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//! Abstract async client.

mod helpers;
mod manager;

use crate::client::{
	async_client::helpers::process_subscription_close_response, BatchMessage, ClientT, ReceivedMessage,
	RegisterNotificationMessage, RequestMessage, Subscription, SubscriptionClientT, SubscriptionKind,
	SubscriptionMessage, TransportReceiverT, TransportSenderT,
use crate::tracing::{rx_log_from_json, tx_log_from_str};
use core::time::Duration;
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	build_unsubscribe_message, call_with_timeout, process_batch_response, process_error_response, process_notification,
	process_single_response, process_subscription_response, stop_subscription,
use manager::RequestManager;

use crate::error::Error;
use crate::params::BatchRequestBuilder;
use crate::traits::ToRpcParams;
use async_lock::Mutex;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures_channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures_timer::Delay;
use futures_util::future::{self, Either, Fuse};
use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use jsonrpsee_types::{
	response::SubscriptionError, ErrorResponse, Id, Notification, NotificationSer, RequestSer, Response,
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use tracing::instrument;
use super::{FrontToBack, IdKind, RequestIdManager};
/// Wrapper over a [`oneshot::Receiver`](futures_channel::oneshot::Receiver) that reads
/// the underlying channel once and then stores the result in String.
/// It is possible that the error is read more than once if several calls are made
/// when the background thread has been terminated.
enum ErrorFromBack {
	/// Error message is already read.
	/// Error message is unread.

impl ErrorFromBack {
	async fn read_error(self) -> (Self, Error) {
		match self {
			Self::Unread(rx) => {
				let msg = match rx.await {
					Ok(msg) => msg.to_string(),
					// This should never happen because the receiving end is still alive.
					// Would be a bug in the logic of the background task.
					Err(_) => "Error reason could not be found. This is a bug. Please open an issue.".to_string(),
				let err = Error::RestartNeeded(msg.clone());
				(Self::Read(msg), err)
			Self::Read(msg) => (Self::Read(msg.clone()), Error::RestartNeeded(msg)),

/// Builder for [`Client`].
pub struct ClientBuilder {
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	request_timeout: Duration,
	max_concurrent_requests: usize,
	max_notifs_per_subscription: usize,
	ping_interval: Option<Duration>,
impl Default for ClientBuilder {
		Self {
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			request_timeout: Duration::from_secs(60),
			max_notifs_per_subscription: 1024,
			id_kind: IdKind::Number,
impl ClientBuilder {
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	/// Set request timeout (default is 60 seconds).
	pub fn request_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
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		self.request_timeout = timeout;
	/// Set max concurrent requests (default is 256).
	pub fn max_concurrent_requests(mut self, max: usize) -> Self {
		self.max_concurrent_requests = max;

	/// Set max concurrent notification capacity for each subscription; when the capacity is exceeded the subscription
	/// will be dropped (default is 1024).
	/// You may prevent the subscription from being dropped by polling often enough
	/// [`Subscription::next()`](../../jsonrpsee_core/client/ such that
	/// it can keep with the rate as server produces new items on the subscription.
	/// **Note**: The actual capacity is `num_senders + max_subscription_capacity`
	/// because it is passed to [`futures_channel::mpsc::channel`].
	pub fn max_notifs_per_subscription(mut self, max: usize) -> Self {
		self.max_notifs_per_subscription = max;

	/// Configure the data type of the request object ID (default is number).
	pub fn id_format(mut self, id_kind: IdKind) -> Self {
		self.id_kind = id_kind;

	/// Set maximum length for logging calls and responses.
	/// Logs bigger than this limit will be truncated.
	pub fn set_max_logging_length(mut self, max: u32) -> Self {
		self.max_log_length = max;
	/// Set the interval at which pings frames are submitted (disabled by default).
	/// Periodically submitting pings at a defined interval has mainly two benefits:
	///  - Directly, it acts as a "keep-alive" alternative in the WebSocket world.
	///  - Indirectly by inspecting debug logs, it ensures that the endpoint is still responding to messages.
	/// The underlying implementation does not make any assumptions about at which intervals pongs are received.
	/// Note: The interval duration is restarted when
	///  - a frontend command is submitted
	///  - a reply is received from the backend
	///  - the interval duration expires
	pub fn ping_interval(mut self, interval: Duration) -> Self {
		self.ping_interval = Some(interval);

