Unverified Commit b16568b4 authored by David's avatar David Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Propagate cause of `InvalidParams` (#463)

* Add a test illustrating how to use the `call` convenience method

* Extend test + review feedback

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* log

* Add Methods::test_subscription
Log more when params parsing fails

* Add call_with test helper (ty @niklas!) + cleanup

* Remove todo (part of https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpsee/issues/457


* fmt

* Let `test_subscription` be called from other crates

* Manually fix indentation

* fmt

* SSself-review grumbles

* CallError::InvalidParams carries an anyhow::Error

* fmt

* Tweak docs

* Update utils/src/server/rpc_module.rs

Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>

* review grumble

* Fix todos

* fmt

* Fixup error messages

* Include source in the error message for `CallError`

* fmt

* Update proc-macros/src/render_server.rs

Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>

* Mention needing jsonrpsee crate in scope

* Resolve todo

* Impl ToRpcParams for 0-sized array

* optimized logging

Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
parent bf2fff04
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