1. Nov 01, 2023
    • Dmitry Markin's avatar
      Move syncing code from `sc-network-common` to `sc-network-sync` (#1912) · 1cd6acdf
      Dmitry Markin authored
      This PR moves syncing-related code from `sc-network-common` to
      Unfortunately, some parts are tightly integrated with networking, so
      they were left in `sc-network-common` for now:
      1. `SyncMode` in `common/src/sync.rs` (used in `NetworkConfiguration`).
      2. `BlockAnnouncesHandshake`, `BlockRequest`, `BlockResponse`, etc. in
      `common/src/sync/message.rs` (used in `src/protocol.rs` and
      More substantial refactoring is needed to decouple syncing and
      networking completely, including getting rid of the hardcoded sync
      ## Release notes
      Move syncing-related code from `sc-network-common` to `sc-network-sync`.
      Delete `ChainSync` trait as it's never used (the only implementation is
      accessed directly from `SyncingEngine` and exposes a lot of public
      methods that are not part of the trait). Some new trait(s) for syncing
      will likely be introduced as part of Sync 2.0 refactoring to represent
      syncing strategies.
    • Davide Galassi's avatar
      Bump ec-utils version (#2104) · b53a93a6
      Davide Galassi authored
  2. Oct 31, 2023
  3. Oct 30, 2023
  4. Oct 29, 2023
  5. Oct 27, 2023
    • Sam Johnson's avatar
      upgrade to docify 0.2.6 (#2069) · f46f5a90
      Sam Johnson authored
      Updates `docify` to 0.2.6, which fixes a bug that was preventing nesting
      `#[docify::export]` within sub-items of items that already have
      `#[docify::export]` attached to them from working properly.
      Release notes here:
      cc @ggwpez @Kianenigma
    • juangirini's avatar
      feat: FRAME umbrella crate. (#1337) · 43415ef5
      juangirini authored
      ### Original PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/14137
      This PR brings in the first version of the "_`frame` umbrella crate_".
      This crate is intended to serve two purposes:
      1. documentation
      2. easier development with frame. Ideally, we want most users to be able
      to build a frame-based pallet and runtime using just `frame` (plus
      `scale-codec` and `scale-info`).
      The crate is not finalized and is not yet intended for external use.
      Therefore, the version is set to `0.0.1-dev`, this PR is `silent`, and
      the entire crate is hidden behind the `experimental` flag. The main
      intention in merging it early on is to be able to iterate on it in the
      rest of
      The public API of the `frame` crate is at the moment as follows: 
      pub mod frame
      pub use frame::log
      pub use frame::pallet
      pub mod frame::arithmetic
      pub use frame::arithmetic::<<sp_arithmetic::*>>
      pub use frame::arithmetic::<<sp_arithmetic::traits::*>>
      pub mod frame::deps
      pub use frame::deps::codec
      pub use frame::deps::frame_executive
      pub use frame::deps::frame_support
      pub use frame::deps::frame_system
      pub use frame::deps::scale_info
      pub use frame::deps::sp_api
      pub use frame::deps::sp_arithmetic
      pub use frame::deps::sp_block_builder
      pub use frame::deps::sp_consensus_aura
      pub use frame::deps::sp_consensus_grandpa
      pub use frame::deps::sp_core
      pub use frame::deps::sp_inherents
      pub use frame::deps::sp_io
      pub use frame::deps::sp_offchain
      pub use frame::deps::sp_runtime
      pub use frame::deps::sp_std
      pub use frame::deps::sp_version
      pub mod frame::derive
      pub use frame::derive::CloneNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::Debug
      pub use frame::derive::Debug
      pub use frame::derive::DebugNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::Decode
      pub use frame::derive::Decode
      pub use frame::derive::DefaultNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::Encode
      pub use frame::derive::Encode
      pub use frame::derive::EqNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::PartialEqNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::RuntimeDebug
      pub use frame::derive::RuntimeDebugNoBound
      pub use frame::derive::TypeInfo
      pub use frame::derive::TypeInfo
      pub mod frame::prelude
      pub use frame::prelude::<<frame_support::pallet_prelude::*>>
      pub use frame::prelude::<<frame_system::pallet_prelude::*>>
      pub use frame::prelude::<<sp_std::prelude::*>>
      pub use frame::prelude::CloneNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::Debug
      pub use frame::prelude::Debug
      pub use frame::prelude::DebugNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::Decode
      pub use frame::prelude::Decode
      pub use frame::prelude::DefaultNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::Encode
      pub use frame::prelude::Encode
      pub use frame::prelude::EqNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::PartialEqNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::RuntimeDebug
      pub use frame::prelude::RuntimeDebugNoBound
      pub use frame::prelude::TypeInfo
      pub use frame::prelude::TypeInfo
      pub use frame::prelude::frame_system
      pub mod frame::primitives
      pub use frame::primitives::BlakeTwo256
      pub use frame::primitives::H160
      pub use frame::primitives::H256
      pub use frame::primitives::H512
      pub use frame::primitives::Hash
      pub use frame::primitives::Keccak256
      pub use frame::primitives::U256
      pub use frame::primitives::U512
      pub mod frame::runtime
      pub mod frame::runtime::apis
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<frame_system_rpc_runtime_api::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_api::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_block_builder::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_consensus_aura::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_consensus_grandpa::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_offchain::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_session::runtime_api::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::ApplyExtrinsicResult
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::CheckInherentsResult
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::InherentData
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::OpaqueMetadata
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::impl_runtime_apis
      pub use frame::runtime::apis::sp_api
      pub mod frame::runtime::prelude
