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// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! Polkadot-specific network implementation.
//! This manages routing for parachain statements, parachain block and outgoing message
//! data fetching, communication between collators and validators, and more.
mod local_collations;
pub mod gossip;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use futures::sync::{oneshot, mpsc};
use futures::prelude::*;
use polkadot_primitives::{Block, Hash, Header};
use polkadot_primitives::parachain::{
	Id as ParaId, BlockData, CollatorId, CandidateReceipt, Collation, PoVBlock,
	StructuredUnroutedIngress, ValidatorId, OutgoingMessages,
use substrate_network::{
	PeerId, RequestId, Context, StatusMessage as GenericFullStatus,
	specialization::{Event, NetworkSpecialization as Specialization},
use substrate_network::consensus_gossip::{
	self, TopicNotification, MessageRecipient as GossipMessageRecipient, ConsensusMessage,
use self::validation::{LiveValidationLeaves, RecentValidatorIds, InsertedRecentKey};
use self::collator_pool::{CollatorPool, Role, Action};
use self::local_collations::LocalCollations;
use log::{trace, debug, warn};
use crate::gossip::{POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID, GossipMessage};

mod cost {
	pub(super) const UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE: i32 = -200;
	pub(super) const INVALID_FORMAT: i32 = -200;

	pub(super) const UNKNOWN_PEER: i32 = -50;
	pub(super) const COLLATOR_ALREADY_KNOWN: i32 = -100;
	pub(super) const BAD_COLLATION: i32 = -1000;
	pub(super) const BAD_POV_BLOCK: i32 = -1000;

mod benefit {
	pub(super) const EXPECTED_MESSAGE: i32 = 20;
	pub(super) const VALID_FORMAT: i32 = 20;

	pub(super) const KNOWN_PEER: i32 = 5;
	pub(super) const NEW_COLLATOR: i32 = 10;
	pub(super) const GOOD_COLLATION: i32 = 100;
	pub(super) const GOOD_POV_BLOCK: i32 = 100;
type FullStatus = GenericFullStatus<Block>;

/// Specialization of the network service for the polkadot protocol.
pub type PolkadotNetworkService = substrate_network::NetworkService<Block, PolkadotProtocol, Hash>;

/// Basic functionality that a network has to fulfill.
pub trait NetworkService: Send + Sync + 'static {
	/// Get a stream of gossip messages for a given hash.
	fn gossip_messages_for(&self, topic: Hash) -> GossipMessageStream;

	/// Gossip a message on given topic.
	fn gossip_message(&self, topic: Hash, message: GossipMessage);

	/// Execute a closure with the gossip service.
	fn with_gossip<F: Send + 'static>(&self, with: F)
		where F: FnOnce(&mut dyn GossipService, &mut dyn Context<Block>);

	/// Execute a closure with the polkadot protocol.
	fn with_spec<F: Send + 'static>(&self, with: F)
		where F: FnOnce(&mut PolkadotProtocol, &mut dyn Context<Block>);

impl NetworkService for PolkadotNetworkService {
	fn gossip_messages_for(&self, topic: Hash) -> GossipMessageStream {
		let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();

		PolkadotNetworkService::with_gossip(self, move |gossip, _| {
			let inner_rx = gossip.messages_for(POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID, topic);
			let _ = tx.send(inner_rx);

		let topic_stream = match rx.recv() {
			Ok(rx) => rx,
			Err(_) => mpsc::unbounded().1, // return empty channel.


	fn gossip_message(&self, topic: Hash, message: GossipMessage) {

	fn with_gossip<F: Send + 'static>(&self, with: F)
		where F: FnOnce(&mut dyn GossipService, &mut dyn Context<Block>)
		PolkadotNetworkService::with_gossip(self, move |gossip, ctx| with(gossip, ctx))

	fn with_spec<F: Send + 'static>(&self, with: F)
		where F: FnOnce(&mut PolkadotProtocol, &mut dyn Context<Block>)
		PolkadotNetworkService::with_spec(self, with)

/// A gossip network subservice.
pub trait GossipService {
	fn send_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: &PeerId, message: ConsensusMessage);
	fn multicast(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, topic: &Hash, message: ConsensusMessage);

impl GossipService for consensus_gossip::ConsensusGossip<Block> {
	fn send_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: &PeerId, message: ConsensusMessage) {
		consensus_gossip::ConsensusGossip::send_message(self, ctx, who, message)

	fn multicast(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, topic: &Hash, message: ConsensusMessage) {
		consensus_gossip::ConsensusGossip::multicast(self, ctx, *topic, message, false)

