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		mut message: Xcm<()>,
	) -> Result<XcmHash, SendError> {
		let interior = interior.into();
		let dest = dest.into();
		let maybe_fee_payer = if interior != Junctions::Here {
			message.0.insert(0, DescendOrigin(interior));
		} else {
		log::debug!(target: "xcm::send_xcm", "dest: {:?}, message: {:?}", &dest, &message);
		let (ticket, price) = validate_send::<T::XcmRouter>(dest, message)?;
		if let Some(fee_payer) = maybe_fee_payer {
			Self::charge_fees(fee_payer, price).map_err(|_| SendError::Fees)?;
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	pub fn check_account() -> T::AccountId {
		const ID: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/xcmch");
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	/// Create a new expectation of a query response with the querier being here.
	fn do_new_query(
		responder: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
		maybe_notify: Option<(u8, u8)>,
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		match_querier: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
	) -> u64 {
		QueryCounter::<T>::mutate(|q| {
			let r = *q;
				QueryStatus::Pending {
					responder: responder.into().into(),
					maybe_match_querier: Some(match_querier.into().into()),
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	/// Consume `message` and return another which is equivalent to it except that it reports
	/// back the outcome and dispatches `notify` on this chain.
	/// - `message`: The message whose outcome should be reported.
	/// - `responder`: The origin from which a response should be expected.
	/// - `notify`: A dispatchable function which will be called once the outcome of `message` is
	///   known. It may be a dispatchable in any pallet of the local chain, but other than the usual
	///   origin, it must accept exactly two arguments: `query_id: QueryId` and `outcome: Response`,
	///   and in that order. It should expect that the origin is `Origin::Response` and will contain
	///   the responder's location.
	/// - `timeout`: The block number after which it is permissible for `notify` not to be called
	///   even if a response is received.
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	/// `report_outcome_notify` may return an error if the `responder` is not invertible.
	/// It is assumed that the querier of the response will be `Here`.
	/// NOTE: `notify` gets called as part of handling an incoming message, so it should be
	/// lightweight. Its weight is estimated during this function and stored ready for
	/// weighing `ReportOutcome` on the way back. If it turns out to be heavier once it returns
	/// then reporting the outcome will fail. Futhermore if the estimate is too high, then it
	/// may be put in the overweight queue and need to be manually executed.
	pub fn report_outcome_notify(
		message: &mut Xcm<()>,
		responder: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
		notify: impl Into<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
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	) -> Result<(), XcmError> {
		let responder = responder.into();
		let destination = T::UniversalLocation::get()
			.map_err(|()| XcmError::LocationNotInvertible)?;
		let notify: <T as Config>::RuntimeCall = notify.into();
		let max_weight = notify.get_dispatch_info().weight;
		let query_id = Self::new_notify_query(responder, notify, timeout, Here);
		let response_info = QueryResponseInfo { destination, query_id, max_weight };
		let report_error = Xcm(vec![ReportError(response_info)]);
		message.0.insert(0, SetAppendix(report_error));
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	/// Attempt to create a new query ID and register it as a query that is yet to respond, and
	/// which will call a dispatchable when a response happens.
	pub fn new_notify_query(
		responder: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
		notify: impl Into<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
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		match_querier: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
	) -> u64 {
		let notify = notify.into().using_encoded(|mut bytes| Decode::decode(&mut bytes)).expect(
			"decode input is output of Call encode; Call guaranteed to have two enums; qed",
		Self::do_new_query(responder, Some(notify), timeout, match_querier)

	/// Note that a particular destination to whom we would like to send a message is unknown
	/// and queue it for version discovery.
	fn note_unknown_version(dest: &MultiLocation) {
			target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::note_unknown_version",
			"XCM version is unknown for destination: {:?}",
		let versioned_dest = VersionedMultiLocation::from(*dest);
		VersionDiscoveryQueue::<T>::mutate(|q| {
			if let Some(index) = q.iter().position(|i| &i.0 == &versioned_dest) {
				// exists - just bump the count.
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				let _ = q.try_push((versioned_dest, 1));
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	/// Withdraw given `assets` from the given `location` and pay as XCM fees.
	/// Fails if:
	/// - the `assets` are not known on this chain;
	/// - the `assets` cannot be withdrawn with that location as the Origin.
	fn charge_fees(location: MultiLocation, assets: MultiAssets) -> DispatchResult {
		T::XcmExecutor::charge_fees(location, assets.clone())
			.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::FeesNotMet)?;
		Self::deposit_event(Event::FeesPaid { paying: location, fees: assets });
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pub struct LockTicket<T: Config> {
	sovereign_account: T::AccountId,
	amount: BalanceOf<T>,
	unlocker: MultiLocation,
	item_index: Option<usize>,

impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for LockTicket<T> {
	fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
		let mut locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&self.sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
		match self.item_index {
			Some(index) => {
				ensure!(locks.len() > index, UnexpectedState);
				ensure!(locks[index].1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&self.unlocker), UnexpectedState);
				locks[index].0 = locks[index].0.max(self.amount);
			None => {
					.try_push((self.amount, self.unlocker.into()))
					.map_err(|(_balance, _location)| UnexpectedState)?;
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		LockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.sovereign_account, locks);
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pub struct UnlockTicket<T: Config> {
	sovereign_account: T::AccountId,
	amount: BalanceOf<T>,
	unlocker: MultiLocation,

impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for UnlockTicket<T> {
	fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
		let mut locks =
		let mut maybe_remove_index = None;
		let mut locked = BalanceOf::<T>::zero();
		let mut found = false;
		// We could just as well do with with an into_iter, filter_map and collect, however this way
		// avoids making an allocation.
		for (i, x) in locks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
			if x.1.try_as::<_>().defensive() == Ok(&self.unlocker) {
				x.0 = x.0.saturating_sub(self.amount);
				if x.0.is_zero() {
					maybe_remove_index = Some(i);
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				found = true;
			locked = locked.max(x.0);
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		ensure!(found, UnexpectedState);
		if let Some(remove_index) = maybe_remove_index {
		LockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.sovereign_account, locks);
		let reasons = WithdrawReasons::all();
		T::Currency::set_lock(*b"py/xcmlk", &self.sovereign_account, locked, reasons);
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pub struct ReduceTicket<T: Config> {
	key: (u32, T::AccountId, VersionedAssetId),
	amount: u128,
	locker: VersionedMultiLocation,
	owner: VersionedMultiLocation,

impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for ReduceTicket<T> {
	fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
		let mut record = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&self.key).ok_or(UnexpectedState)?;
		ensure!( == && self.owner == record.owner, UnexpectedState);
		let new_amount = record.amount.checked_sub(self.amount).ok_or(UnexpectedState)?;
		ensure!(record.amount_held().map_or(true, |h| new_amount >= h), UnexpectedState);
		if new_amount == 0 {
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		} else {
			record.amount = new_amount;
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			RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.key, &record);
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impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::AssetLock for Pallet<T> {
	type LockTicket = LockTicket<T>;
	type UnlockTicket = UnlockTicket<T>;
	type ReduceTicket = ReduceTicket<T>;

	fn prepare_lock(
		unlocker: MultiLocation,
		asset: MultiAsset,
		owner: MultiLocation,
	) -> Result<LockTicket<T>, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
		let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
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		let amount = T::CurrencyMatcher::matches_fungible(&asset).ok_or(UnknownAsset)?;
		ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(&sovereign_account) >= amount, AssetNotOwned);
		let locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
		let item_index = locks.iter().position(|x| x.1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&unlocker));
		ensure!(item_index.is_some() || locks.len() < T::MaxLockers::get() as usize, NoResources);
		Ok(LockTicket { sovereign_account, amount, unlocker, item_index })
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	fn prepare_unlock(
		unlocker: MultiLocation,
		asset: MultiAsset,
		owner: MultiLocation,
	) -> Result<UnlockTicket<T>, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
		let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
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		let amount = T::CurrencyMatcher::matches_fungible(&asset).ok_or(UnknownAsset)?;
		ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(&sovereign_account) >= amount, AssetNotOwned);
		let locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
		let item_index =
			locks.iter().position(|x| x.1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&unlocker)).ok_or(NotLocked)?;
		ensure!(locks[item_index].0 >= amount, NotLocked);
		Ok(UnlockTicket { sovereign_account, amount, unlocker })
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	fn note_unlockable(
		locker: MultiLocation,
		asset: MultiAsset,
		mut owner: MultiLocation,
	) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
		ensure!(T::TrustedLockers::contains(&locker, &asset), NotTrusted);
		let amount = match {
			Fungible(a) => a,
			NonFungible(_) => return Err(Unimplemented),
		let account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
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		let locker = locker.into();
		let owner = owner.into();
		let id: VersionedAssetId =;
		let key = (XCM_VERSION, account, id);
		let mut record =
			RemoteLockedFungibleRecord { amount, owner, locker, consumers: BoundedVec::default() };
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		if let Some(old) = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&key) {
			// Make sure that the new record wouldn't clobber any old data.
			ensure!( == && old.owner == record.owner, WouldClobber);
			record.consumers = old.consumers;
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			record.amount = record.amount.max(old.amount);
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		RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&key, record);
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	fn prepare_reduce_unlockable(
		locker: MultiLocation,
		asset: MultiAsset,
		mut owner: MultiLocation,
	) -> Result<Self::ReduceTicket, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
		use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
		let amount = match {
			Fungible(a) => a,
			NonFungible(_) => return Err(Unimplemented),
		let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
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		let locker = locker.into();
		let owner = owner.into();
		let id: VersionedAssetId =;
		let key = (XCM_VERSION, sovereign_account, id);

