1. Jul 03, 2020
  2. Jul 01, 2020
  3. Jun 24, 2020
  4. Jun 23, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Make `produce_candidate` return an `Option` (#1309) · 39a36052
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make `produce_candidate` return an `Option`
      Instead of `produce_candidate` returning a `Result`, it should return an
      `Option`. The only supported error was `InvalidHead` anyway and Cumulus
      will take care to print appropriate information on what failed and
      Polkadot can just ignore it.
      * Fix warning
  5. Jun 10, 2020
  6. Apr 28, 2020
  7. Apr 07, 2020
    • Cecile Tonglet's avatar
      Update cli to new sc-cli API (#935) · bee86bba
      Cecile Tonglet authored
      * Initial commit
      Forked at: 77de8b91
      Parent branch: origin/master
      * Switch substrate to branch cecton-the-revenge-of-the-cli
      * Adapting code
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Adapting code
      * Adapt more code
      * Implement force_kusama parameter
      * Revert dependency update
      * Adapt code to use ref to SubstrateCli object
      * Updated to latest version
      * Updated with latest changes
      * Bump spec vesion
      * Fixed tests
      * WIP
      Forked at: 77de8b91
      Parent branch: origin/master
      * More fixes
      * Cargo.lock
      * Updated code
      * Fixed and adapt
      * Fixed dependency issue with wasm
      * Adapted code
      * Revert branch change
      * Cargo.lock
      * Cargo.lock
      * Adapt code
      * Clean-up
      * More clean-up
      * Cargo.lock
  8. Apr 06, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Upgradeable validation functions (#918) · ed2c4cab
      asynchronous rob authored
      * upgrade primitives to allow changing validation function
      * set up storage schema for old parachains code
      * fix compilation errors
      * fix test compilation
      * add some tests for past code meta
      * most of the runtime logic for code upgrades
      * implement old-code pruning
      * add a couple tests
      * clean up remaining TODOs
      * add a whole bunch of tests for runtime functionality
      * remove unused function
      * fix runtime compilation
      * extract some primitives to parachain crate
      * add validation-code upgrades to validation params and result
      * extend validation params with code upgrade fields
      * provide maximums to validation params
      * port test-parachains
      * add a code-upgrader test-parachain and tests
      * fix collator tests
      * move test-parachains to own folder to work around compilation errors
      * fix test compilation
      * update the Cargo.lock
      * fix parachains tests
      * remove dbg! invocation
      * use new pool in code-upgrader
      * bump lockfile
      * link TODO to issue