/// A stream of gossip messages and an optional sender for a topic.
pub struct GossipMessageStream {
	topic_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TopicNotification>,

impl GossipMessageStream {
	/// Create a new instance with the given topic stream.
	pub fn new(topic_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TopicNotification>) -> Self {
		Self {

impl Stream for GossipMessageStream {
	type Item = (GossipMessage, Option<PeerId>);
	type Error = ();

	fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
		loop {
			let msg = match futures::try_ready!(self.topic_stream.poll()) {
				Some(msg) => msg,
				None => return Ok(Async::Ready(None)),

			debug!(target: "validation", "Processing statement for live validation leaf-work");
			if let Ok(gmsg) = GossipMessage::decode(&mut &msg.message[..]) {
				return Ok(Async::Ready(Some((gmsg, msg.sender))))
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode)]
	collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>,
	attempted_peers: HashSet<ValidatorId>,
	validation_leaf: Hash,
	candidate_hash: Hash,
	block_data_hash: Hash,
	canon_roots: StructuredUnroutedIngress,

impl PoVBlockRequest {
	// Attempt to process a response. If the provided block is invalid,
	// this returns an error result containing the unmodified request.
	// If `Ok(())` is returned, that indicates that the request has been processed.
	fn process_response(self, pov_block: PoVBlock) -> Result<(), Self> {
		if pov_block.block_data.hash() != self.block_data_hash {
			return Err(self);

		match polkadot_validation::validate_incoming(&self.canon_roots, &pov_block.ingress) {
			Ok(()) => {
				let _ = self.sender.send(pov_block);
			Err(_) => Err(self)
// ensures collator-protocol messages are sent in correct order.
// session key must be sent before collator role.
enum CollatorState {
	fn send_key<F: FnMut(Message)>(&mut self, key: ValidatorId, mut f: F) {
		if let CollatorState::RolePending(role) = *self {
			*self = CollatorState::Primed(Some(role));

	fn set_role<F: FnMut(Message)>(&mut self, role: Role, mut f: F) {
		if let CollatorState::Primed(ref mut r) = *self {

	fn role(&self) -> Option<Role> {
		match *self {
			CollatorState::Fresh => None,
			CollatorState::RolePending(role) => Some(role),
			CollatorState::Primed(role) => role,
	collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>,
	validator_keys: RecentValidatorIds,
	claimed_validator: bool,
impl PeerInfo {
	fn should_send_key(&self) -> bool {
		self.claimed_validator || self.collating_for.is_some()
#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode)]
	/// As a validator, tell the peer your current session key.
	// TODO: do this with a cryptographic proof of some kind
	/// Requesting parachain proof-of-validation block (relay_parent, candidate_hash).
	RequestPovBlock(RequestId, Hash, Hash),
	/// Provide requested proof-of-validation block data by candidate hash or nothing if unknown.
	PovBlock(RequestId, Option<PoVBlock>),
	/// Request block data (relay_parent, candidate_hash)
	RequestBlockData(RequestId, Hash, Hash),
	/// Provide requested block data by candidate hash or nothing.
	BlockData(RequestId, Option<BlockData>),
	/// Tell a collator their role.
	/// A collation provided by a peer. Relay parent and collation.
	Collation(Hash, Collation),
fn send_polkadot_message(ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, to: PeerId, message: Message) {
	trace!(target: "p_net", "Sending polkadot message to {}: {:?}", to, message);
	let encoded = message.encode();
	ctx.send_chain_specific(to, encoded)

/// Polkadot protocol attachment for substrate.
pub struct PolkadotProtocol {
	peers: HashMap<PeerId, PeerInfo>,
	collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>,
	collators: CollatorPool,
	validators: HashMap<ValidatorId, PeerId>,
	local_collations: LocalCollations<Collation>,
	live_validation_leaves: LiveValidationLeaves,
	in_flight: HashMap<(RequestId, PeerId), PoVBlockRequest>,
	pending: Vec<PoVBlockRequest>,
	availability_store: Option<av_store::Store>,
	next_req_id: u64,

impl PolkadotProtocol {
	/// Instantiate a polkadot protocol handler.
	pub fn new(collating_for: Option<(CollatorId, ParaId)>) -> Self {
		PolkadotProtocol {
			peers: HashMap::new(),
			collators: CollatorPool::new(),
			validators: HashMap::new(),
			local_collations: LocalCollations::new(),
			live_validation_leaves: LiveValidationLeaves::new(),
			in_flight: HashMap::new(),
			pending: Vec::new(),
			availability_store: None,
			next_req_id: 1,