		let record = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&key).ok_or(NotLocked)?;
		// Make sure that the record contains what we expect and there's enough to unlock.
		ensure!(locker == && owner == record.owner, WouldClobber);
		ensure!(record.amount >= amount, NotEnoughLocked);
			record.amount_held().map_or(true, |h| record.amount.saturating_sub(amount) >= h),
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		Ok(ReduceTicket { key, amount, locker, owner })

impl<T: Config> WrapVersion for Pallet<T> {
	fn wrap_version<RuntimeCall>(
		dest: &MultiLocation,
		xcm: impl Into<VersionedXcm<RuntimeCall>>,
	) -> Result<VersionedXcm<RuntimeCall>, ()> {
		SupportedVersion::<T>::get(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedMultiLocation(dest))
			.or_else(|| {
			.ok_or_else(|| {
					target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::wrap_version",
					"Could not determine a version to wrap XCM for destination: {:?}",
			.and_then(|v| xcm.into().into_version(v.min(XCM_VERSION)))

impl<T: Config> VersionChangeNotifier for Pallet<T> {
	/// Start notifying `location` should the XCM version of this chain change.
	/// When it does, this type should ensure a `QueryResponse` message is sent with the given
	/// `query_id` & `max_weight` and with a `response` of `Response::Version`. This should happen
	/// until/unless `stop` is called with the correct `query_id`.
	/// If the `location` has an ongoing notification and when this function is called, then an
	/// error should be returned.
	fn start(
		dest: &MultiLocation,
		query_id: QueryId,
		max_weight: Weight,
		_context: &XcmContext,
	) -> XcmResult {
		let versioned_dest = LatestVersionedMultiLocation(dest);
		let already = VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::contains_key(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest);
		ensure!(!already, XcmError::InvalidLocation);

		let xcm_version = T::AdvertisedXcmVersion::get();
		let response = Response::Version(xcm_version);
		let instruction = QueryResponse { query_id, response, max_weight, querier: None };
		let (message_id, cost) = send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(*dest, Xcm(vec![instruction]))?;
		Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::VersionNotifyStarted {
			destination: *dest,
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		let value = (query_id, max_weight, xcm_version);
		VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest, value);

	/// Stop notifying `location` should the XCM change. This is a no-op if there was never a
	/// subscription.
	fn stop(dest: &MultiLocation, _context: &XcmContext) -> XcmResult {
		VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::remove(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedMultiLocation(dest));

	/// Return true if a location is subscribed to XCM version changes.
	fn is_subscribed(dest: &MultiLocation) -> bool {
		let versioned_dest = LatestVersionedMultiLocation(dest);
		VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::contains_key(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest)

