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// Copyright 2019-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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//! Tests for the communication portion of the GRANDPA crate.

use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::prelude::*;
use sc_network::{Event as NetworkEvent, PeerId, config::Roles};
use sc_network_test::{Block, Hash};
use sc_network_gossip::Validator;
use std::sync::Arc;
use sp_keyring::Ed25519Keyring;
use parity_scale_codec::Encode;
use sp_runtime::{ConsensusEngineId, traits::NumberFor};
use std::{pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}};
use crate::environment::SharedVoterSetState;
use sp_finality_grandpa::{AuthorityList, GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID};
use super::gossip::{self, GossipValidator};
use super::{AuthorityId, VoterSet, Round, SetId};

	WriteNotification(sc_network::PeerId, Vec<u8>),
	Report(sc_network::PeerId, sc_network::ReputationChange),

	sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>,

impl TestNetwork {
	fn event_stream_03(&self) -> Pin<Box<dyn futures::Stream<Item = NetworkEvent> + Send>> {
		let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
		let _ = self.sender.unbounded_send(Event::EventStream(tx));

impl sc_network_gossip::Network<Block> for TestNetwork {
	fn event_stream(&self) -> Box<dyn futures01::Stream<Item = NetworkEvent, Error = ()> + Send> {
			self.event_stream_03().map(Ok::<_, ()>).compat()
	fn report_peer(&self, who: sc_network::PeerId, cost_benefit: sc_network::ReputationChange) {
		let _ = self.sender.unbounded_send(Event::Report(who, cost_benefit));
	fn disconnect_peer(&self, _: PeerId) {}
	fn write_notification(&self, who: PeerId, _: ConsensusEngineId, message: Vec<u8>) {
		let _ = self.sender.unbounded_send(Event::WriteNotification(who, message));
	fn register_notifications_protocol(&self, _: ConsensusEngineId) {}
	fn announce(&self, block: Hash, _associated_data: Vec<u8>) {
		let _ = self.sender.unbounded_send(Event::Announce(block));
impl super::Network<Block> for TestNetwork {
	fn set_sync_fork_request(
		_peers: Vec<sc_network::PeerId>,
		_hash: Hash,
		_number: NumberFor<Block>,
	) {}
impl sc_network_gossip::ValidatorContext<Block> for TestNetwork {
	fn broadcast_topic(&mut self, _: Hash, _: bool) { }

	fn broadcast_message(&mut self, _: Hash, _: Vec<u8>, _: bool) {	}

	fn send_message(&mut self, who: &sc_network::PeerId, data: Vec<u8>) {
		<Self as sc_network_gossip::Network<Block>>::write_notification(
	fn send_topic(&mut self, _: &sc_network::PeerId, _: Hash, _: bool) { }
pub(crate) struct Tester {
	pub(crate) net_handle: super::NetworkBridge<Block, TestNetwork>,
	gossip_validator: Arc<GossipValidator<Block>>,
	pub(crate) events: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Event>,
	fn filter_network_events<F>(self, mut pred: F) -> impl Future<Output = Self>
		where F: FnMut(Event) -> bool
		let mut s = Some(self);
		futures::future::poll_fn(move |cx| loop {
			match Stream::poll_next(Pin::new(&mut s.as_mut().unwrap().events), cx) {
				Poll::Ready(None) => panic!("concluded early"),
				Poll::Ready(Some(item)) => if pred(item) {
					return Poll::Ready(s.take().unwrap())
				Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,

	pub(crate) fn trigger_gossip_validator_reputation_change(&self, p: &PeerId) {
			&mut crate::communication::tests::NoopContext,
			&vec![1, 2, 3],

// some random config (not really needed)
fn config() -> crate::Config {
	crate::Config {
		gossip_duration: std::time::Duration::from_millis(10),
		justification_period: 256,
		keystore: None,
		is_authority: true,
		observer_enabled: true,
// dummy voter set state
fn voter_set_state() -> SharedVoterSetState<Block> {
	use crate::authorities::AuthoritySet;
	use crate::environment::VoterSetState;
	use finality_grandpa::round::State as RoundState;
	use sp_core::H256;

	let state = RoundState::genesis((H256::zero(), 0));
	let base = state.prevote_ghost.unwrap();
	let voters = AuthoritySet::genesis(Vec::new());
	let set_state = VoterSetState::live(
// needs to run in a tokio runtime.
pub(crate) fn make_test_network() -> (
	impl Future<Output = Tester>,
) {
	let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
	let net = TestNetwork { sender: tx };

