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use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::future::Future;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::error::{Error, SubscriptionClosed};
use crate::id_providers::RandomIntegerIdProvider;
use crate::server::helpers::{BoundedSubscriptions, MethodSink, SubscriptionPermit};
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use crate::server::resource_limiting::{ResourceGuard, ResourceTable, ResourceVec, Resources};
use crate::traits::{IdProvider, ToRpcParams};
use futures_util::future::Either;
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use futures_util::pin_mut;
use futures_util::{future::BoxFuture, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryStream, TryStreamExt};
use jsonrpsee_types::error::{CallError, ErrorCode, ErrorObject, ErrorObjectOwned, INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE, SUBSCRIPTION_CLOSED_WITH_ERROR};
use jsonrpsee_types::response::{SubscriptionError, SubscriptionPayloadError};
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use jsonrpsee_types::{
	ErrorResponse, Id, Params, Request, Response, SubscriptionResult, SubscriptionEmptyError,
	SubscriptionId as RpcSubscriptionId, SubscriptionPayload, SubscriptionResponse
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
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use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
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/// A `MethodCallback` is an RPC endpoint, callable with a standard JSON-RPC request,
/// implemented as a function pointer to a `Fn` function taking four arguments:
/// the `id`, `params`, a channel the function uses to communicate the result (or error)
/// back to `jsonrpsee`, and the connection ID (useful for the websocket transport).
pub type SyncMethod = Arc<dyn Send + Sync + Fn(Id, Params, &MethodSink) -> bool>;
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/// Similar to [`SyncMethod`], but represents an asynchronous handler and takes an additional argument containing a [`ResourceGuard`] if configured.
pub type AsyncMethod<'a> = Arc<
	dyn Send + Sync + Fn(Id<'a>, Params<'a>, MethodSink, ConnectionId, Option<ResourceGuard>) -> BoxFuture<'a, bool>,
/// Method callback for subscriptions.
pub type SubscriptionMethod = Arc<dyn Send + Sync + Fn(Id, Params, MethodSink, ConnState, Option<ResourceGuard>) -> bool>;
// Method callback to unsubscribe.
type UnsubscriptionMethod = Arc<dyn Send + Sync + Fn(Id, Params, &MethodSink, ConnectionId) -> bool>;
/// Connection ID, used for stateful protocol such as WebSockets.
/// For stateless protocols such as http it's unused, so feel free to set it some hardcoded value.
pub type ConnectionId = usize;
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/// Raw response from an RPC
/// A 3-tuple containing:
///   - Call result as a `String`,
///   - a [`mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<String>`] to receive future subscription results
///   - a [`crate::server::helpers::SubscriptionPermit`] to allow subscribers to notify their [`SubscriptionSink`] when they disconnect.
pub type RawRpcResponse = (String, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<String>, SubscriptionPermit);
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/// Helper struct to manage subscriptions.
pub struct ConnState<'a> {
	/// Connection ID
	pub conn_id: ConnectionId,
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	/// Get notified when the connection to subscribers is closed.
	pub close_notify: SubscriptionPermit,
	/// ID provider.
	pub id_provider: &'a dyn IdProvider,

/// Outcome of a successful terminated subscription.
pub enum InnerSubscriptionResult {
	/// The subscription stream was executed successfully.
	/// The subscription was aborted by the remote peer.

impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for ConnState<'a> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
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		f.debug_struct("ConnState").field("conn_id", &self.conn_id).field("close", &self.close_notify).finish()
type Subscribers = Arc<Mutex<FxHashMap<SubscriptionKey, (MethodSink, watch::Sender<()>)>>>;
/// Represent a unique subscription entry based on [`RpcSubscriptionId`] and [`ConnectionId`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct SubscriptionKey {
	conn_id: ConnectionId,
	sub_id: RpcSubscriptionId<'static>,
/// Callback wrapper that can be either sync or async.
	/// Synchronous method handler.
	/// Asynchronous method handler.
	/// Unsubscription method handler.
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/// Information about resources the method uses during its execution. Initialized when the the server starts.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum MethodResources {
	/// Uninitialized resource table, mapping string label to units.
	Uninitialized(Box<[(&'static str, u16)]>),
	/// Initialized resource table containing units for each `ResourceId`.