impl<T: Config> DropAssets for Pallet<T> {
	fn drop_assets(origin: &MultiLocation, assets: Assets, _context: &XcmContext) -> Weight {
		if assets.is_empty() {
			return Weight::zero()
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		let versioned = VersionedMultiAssets::from(MultiAssets::from(assets));
		let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(&origin, &versioned));
		AssetTraps::<T>::mutate(hash, |n| *n += 1);
		Self::deposit_event(Event::AssetsTrapped { hash, origin: *origin, assets: versioned });
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		// TODO #3735: Put the real weight in there.
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impl<T: Config> ClaimAssets for Pallet<T> {
	fn claim_assets(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		ticket: &MultiLocation,
		assets: &MultiAssets,
		_context: &XcmContext,
	) -> bool {
		let mut versioned = VersionedMultiAssets::from(assets.clone());
		match (ticket.parents, &ticket.interior) {
			(0, X1(GeneralIndex(i))) =>
				versioned = match versioned.into_version(*i as u32) {
					Ok(v) => v,
					Err(()) => return false,
			(0, Here) => (),
			_ => return false,
		let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(origin, versioned.clone()));
		match AssetTraps::<T>::get(hash) {
			0 => return false,
			1 => AssetTraps::<T>::remove(hash),
			n => AssetTraps::<T>::insert(hash, n - 1),
		Self::deposit_event(Event::AssetsClaimed { hash, origin: *origin, assets: versioned });
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		return true
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impl<T: Config> OnResponse for Pallet<T> {
	fn expecting_response(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		query_id: QueryId,
		querier: Option<&MultiLocation>,
	) -> bool {
		match Queries::<T>::get(query_id) {
			Some(QueryStatus::Pending { responder, maybe_match_querier, .. }) =>
				MultiLocation::try_from(responder).map_or(false, |r| origin == &r) &&
					maybe_match_querier.map_or(true, |match_querier| {
						MultiLocation::try_from(match_querier).map_or(false, |match_querier| {
							querier.map_or(false, |q| q == &match_querier)
			Some(QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: r, .. }) =>
				MultiLocation::try_from(r).map_or(false, |r| origin == &r),
			_ => false,
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	fn on_response(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		query_id: QueryId,
		querier: Option<&MultiLocation>,
		response: Response,
		max_weight: Weight,
		_context: &XcmContext,
	) -> Weight {
		let origin = *origin;
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		match (response, Queries::<T>::get(query_id)) {
				Some(QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: expected_origin, is_active }),
			) => {
				let origin: MultiLocation = match expected_origin.try_into() {
					Ok(o) if o == origin => o,
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					Ok(o) => {
						Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
							expected_location: Some(o),
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						return Weight::zero()
					_ => {
						Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
							expected_location: None,
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						// TODO #3735: Correct weight for this.
						return Weight::zero()
				// TODO #3735: Check max_weight is correct.
				if !is_active {
						QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: origin.into(), is_active: true },
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				// We're being notified of a version change.
				Self::deposit_event(Event::SupportedVersionChanged {
					location: origin,
					version: v,
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				Some(QueryStatus::Pending { responder, maybe_notify, maybe_match_querier, .. }),
			) => {
				if let Some(match_querier) = maybe_match_querier {
					let match_querier = match MultiLocation::try_from(match_querier) {
						Ok(mq) => mq,
							Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidQuerierVersion { origin, query_id });
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							return Weight::zero()
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					if querier.map_or(true, |q| q != &match_querier) {
						Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidQuerier {
							expected_querier: match_querier,
							maybe_actual_querier: querier.cloned(),
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						return Weight::zero()
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				let responder = match MultiLocation::try_from(responder) {
					Ok(r) => r,
					Err(_) => {
						Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponderVersion { origin, query_id });
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						return Weight::zero()
				if origin != responder {
					Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
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						expected_location: Some(responder),
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					return Weight::zero()
				return match maybe_notify {
					Some((pallet_index, call_index)) => {
						// This is a bit horrible, but we happen to know that the `Call` will
						// be built by `(pallet_index: u8, call_index: u8, QueryId, Response)`.
						// So we just encode that and then re-encode to a real Call.
						let bare = (pallet_index, call_index, query_id, response);
						if let Ok(call) = bare.using_encoded(|mut bytes| {
							<T as Config>::RuntimeCall::decode(&mut bytes)
						}) {
							let weight = call.get_dispatch_info().weight;
							if weight.any_gt(max_weight) {
								let e = Event::NotifyOverweight {
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									actual_weight: weight,
									max_budgeted_weight: max_weight,
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								return Weight::zero()
							let dispatch_origin = Origin::Response(origin).into();
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							match call.dispatch(dispatch_origin) {
								Ok(post_info) => {
									let e = Event::Notified { query_id, pallet_index, call_index };
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								Err(error_and_info) => {
									let e = Event::NotifyDispatchError {
									// Not much to do with the result as it is. It's up to the
									// parachain to ensure that the message makes sense.
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						} else {
							let e =
								Event::NotifyDecodeFailed { query_id, pallet_index, call_index };
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					None => {
						let e = Event::ResponseReady { query_id, response: response.clone() };
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						let at = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::current_block_number();
						let response = response.into();
						Queries::<T>::insert(query_id, QueryStatus::Ready { response, at });
			_ => {
				let e = Event::UnexpectedResponse { origin, query_id };
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impl<T: Config> CheckSuspension for Pallet<T> {
	fn is_suspended<Call>(
		_origin: &MultiLocation,
		_instructions: &mut [Instruction<Call>],
		_max_weight: Weight,
		_properties: &mut Properties,
	) -> bool {

