1. Jul 07, 2018
    • André Silva's avatar
      miner: add missing macro use for trace_time · 4bc11167
      André Silva authored
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      A last bunch of txqueue performance optimizations (#9024) · 662e7662
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Clear cache only when block is enacted.
      * Add tracing for cull.
      * Cull split.
      * Cull after creating pending block.
      * Add constant, remove sync::read tracing.
      * Reset debug.
      * Remove excessive tracing.
      * Use struct for NonceCache.
      * Fix build
      * Remove warnings.
      * Fix build again.
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Optimize pending transactions filter (#9026) · 08332f19
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * rpc: return unordered transactions in pending transactions filter
      * ethcore: use LruCache for nonce cache
      Only clear the nonce cache when a block is retracted
      * Revert "ethcore: use LruCache for nonce cache"
      This reverts commit b382c19abdb9985be1724c3b8cde83906da07d68.
      * Use only cached nonces when computing pending hashes.
      * Give filters their own locks, so that they don't block one another.
      * Fix pending transaction count if not sealing.
      * Clear cache only when block is enacted.
      * Fix RPC tests.
      * Address review comments.
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Recently rejected cache for transaction queue (#9005) · 9438afde
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Store recently rejected transactions.
      * Don't cache AlreadyImported rejections.
      * Make the size of transaction verification queue dependent on pool size.
      * Add a test for recently rejected.
      * Fix logging for recently rejected.
      * Make rejection cache smaller.
      * obsolete test removed
      * obsolete test removed
      * Construct cache with_capacity.
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Minimal effective gas price in the queue (#8934) · 8b169ecf
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Minimal effective gas price.
      * Fix naming, add test
      * Fix minimal entry score and add test.
      * Fix worst_transaction.
      * Remove effective gas price threshold.
      * Don't leak gas_price decisions out of Scoring.
    • Jim Posen's avatar
      Improve should_replace on NonceAndGasPrice (#8980) · 768d15c6
      Jim Posen authored
      * Additional tests for NonceAndGasPrice::should_replace.
      * Fix should_replace in the distinct sender case.
      * Use natural priority ordering to simplify should_replace.
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Transaction Pool improvements (#8470) · b7106dc8
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Don't use ethereum_types in transaction pool.
      * Hide internal insertion_id.
      * Fix tests.
      * Review grumbles.
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      Only return error log for rustls (#9025) · 5085218d
      Wei Tang authored and ordian's avatar ordian committed
    • André Silva's avatar
      Fixes for misbehavior reporting in AuthorityRound (#8998) · 1a758136
      André Silva authored and ordian's avatar ordian committed
      * aura: only report after checking for repeated skipped primaries
      * aura: refactor duplicate code for getting epoch validator set
      * aura: verify_external: report on validator set contract instance
      * aura: use correct validator set epoch number when reporting
      * aura: use epoch set when verifying blocks
      * aura: report skipped primaries when generating seal
      * aura: handle immediate transitions
      * aura: don't report skipped steps from genesis to first block
      * aura: fix reporting test
      * aura: refactor duplicate code to handle immediate_transitions
      * aura: let reporting fail on verify_block_basic
      * aura: add comment about possible failure of reporting
  2. Jul 04, 2018
  3. Jun 29, 2018
    • Afri Schoedon's avatar
      scripts: remove md5 checksums (#8884) · a27bc77e
      Afri Schoedon authored
    • 5chdn's avatar
      parity-version: bump beta to 1.11.6 · 46d654ef
      5chdn authored
    • Afri Schoedon's avatar
      Bump beta to 1.11.5 / Backports (#8955) · 0487c5b7
      Afri Schoedon authored
      * parity-version: bump beta to 1.11.5
      * Update ropsten.json (#8926)
      * Update hardcoded headers (#8925)
      * Update kovan.json
      Update Kovan to block 7693549
      * Update foundation.json
      Updated to block #5812225
      * Update ropsten.json
      Update to 3465217
      * Update ropsten.json
      use tabs
      * Update foundation.json
      use tabs
      * Update kovan.json
      use tabs
      * scripts: minor improvements (#8930)
      * CI: enable 'latest' docker tag on master pipeline
      * CI: mark both beta and stable as stable snap.
      * CI: sign all windows binaries
      * scripts: fix docker build tag on latest using master (#8952)
      * rpc: cap gas limit of local calls (#8943)
      * snap: downgrade rust to revision 1.26.2, ref snapcraft/+bug/1778530 (#8984)
      * snap: downgrade rust to revision 1.26.2, ref snapcraft/+bug/1778530
      * snap: use plugin rust
      * Fix deadlock in blockchain. (#8977)
      * Remove js-glue from workspace
      This fixes test error on Rust 1.27 but also prevents js-glue from building itself. Builtin dapp users can still use
      js-glue from crates.io.