	/// Fetch block data by candidate receipt.
		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		candidate: &CandidateReceipt,
		relay_parent: Hash,
		canon_roots: StructuredUnroutedIngress,
			attempted_peers: Default::default(),
			validation_leaf: relay_parent,
			candidate_hash: candidate.hash(),
			block_data_hash: candidate.block_data_hash,
			sender: tx,
	/// Note new leaf to do validation work at
	fn new_validation_leaf_work(
		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		params: validation::LeafWorkParams,
	) -> validation::LiveValidationLeaf {
		let (work, new_local) = self.live_validation_leaves

		if let Some(new_local) = new_local {
				.filter(|&(_, ref info)| info.should_send_key())
				peer_data.collator_state.send_key(new_local.clone(), |msg| send_polkadot_message(
	// true indicates that it was removed actually.
	fn remove_validation_session(&mut self, parent_hash: Hash) -> bool {
	fn dispatch_pending_requests(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>) {
		let validator_keys = &mut self.validators;
		let next_req_id = &mut self.next_req_id;
		let in_flight = &mut self.in_flight;

		for mut pending in ::std::mem::replace(&mut self.pending, Vec::new()) {
			let parent = pending.validation_leaf;
			let c_hash = pending.candidate_hash;
			let still_pending = self.live_validation_leaves.with_pov_block(&parent, &c_hash, |x| match x {
				Ok(data @ &_) => {
					// answer locally.
					let _ = pending.sender.send(data.clone());
				Err(Some(known_keys)) => {
					let next_peer = known_keys.iter()
						.filter_map(|x| validator_keys.get(x).map(|id| (x.clone(), id.clone())))
						.find(|&(ref key, _)| pending.attempted_peers.insert(key.clone()))
						.map(|(_, id)| id);

					// dispatch to peer
					if let Some(who) = next_peer {
						let req_id = *next_req_id;
						*next_req_id += 1;

							Message::RequestPovBlock(req_id, parent, c_hash),

						in_flight.insert((req_id, who), pending);

					} else {
				Err(None) => None, // no such known validation leaf-work. prune out.
			if let Some(pending) = still_pending {
	fn on_polkadot_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: PeerId, msg: Message) {
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		trace!(target: "p_net", "Polkadot message from {}: {:?}", who, msg);
			Message::ValidatorId(key) => self.on_session_key(ctx, who, key),
			Message::RequestPovBlock(req_id, relay_parent, candidate_hash) => {
				let pov_block = self.live_validation_leaves.with_pov_block(
					|res| res.ok().map(|b| b.clone()),

				send_polkadot_message(ctx, who, Message::PovBlock(req_id, pov_block));
			Message::RequestBlockData(req_id, relay_parent, candidate_hash) => {
				let block_data = self.live_validation_leaves
						|res| res.ok().map(|b| b.block_data.clone()),
					.or_else(|| self.availability_store.as_ref()
						.and_then(|s| s.block_data(relay_parent, candidate_hash))
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				send_polkadot_message(ctx, who, Message::BlockData(req_id, block_data));
			Message::PovBlock(req_id, data) => self.on_pov_block(ctx, who, req_id, data),
			Message::BlockData(_req_id, _data) => {
				// current block data is never requested bare by the node.
				ctx.report_peer(who, cost::UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
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			Message::Collation(relay_parent, collation) => self.on_collation(ctx, who, relay_parent, collation),
			Message::CollatorRole(role) => self.on_new_role(ctx, who, role),
	fn on_session_key(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: PeerId, key: ValidatorId) {
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			let info = match self.peers.get_mut(&who) {
				Some(peer) => peer,
				None => {
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					trace!(target: "p_net", "Network inconsistency: message received from unconnected peer {}", who);

			if !info.claimed_validator {
				ctx.report_peer(who, cost::UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
			ctx.report_peer(who.clone(), benefit::EXPECTED_MESSAGE);
			let local_collations = &mut self.local_collations;
			let new_collations = match info.validator_keys.insert(key.clone()) {
				InsertedRecentKey::AlreadyKnown => Vec::new(),
				InsertedRecentKey::New(Some(old_key)) => {
					local_collations.fresh_key(&old_key, &key)
				InsertedRecentKey::New(None) => info.collator_state.role()
					.map(|r| local_collations.note_validator_role(key.clone(), r))
			for (relay_parent, collation) in new_collations {
					Message::Collation(relay_parent, collation),
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			self.validators.insert(key, who);