/// Ensure that the origin `o` represents an XCM (`Transact`) origin.
/// Returns `Ok` with the location of the XCM sender or an `Err` otherwise.
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pub fn ensure_xcm<OuterOrigin>(o: OuterOrigin) -> Result<MultiLocation, BadOrigin>
	OuterOrigin: Into<Result<Origin, OuterOrigin>>,
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	match o.into() {
		Ok(Origin::Xcm(location)) => Ok(location),
		_ => Err(BadOrigin),

/// Ensure that the origin `o` represents an XCM response origin.
/// Returns `Ok` with the location of the responder or an `Err` otherwise.
pub fn ensure_response<OuterOrigin>(o: OuterOrigin) -> Result<MultiLocation, BadOrigin>
	OuterOrigin: Into<Result<Origin, OuterOrigin>>,
	match o.into() {
		Ok(Origin::Response(location)) => Ok(location),
		_ => Err(BadOrigin),

/// Filter for `MultiLocation` to find those which represent a strict majority approval of an
/// identified plurality.
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/// May reasonably be used with `EnsureXcm`.
pub struct IsMajorityOfBody<Prefix, Body>(PhantomData<(Prefix, Body)>);
impl<Prefix: Get<MultiLocation>, Body: Get<BodyId>> Contains<MultiLocation>
	for IsMajorityOfBody<Prefix, Body>
	fn contains(l: &MultiLocation) -> bool {
		let maybe_suffix = l.match_and_split(&Prefix::get());
		matches!(maybe_suffix, Some(Plurality { id, part }) if id == &Body::get() && part.is_majority())
/// Filter for `MultiLocation` to find those which represent a voice of an identified plurality.
/// May reasonably be used with `EnsureXcm`.
pub struct IsVoiceOfBody<Prefix, Body>(PhantomData<(Prefix, Body)>);
impl<Prefix: Get<MultiLocation>, Body: Get<BodyId>> Contains<MultiLocation>
	for IsVoiceOfBody<Prefix, Body>
	fn contains(l: &MultiLocation) -> bool {
		let maybe_suffix = l.match_and_split(&Prefix::get());
		matches!(maybe_suffix, Some(Plurality { id, part }) if id == &Body::get() && part == &BodyPart::Voice)

/// `EnsureOrigin` implementation succeeding with a `MultiLocation` value to recognize and filter
/// the `Origin::Xcm` item.
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pub struct EnsureXcm<F>(PhantomData<F>);
impl<O: OriginTrait + From<Origin>, F: Contains<MultiLocation>> EnsureOrigin<O> for EnsureXcm<F>
	O::PalletsOrigin: From<Origin> + TryInto<Origin, Error = O::PalletsOrigin>,
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	type Success = MultiLocation;

	fn try_origin(outer: O) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
		outer.try_with_caller(|caller| {
			caller.try_into().and_then(|o| match o {
				Origin::Xcm(location) if F::contains(&location) => Ok(location),
				Origin::Xcm(location) => Err(Origin::Xcm(location).into()),
				o => Err(o.into()),
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	#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
	fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<O, ()> {
/// `EnsureOrigin` implementation succeeding with a `MultiLocation` value to recognize and filter
/// the `Origin::Response` item.
pub struct EnsureResponse<F>(PhantomData<F>);
impl<O: OriginTrait + From<Origin>, F: Contains<MultiLocation>> EnsureOrigin<O>
	for EnsureResponse<F>
	O::PalletsOrigin: From<Origin> + TryInto<Origin, Error = O::PalletsOrigin>,
	type Success = MultiLocation;

	fn try_origin(outer: O) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
		outer.try_with_caller(|caller| {
			caller.try_into().and_then(|o| match o {
				Origin::Response(responder) => Ok(responder),
				o => Err(o.into()),

	#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
	fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<O, ()> {
/// A simple passthrough where we reuse the `MultiLocation`-typed XCM origin as the inner value of
/// this crate's `Origin::Xcm` value.
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pub struct XcmPassthrough<RuntimeOrigin>(PhantomData<RuntimeOrigin>);
impl<RuntimeOrigin: From<crate::Origin>> ConvertOrigin<RuntimeOrigin>
	for XcmPassthrough<RuntimeOrigin>
	fn convert_origin(
		origin: impl Into<MultiLocation>,
		kind: OriginKind,
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	) -> Result<RuntimeOrigin, MultiLocation> {
		match kind {
			OriginKind::Xcm => Ok(crate::Origin::Xcm(origin).into()),
			_ => Err(origin),