/// Method callback wrapper that contains a sync or async closure,
/// plus a table with resources it needs to claim to run
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MethodCallback {
	callback: MethodKind,
	resources: MethodResources,

/// Result of a method, either direct value or a future of one.
pub enum MethodResult<T> {
	/// Result by value
	/// Future of a value
	Async(BoxFuture<'static, T>),

impl<T: Debug> Debug for MethodResult<T> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		match self {
			MethodResult::Sync(result) => result.fmt(f),
			MethodResult::Async(_) => f.write_str("<future>"),

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/// Builder for configuring resources used by a method.
pub struct MethodResourcesBuilder<'a> {
	build: ResourceVec<(&'static str, u16)>,
	callback: &'a mut MethodCallback,

impl<'a> MethodResourcesBuilder<'a> {
	/// Define how many units of a given named resource the method uses during its execution.
	pub fn resource(mut self, label: &'static str, units: u16) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		self.build.try_push((label, units)).map_err(|_| Error::MaxResourcesReached)?;

impl<'a> Drop for MethodResourcesBuilder<'a> {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		self.callback.resources = MethodResources::Uninitialized(self.build[..].into());

impl MethodCallback {
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	fn new_sync(callback: SyncMethod) -> Self {
		MethodCallback { callback: MethodKind::Sync(callback), resources: MethodResources::Uninitialized([].into()) }

	fn new_async(callback: AsyncMethod<'static>) -> Self {
		MethodCallback { callback: MethodKind::Async(callback), resources: MethodResources::Uninitialized([].into()) }

	fn new_subscription(callback: SubscriptionMethod) -> Self {
		MethodCallback {
			callback: MethodKind::Subscription(callback),
			resources: MethodResources::Uninitialized([].into()),

	fn new_unsubscription(callback: UnsubscriptionMethod) -> Self {
		MethodCallback {
			callback: MethodKind::Unsubscription(callback),
			resources: MethodResources::Uninitialized([].into()),

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	/// Attempt to claim resources prior to executing a method. On success returns a guard that releases
	/// claimed resources when dropped.
	pub fn claim(&self, name: &str, resources: &Resources) -> Result<ResourceGuard, Error> {
		match self.resources {
			MethodResources::Uninitialized(_) => Err(Error::UninitializedMethod(name.into())),
			MethodResources::Initialized(units) => resources.claim(units),

	/// Get handle to the callback.
	pub fn inner(&self) -> &MethodKind {
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impl Debug for MethodKind {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
		match self {
			Self::Async(_) => write!(f, "Async"),
			Self::Sync(_) => write!(f, "Sync"),
			Self::Subscription(_) => write!(f, "Subscription"),
			Self::Unsubscription(_) => write!(f, "Unsubscription"),
/// Reference-counted, clone-on-write collection of synchronous and asynchronous methods.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Methods {
	callbacks: Arc<FxHashMap<&'static str, MethodCallback>>,
impl Methods {
	/// Creates a new empty [`Methods`].
	pub fn new() -> Self {
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	fn verify_method_name(&mut self, name: &'static str) -> Result<(), Error> {
		if self.callbacks.contains_key(name) {
			return Err(Error::MethodAlreadyRegistered(name.into()));


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	/// Inserts the method callback for a given name, or returns an error if the name was already taken.
	/// On success it returns a mut reference to the [`MethodCallback`] just inserted.
	fn verify_and_insert(
		&mut self,
		name: &'static str,
		callback: MethodCallback,
	) -> Result<&mut MethodCallback, Error> {
		match self.mut_callbacks().entry(name) {
			Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(Error::MethodAlreadyRegistered(name.into())),
			Entry::Vacant(vacant) => Ok(vacant.insert(callback)),