		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		who: PeerId,
		req_id: RequestId,
		pov_block: Option<PoVBlock>,
	) {
		match self.in_flight.remove(&(req_id, who.clone())) {
				match pov_block {
					Some(pov_block) => {
						match req.process_response(pov_block) {
							Ok(()) => {
								ctx.report_peer(who, benefit::GOOD_POV_BLOCK);
							Err(r) => {
								ctx.report_peer(who, cost::BAD_POV_BLOCK);
								req = r;
					None => {
						ctx.report_peer(who, benefit::EXPECTED_MESSAGE);

			None => ctx.report_peer(who, cost::UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE),

	// when a validator sends us (a collator) a new role.
	fn on_new_role(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: PeerId, role: Role) {
		let info = match self.peers.get_mut(&who) {
			Some(peer) => peer,
			None => {
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				trace!(target: "p_net", "Network inconsistency: message received from unconnected peer {}", who);
		debug!(target: "p_net", "New collator role {:?} from {}", role, who);

		if info.validator_keys.as_slice().is_empty() {
			ctx.report_peer(who, cost::UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE);
		} else {
			// update role for all saved session keys for this validator.
			let local_collations = &mut self.local_collations;
			for (relay_parent, collation) in info.validator_keys
				.flat_map(|k| local_collations.note_validator_role(k, role))
				debug!(target: "p_net", "Broadcasting collation on relay parent {:?}", relay_parent);
					Message::Collation(relay_parent, collation),

	/// Convert the given `CollatorId` to a `PeerId`.
	pub fn collator_id_to_peer_id(&self, collator_id: &CollatorId) -> Option<&PeerId> {

impl Specialization<Block> for PolkadotProtocol {
	fn status(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
		Status { collating_for: self.collating_for.clone() }.encode()
	fn on_connect(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: PeerId, status: FullStatus) {
		let local_status = Status::decode(&mut &status.chain_status[..])
			.unwrap_or_else(|_| Status { collating_for: None });
		let validator = status.roles.contains(substrate_network::config::Roles::AUTHORITY);
			collating_for: local_status.collating_for.clone(),
			validator_keys: Default::default(),
			claimed_validator: validator,
			collator_state: CollatorState::Fresh,

		if let Some((ref acc_id, ref para_id)) = local_status.collating_for {
			if self.collator_peer(acc_id.clone()).is_some() {
				ctx.report_peer(who, cost::COLLATOR_ALREADY_KNOWN);
			ctx.report_peer(who.clone(), benefit::NEW_COLLATOR);
			let collator_role = self.collators.on_new_collator(

			peer_info.collator_state.set_role(collator_role, |msg| send_polkadot_message(
		// send session keys.
		if peer_info.should_send_key() {
			for local_session_key in self.live_validation_leaves.recent_keys() {
				peer_info.collator_state.send_key(local_session_key.clone(), |msg| send_polkadot_message(
	fn on_disconnect(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, who: PeerId) {
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		if let Some(info) = self.peers.remove(&who) {
			if let Some((acc_id, _)) = info.collating_for {
				let new_primary = self.collators.on_disconnect(acc_id)
					.and_then(|new_primary| self.collator_peer(new_primary));
				if let Some((new_primary, primary_info)) = new_primary {
					primary_info.collator_state.set_role(Role::Primary, |msg| send_polkadot_message(
			for key in info.validator_keys.as_slice().iter() {

				let pending = &mut self.pending;
				self.in_flight.retain(|&(_, ref peer), val| {
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					let retain = peer != &who;
						// swap with a dummy value which will be dropped immediately.
						let (sender, _) = oneshot::channel();
						pending.push(::std::mem::replace(val, PoVBlockRequest {
							attempted_peers: Default::default(),
							validation_leaf: Default::default(),
							candidate_hash: Default::default(),
							block_data_hash: Default::default(),
							canon_roots: StructuredUnroutedIngress(Vec::new()),
	fn on_message(
		&mut self,
		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		who: PeerId,
		message: Vec<u8>,
		match Message::decode(&mut &message[..]) {
				ctx.report_peer(who.clone(), benefit::VALID_FORMAT);
				self.on_polkadot_message(ctx, who, msg)
				trace!(target: "p_net", "Bad message from {}", who);
				ctx.report_peer(who, cost::INVALID_FORMAT);
	fn on_event(&mut self, _event: Event) { }