      * Fix Android build on beta (#9003)
  4. Jun 19, 2018
    • André Silva's avatar
      [beta] Backports (#8916) · cc44ae9c
      André Silva authored
      * `duration_ns: u64 -> duration: Duration` (#8457)
      * duration_ns: u64 -> duration: Duration
      * format on millis {:.2} -> {}
      * Keep all enacted blocks notify in order (#8524)
      * Keep all enacted blocks notify in order
      * Collect is unnecessary
      * Update ChainNotify to use ChainRouteType
      * Fix all ethcore fn defs
      * Wrap the type within ChainRoute
      * Fix private-tx and sync api
      * Fix secret_store API
      * Fix updater API
      * Fix rpc api
      * Fix informant api
      * Eagerly cache enacted/retracted and remove contain_enacted/retracted
      * Fix indent
      * tests: should use full expr form for struct constructor
      * Use into_enacted_retracted to further avoid copy
      * typo: not a function
      * rpc/tests: ChainRoute -> ChainRoute::new
      * Handle removed logs in filter changes and add geth compatibility field (#8796)
      * Add removed geth compatibility field in log
      * Fix mocked tests
      * Add field block hash in PollFilter
      * Store last block hash info for log filters
      * Implement canon route
      * Use canon logs for fetching reorg logs
      Light client removed logs fetching is disabled. It looks expensive.
      * Make sure removed flag is set
      * Address grumbles
      * Fixed AuthorityRound deadlock on shutdown, closes #8088 (#8803)
      * CI: Fix docker tags (#8822)
      * scripts: enable docker builds for beta and stable
      * scripts: docker latest should be beta not master
      * scripts: docker latest is master
      * ethcore: fix ancient block error msg handling (#8832)
      * Disable parallel verification and skip verifiying already imported txs. (#8834)
      * Reject transactions that are already in pool without verifying them.
      * Avoid verifying already imported transactions.
      * Fix concurrent access to signer queue (#8854)
      * Fix concurrent access to signer queue
      * Put request back to the queue if confirmation failed
      * typo: fix docs and rename functions to be more specific
      `request_notify` does not need to be public, and it's renamed to `notify_result`.
      `notify` is renamed to `notify_message`.
      * Change trace info "Transaction" -> "Request"
      * Don't allocate in expect_valid_rlp unless necessary (#8867)
      * don't allocate via format! in case there's no error
      * fix test?
      * fixed ipc leak, closes #8774 (#8876)
      * Add new ovh bootnodes and fix port for foundation bootnode 3.2 (#8886)
      * Add new ovh bootnodes and fix port for foundation bootnode 3.2
      * Remove old bootnodes.
      * Remove duplicate 1118980bf48b0a3640bdba04e0fe78b1add18e1cd99bf22d53daac1fd9972ad650df52176e7c7d89d1114cfef2bc23a2959aa54998a46afcf7d91809f0855082
      * Block 0 is valid in queries (#8891)
      Early exit for block nr 0 leads to spurious error about pruning: `…your node is running with state pruning…`.
      Fixes #7547, #8762
      * Add ETC Cooperative-run load balanced parity node (#8892)
      * Minor fix in chain supplier and light provider (#8906)
      * fix chain supplier increment
      * fix light provider block_headers
      * Check whether we need resealing in miner and unwrap has_account in account_provider (#8853)
      * Remove unused Result wrap in has_account
      * Check whether we need to reseal for external transactions
      * Fix reference to has_account interface
      * typo: missing )
      * Refactor duplicates to prepare_and_update_sealing
      * Fix build
      * Allow disabling local-by-default for transactions with new config entry (#8882)
      * Add tx_queue_allow_unknown_local config option
      - Previous commit messages:
      dispatcher checks if we have the sender account
      Add `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local` to MinerOptions
      Add `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local` to config
      fix order in MinerOptions to match Configuration
      add cli flag for tx_queue_allow_unknown_local
      Update refs to `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local`
      Add tx_queue_allow_unknown_local to config test
      revert changes to dispatcher
      Move tx_queue_allow_unknown_local to `import_own_transaction`
      Fix var name
      if statement should return the values
      derp de derp derp derp semicolons
      Reset dispatch file to how it was before
      fix compile issues + change from FLAG to ARG
      add test and use `into`
      import MinerOptions, clone the secret
      Fix tests?