	/// Build the client with given transport.
	/// ## Panics
	/// Panics if called outside of `tokio` runtime context.
	#[cfg(feature = "async-client")]
	#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "async-client")))]
	pub fn build_with_tokio<S, R>(self, sender: S, receiver: R) -> Client
		S: TransportSenderT + Send,
		R: TransportReceiverT + Send,
		let (to_back, from_front) = mpsc::channel(self.max_concurrent_requests);
		let (err_tx, err_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		let max_notifs_per_subscription = self.max_notifs_per_subscription;
		let ping_interval = self.ping_interval;
		let (on_close_tx, on_close_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		tokio::spawn(async move {
			request_timeout: self.request_timeout,
			error: Mutex::new(ErrorFromBack::Unread(err_rx)),
			id_manager: RequestIdManager::new(self.max_concurrent_requests, self.id_kind),
			max_log_length: self.max_log_length,
			notify: Mutex::new(Some(on_close_rx)),

	/// Build the client with given transport.
	#[cfg(all(feature = "async-wasm-client", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
	#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "async-wasm-client")))]
	pub fn build_with_wasm<S, R>(self, sender: S, receiver: R) -> Client
		S: TransportSenderT,
		R: TransportReceiverT,
		let (to_back, from_front) = mpsc::channel(self.max_concurrent_requests);
		let (err_tx, err_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		let max_notifs_per_subscription = self.max_notifs_per_subscription;
		let (on_close_tx, on_close_rx) = oneshot::channel();

		wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
			background_task(sender, receiver, from_front, err_tx, max_notifs_per_subscription, None, on_close_tx).await;
		Client {
			request_timeout: self.request_timeout,
			error: Mutex::new(ErrorFromBack::Unread(err_rx)),
			id_manager: RequestIdManager::new(self.max_concurrent_requests, self.id_kind),
			max_log_length: self.max_log_length,
			notify: Mutex::new(Some(on_close_rx)),
/// Generic asynchronous client.
pub struct Client {
	/// Channel to send requests to the background task.
	to_back: mpsc::Sender<FrontToBack>,
	/// If the background thread terminates the error is sent to this channel.
	// NOTE(niklasad1): This is a Mutex to circumvent that the async fns takes immutable references.
	error: Mutex<ErrorFromBack>,
	/// Request timeout. Defaults to 60sec.
	request_timeout: Duration,
	/// Request ID manager.
	id_manager: RequestIdManager,
	/// Max length for logging for requests and responses.
	/// Entries bigger than this limit will be truncated.
	max_log_length: u32,
	/// Notify when the client is disconnected or encountered an error.
	// NOTE: Similar to error, the async fns use immutable references. The `Receiver` is wrapped
	// into `Option` to ensure the `on_disconnect` awaits only once.
	notify: Mutex<Option<oneshot::Receiver<()>>>,
	/// Checks if the client is connected to the target.
	pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {

	// Reads the error message from the backend thread.
	async fn read_error_from_backend(&self) -> Error {
		let mut err_lock = self.error.lock().await;
		let from_back = std::mem::replace(&mut *err_lock, ErrorFromBack::Read(String::new()));
		let (next_state, err) = from_back.read_error().await;
		*err_lock = next_state;

	/// Completes when the client is disconnected or the client's background task encountered an error.
	/// If the client is already disconnected, the future produced by this method will complete immediately.
	/// # Cancel safety
	/// This method is cancel safe.
	pub async fn on_disconnect(&self) {
		// Wait until the `background_task` exits.
		let mut notify_lock = self.notify.lock().await;
		if let Some(notify) = notify_lock.take() {
			let _ = notify.await;
impl Drop for Client {
impl ClientT for Client {
	#[instrument(name = "notification", skip(self, params), level = "trace")]
	async fn notification<Params>(&self, method: &str, params: Params) -> Result<(), Error>
		Params: ToRpcParams + Send,
		// NOTE: we use this to guard against max number of concurrent requests.
		let _req_id = self.id_manager.next_request_id()?;
		let params = params.to_rpc_params()?;
		let notif = NotificationSer::new(method, params);