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::<<frame_executive::*>>
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstBool
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI128
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI16
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI32
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI64
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI8
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU128
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU16
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU32
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU64
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU8
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::NativeVersion
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::RuntimeVersion
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::construct_runtime
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::create_runtime_str
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::derive_impl
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::frame_support
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ord_parameter_types
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::parameter_types
      pub use frame::runtime::prelude::runtime_version
      pub mod frame::runtime::testing_prelude
      pub use frame::runtime::testing_prelude::BuildStorage
      pub use frame::runtime::testing_prelude::Storage
      pub mod frame::runtime::types_common
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::AccountId = <<frame::runtime::types_common::Signature as sp_runtime::traits::Verify>::Signer as sp_runtime::traits::IdentifyAccount>::AccountId
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber = u32
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::BlockOf<T, Extra> = sp_runtime::generic::block::Block<sp_runtime::generic::header::Header<frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber, sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256>, sp_runtime::generic::unchecked_extrinsic::UncheckedExtrinsic<sp_runtime::multiaddress::MultiAddress<frame::runtime::types_common::AccountId, ()>, <T as frame_system::pallet::Config>::RuntimeCall, frame::runtime::types_common::Signature, Extra>>
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::OpaqueBlock = sp_runtime::generic::block::Block<sp_runtime::generic::header::Header<frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber, sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256>, sp_runtime::OpaqueExtrinsic>
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::Signature = sp_runtime::MultiSignature
      pub type frame::runtime::types_common::SystemSignedExtensionsOf<T> = (frame_system::extensions::check_non_zero_sender::CheckNonZeroSender<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_spec_version::CheckSpecVersion<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_tx_version::CheckTxVersion<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_genesis::CheckGenesis<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_mortality::CheckMortality<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_nonce::CheckNonce<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_weight::CheckWeight<T>)
      pub mod frame::testing_prelude
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::<<frame_executive::*>>
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::<<frame_system::mocking::*>>
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::BuildStorage
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstBool
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI128
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI16
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI32
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI64
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI8
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU128
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU16
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU32
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU64
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU8
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::NativeVersion
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::RuntimeVersion
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::Storage
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::TestState
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_err
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_err_ignore_postinfo
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_error_encoded_size
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_noop
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_ok
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_storage_noop
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::construct_runtime
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::create_runtime_str
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::derive_impl
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::frame_support
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::frame_system
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::if_std
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::ord_parameter_types
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::parameter_types
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::runtime_version
      pub use frame::testing_prelude::storage_alias
      pub mod frame::traits
      pub use frame::traits::<<frame_support::traits::*>>
      pub use frame::traits::<<sp_runtime::traits::*>>
      The road to full stabilization is
      - [ ] https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/127
      - [ ] have a more intentional version bump, as opposed to the current bi
      weekly force-major-bump
      - [ ] revise the internal API of `frame`, especially what goes into the
      - [ ] migrate all internal pallets and runtime to use `frame`
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
    • Sam Johnson's avatar
      upgrade docify to 0.2.5 (#2052) · 6ca5789d
      Sam Johnson authored
      Updates `docify` to 0.2.5, which fixes some indentation bugs and adds
      the new `#[docify::export_content]` attribute which can be used like
      regular `#[docify::export]` but will only export the _underlying
      contents_ of the item it is attached to, if applicable (otherwise it
      just behaves exactly like `#[docify::export]`).