	/// Initialize resources for all methods in this collection. This method has no effect if called more than once.
	pub fn initialize_resources(mut self, resources: &Resources) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		let callbacks = self.mut_callbacks();

		for (&method_name, callback) in callbacks.iter_mut() {
			if let MethodResources::Uninitialized(uninit) = &callback.resources {
				let mut map = resources.defaults;

				for &(label, units) in uninit.iter() {
					let idx = match resources.labels.iter().position(|&l| l == label) {
						Some(idx) => idx,
						None => return Err(Error::ResourceNameNotFoundForMethod(label, method_name)),

					// If resource capacity set to `0`, we ignore the unit value of the method
					// and set it to `0` as well, effectively making the resource unlimited.
					if resources.capacities[idx] == 0 {
						map[idx] = 0;
					} else {
						map[idx] = units;
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				callback.resources = MethodResources::Initialized(map);


	/// Helper for obtaining a mut ref to the callbacks HashMap.
	fn mut_callbacks(&mut self) -> &mut FxHashMap<&'static str, MethodCallback> {
		Arc::make_mut(&mut self.callbacks)

	/// Merge two [`Methods`]'s by adding all [`MethodCallback`]s from `other` into `self`.
	/// Fails if any of the methods in `other` is present already.
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	pub fn merge(&mut self, other: impl Into<Methods>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let mut other = other.into();

		for name in other.callbacks.keys() {

		let callbacks = self.mut_callbacks();

		for (name, callback) in other.mut_callbacks().drain() {
			callbacks.insert(name, callback);
	/// Returns the method callback.
	pub fn method(&self, method_name: &str) -> Option<&MethodCallback> {
	/// Returns the method callback along with its name. The returned name is same as the
	/// `method_name`, but its lifetime bound is `'static`.
	pub fn method_with_name(&self, method_name: &str) -> Option<(&'static str, &MethodCallback)> {
		self.callbacks.get_key_value(method_name).map(|(k, v)| (*k, v))

	/// Helper to call a method on the `RPC module` without having to spin up a server.
	/// The params must be serializable as JSON array, see [`ToRpcParams`] for further documentation.
	/// Returns the decoded value of the `result field` in JSON-RPC response if succesful.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```
	/// #[tokio::main]
	/// async fn main() {
	///     use jsonrpsee::RpcModule;
	///     let mut module = RpcModule::new(());
	///     module.register_method("echo_call", |params, _| {
	///         params.one::<u64>().map_err(Into::into)
	///     }).unwrap();
	///     let echo: u64 = module.call("echo_call", [1_u64]).await.unwrap();
	///     assert_eq!(echo, 1);
	/// }
	/// ```
	pub async fn call<Params: ToRpcParams, T: DeserializeOwned>(
		method: &str,
		params: Params,
	) -> Result<T, Error> {
		let params = params.to_rpc_params()?;
		let req = Request::new(method.into(), Some(&params), Id::Number(0));
		tracing::trace!("[Methods::call] Calling method: {:?}, params: {:?}", method, params);
		let (resp, _, _) = self.inner_call(req).await;
		let res = match serde_json::from_str::<Response<T>>(&resp) {
			Ok(res) => Ok(res.result),
			Err(e) => {
				if let Ok(err) = serde_json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&resp) {
				} else {
	/// Make a request (JSON-RPC method call or subscription) by using raw JSON.
	/// Returns the raw JSON response to the call and a stream to receive notifications if the call was a subscription.
	/// ```
	/// #[tokio::main]
	/// async fn main() {
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	///     use jsonrpsee::RpcModule;
	///     use jsonrpsee::types::Response;
	///     use futures_util::StreamExt;
	///     let mut module = RpcModule::new(());
	///     module.register_subscription("hi", "hi", "goodbye", |_, pending, _| {
	///         pending.accept().unwrap().send(&"one answer").unwrap();
	///     let (resp, mut stream) = module.raw_json_request(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"hi","id":0}"#).await.unwrap();
	///     let resp = serde_json::from_str::<Response<u64>>(&resp).unwrap();
	///     let sub_resp = stream.next().await.unwrap();
	///     assert_eq!(
	///         format!(r#"{{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"hi","params":{{"subscription":{},"result":"one answer"}}}}"#, resp.result),
	///         sub_resp
	///     );
	pub async fn raw_json_request(&self, call: &str) -> Result<(String, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<String>), Error> {
		tracing::trace!("[Methods::raw_json_request] {:?}", call);
		let req: Request = serde_json::from_str(call)?;
		let (resp, rx, _) = self.inner_call(req).await;
		Ok((resp, rx))
	async fn inner_call(&self, req: Request<'_>) -> RawRpcResponse {
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		let (tx_sink, mut rx_sink) = mpsc::unbounded();
		let sink = MethodSink::new(tx_sink);
		let id = req.id.clone();
		let params = Params::new(req.params.map(|params| params.get()));
		let bounded_subs = BoundedSubscriptions::new(u32::MAX);
		let close_notify = bounded_subs.acquire().expect("u32::MAX permits is sufficient; qed");
		let notify = bounded_subs.acquire().expect("u32::MAX permits is sufficient; qed");
		let result = match self.method(&req.method).map(|c| &c.callback) {
			None => sink.send_error(req.id, ErrorCode::MethodNotFound.into()),
			Some(MethodKind::Sync(cb)) => (cb)(id, params, &sink),
			Some(MethodKind::Async(cb)) => (cb)(id.into_owned(), params.into_owned(), sink, 0, None).await,
			Some(MethodKind::Subscription(cb)) => {
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				let conn_state = ConnState { conn_id: 0, close_notify, id_provider: &RandomIntegerIdProvider };
				(cb)(id, params, sink, conn_state, None)
			Some(MethodKind::Unsubscription(cb)) => (cb)(id, params, &sink, 0),
		tracing::trace!("[Methods::inner_call]: method: `{}` success: {}", req.method, result);