      Compiler/linter issues fixed
      Fix linter msg - case of constants
      IT LIVES
      refactor to omit yucky explict return
      update comments
      Fix based on diff AccountProvider.has_account method
      * Refactor flag name + don't change import_own_tx behaviour
      fix arg name
      Note: force commit to try and get gitlab tests working again 😠
      * Add fn to TestMinerService
      * Avoid race condition from trusted sources
      - refactor the miner tests a bit to cut down on code reuse
      - add `trusted` param to dispatch_transaction and import_claimed_local_transaction
      Add param to `import_claimed_local_transaction`
      Fix fn sig in tests
  5. Jun 12, 2018
  6. Jun 05, 2018
    • Afri Schoedon's avatar
      parity-version: bump beta to 1.11.3 (#8806) · a66e36bf
      Afri Schoedon authored
      * parity-version: bump beta to 1.11.3
      * Disallow unsigned transactions in case EIP-86 is disabled (#8802)
      * Disallow unsigned transactions in case EIP-86 is disabled
      * Add tests for verification
      * Add disallow unsigned transactions test in machine
      * Fix ancient blocks queue deadlock (#8751)
      * Revert "Fix not downloading old blocks (#8642)"
      This reverts commit d1934363.
      * Make sure only one thread actually imports old blocks.
      * Add some trace timers.
      * Bring back pending hashes set.
      * Separate locks so that queue can happen while we are importing.
      * Address grumbles.
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
  7. Jun 04, 2018
    • André Silva's avatar
      [beta] Backports (#8785) · 7bf16cce
      André Silva authored
      * Fix light sync with initial validator-set contract (#8528)
      * Fix #8468
      * Use U256::max_value() instead
      * Fix again
      * Also change initial transaction gas
      * Resumable warp-sync / Seed downloaded snapshots (#8544)
      * Start dividing sync chain : first supplier method
      * WIP - updated chain sync supplier
      * Finish refactoring the Chain Sync Supplier
      * Create Chain Sync Requester
      * Add Propagator for Chain Sync
      * Add the Chain Sync Handler
      * Move tests from mod -> handler
      * Move tests to propagator
      * Refactor SyncRequester arguments
      * Refactoring peer fork header handler
      * Fix wrong highest block number in snapshot sync
      * Small refactor...
      * Resume warp-sync downloaded chunks
      * Add comments
      * Refactoring the previous chunks import
      * Fix tests
      * Address PR grumbles
      * Fix not seeding current snapshot
      * Address PR Grumbles
      * Address PR grumble
      * Retry failed CI job
      * Update SnapshotService readiness check
      Fix restoration locking issue for previous chunks restoration
      * Fix tests
      * Fix tests
      * Fix test
      * Early abort importing previous chunks
      * PR Grumbles
      * Update Gitlab CI config
      * SyncState back to Waiting when Manifest peers disconnect
      * Move fix
      * Better fix
      * Revert GitLab CI changes
      * Fix Warning
      * Refactor resuming snapshots
      * Fix string construction
      * Revert "Refactor resuming snapshots"
      This reverts commit 75fd4b553a38e4a49dc5d6a878c70e830ff382eb.
      * Update informant log
      * Fix string construction
      * Refactor resuming snapshots
      * Fix informant
      * PR Grumbles
      * Update informant message : show chunks done
      * PR Grumbles
      * Fix
      * Fix Warning
      * PR Grumbles
      * Don't open Browser post-install on Mac (#8641)
      Since we start parity with the UI disabled per default now, opening the browser post installation will show an annoying error message, confusing the user. This patch removes opening the browser to prevent that annoyance.
      fixes #8194
      * Fix not downloading old blocks (#8642)
      * Fix PoW blockchains sealing notifications in chain_new_blocks (#8656)
      * Shutdown the Snapshot Service early (#8658)
      * Shutdown the Snapshot Service when shutting down the runner
      * Rename `service` to `client_service`
      * Fix tests
      * Fix cli signer (#8682)
      * Update ethereum-types so `{:#x}` applies 0x prefix
      * Set the request index to that of the current request (#8683)
      * Set the request index to that of the current request
      When setting up the chain of (two) requests to look up a block by hash, the second need to refer to the first. This fixes an issue where the back ref was set to the subsequent request, not the current one. When the requests are executed we loop through them in order and ensure the requests that should produce headers all match up. We do this by index so they better be right.
      In other words: off by one.