	struct Exit;

	impl futures::Future for Exit {
		fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
	let bridge = super::NetworkBridge::new(
		futures::future::ready(Tester {
			gossip_validator: bridge.validator.clone(),
			net_handle: bridge,
			events: rx,
fn make_ids(keys: &[Ed25519Keyring]) -> AuthorityList {
		.map(|key| key.clone().public().into())
		.map(|id| (id, 1))

struct NoopContext;

impl sc_network_gossip::ValidatorContext<Block> for NoopContext {
	fn broadcast_topic(&mut self, _: Hash, _: bool) { }
	fn broadcast_message(&mut self, _: Hash, _: Vec<u8>, _: bool) { }
	fn send_message(&mut self, _: &sc_network::PeerId, _: Vec<u8>) { }
	fn send_topic(&mut self, _: &sc_network::PeerId, _: Hash, _: bool) { }

fn good_commit_leads_to_relay() {
	let private = [Ed25519Keyring::Alice, Ed25519Keyring::Bob, Ed25519Keyring::Charlie];
	let public = make_ids(&private[..]);
	let voter_set = Arc::new(public.iter().cloned().collect::<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>());

	let set_id = 1;

	let commit = {
		let target_hash: Hash = [1; 32].into();
		let target_number = 500;

		let precommit = finality_grandpa::Precommit { target_hash: target_hash.clone(), target_number };
		let payload = super::localized_payload(
			round, set_id, &finality_grandpa::Message::Precommit(precommit.clone())

		let mut precommits = Vec::new();
		let mut auth_data = Vec::new();

		for (i, key) in private.iter().enumerate() {

			let signature = sp_finality_grandpa::AuthoritySignature::from(key.sign(&payload[..]));
			auth_data.push((signature, public[i].0.clone()))

		finality_grandpa::CompactCommit {

	let encoded_commit = gossip::GossipMessage::<Block>::Commit(gossip::FullCommitMessage {
		round: Round(round),
		set_id: SetId(set_id),
		message: commit,

	let id = sc_network::PeerId::random();
	let global_topic = super::global_topic::<Block>(set_id);

		.then(move |tester| {
			// register a peer.
			tester.gossip_validator.new_peer(&mut NoopContext, &id, sc_network::config::Roles::FULL);
			future::ready((tester, id))
		.then(move |(tester, id)| {
			// start round, dispatch commit, and wait for broadcast.
			let (commits_in, _) = tester.net_handle.global_communication(SetId(1), voter_set, false);

				let (action, ..) = tester.gossip_validator.do_validate(&id, &encoded_commit[..]);
				match action {
					gossip::Action::ProcessAndDiscard(t, _) => assert_eq!(t, global_topic),
					_ => panic!("wrong expected outcome from initial commit validation"),

			let commit_to_send = encoded_commit.clone();
			let network_bridge = tester.net_handle.clone();

			// asking for global communication will cause the test network
			// to send us an event asking us for a stream. use it to
			// send a message.
			let sender_id = id.clone();
			let send_message = tester.filter_network_events(move |event| match event {
				Event::EventStream(sender) => {
					// Add the sending peer and send the commit
					let _ = sender.unbounded_send(NetworkEvent::NotificationStreamOpened {
						remote: sender_id.clone(),
						engine_id: GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID,
						roles: Roles::FULL,
					let _ = sender.unbounded_send(NetworkEvent::NotificationsReceived {
						remote: sender_id.clone(),
						messages: vec![(GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID, commit_to_send.clone().into())],
					// Add a random peer which will be the recipient of this message
					let _ = sender.unbounded_send(NetworkEvent::NotificationStreamOpened {
						remote: sc_network::PeerId::random(),
						engine_id: GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID,
						roles: Roles::FULL,

				_ => false,

			// when the commit comes in, we'll tell the callback it was good.
			let handle_commit = commits_in.into_future()
				.map(|(item, _)| {
					match item.unwrap() {
						finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationIn::Commit(_, _, mut callback) => {
						_ => panic!("commit expected"),

			// once the message is sent and commit is "handled" we should have
			// a repropagation event coming from the network.
			let fut = future::join(send_message, handle_commit).then(move |(tester, ())| {
				tester.filter_network_events(move |event| match event {
					Event::WriteNotification(_, data) => {
						data == encoded_commit
				.map(|_| ());