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		let resp = rx_sink.next().await.expect("tx and rx still alive; qed");

		(resp, rx_sink, notify)

	/// Helper to create a subscription on the `RPC module` without having to spin up a server.
	/// The params must be serializable as JSON array, see [`ToRpcParams`] for further documentation.
	/// Returns [`Subscription`] on success which can used to get results from the subscriptions.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```
	/// #[tokio::main]
	/// async fn main() {
	///     use jsonrpsee::{RpcModule, types::EmptyParams};
	///     let mut module = RpcModule::new(());
	///     module.register_subscription("hi", "hi", "goodbye", |_, pending, _| {
	///         pending.accept().unwrap().send(&"one answer").unwrap();
	///     }).unwrap();
	///     let mut sub = module.subscribe("hi", EmptyParams::new()).await.unwrap();
	///     // In this case we ignore the subscription ID,
	///     let (sub_resp, _sub_id) = sub.next::<String>().await.unwrap().unwrap();
	///     assert_eq!(&sub_resp, "one answer");
	/// }
	/// ```
	pub async fn subscribe(&self, sub_method: &str, params: impl ToRpcParams) -> Result<Subscription, Error> {
		let params = params.to_rpc_params()?;
		let req = Request::new(sub_method.into(), Some(&params), Id::Number(0));
		tracing::trace!("[Methods::subscribe] Calling subscription method: {:?}, params: {:?}", sub_method, params);
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		let (response, rx, close_notify) = self.inner_call(req).await;
		tracing::trace!("[Methods::subscribe] response {:?}", response);
		let subscription_response = match serde_json::from_str::<Response<RpcSubscriptionId>>(&response) {
			Ok(r) => r,
			Err(_) => match serde_json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&response) {
				Ok(err) => return Err(Error::Call(CallError::Custom(err.error_object().clone().into_owned()))),
				Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
		let sub_id = subscription_response.result.into_owned();
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		let close_notify = Some(close_notify);
		Ok(Subscription { sub_id, rx, close_notify })
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	/// Returns an `Iterator` with all the method names registered on this server.
	pub fn method_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'static str> + '_ {

impl<Context> Deref for RpcModule<Context> {
	type Target = Methods;

	fn deref(&self) -> &Methods {

impl<Context> DerefMut for RpcModule<Context> {
	fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Methods {
		&mut self.methods