      * network-devp2p: handle UselessPeer disconnect (#8686)
      * Fix local transactions policy. (#8691)
      * CI: Fixes for Android Pipeline (#8745)
      * ci: Remove check for shared libraries in gitlab script
      * ci: allow android arm build to fail
      * Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (#8744)
      * Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors
      Add custom mapping of ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (Failure because of missing system resource) right when chaining ioError into ::util::Network::Error to improve Error Messages given to user
      Note: Adds libc as a dependency to util/network
      * Use assert-matches for more readable tests
      * Fix Wording and consistency
      * ethcore-sync: fix connection to peers behind chain fork block (#8710)
  8. Jun 01, 2018
  9. May 15, 2018
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      [beta] Backports (#8624) · 6654d021
      Andrew Jones authored
      * Trace precompiled contracts when the transfer value is not zero (#8486)
      * Trace precompiled contracts when the transfer value is not zero
      * Add tests for precompiled CALL tracing
      * Use byzantium test machine for the new test
      * Add notes in comments on why we don't trace all precompileds
      * Use is_transferred instead of transferred
      * Return error if RLP size of transaction exceeds the limit (#8473)
      * Return error if RLP size of transaction exceeds the limit
      * Review comments fixed
      * RLP check moved to verifier, corresponding pool test added
      * Don't block sync when importing old blocks (#8530)
      * Alter IO queueing.
      * Don't require IoMessages to be Clone
      * Ancient blocks imported via IoChannel.
      * Get rid of private transactions io message.
      * Get rid of deadlock and fix disconnected handler.
      * Revert to old disconnect condition.
      * Fix tests.
      * Fix deadlock.
      * Refactoring `ethcore-sync` - Fixing warp-sync barrier (#8543)
      * Start dividing sync chain : first supplier method
      * WIP - updated chain sync supplier
      * Finish refactoring the Chain Sync Supplier
      * Create Chain Sync Requester
      * Add Propagator for Chain Sync
      * Add the Chain Sync Handler
      * Move tests from mod -> handler
      * Move tests to propagator
      * Refactor SyncRequester arguments
      * Refactoring peer fork header handler
      * Fix wrong highest block number in snapshot sync
      * Small refactor...
      * Address PR grumbles
      * Retry failed CI job
      * Fix tests
      * PR Grumbles
      * Handle socket address parsing errors (#8545)
      Unpack errors and check for io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput and return our own AddressParse error. Remove the foreign link to std::net::AddrParseError and add an `impl From` for that error. Test parsing properly.
      * Fix packet count when talking with PAR2 peers (#8555)
      * Support diferent packet counts in different protocol versions.
      * Fix light timeouts and eclipse protection.
      * Fix devp2p tests.
      * Fix whisper-cli compilation.
      * Fix compilation.
      * Fix ethcore-sync tests.
      * Revert "Fix light timeouts and eclipse protection."
      This reverts commit 06285ea8c1d9d184d809f64b5507aece633da6cc.
      * Increase timeouts.
      * Add whisper CLI to the pipelines (#8578)
      * Add whisper CLI to the pipelines
      * Address todo, ref #8579
      * Rename `whisper-cli binary` to `whisper` (#8579)
      * rename whisper-cli binary to whisper
      * fix tests
      * Remove manually added text to the errors (#8595)
      These messages were confusing for the users especially the help message.
      * Fix account list double 0x display (#8596)
      * Remove unused self import
      * Fix account list double 0x display
      * Fix BlockReward contract "arithmetic operation overflow" (#8611)
      * Fix BlockReward contract "arithmetic operation overflow"
      * Add docs on how execute_as_system works
      * Fix typo
      * Rlp decode returns Result (#8527)
      rlp::decode returns Result
      Make a best effort to handle decoding errors gracefully throughout the code, using `expect` where the value is guaranteed to be valid (and in other places where it makes sense).
      * Remove expect (#8536)
      * Remove expect and propagate rlp::DecoderErrors as TrieErrors
      * Decoding headers can fail (#8570)
      * rlp::decode returns Result
      * Fix journaldb to handle rlp::decode Result
      * Fix ethcore to work with rlp::decode returning Result
      * Light client handles rlp::decode returning Result
      * Fix tests in rlp_derive
      * Fix tests
      * Cleanup
      * cleanup
      * Allow panic rather than breaking out of iterator
      * Let decoding failures when reading from disk blow up
      * syntax
      * Fix the trivial grumbles
      * Fix failing tests
      * Make Account::from_rlp return Result
      * Syntx, sigh
      * Temp-fix for decoding failures
      * Header::decode returns Result
      Handle new return type throughout the code base.