	fn on_abort(&mut self) { }
	fn maintain_peers(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>) {

		for collator_action in self.collators.maintain_peers() {
			match collator_action {
				Action::Disconnect(collator) => self.disconnect_bad_collator(ctx, collator),
				Action::NewRole(account_id, role) => if let Some((collator, info)) = self.collator_peer(account_id) {
					info.collator_state.set_role(role, |msg| send_polkadot_message(
	fn on_block_imported(&mut self, _ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, hash: Hash, header: &Header) {

impl PolkadotProtocol {
	// we received a collation from a peer
	fn on_collation(
		&mut self,
		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		from: PeerId,
		relay_parent: Hash,
		collation: Collation
	) {
		let collation_para = collation.receipt.parachain_index;
		let collated_acc = collation.receipt.collator.clone();

		match self.peers.get(&from) {
			None => ctx.report_peer(from, cost::UNKNOWN_PEER),
			Some(peer_info) => {
				ctx.report_peer(from.clone(), benefit::KNOWN_PEER);
				match peer_info.collating_for {
					None => ctx.report_peer(from, cost::UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE),
					Some((ref acc_id, ref para_id)) => {
						ctx.report_peer(from.clone(), benefit::EXPECTED_MESSAGE);
						let structurally_valid = para_id == &collation_para && acc_id == &collated_acc;
						if structurally_valid && collation.receipt.check_signature().is_ok() {
							debug!(target: "p_net", "Received collation for parachain {:?} from peer {}", para_id, from);
							ctx.report_peer(from, benefit::GOOD_COLLATION);
							self.collators.on_collation(acc_id.clone(), relay_parent, collation)
						} else {
							ctx.report_peer(from, cost::INVALID_FORMAT)

	fn await_collation(&mut self, relay_parent: Hash, para_id: ParaId) -> oneshot::Receiver<Collation> {
		let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
		debug!(target: "p_net", "Attempting to get collation for parachain {:?} on relay parent {:?}", para_id, relay_parent);
		self.collators.await_collation(relay_parent, para_id, tx);

	// get connected peer with given account ID for collation.
	fn collator_peer(&mut self, collator_id: CollatorId) -> Option<(PeerId, &mut PeerInfo)> {
		let check_info = |info: &PeerInfo| info
			.map_or(false, |&(ref acc_id, _)| acc_id == &collator_id);
			.filter(|&(_, ref info)| check_info(&**info))
			.map(|(who, info)| (who.clone(), info))

	// disconnect a collator by account-id.
	fn disconnect_bad_collator(&mut self, ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>, collator_id: CollatorId) {
		if let Some((who, _)) = self.collator_peer(collator_id) {
			ctx.report_peer(who, cost::BAD_COLLATION)

impl PolkadotProtocol {
	/// Add a local collation and broadcast it to the necessary peers.
	/// This should be called by a collator intending to get the locally-collated
	/// block into the hands of validators.
	/// It also places the outgoing message and block data in the local availability store.
	pub fn add_local_collation(
		&mut self,
		ctx: &mut dyn Context<Block>,
		relay_parent: Hash,
		targets: HashSet<ValidatorId>,
		collation: Collation,
		outgoing_targeted: OutgoingMessages,
	) -> std::io::Result<()> {
		debug!(target: "p_net", "Importing local collation on relay parent {:?} and parachain {:?}",
			relay_parent, collation.receipt.parachain_index);

		let outgoing_queues = polkadot_validation::outgoing_queues(&outgoing_targeted)
			.map(|(_target, root, data)| (root, data))

		if let Some(ref availability_store) = self.availability_store {
			availability_store.make_available(av_store::Data {
				parachain_id: collation.receipt.parachain_index,
				candidate_hash: collation.receipt.hash(),
				block_data: collation.pov.block_data.clone(),
				outgoing_queues: Some(outgoing_queues),

		for (primary, cloned_collation) in self.local_collations.add_collation(relay_parent, targets, collation.clone()) {
			match self.validators.get(&primary) {
				Some(who) => {
					debug!(target: "p_net", "Sending local collation to {:?}", primary);
						Message::Collation(relay_parent, cloned_collation),
				None =>
					warn!(target: "polkadot_network", "Encountered tracked but disconnected validator {:?}", primary),
	/// Give the network protocol a handle to an availability store, used for
	/// circulation of parachain data required for validation.
	pub fn register_availability_store(&mut self, availability_store: ::av_store::Store) {
		self.availability_store = Some(availability_store);