/// Sets of JSON-RPC methods can be organized into a "module"s that are in turn registered on the server or,
/// alternatively, merged with other modules to construct a cohesive API. [`RpcModule`] wraps an additional context
/// argument that can be used to access data during call execution.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RpcModule<Context> {
	ctx: Arc<Context>,
	methods: Methods,
impl<Context> RpcModule<Context> {
	/// Create a new module with a given shared `Context`.
	pub fn new(ctx: Context) -> Self {
		Self { ctx: Arc::new(ctx), methods: Default::default() }

	/// Transform a module into an `RpcModule<()>` (unit context).
	pub fn remove_context(self) -> RpcModule<()> {
		let mut module = RpcModule::new(());
		module.methods = self.methods;
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impl<Context> From<RpcModule<Context>> for Methods {
	fn from(module: RpcModule<Context>) -> Methods {

impl<Context: Send + Sync + 'static> RpcModule<Context> {
	/// Register a new synchronous RPC method, which computes the response with the given callback.
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	pub fn register_method<R, F>(
		&mut self,
		method_name: &'static str,
		callback: F,
	) -> Result<MethodResourcesBuilder, Error>
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		Context: Send + Sync + 'static,
		R: Serialize,
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		F: Fn(Params, &Context) -> Result<R, Error> + Send + Sync + 'static,
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		let ctx = self.ctx.clone();
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		let callback = self.methods.verify_and_insert(
			MethodCallback::new_sync(Arc::new(move |id, params, sink| match callback(params, &*ctx) {
				Ok(res) => sink.send_response(id, res),
				Err(err) => sink.send_call_error(id, err),
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		Ok(MethodResourcesBuilder { build: ResourceVec::new(), callback })
	/// Register a new asynchronous RPC method, which computes the response with the given callback.
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	pub fn register_async_method<R, Fun, Fut>(
		&mut self,
		method_name: &'static str,
		callback: Fun,
	) -> Result<MethodResourcesBuilder, Error>
		R: Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static,
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		Fut: Future<Output = Result<R, Error>> + Send,
		Fun: (Fn(Params<'static>, Arc<Context>) -> Fut) + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
		let ctx = self.ctx.clone();
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		let callback = self.methods.verify_and_insert(
			MethodCallback::new_async(Arc::new(move |id, params, sink, _, claimed| {
				let ctx = ctx.clone();
				let future = async move {
					let result = match callback(params, ctx).await {
						Ok(res) => sink.send_response(id, res),
						Err(err) => sink.send_call_error(id, err),
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					// Release claimed resources
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		Ok(MethodResourcesBuilder { build: ResourceVec::new(), callback })
	/// Register a new **blocking** synchronous RPC method, which computes the response with the given callback.
	/// Unlike the regular [`register_method`](RpcModule::register_method), this method can block its thread and perform expensive computations.
	pub fn register_blocking_method<R, F>(
		&mut self,
		method_name: &'static str,
		callback: F,
	) -> Result<MethodResourcesBuilder, Error>
		Context: Send + Sync + 'static,
		R: Serialize,
		F: Fn(Params, Arc<Context>) -> Result<R, Error> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
		let ctx = self.ctx.clone();
		let callback = self.methods.verify_and_insert(
			MethodCallback::new_async(Arc::new(move |id, params, sink, _, claimed| {
				let ctx = ctx.clone();

				tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
					let result = match callback(params, ctx) {
						Ok(res) => sink.send_response(id, res),
						Err(err) => sink.send_call_error(id, err),

					// Release claimed resources
				.map(|result| match result {
					Ok(r) => r,
					Err(err) => {
						tracing::error!("Join error for blocking RPC method: {:?}", err);

		Ok(MethodResourcesBuilder { build: ResourceVec::new(), callback })

