1. Sep 16, 2021
  2. Sep 15, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Rename and reorg types (#462) · 635142e3
      David authored
      * Renames
      * More renames
      * fmt
      * s/RpcParams/Params/
      * Add a type alias `SubscriptionResponse` to `Notification` which is parametrized to `SubscriptionPayload`
      Move `SubscriptionResponse` to the `response` module
      * Fix doc links
      * Cleanup and some docs
      * Review feedback
      * cleanup
  3. Sep 14, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Propagate cause of `InvalidParams` (#463) · b16568b4
      David authored
      * Add a test illustrating how to use the `call` convenience method
      * Extend test + review feedback
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * log
      * Add Methods::test_subscription
      Log more when params parsing fails
      * Add call_with test helper (ty @niklas!) + cleanup
      * Remove todo (part of https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpsee/issues/457
      * fmt
      * Let `test_subscription` be called from other crates
      * Manually fix indentation
      * fmt
      * SSself-review grumbles
      * CallError::InvalidParams carries an anyhow::Error
      * fmt
      * Tweak docs
      * Update utils/src/server/rpc_module.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * review grumble
      * Fix todos
      * fmt
      * Fixup error messages
      * Include source in the error message for `CallError`
      * fmt
      * Update proc-macros/src/render_server.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
      * Mention needing jsonrpsee crate in scope
      * Resolve todo
      * Impl ToRpcParams for 0-sized array
      * optimized logging
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
  4. Aug 25, 2021
  5. Aug 16, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Don't allocate until we know it's worth it (#420) · 326d0c91
      David authored
      * Sniff the first byte to glean if the incoming request is a single or batch request
      This works around the serde limitations around `untagged` enums and `RawValue`.
      * fmt
      * For http server, check first byte before allocating space for the body
      Also, rework the way we return errors: prefer JSON-RPC errors according to spec (application/json) wherever sensible.
      * Review feedback
      * Don't assume there is a first byte to read
      * ty clipyp
      * Review concerns
      * Cleanup
  6. Aug 13, 2021
  7. Jun 07, 2021
  8. May 19, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [types]: ID type instead of serde_json::RawValue (#325) · 4e95f436
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * get started
      * add additional test
      * fix nits
      * cargo fmt
      * [types]: write some tests.
      * [http server]: send empty response on notifs
      * [http server]: fix tests
      * [rpc module]: send subscription response
      * Update types/src/v2/error.rs
      * fix nits
      * cargo fmt
      * Update types/src/v2/params.rs
      * remove needless clone
      * remove dead code
      * [types]: impl PartialEq for JsonErrorObject + test
      * use beef::Cow
      * Update http-server/src/tests.rs
  9. May 18, 2021
  10. May 07, 2021
  11. Apr 26, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [types]: allow `data` field in jsonrpc error obj. (#286) · 187ee5e9
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * [types]: allow `data` field in jsonrpc error obj.
      * fmt
      * revert change to make fail
      * remove redundant test
      * [types]: bring back `data` and `message` in error.
      Basically deducing the error message from server defined error doesn't work
      and we should not strip out this information from to user which might be useful.
      * remove boiler plate code
      * [types]: impl From<ErrorCode> for JsonRpcError
      * address grumbles
      * remove more boiler plate
  12. Apr 20, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [client] use types v2 (less alloc) (#269) · 31153ac7
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * rewrite me
      * v2
      * PoC works without batch request
      * remove `PartialEq` bounds
      * add naive benches types
      * misc
      * remove useless lifetime
      * [ws client]: move request ID generation to client
      * make tests compile again
      * [client transport]: kill leaky abstractions.
      * [http client transport]: minor changes in the API.
      * [ws client]: fix batch requests.
      * fix nits
      * [ws client]: generate two request IDs for subscrib
      * fix tests
      * remove unused types + less alloc for params.
      * fix nits
      * more tweaks.
      * remove unused code
      * fix more nits
      * remove unused legacy types
      * reorg types_v2 mod
      * port macros to new types
      * fix tests again; more jsonvalue
      * [proc macros]: bring back impl Into for params.
      * fix build
      * [proc macros]: make it work for external crates.
      * [types]: remove weird From<Option<T>> to impl.
      * cleanup again
      * [examples]: remove unused async-std dep
      * Update types/src/v2/mod.rs
      * [types]: remove unsed dep smallvec
      * rewrite me
      * [types]: error code impl ser/deser
      Manual implementation of serialize/deserialize to get rid of duplicated message string
      * [types v2]: re-org with explicit mods
      * fix faulty test
      * add missed files
      * [ws client]: req_manager reserve unsubscribe slot.
      * simplify test code
      * add tracking issue for TODO
      * remove unused deps
  13. Apr 16, 2021
  14. Apr 12, 2021
  15. Apr 01, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      HTTP server refactor (#253) · 49899740
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * refactor benches
      * start
      * fix build: enable `raw value` feature serde_json
      * start
      * port it
      * make tests compile
      * fix bench
      * fix bench
      * introduce builder pattern
      * tweaks
      * remove unused code
      * cleanup
      * [http server]: configure tcp socket manually.
      The major reason is to provide a uniform API with the WebSocket server to return the local address.
      * remove unused deps
      * [examples]: remove needless sleep
      * chore: add docs and refactor noise.
      * Update types/src/jsonrpc/error.rs
      * http server use constants