1. Sep 11, 2020
  2. Aug 13, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Remove v0 parachains runtime (#1501) · ae5990c7
      asynchronous rob authored
      * remove v0 parachains modules and switch to v1 primitives
      * get tests compiling for runtime-common
      * remove registrar module
      * Add a dummy module
      * remove runtime-parachains
      * mostly remove old parachains code from polkadot-runtime
      * remove slots::Trait implementation
      * remove sp_std prelude import
      * add a ZeroSizedTypeDifferentiator to dummy
      * finish porting over polkadot runtime
      * ZeroSizedTypeDifferentiator was actually unnecessary
      * westend
      * kusama
      * test-runtime (no dummy modules)
      * fix warning
      * fix chain-specs
      * fix test-service
      * test-client
      * remove dead import
      * remove unused needed_extrinsics parameter
      * runtimes compile
      * remove rococo-v0
      * remove remaining references to Rococo
      * bump versions
  3. Aug 04, 2020
  4. Aug 03, 2020
  5. Jul 24, 2020
  6. Jul 23, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Include a reference to the validation data in the candidate descriptor (#1442) · cce0a950
      asynchronous rob authored
      * rename GlobalValidationSchedule to GlobalValidationData
      * guide: update candidate descriptor to contain validation data hash
      * guide: add note in inclusion module about checking validation data hash
      * primitives: update CandidateDescriptor to contain new hash
      * fix payload computation
      * add helpers for computing validation data to runtime modules
      * guide: note routines
      * inclusion: check validation data hash and fix local_validation_data bug
      * add a case to candidate_checks and improve that test substantially
      * bump versions
      * address review comments
      * add a test for including code upgrade
      * bump kusama version
      * bump westend & polkadot versions
  7. Jul 17, 2020
  8. Jul 10, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Refactor primitives (#1383) · 96af6ead
      asynchronous rob authored
      * create a v1 primitives module
      * Improve guide on availability types
      * punctuate
      * new parachains runtime uses new primitives
      * tests of new runtime now use new primitives
      * add ErasureChunk to guide
      * export erasure chunk from v1 primitives
      * subsystem crate uses v1 primitives
      * node-primitives uses new v1 primitives
      * port overseer to new primitives
      * new-proposer uses v1 primitives (no ParachainHost anymore)
      * fix no-std compilation for primitives
      * service-new uses v1 primitives
      * network-bridge uses new primitives
      * statement distribution uses v1 primitives
      * PoV distribution uses v1 primitives; add PoV::hash fn
      * move parachain to v0
      * remove inclusion_inherent module and place into v1
      * remove everything from primitives crate root
      * remove some unused old types from v0 primitives
      * point everything else at primitives::v0
      * squanch some warns up
      * add RuntimeDebug import to no-std as well
      * port over statement-table and validation
      * fix final errors in validation and node-primitives
      * add dummy Ord impl to committed candidate receipt
      * guide: update CandidateValidationMessage
      * add primitive for validationoutputs
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage further
      * bikeshed
      * add some impls to omitted-validation-data and available-data
      * expand CandidateValidationMessage
      * make erasure-coding generic over v1/v0
      * update usages of erasure-coding
      * implement commitments.hash()
      * use Arc<Pov> for CandidateValidation
      * improve new erasure-coding method names
      * fix up candidate backing
      * update docs a bit
      * fix most tests and add short-circuiting to make_pov_available
      * fix remainder of candidate backing tests
      * squanching warns
      * squanch it up
      * some fallout
      * overseer fallout
      * free from polkadot-test-service hell
  9. Jul 09, 2020
  10. Jul 08, 2020
  11. Jul 06, 2020
  12. Jul 04, 2020
  13. Jul 01, 2020
  14. Jun 24, 2020
  15. Jun 18, 2020
  16. Jun 16, 2020
  17. Jun 09, 2020
  18. Jun 02, 2020
  19. May 27, 2020
  20. May 21, 2020
  21. May 20, 2020
  22. May 14, 2020
  23. May 06, 2020
    • André Silva's avatar
      grandpa: report equivocations on all runtimes (#1000) · 872bd4fd
      André Silva authored
      * grandpa: report equivocations on all runtimes
      * runtime: fix test-runtime compilation
      * runtime: enable historical session manager on all runtimes
      * runtime: fix indentation
      * runtime: use strong key types in KeyOwnerProofSystem definitions
      * update substrate
      * bump spec_version of runtimes
  24. May 05, 2020
  25. Apr 27, 2020
  26. Apr 25, 2020
  27. Apr 24, 2020
  28. Apr 21, 2020
    • Rakan Alhneiti's avatar
      Companion PR to #5182 - Substrate offchain signing (#985) · 87f080e6
      Rakan Alhneiti authored
      * Implement offchain::SendTransactionTypes
      * Fix test-runtime
      * Fix Kusama
      * Add SendTransactiontypes to Kusama
      * impl SendTransactiontypes for parachains and registrar
      * Fix typos
      * Provided extrinsic type
      * Implement AppCrypto for signing transactions
      * Add signing capabilities to runtime
      * Fix test runtimes
      * Implement CreateSignedtransaction for Test
      * Implement signing types for test runtimes
      * Fix test runtime create transaction impl
      * Fix build
      * Bump kusama's spec version
      * Update substrate
      * Use all_accounts
    • Ashley's avatar
      Remove usage of substrate-test-runtime. (#969) · e843467b
      Ashley authored
      * Switch from using the substrate_test_runtime Extrinsic to the polkadot_test_runtime one
      * Copy genesismap into test-runtime
      * Add UncheckedExtrinsics
      * Fix tests :^)
      * Remove unused functions from genesismap
      * DRY, clean up
      * Clean up
      * Update service/src/grandpa_support.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Fix indentation
      * Update runtime/test-runtime/src/genesismap.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
    • cheme's avatar
      Companion to child trie api change #4857 (#950) · c79e4bdf
      cheme authored
  29. Apr 17, 2020
  30. Apr 16, 2020
  31. Apr 13, 2020
  32. Apr 08, 2020
  33. Apr 06, 2020