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// Copyright 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! # Overseer
//! `overseer` implements the Overseer architecture described in the
//! [implementors-guide](
//! For the motivations behind implementing the overseer itself you should
//! check out that guide, documentation in this crate will be mostly discussing
//! technical stuff.
//! An `Overseer` is something that allows spawning/stopping and overseing
//! asynchronous tasks as well as establishing a well-defined and easy to use
//! protocol that the tasks can use to communicate with each other. It is desired
//! that this protocol is the only way tasks communicate with each other, however
//! at this moment there are no foolproof guards against other ways of communication.
//! The `Overseer` is instantiated with a pre-defined set of `Subsystems` that
//! share the same behavior from `Overseer`'s point of view.
//! ```text
//!                              +-----------------------------+
//!                              |         Overseer            |
//!                              +-----------------------------+
//!             ................|  Overseer "holds" these and uses |..............
//!             .                  them to (re)start things                      .
//!             .                                                                .
//!             .  +-------------------+                +---------------------+  .
//!             .  |   Subsystem1      |                |   Subsystem2        |  .
//!             .  +-------------------+                +---------------------+  .
//!             .           |                                       |            .
//!             ..................................................................
//!                         |                                       |
//!                       start()                                 start()
//!                         V                                       V
//!             ..................| Overseer "runs" these |.......................
//!             .  +--------------------+               +---------------------+  .
//!             .  | SubsystemInstance1 |               | SubsystemInstance2  |  .
//!             .  +--------------------+               +---------------------+  .
//!             ..................................................................
//! ```

use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
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use std::task::Poll;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::collections::HashSet;
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use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures::{
	pending, poll, select,
	future::{BoxFuture, RemoteHandle},
	task::{Spawn, SpawnError, SpawnExt},
	Future, FutureExt, SinkExt, StreamExt,
use futures_timer::Delay;
use streamunordered::{StreamYield, StreamUnordered};

use polkadot_primitives::{Block, BlockNumber, Hash};
use client::{BlockImportNotification, BlockchainEvents, FinalityNotification};
pub use messages::{
	OverseerSignal, ValidationSubsystemMessage, CandidateBackingSubsystemMessage, AllMessages,

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/// An error type that describes faults that may happen
/// These are:
///   * Channels being closed
///   * Subsystems dying when they are not expected to
///   * Subsystems not dying when they are told to die
///   * etc.
pub struct SubsystemError;

impl From<mpsc::SendError> for SubsystemError {
	fn from(_: mpsc::SendError) -> Self {

impl From<oneshot::Canceled> for SubsystemError {
	fn from(_: oneshot::Canceled) -> Self {

impl From<SpawnError> for SubsystemError {
    fn from(_: SpawnError) -> Self {

/// A `Result` type that wraps [`SubsystemError`].
/// [`SubsystemError`]: struct.SubsystemError.html
pub type SubsystemResult<T> = Result<T, SubsystemError>;

/// An asynchronous subsystem task that runs inside and being overseen by the [`Overseer`].
/// In essence it's just a newtype wrapping a `BoxFuture`.
/// [`Overseer`]: struct.Overseer.html
pub struct SpawnedSubsystem(pub BoxFuture<'static, ()>);

// A capacity of bounded channels inside the overseer.
const CHANNEL_CAPACITY: usize = 1024;
// A graceful `Overseer` teardown time delay.
const STOP_DELAY: u64 = 1;

/// A type of messages that are sent from [`Subsystem`] to [`Overseer`].
/// It wraps a system-wide [`AllMessages`] type that represents all possible
/// messages in the system.
/// [`AllMessages`]: enum.AllMessages.html
/// [`Subsystem`]: trait.Subsystem.html
/// [`Overseer`]: struct.Overseer.html
enum ToOverseer {
	/// This is a message sent by a `Subsystem`.

	/// A message that wraps something the `Subsystem` is desiring to
	/// spawn on the overseer and a `oneshot::Sender` to signal the result
	/// of the spawn.
	SpawnJob {
		s: BoxFuture<'static, ()>,
		res: oneshot::Sender<SubsystemResult<()>>,

/// An event telling the `Overseer` on the particular block
/// that has been imported or finalized.
/// This structure exists solely for the purposes of decoupling
/// `Overseer` code from the client code and the necessity to call
/// `HeaderBackend::block_number_from_id()`.
pub struct BlockInfo {
	/// hash of the block.
	pub hash: Hash,
	/// hash of the parent block.
	pub parent_hash: Hash,
	/// block's number.
	pub number: BlockNumber,

impl From<BlockImportNotification<Block>> for BlockInfo {
	fn from(n: BlockImportNotification<Block>) -> Self {
		BlockInfo {
			hash: n.hash,
			parent_hash: n.header.parent_hash,
			number: n.header.number,

impl From<FinalityNotification<Block>> for BlockInfo {
	fn from(n: FinalityNotification<Block>) -> Self {
		BlockInfo {
			hash: n.hash,
			parent_hash: n.header.parent_hash,
			number: n.header.number,

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/// Some event from outer world.
enum Event {
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/// A handler used to communicate with the [`Overseer`].
/// [`Overseer`]: struct.Overseer.html
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pub struct OverseerHandler {
	events_tx: mpsc::Sender<Event>,

impl OverseerHandler {
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