      * Do not continue reading from the DB when a value could not be read
      * Fix tests
      * Handle header decoding in light_sync
      * Handling header decoding errors
      * Let the DecodeError bubble up unchanged
      * Remove redundant error conversion
      * fix compiler warning (#8590)
      * Attempt to fix intermittent test failures (#8584)
      Occasionally should_return_correct_nonces_when_dropped_because_of_limit fails, possibly because of multiple threads competing to finish. See CI logs here for an example: https://gitlab.parity.io/parity/parity/-/jobs/86738
      * block_header can fail so return Result (#8581)
      * block_header can fail so return Result
      * Restore previous return type based on feedback
      * Fix failing doc tests running on non-code
      * Block::decode() returns Result (#8586)
      * Gitlab test script fixes (#8573)
      * Exclude /docs from modified files.
      * Ensure all references in the working tree are available
      * Remove duplicated line from test script
  10. May 14, 2018
  11. May 07, 2018
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      [beta] Backports (#8558) · 62ccdd7a
      Wei Tang authored
      * Fetching logs by hash in blockchain database (#8463)
      * Fetch logs by hash in blockchain database
      * Fix tests
      * Add unit test for branch block logs fetching
      * Add docs that blocks must already be sorted
      * Handle branch block cases properly
      * typo: empty -> is_empty
      * Remove return_empty_if_none by using a closure
      * Use BTreeSet to avoid sorting again
      * Move is_canon to BlockChain
      * typo: pass value by reference
      * Use loop and wrap inside blocks to simplify the code
      Borrowed from https://github.com/paritytech/parity/pull/8463#discussion_r183453326
      * typo: missed a comment
      * Pass on storage keys tracing to handle the case when it is not modified (#8491)
      * Pass on storage keys even if it is not modified
      * typo: account and storage query
      `to_pod_diff` builds both `touched_addresses` merge and storage keys merge.
      * Fix tests
      * Use state query directly because of suicided accounts
      * Fix a RefCell borrow issue
      * Add tests for unmodified storage trace
      * Address grumbles
      * typo: remove unwanted empty line
      * ensure_cached compiles with the original signature
      * Update wasmi and pwasm-utils (#8493)
      * Update wasmi to 0.2
      New wasmi supports 32bit platforms and no longer requires a special feature to build for such platforms.
      * Update pwasm-utils to 0.1.5
      * Show imported messages for light client (#8517)
      * Enable WebAssembly and Byzantium for Ellaism (#8520)
      * Enable WebAssembly and Byzantium for Ellaism
      * Fix indentation
      * Remove empty lines
      * Don't panic in import_block if invalid rlp (#8522)
      * Don't panic in import_block if invalid rlp
      * Remove redundant type annotation
      * Replace RLP header view usage with safe decoding
      Using the view will panic with invalid RLP. Here we use Rlp decoding directly which will return a `Result<_, DecoderError>`. While this path currently should not have any invalid RLP - it makes it safer if ever called with invalid RLP from other code paths.
      * Node table sorting according to last contact data (#8541)
      * network-devp2p: sort nodes in node table using last contact data
      * network-devp2p: rename node contact types in node table json output
      * network-devp2p: fix node table tests
      * network-devp2p: note node failure when failed to establish connection
      * network-devp2p: handle UselessPeer error
      * network-devp2p: note failure when marking node as useless
  12. Apr 26, 2018
    • Afri Schoedon's avatar
      Betalize 1.11 :) (#8475) · aae451de
      Afri Schoedon authored
      * Betalize 1.11 :)
      * Update Gitlab scripts
      * Use master as gitlab latest
      * Fix snap builds (#8483)
      * Update hardcodedSync for Ethereum, Kovan, and Ropsten (#8489)
  13. Apr 24, 2018
  14. Apr 23, 2018
  15. Apr 21, 2018
  16. Apr 20, 2018
  17. Apr 19, 2018
    • lihuafeng's avatar
      remove From::from. (#8390) · 8fb47b52
      lihuafeng authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Some tiny modifications.
      1. fix some typo in the comment.
      2. sort the order of methods in 'impl state::Backend for StateDB`
      * Remove the clone of code_cache, as it has been done in clone_basic.
      * remove From::from. It seems not necessary.
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Move ethcore::Error to error_chain (#8386) · 14361cc7
      Andrew Jones authored
      * WIP
      * Convert Ethcore error to use error_chain
      * Use error_chain for ImportError and BlockImportError
      * Fix error pattern matches for error_chain in miner
      * Implement explicit From for AccountsError
      * Fix pattern matches for ErrorKinds
      * Handle ethcore error_chain in light client
      * Explicitly define Result type to avoid shadowing
      * Fix remaining Error pattern matches
      * Fix tab space formatting
      * Helps if the tests compile
      * Fix error chain matching after merge