		let raw = serde_json::to_string(&notif).map_err(Error::ParseError)?;
		tx_log_from_str(&raw, self.max_log_length);
		let mut sender = self.to_back.clone();
		let fut = sender.send(FrontToBack::Notification(raw));
		match future::select(fut, Delay::new(self.request_timeout)).await {
			Either::Left((Ok(()), _)) => Ok(()),
			Either::Left((Err(_), _)) => Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await),
			Either::Right((_, _)) => Err(Error::RequestTimeout),
	#[instrument(name = "method_call", skip(self, params), level = "trace")]
	async fn request<R, Params>(&self, method: &str, params: Params) -> Result<R, Error>
		R: DeserializeOwned,
		Params: ToRpcParams + Send,
		let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		let guard = self.id_manager.next_request_id()?;
		let id = guard.inner();

		let params = params.to_rpc_params()?;
		let raw = serde_json::to_string(&RequestSer::new(&id, method, params)).map_err(Error::ParseError)?;
		tx_log_from_str(&raw, self.max_log_length);
		if self
			.send(FrontToBack::Request(RequestMessage { raw, id: id.clone(), send_back: Some(send_back_tx) }))
			return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await);

		let json_value = match call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await {
			Ok(Ok(v)) => v,
			Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
			Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await),

		rx_log_from_json(&Response::new(&json_value, id), self.max_log_length);

	#[instrument(name = "batch", skip(self, batch), level = "trace")]
	async fn batch_request<'a, R>(&self, batch: BatchRequestBuilder<'a>) -> Result<Vec<R>, Error>
		R: DeserializeOwned + Default + Clone,
		let batch =;
		let guard = self.id_manager.next_request_ids(batch.len())?;
		let batch_ids: Vec<Id> = guard.inner();
		let mut batches = Vec::with_capacity(batch.len());
		for (idx, (method, params)) in batch.into_iter().enumerate() {
			batches.push(RequestSer::new(&batch_ids[idx], method, params));
		let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		let raw = serde_json::to_string(&batches).map_err(Error::ParseError)?;
		tx_log_from_str(&raw, self.max_log_length);
		if self
			.send(FrontToBack::Batch(BatchMessage { raw, ids: batch_ids, send_back: send_back_tx }))
			return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await);
		let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await;
		let json_values = match res {
			Ok(Ok(v)) => v,
			Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
			Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await),
		rx_log_from_json(&json_values, self.max_log_length);
		json_values.into_iter().map(|val| serde_json::from_value(val).map_err(Error::ParseError)).collect()
impl SubscriptionClientT for Client {
	/// Send a subscription request to the server.
	/// The `subscribe_method` and `params` are used to ask for the subscription towards the
	/// server. The `unsubscribe_method` is used to close the subscription.
	#[instrument(name = "subscription", fields(method = subscribe_method), skip(self, params, subscribe_method, unsubscribe_method), level = "trace")]
	async fn subscribe<'a, Notif, Params>(
		subscribe_method: &'a str,
		unsubscribe_method: &'a str,
	) -> Result<Subscription<Notif>, Error>
		Params: ToRpcParams + Send,
		Notif: DeserializeOwned,
		if subscribe_method == unsubscribe_method {
			return Err(Error::SubscriptionNameConflict(unsubscribe_method.to_owned()));

		let guard = self.id_manager.next_request_ids(2)?;
		let mut ids: Vec<Id> = guard.inner();
		let params = params.to_rpc_params()?;
		let id = ids[0].clone();
		let raw = serde_json::to_string(&RequestSer::new(&id, subscribe_method, params)).map_err(Error::ParseError)?;
		tx_log_from_str(&raw, self.max_log_length);
		let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		if self
			.send(FrontToBack::Subscribe(SubscriptionMessage {
				subscribe_id: ids.swap_remove(0),
				unsubscribe_id: ids.swap_remove(0),
				unsubscribe_method: unsubscribe_method.to_owned(),
				send_back: send_back_tx,
			return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await);

		let (notifs_rx, sub_id) = match call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await {
			Ok(Ok(val)) => val,
			Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
			Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await),
		rx_log_from_json(&Response::new(&sub_id, id), self.max_log_length);
		Ok(Subscription::new(self.to_back.clone(), notifs_rx, SubscriptionKind::Subscription(sub_id)))
	/// Subscribe to a specific method.
	#[instrument(name = "subscribe_method", skip(self), level = "trace")]
	async fn subscribe_to_method<'a, N>(&self, method: &'a str) -> Result<Subscription<N>, Error>
		N: DeserializeOwned,
		let (send_back_tx, send_back_rx) = oneshot::channel();
		if self
			.send(FrontToBack::RegisterNotification(RegisterNotificationMessage {
				send_back: send_back_tx,
				method: method.to_owned(),
			return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await);