	/// Register a new publish/subscribe interface using JSON-RPC notifications.
	/// It implements the [ethereum pubsub specification](https://geth.ethereum.org/docs/rpc/pubsub)
	/// with an option to choose custom subscription ID generation.
	/// Furthermore, it generates the `unsubscribe implementation` where a `bool` is used as
	/// the result to indicate whether the subscription was successfully unsubscribed to or not.
	/// For instance an `unsubscribe call` may fail if a non-existent subscriptionID is used in the call.
	/// This method ensures that the `subscription_method_name` and `unsubscription_method_name` are unique.
	/// The `notif_method_name` argument sets the content of the `method` field in the JSON document that
	/// the server sends back to the client. The uniqueness of this value is not machine checked and it's up to
	/// the user to ensure it is not used in any other [`RpcModule`] used in the server.
	/// # Arguments
	/// * `subscription_method_name` - name of the method to call to initiate a subscription
	/// * `notif_method_name` - name of method to be used in the subscription payload (technically a JSON-RPC notification)
	/// * `unsubscription_method` - name of the method to call to terminate a subscription
	/// * `callback` - A callback to invoke on each subscription; it takes three parameters:
	///     - [`Params`]: JSON-RPC parameters in the subscription call.
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	///     - [`SubscriptionSink`]: A sink to send messages to the subscriber.
	///     - Context: Any type that can be embedded into the [`RpcModule`].
	/// use jsonrpsee_core::server::rpc_module::{RpcModule, SubscriptionSink};
	/// use jsonrpsee_core::Error;
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	/// let mut ctx = RpcModule::new(99_usize);
	/// ctx.register_subscription("sub", "notif_name", "unsub", |params, pending, ctx| {
	///     let x = match params.one::<usize>() {
	///         Ok(x) => x,
	///         Err(e) => {
	///             let err: Error = e.into();
	///             pending.reject(err);
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	///             return Ok(());
	///     let mut sink = pending.accept()?;
	///     std::thread::spawn(move || {
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	///         let sum = x + (*ctx);
	/// });
	/// ```
	pub fn register_subscription<F>(
		&mut self,
		subscribe_method_name: &'static str,
		unsubscribe_method_name: &'static str,
	) -> Result<MethodResourcesBuilder, Error>
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		Context: Send + Sync + 'static,
		F: Fn(Params, SubscriptionSink, Arc<Context>) -> SubscriptionResult + Send + Sync + 'static,
		if subscribe_method_name == unsubscribe_method_name {
			return Err(Error::SubscriptionNameConflict(subscribe_method_name.into()));

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		let ctx = self.ctx.clone();
		let subscribers = Subscribers::default();

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David committed
		// Unsubscribe
			let subscribers = subscribers.clone();
				MethodCallback::new_unsubscription(Arc::new(move |id, params, sink, conn_id| {
					let sub_id = match params.one::<RpcSubscriptionId>() {
						Ok(sub_id) => sub_id,
						Err(_) => {
								"unsubscribe call '{}' failed: couldn't parse subscription id={:?} request id={:?}",
							return sink.send_response(id, false);
					let key = SubscriptionKey { conn_id, sub_id: sub_id.into_owned() };

					let result = subscribers.lock().remove(&key).is_some();
					if !result {
							"unsubscribe call `{}` subscription key={:?} not an active subscription",
					// if both the message was successful and the subscription was removed.
					sink.send_response(id, result) && result
		// Subscribe
		let callback = {
				MethodCallback::new_subscription(Arc::new(move |id, params, method_sink, conn, claimed| {
					let sub_id: RpcSubscriptionId = conn.id_provider.next_id();

					let sink = SubscriptionSink {
						inner: method_sink.clone(),
						close_notify: Some(conn.close_notify),
						method: notif_method_name,
						subscribers: subscribers.clone(),
						uniq_sub: SubscriptionKey { conn_id: conn.conn_id, sub_id },
						state: SubscriptionSinkState::new(id.clone().into_owned()),
					// The callback returns an empty `SubscriptionError` for improved API ergonomics.
					if let Err(err) = callback(params, sink, ctx.clone()) {
						tracing::warn!("subscribe call `{}` failed with err={:?}", subscribe_method_name, err);


