• Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
    WIP: replace v0 ParachainHost impl with v1 for test runtime · 2e698122
    Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
    This is necessary because one of the current errors when building
    the test service boils down to:
    the trait bound `polkadot_test_runtime::RuntimeApiImpl<...>`:
      `polkadot_primitives::v1::ParachainHost<...>` is not satisfied
    This is WIP because it appears to be causing some std leakage into
    the wasm environment, or something; the compiler is currently
    complaining about duplicate definitions of `panic_handler` and `oom`.
    Presumably I have to identify all std types (Vec etc) and replace
    them with sp_std equivalents.