1. Feb 25, 2020
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      adding unleash to ci (#5020) · 993e5f69
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * adding unleash to ci
      * fixing formatting
      * with a dot please
      * alpha.3 now
      * do not publish testing helpers
      * remove old test-helpers cruft
      * fix cargo.lock
      * with alpha 4
      * do not publish runtime-interface-test either
      * disable more test crates from publishing
      * switch to alpha.5
      * replace tempdir with tempfile
      * update lru
      * switch to bytes 0.5
      * release script fixes
      * switch on and to latest alpha
  2. Feb 21, 2020
    • s3krit's avatar
      Add gitlab job for publishing draft releases (#5009) · f93e3120
      s3krit authored
      Idea is much the same as we currently do on polkadot - When a new tag is pushed (that fits our pattern for tags, e.g. v1.2.3), find a list of labelled changes and generate a changelog based on that. Create a draft release on Github and post about it on Matrix.
  3. Feb 20, 2020
  4. Feb 06, 2020
    • gabriel klawitter's avatar
      ci: enable build for pre-tags (#4836) · 203445bb
      gabriel klawitter authored
      * build for pre-tags
      * shallow clone rustdocs
    • Cecile Tonglet's avatar
      CLI improvements & fixes (#4812) · 099cd0f2
      Cecile Tonglet authored
      These are a few changes I missed during the refactoring.
      1. Initialization issue and boilerplate
          Most importantly: part of the `Configuration` initialization was done in `sc_cli::init`. This means the user can not benefit from this initialization boilerplate if they have multiple `Configuration` since `sc_cli::init` can only be called once.
      2. Boilerplate for `VersionInfo` and `Configuration`
          I'm also answering to the critic of @bkchr on the initialization using version: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/4692/files/bea809d4c14a2ede953227ac885e3b3f9771c548#r372047238 This will allow initializing a `Configuration` and provide the version by default.
      3. Loading the `chain_spec` explicitly
          In the past it was done automatically but in some cases we want to delay this. I moved the code to `Configuration.load_spec()` so it can be called later on. `chain_spec` can also be written directly to the `Configuration` without using this `load_spec` helper.
      4. [deleted]
      5. Fixing issue that prevents the user to override the port
          In the refactoring I introduced a bug by mistake that could potentially prevent the CLI user to override the ports if defaults where provided for these ports (only on cumulus).
      6. Change task_executor from Box to Arc
          This is useful for cumulus where we have 2 nodes with 2 separate Configuration that need to spawn tasks to the same runtime.
      7. Renamed TasksExecutorRequired to TaskExecutor
          For consistency.
      This is related to https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/issues/24
      This is the continuation (and hopefully the end of) #4692 
  5. Jan 22, 2020
  6. Jan 20, 2020
  7. Jan 03, 2020
  8. Dec 28, 2019
    • Denis_P's avatar
      less dupes, cleanup (#4491) · d1012cd8
      Denis_P authored
      * build node job is separated from build substrate; less dupes, cleanup
      * it's not effective yet to split these jobs
  9. Dec 23, 2019
  10. Dec 20, 2019
  11. Dec 12, 2019
  12. Dec 11, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Clean up crate names and locations (#4361) · 9ce7e1f7
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * rename crate: sp-transaction-pool-api -> sp-transaction-pool
      * move primitives/core/derive-debug -> primitives/derive-debug; primitives/core/storage -> primitives/storage
      * rename crate sp-core-storage -> sp-storage
      * rename and move: test/utils/transaction-factory -> client/transaction-factory
      * move transaction-factory -> node/transaction-factory
      * fix missing rename
      * Move chain-spec-builder into bin/utils
      * move subkey into bin/utils
      * Update new subkey location
      * Update docs to reflect new location for utils
      * fixing import name
  13. Dec 10, 2019
  14. Dec 07, 2019
  15. Dec 02, 2019
  16. Nov 26, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Remove all (non-dev) `client` references from `frame`, activate dependency enforcer (#4184) · b3a7c8e4
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Move transaction pool to primitives
      * move backend, errors into primitives
      * remove unused client depencies
      * Move rpc-api into primitives
      * Move peerset back to client
      * Move rpc/api back to client, move palette/support/rpc into utils
      * move support-rpc into subfolder
      * move system-rpc into utils
      * move transaction-pool  and -graph back into client
      * fix broken imports
      * Clean up test primitives
      * Make support test utils independent of frame
      * remove unnecessary node dependencies from service
      * Reactivate dependency script:
       - only enforce the now achieved status quo will remain
       - allow for primitives to depend on /client for now without failing
       - more discriptive error message so people understand, what it wants
       - minor fix to differentiative between ../client and /client (which may be a subfolder)
       - don't allow this to fail anylonger.
      * fix doc comment
      * 'Should not' rather than 'must not'.