		Ok(MethodResourcesBuilder { build: ResourceVec::new(), callback })
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David committed
	/// Register an alias for an existing_method. Alias uniqueness is enforced.
	pub fn register_alias(&mut self, alias: &'static str, existing_method: &'static str) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let callback = match self.methods.callbacks.get(existing_method) {
			Some(callback) => callback.clone(),
			None => return Err(Error::MethodNotFound(existing_method.into())),

		self.methods.mut_callbacks().insert(alias, callback);
/// Represent a pending subscription which waits to be accepted or rejected.
/// Note: you need to call either `PendingSubscription::accept` or `PendingSubscription::reject` otherwise
/// the subscription will be dropped with an `InvalidParams` error.
struct InnerPendingSubscription {
	/// Sink.
	sink: MethodSink,
	/// Get notified when subscribers leave so we can exit
	close_notify: Option<SubscriptionPermit>,
	/// MethodCallback.
	method: &'static str,
	/// Unique subscription.
	uniq_sub: SubscriptionKey,
	/// Shared Mutex of subscriptions
	subscribers: Subscribers,
	/// Request ID.
	id: Id<'static>,
	/// Claimed resources.
	claimed: Option<ResourceGuard>,

/// Represent a pending subscription which waits until it's either accepted or rejected.
/// This type implements `Drop` for ease of use, e.g. when dropped in error short circuiting via `map_err()?`.
pub struct PendingSubscription(Option<InnerPendingSubscription>);

impl PendingSubscription {
	/// Reject the subscription call from [`ErrorObject`].
	pub fn reject(mut self, err: impl Into<ErrorObjectOwned>) -> bool {
		if let Some(inner) = self.0.take() {
			let InnerPendingSubscription { sink, id, .. } = inner;
			sink.send_error(id, err.into())
		} else {

	/// Attempt to accept the subscription and respond the subscription method call.
	/// Fails if the connection was closed
	pub fn accept(mut self) -> Result<SubscriptionSink, SubscriptionEmptyError> {
		let inner = self.0.take().ok_or(SubscriptionEmptyError)?;
		let InnerPendingSubscription { sink, close_notify, method, uniq_sub, subscribers, id, claimed } = inner;

		if sink.send_response(id, &uniq_sub.sub_id) {
			let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(());
			subscribers.lock().insert(uniq_sub.clone(), (sink.clone(), tx));
			Ok(SubscriptionSink { inner: sink, close_notify, method, uniq_sub, subscribers, _claimed: claimed, state: SubscriptionSinkState::Rejected })

	/// Accepts the subscription connection and wraps the [`SubscriptionSink::pipe_from_try_stream`] for
	/// better ergonomics.
	/// Returns `(Ok(sink), SubscriptionClosed)` if the connection was accepted successfully. The returned
	/// sink can be used to send error notifications back.
	/// Returns `(None, SubscriptionClosed::RemotePeerAborted)` if the connection was not accepted, or the
	/// client disconnected while piping the stream.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```no_run
	/// use jsonrpsee_core::server::rpc_module::RpcModule;
	/// use jsonrpsee_core::error::{Error, SubscriptionClosed};
	/// use jsonrpsee_types::ErrorObjectOwned;
	/// use anyhow::anyhow;
	/// let mut m = RpcModule::new(());
	/// m.register_subscription("sub", "_", "unsub", |params, pending, _| {
	///     let stream = futures_util::stream::iter(vec![Ok(1_u32), Ok(2), Err("error on the stream")]);
	///     // This will return send `[Ok(1_u32), Ok(2_u32), Err(Error::SubscriptionClosed))]` to the subscriber
	///     // because after the `Err(_)` the stream is terminated.
	///     tokio::spawn(async move {
	///         // jsonrpsee doesn't send an error notification unless `close` is explicitly called.
	///         // If we pipe messages to the sink, we can inspect why it ended:
	///         pending
	///             .pipe_from_try_stream(stream)
	///             .await
	///             .on_success(|sink| {
	///                 let err_obj: ErrorObjectOwned = SubscriptionClosed::Success.into();
	///                 sink.close(err_obj);
	///             })
	///             .on_failure(|sink, err| {
	///                 sink.close(err);
	///             })
	pub async fn pipe_from_try_stream<S, T, E>(self, stream: S) -> PipeFromStreamResult
			S: TryStream<Ok = T, Error = E> + Unpin,
			T: Serialize,
			E: std::fmt::Display,
		if let Ok(mut sink) = self.accept() {
			let result = sink.pipe_from_try_stream(stream).await;
			match result {
				SubscriptionClosed::Success => PipeFromStreamResult::Success(Some(sink)),
				SubscriptionClosed::Failed(error) => PipeFromStreamResult::Failure(Some((sink, error))),
				SubscriptionClosed::RemotePeerAborted => PipeFromStreamResult::RemotePeerAborted,