			// Poll both the future sending and handling the commit, as well as the underlying
			// NetworkBridge. Complete once the former completes.
			future::select(fut, network_bridge)

fn bad_commit_leads_to_report() {
	let private = [Ed25519Keyring::Alice, Ed25519Keyring::Bob, Ed25519Keyring::Charlie];
	let public = make_ids(&private[..]);
	let voter_set = Arc::new(public.iter().cloned().collect::<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>());

	let set_id = 1;

	let commit = {
		let target_hash: Hash = [1; 32].into();
		let target_number = 500;

		let precommit = finality_grandpa::Precommit { target_hash: target_hash.clone(), target_number };
		let payload = super::localized_payload(
			round, set_id, &finality_grandpa::Message::Precommit(precommit.clone())

		let mut precommits = Vec::new();
		let mut auth_data = Vec::new();

		for (i, key) in private.iter().enumerate() {

			let signature = sp_finality_grandpa::AuthoritySignature::from(key.sign(&payload[..]));
			auth_data.push((signature, public[i].0.clone()))

		finality_grandpa::CompactCommit {

	let encoded_commit = gossip::GossipMessage::<Block>::Commit(gossip::FullCommitMessage {
		round: Round(round),
		set_id: SetId(set_id),
		message: commit,

	let id = sc_network::PeerId::random();
	let global_topic = super::global_topic::<Block>(set_id);

		.map(move |tester| {
			// register a peer.
			tester.gossip_validator.new_peer(&mut NoopContext, &id, sc_network::config::Roles::FULL);
		.then(move |(tester, id)| {
			// start round, dispatch commit, and wait for broadcast.
			let (commits_in, _) = tester.net_handle.global_communication(SetId(1), voter_set, false);

				let (action, ..) = tester.gossip_validator.do_validate(&id, &encoded_commit[..]);
				match action {
					gossip::Action::ProcessAndDiscard(t, _) => assert_eq!(t, global_topic),
					_ => panic!("wrong expected outcome from initial commit validation"),

			let commit_to_send = encoded_commit.clone();
			let network_bridge = tester.net_handle.clone();

			// asking for global communication will cause the test network
			// to send us an event asking us for a stream. use it to
			// send a message.
			let sender_id = id.clone();
			let send_message = tester.filter_network_events(move |event| match event {
				Event::EventStream(sender) => {
					let _ = sender.unbounded_send(NetworkEvent::NotificationStreamOpened {
						remote: sender_id.clone(),
						engine_id: GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID,
						roles: Roles::FULL,
					let _ = sender.unbounded_send(NetworkEvent::NotificationsReceived {
						remote: sender_id.clone(),
						messages: vec![(GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID, commit_to_send.clone().into())],
			// when the commit comes in, we'll tell the callback it was bad.
			let handle_commit = commits_in.into_future()
				.map(|(item, _)| {
					match item.unwrap() {
						finality_grandpa::voter::CommunicationIn::Commit(_, _, mut callback) => {
						_ => panic!("commit expected"),

			// once the message is sent and commit is "handled" we should have
			// a report event coming from the network.
			let fut = future::join(send_message, handle_commit).then(move |(tester, ())| {
				tester.filter_network_events(move |event| match event {
					Event::Report(who, cost_benefit) => {
						who == id && cost_benefit == super::cost::INVALID_COMMIT
				.map(|_| ());

			// Poll both the future sending and handling the commit, as well as the underlying
			// NetworkBridge. Complete once the former completes.
			future::select(fut, network_bridge)

fn peer_with_higher_view_leads_to_catch_up_request() {
	let id = sc_network::PeerId::random();
	let (tester, mut net) = make_test_network();
	let test = tester
		.map(move |tester| {
			// register a peer with authority role.
			tester.gossip_validator.new_peer(&mut NoopContext, &id, sc_network::config::Roles::AUTHORITY);
		.then(move |(tester, id)| {
			// send neighbor message at round 10 and height 50
			let result = tester.gossip_validator.validate(
				&mut net,
				&gossip::GossipMessage::<Block>::from(gossip::NeighborPacket {
					set_id: SetId(0),
					round: Round(10),
					commit_finalized_height: 50,

			// neighbor packets are always discard
			match result {
				sc_network_gossip::ValidationResult::Discard => {},
				_ => panic!("wrong expected outcome from neighbor validation"),

			// a catch up request should be sent to the peer for round - 1
			tester.filter_network_events(move |event| match event {
				Event::WriteNotification(peer, message) => {

							gossip::CatchUpRequestMessage {
								set_id: SetId(0),
								round: Round(9),

				_ => false,
				.map(|_| ())