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		let res = call_with_timeout(self.request_timeout, send_back_rx).await;

		let (notifs_rx, method) = match res {
			Ok(Ok(val)) => val,
			Ok(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
			Err(_) => return Err(self.read_error_from_backend().await),

		Ok(Subscription::new(self.to_back.clone(), notifs_rx, SubscriptionKind::Method(method)))
/// Handle backend messages.
/// Returns an error if the main background loop should be terminated.
async fn handle_backend_messages<S: TransportSenderT, R: TransportReceiverT>(
	message: Option<Result<ReceivedMessage, R::Error>>,
	manager: &mut RequestManager,
	sender: &mut S,
	max_notifs_per_subscription: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
	// Handle raw messages of form `ReceivedMessage::Bytes` (Vec<u8>) or ReceivedMessage::Data` (String).
	async fn handle_recv_message<S: TransportSenderT>(
		raw: &[u8],
		manager: &mut RequestManager,
		sender: &mut S,
		max_notifs_per_subscription: usize,
	) -> Result<(), Error> {
		// Single response to a request.
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		if let Ok(single) = serde_json::from_slice::<Response<_>>(raw) {
			match process_single_response(manager, single, max_notifs_per_subscription) {
				Ok(Some(unsub)) => {
					stop_subscription(sender, manager, unsub).await;
				Ok(None) => (),
				Err(err) => return Err(err),
		// Subscription response.
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		else if let Ok(response) = serde_json::from_slice::<SubscriptionResponse<_>>(raw) {
			if let Err(Some(unsub)) = process_subscription_response(manager, response) {
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				stop_subscription(sender, manager, unsub).await;
		// Subscription error response.
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		else if let Ok(response) = serde_json::from_slice::<SubscriptionError<_>>(raw) {
			let _ = process_subscription_close_response(manager, response);
		// Incoming Notification
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		else if let Ok(notif) = serde_json::from_slice::<Notification<_>>(raw) {
			let _ = process_notification(manager, notif);
		// Batch response.
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		else if let Ok(batch) = serde_json::from_slice::<Vec<Response<_>>>(raw) {
			if let Err(e) = process_batch_response(manager, batch) {
				return Err(e);
		// Error response
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		else if let Ok(err) = serde_json::from_slice::<ErrorResponse>(raw) {
			if let Err(e) = process_error_response(manager, err) {
				return Err(e);
		// Unparsable response
		else {
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			let json = serde_json::from_slice::<serde_json::Value>(raw);

			let json_str = match json {
				Ok(json) => serde_json::to_string(&json).expect("valid JSON; qed"),
				Err(e) => e.to_string(),

			return Err(Error::Custom(format!("Unparseable message: {}", json_str)));

	match message {
		Some(Ok(ReceivedMessage::Pong)) => {
			tracing::debug!("Received pong");
		Some(Ok(ReceivedMessage::Bytes(raw))) => {
			handle_recv_message(raw.as_ref(), manager, sender, max_notifs_per_subscription).await?;
		Some(Ok(ReceivedMessage::Text(raw))) => {
			handle_recv_message(raw.as_ref(), manager, sender, max_notifs_per_subscription).await?;
		Some(Err(e)) => {
			return Err(Error::Transport(e.into()));
		None => {
			return Err(Error::Custom("TransportReceiver dropped".into()));
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/// Handle frontend messages.
async fn handle_frontend_messages<S: TransportSenderT>(
	message: FrontToBack,
	manager: &mut RequestManager,
	sender: &mut S,
	max_notifs_per_subscription: usize,
		FrontToBack::Batch(batch) => {
			if let Err(send_back) = manager.insert_pending_batch(batch.ids.clone(), batch.send_back) {
				tracing::warn!("[backend]: Batch request already pending: {:?}", batch.ids);
				let _ = send_back.send(Err(Error::InvalidRequestId));