	/// Similar to [`PendingSubscription::pipe_from_try_stream`] but it doesn't require the stream return `Result`.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```no_run
	/// use jsonrpsee_core::server::rpc_module::RpcModule;
	/// let mut m = RpcModule::new(());
	/// m.register_subscription("sub", "_", "unsub", |params, pending, _| {
	///     let stream = futures_util::stream::iter(vec![1_usize, 2, 3]);
	///     tokio::spawn(async move { pending.pipe_from_stream(stream).await; });
	///     Ok(())
	/// });
	/// ```
	pub async fn pipe_from_stream<S, T>(self, stream: S) -> PipeFromStreamResult
			S: Stream<Item = T> + Unpin,
			T: Serialize,
		self.pipe_from_try_stream::<_, _, Error>(stream.map(|item| Ok(item))).await

// When dropped it returns an [`InvalidParams`] error to the subscriber
impl Drop for PendingSubscription {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		if let Some(inner) = self.0.take() {
			let InnerPendingSubscription { sink, id, .. } = inner;
			sink.send_error(id, ErrorCode::InvalidParams.into());

/// The result obtain from calling [`PendingSubscription::pipe_from_try_stream`] that
/// can be utilized to execute specific operations depending on the result.
pub enum PipeFromStreamResult {
	/// The connection was accepted and the pipe returned [`SubscriptionClosed::Success`].
	/// The connection was accepted and the pipe returned [`SubscriptionClosed::Failed`]
	/// with the provided error.
	Failure(Option<(SubscriptionSink, ErrorObjectOwned)>),
	/// The remote peer closed the connection or called the unsubscribe method.

impl PipeFromStreamResult {
	/// Callback that will run the provided function if the result is [`PipeFromStreamResult::Success(Some(_))`].
	/// After the function runs a new [`PipeFromStreamResult::Success(None)`] is returned.
	/// Otherwise, it leaves the object untouched.
	pub fn on_success<F>(self, func: F) -> PipeFromStreamResult
			F: FnOnce(SubscriptionSink) -> (),
		match self {
			PipeFromStreamResult::Success(Some(sink)) => {
	/// Callback that will run the provided function if the result is [`PipeFromStreamResult::Failure(Some(_))`].
	/// After the function runs a new [`PipeFromStreamResult::Failure(None)`] is returned.
	/// Otherwise, it leaves the object untouched.
	pub fn on_failure<F>(self, func: F) -> PipeFromStreamResult
			F: FnOnce(SubscriptionSink, ErrorObjectOwned) -> (),
		match self {
			PipeFromStreamResult::Failure(Some((sink, error))) => {
				func(sink, error);
/// The state of the [`SubscriptionSink`].
enum SubscriptionSinkState {
	/// The subscription is pending and needs to be accepted or rejected
	/// before utilizing the sink. This is the initial state of the sink.
	/// This state contains the request ID of the subscription.
	/// The subscription was accepted via the [`SubscriptionSink::accept`] call.
	/// This state contains the future that returns when the unsubscribe method has been called.
	/// The subscription was rejected via the [`SubscriptionSink::reject`] call.
	/// In this state, the subscription cannot be utilized.

impl SubscriptionSinkState {
	/// Initialize the sink's state from the subscription ID.
	fn new(id: Id<'static>) -> Self {

	/// Takes the ID out of the `Pending` state.
	fn id(&mut self) -> Result<Id<'static>, SubscriptionEmptyError> {