      * Revert unwanted dependency changes
      * fix faulty import
      * fixup derive_more version
      * fix wrong import path
  17. Nov 22, 2019
  18. Nov 21, 2019
  19. Nov 14, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Reorganising the repository - external renames and moves (#4074) · f44873dc
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding first rough ouline of the repository structure
      * Remove old CI stuff
      * add title
      * formatting fixes
      * move node-exits job's script to scripts dir
      * Move docs into subdir
      * move to bin
      * move maintainence scripts, configs and helpers into its own dir
      * add .local to ignore
      * move core->client
      * start up 'test' area
      * move test client
      * move test runtime
      * make test move compile
      * Add dependencies rule enforcement.
      * Fix indexing.
      * Update docs to reflect latest changes
      * Moving /srml->/paint
      * update docs
      * move client/sr-* -> primitives/
      * clean old readme
      * remove old broken code in rhd
      * update lock
      * Step 1.
      * starting to untangle client
      * Fix after merge.
      * start splitting out client interfaces
      * move children and blockchain interfaces
      * Move trie and state-machine to primitives.
      * Fix WASM builds.
      * fixing broken imports
      * more interface moves
      * move backend and light to interfaces
      * move CallExecutor
      * move cli off client
      * moving around more interfaces
      * re-add consensus crates into the mix
      * fix subkey path
      * relieve client from executor
      * starting to pull out client from grandpa
      * move is_decendent_of out of client
      * grandpa still depends on client directly
      * lemme tests pass
      * rename srml->paint
      * Make it compile.
      * rename interfaces->client-api
      * Move keyring to primitives.
      * fixup libp2p dep
      * fix broken use
      * allow dependency enforcement to fail
      * move fork-tree
      * Moving wasm-builder
      * make env
      * move build-script-utils
      * fixup broken crate depdencies and names
      * fix imports for authority discovery
      * fix typo
      * update cargo.lock
      * fixing imports
      * Fix paths and add missing crates
      * re-add missing crates
  20. Nov 11, 2019
    • Max Inden's avatar
      [WIP] .gitlab-ci.yml: Fix a check for polkadot to work on forked repos v2 (#4078) · a3c5b77c
      Max Inden authored
      * Fix a check for polkadot to work on forked repos.
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Add `git diff` for CI debugging
      * More future proof and less redundant.
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Improve comments and refactor sed command
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove two commas in a row
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Ensure to match branch statements at the end
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Reference concrete commit
      When one does not specify the concrete commit, cargo-update tries to
      checkout 'master' in the Substrate repository.
      * .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove 'git diff' debug line
  21. Nov 07, 2019
  22. Nov 04, 2019
    • brenzi's avatar
      support crypto primitives for no_std introducing `full_crypto` feature (#3778) · cefe4dc2
      brenzi authored
      * introduced "with_crypto" feature and applied switches like in substrate-api-client fork
      * introduced "with_crypto" feature and applied switches like in substraTEE-worker fork
      * distinguishing core::hash vs std::hash
      * @bkchr's review requests fulfilled
      * fixes
      * revert dependency upgrade ed25519-dalek
      * added full_crypto features to all crates using app_crypto! macro
      * fixing CI complaints.
      * fix again
      * adding CI test for with_crypto feature
      * added full_crypto for ecdsa. now builds wit h--no-deafault-features --features with_crypto
      * remove --release from CI test
      * @bkchr
       requested changes. moved full_crypto CI test to build stage
      * fixing no_std issue
      * CI fresh copy from srml-staking
      * gitlab CI with +nightly
      * solved no-feature-in-macro dilemma
      * cosmetics
      * Update core/application-crypto/src/sr25519.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Update core/application-crypto/src/ed25519.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * even more simple
      * undo line delete
      * refactoring app_crypto macro. splitting functionalities based on full_crypto feature
      * whitespace cosmetics
  23. Nov 03, 2019
  24. Nov 02, 2019
  25. Oct 31, 2019
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Add the code for compiling node-cli for WASM-browser (#3974) · afc63040
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Extract CLI to separate module in node/cli
      * Make node/cli compile for WASM
      * More work on node/cli browser
      * More work on browser node
      * More work
      * More work
      * Purge a bit the CI script
      * More clean up
      * Remove substrate-finality-grandpa from the CI
      Its tests use tokio, which fails to compile.
      * Address review
      * Add rocksdb feature to the service
      * Fix substrate-service WASM CI
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Don't WASM-compile substrate-service altogether
  26. Oct 30, 2019
  27. Oct 04, 2019
  28. Sep 13, 2019
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Move phragmen benchmarks out of Staking (#3588) · f47734dc
      Kian Paimani authored
      * Move phragmen benches to.. phragmen.
      * Move some basic phragmen tests to.. phragmen.
      * Line-width
      * Add phragmen equ implementation as flot
      * Add phragmen equ implementation as flot
      * Add mock and test file.
  29. Sep 10, 2019
  30. Aug 29, 2019
  31. Aug 24, 2019