			if let Err(e) = sender.send(batch.raw).await {
				tracing::warn!("[backend]: Batch request failed: {:?}", e);
		// User called `notification` on the front-end
		FrontToBack::Notification(notif) => {
			if let Err(e) = sender.send(notif).await {
				tracing::warn!("[backend]: Notification failed: {:?}", e);
		// User called `request` on the front-end
		FrontToBack::Request(request) => match sender.send(request.raw).await {
			Ok(_) => manager.insert_pending_call(, request.send_back).expect("ID unused checked above; qed"),
			Err(e) => {
				tracing::warn!("[backend]: Request failed: {:?}", e);
				let _ =|s| s.send(Err(Error::Transport(e.into()))));
		// User called `subscribe` on the front-end.
		FrontToBack::Subscribe(sub) => match sender.send(sub.raw).await {
			Ok(_) => manager
				.expect("Request ID unused checked above; qed"),
			Err(e) => {
				tracing::warn!("[backend]: Subscription failed: {:?}", e);
				let _ = sub.send_back.send(Err(Error::Transport(e.into())));
		// User dropped a subscription.
		FrontToBack::SubscriptionClosed(sub_id) => {
			tracing::trace!("[backend]: Closing subscription: {:?}", sub_id);
			// NOTE: The subscription may have been closed earlier if
			// the channel was full or disconnected.
			if let Some(unsub) = manager
				.and_then(|req_id| build_unsubscribe_message(manager, req_id, sub_id))
				stop_subscription(sender, manager, unsub).await;
		// User called `register_notification` on the front-end.
		FrontToBack::RegisterNotification(reg) => {
			let (subscribe_tx, subscribe_rx) = mpsc::channel(max_notifs_per_subscription);

			if manager.insert_notification_handler(&reg.method, subscribe_tx).is_ok() {
				let _ = reg.send_back.send(Ok((subscribe_rx, reg.method)));
			} else {
				let _ = reg.send_back.send(Err(Error::MethodAlreadyRegistered(reg.method)));
		// User dropped the NotificationHandler for this method
		FrontToBack::UnregisterNotification(method) => {
			let _ = manager.remove_notification_handler(method);

/// Function being run in the background that processes messages from the frontend.
async fn background_task<S, R>(
	mut sender: S,
	receiver: R,
	mut frontend: mpsc::Receiver<FrontToBack>,
	front_error: oneshot::Sender<Error>,
	max_notifs_per_subscription: usize,
	ping_interval: Option<Duration>,
	on_close: oneshot::Sender<()>,
) where
	S: TransportSenderT,
	R: TransportReceiverT,
	let mut manager = RequestManager::new();
	let backend_event = futures_util::stream::unfold(receiver, |mut receiver| async {
		let res = receiver.receive().await;
		Some((res, receiver))
	// Place frontend and backend messages into their own select.
	// This implies that either messages are received (both front or backend),
	// or the submitted ping timer expires (if provided).
	let next_frontend =;
	let next_backend =;
	let mut message_fut = future::select(next_frontend, next_backend);
	loop {
		// Create either a valid delay fuse triggered every provided `duration`,
		// or create a terminated fuse that's never selected if the provided `duration` is None.
		let submit_ping = if let Some(duration) = ping_interval {
		} else {
			// The select macro bypasses terminated futures, and the `submit_ping` branch is never selected.
		match future::select(message_fut, submit_ping).await {
			// Message received from the frontend.
			Either::Left((Either::Left((frontend_value, backend)), _)) => {
				let frontend_value = if let Some(value) = frontend_value {
				} else {
					// User dropped the sender side of the channel.
					// There is nothing to do just terminate.
					tracing::debug!("[backend]: Client dropped");
				handle_frontend_messages(frontend_value, &mut manager, &mut sender, max_notifs_per_subscription).await;
				// Advance frontend, save backend.
				message_fut = future::select(, backend);
			// Message received from the backend.
			Either::Left((Either::Right((backend_value, frontend)), _)) => {
				if let Err(err) = handle_backend_messages::<S, R>(
					&mut manager,
					&mut sender,
					tracing::error!("[backend]: {}", err);
					let _ = front_error.send(err);
				// Advance backend, save frontend.
				message_fut = future::select(frontend,;
			// Submit ping interval was triggered if enabled.
			Either::Right((_, next_message_fut)) => {
				if let Err(err) = sender.send_ping().await {
					tracing::error!("[backend]: Could not send ping frame: {}", err);
					let _ = front_error.send(Error::Custom("Could not send ping frame".into()));
				message_fut = next_message_fut;
	// Wake the `on_disconnect` method.
	let _ = on_close.send(());
	// Send close message to the server.
	let _ = sender.close().await;