Unbalanced<_>>::handle_raw_dust(dust);
		/// Mutate an account to some new value, or delete it entirely with `None`. Will enforce
		/// `ExistentialDeposit` law, annulling the account as needed.
		/// It returns both the result from the closure, and an optional amount of dust
		/// which should be handled once it is known that all nested mutates that could affect
		/// storage items what the dust handler touches have completed.
		/// NOTE: Doesn't do any preparatory work for creating a new account, so should only be used
		/// when it is known that the account already exists.
		/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
		/// the caller will do this.
		pub(crate) fn mutate_account<R>(
			who: &T::AccountId,
			f: impl FnOnce(&mut AccountData<T::Balance>) -> R,
		) -> Result<(R, Option<T::Balance>), DispatchError> {
			Self::try_mutate_account(who, |a, _| -> Result<R, DispatchError> { Ok(f(a)) })

		/// Returns `true` when `who` has some providers or `insecure_zero_ed` feature is disabled.
		/// Returns `false` otherwise.
		#[cfg(not(feature = "insecure_zero_ed"))]
		fn have_providers_or_no_zero_ed(_: &T::AccountId) -> bool {

		/// Returns `true` when `who` has some providers or `insecure_zero_ed` feature is disabled.
		/// Returns `false` otherwise.
		#[cfg(feature = "insecure_zero_ed")]
		fn have_providers_or_no_zero_ed(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
			frame_system::Pallet::<T>::providers(who) > 0

		/// Mutate an account to some new value, or delete it entirely with `None`. Will enforce
		/// `ExistentialDeposit` law, annulling the account as needed. This will do nothing if the
		/// result of `f` is an `Err`.
		/// It returns both the result from the closure, and an optional amount of dust
		/// which should be handled once it is known that all nested mutates that could affect
		/// storage items what the dust handler touches have completed.
		/// NOTE: Doesn't do any preparatory work for creating a new account, so should only be used
		/// when it is known that the account already exists.
		/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
		/// the caller will do this.
		pub(crate) fn try_mutate_account<R, E: From<DispatchError>>(
			who: &T::AccountId,
			f: impl FnOnce(&mut AccountData<T::Balance>, bool) -> Result<R, E>,
		) -> Result<(R, Option<T::Balance>), E> {
			let result = T::AccountStore::try_mutate_exists(who, |maybe_account| {
				let is_new = maybe_account.is_none();
				let mut account = maybe_account.take().unwrap_or_default();
				let did_provide = >= Self::ed() && Self::have_providers_or_no_zero_ed(who);
				let did_consume =
					!is_new && (!account.reserved.is_zero() || !account.frozen.is_zero());

				let result = f(&mut account, is_new)?;

				let does_provide = >= Self::ed();
				let does_consume = !account.reserved.is_zero() || !account.frozen.is_zero();

				if !did_provide && does_provide {
				if did_consume && !does_consume {
				if !did_consume && does_consume {
				if does_consume && frame_system::Pallet::<T>::consumers(who) == 0 {
					// NOTE: This is a failsafe and should not happen for normal accounts. A normal
					// account should have gotten a consumer ref in `!did_consume && does_consume`
					// at some point.
					log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Defensively bumping a consumer ref.");
				if did_provide && !does_provide {
					// This could reap the account so must go last.
					frame_system::Pallet::<T>::dec_providers(who).map_err(|r| {
						if did_consume && !does_consume {
							let _ = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::inc_consumers(who).defensive();
						if !did_consume && does_consume {
							let _ = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::dec_consumers(who);
				let maybe_endowed = if is_new { Some( } else { None };
				// Handle any steps needed after mutating an account.
				// This includes DustRemoval unbalancing, in the case than the `new` account's total
				// balance is non-zero but below ED.
				// Updates `maybe_account` to `Some` iff the account has sufficient balance.
				// Evaluates `maybe_dust`, which is `Some` containing the dust to be dropped, iff
				// some dust should be dropped.
				// We should never be dropping if reserved is non-zero. Reserved being non-zero
				// should imply that we have a consumer ref, so this is economically safe.
				let ed = Self::ed();
				let maybe_dust = if < ed && account.reserved.is_zero() {
					if {
					} else {
					assert!( || >= ed || !account.reserved.is_zero()