      Release notes here:
      cc @Kianenigma
  6. Oct 26, 2023
    • yjh's avatar
      add `authorities_len` for aura (#2040) · 86228fa4
      yjh authored
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      sp-version: Improve the docs (#2027) · 42707bc9
      Bastian Köcher authored
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <[email protected]>
    • Alin Dima's avatar
      cumulus: fix test runtimes panic (#2039) · 1b08bdd2
      Alin Dima authored
      the min slot duration should be 0 only if the `experimental` feature is
      enabled. otherwise, the runtime will panic on a division by 0.
    • Dastan's avatar
      Expose collection attributes from `Inspect` trait (#1914) · 0bcebac4
      Dastan authored
      # Description
      - What does this PR do?
      While working with `pallet_nfts` through `nonfungibles_v2` traits
      `Inspect, Mutate`, I found out that once you have set the collection
      attribute with `<Nfts as Mutate>::set_collection_attribute()`, it's not
      possible to read it with `<Nfts as Inspect>::collection_attribute()`
      since they use different `namespace` values. When setting the attribute,
      `AttributeNamespace::Pallet` is used, while
      `AttributeNamespace::CollectionOwner` is used when reading.
      more context:
      This PR makes `item` an optional parameter in
      `Inspect::system_attribute()`, to be able to read collection attributes.
      - Why are these changes needed?
      To be able to read collection level attributes when reading attributes
      of the collection. It will be possible to read collection attributes by
      passing `None` for `item`
      - How were these changes implemented and what do they affect?
      `NftsApi` is also affected and `NftsApi::system_attribute()` now accepts
      optional `item` parameter.
      ## Breaking change
      Because of the change in the `NftsApi::system_attribute()` method's
      `item` param, parachains who integrated the `NftsApi` need to update
      their API code and frontend integrations accordingly. AssetHubs are
      unaffected since the NftsApi wasn't released on those parachains yet.
  7. Oct 25, 2023
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
    • Xiliang Chen's avatar
      publish pallet-root-testing (#2017) · b7a8532d
      Xiliang Chen authored
      so we can use it in our tests
    • PG Herveou's avatar
      Contracts: Add benchmarks to include files (#2022) · 3148063a
      PG Herveou authored
      Project that includes pallet-contracts via crates.io will fail to run 
      cargo check --features=runtime-benchmarks
      without the currently not included benchmarks files
    • Liam Aharon's avatar
      Small optimisation to `--profile dev` wasm builds (#1851) · ff3a3bca
      Liam Aharon authored
      `wasm-builder` was adjusted to default to building wasm blobs in
      `release` mode even when cargo is in `debug` because `debug` wasm is too
      A side effect of this was `.compact` and `.compact.compressed` getting
      built when the dev is running build in `debug`, adding ~5s to the build
      time of every wasm runtime.
      I think it's reasonable to assume if the dev is running `debug` build
      they want to optimise speed and do not care about the size of the wasm
      binary. Compacting a blob has negligible impact on its actual
      In this PR, I adjusted the behavior of the wasm builder so it does not
      produce `.compact` or `.compact.compressed` wasm when the user is
      running in `debug`. The builder will continue to produce the bloaty wasm
      in release mode unless it is overriden with an env var.
      As suggested by @koute in review, also refactored the
      `maybe_compact_wasm_and_copy_blobs` into multiple funuctions, and
      renamed things to better support RISC-V in the future.
      There is no `T-runtime` label so @KiChjang
       told me to put `T1-FRAME` :)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <[email protected]>
  8. Oct 24, 2023
  9. Oct 23, 2023
  10. Oct 22, 2023
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      sc-executor: Increase maximum instance count (#1856) · e2b21d00
      Bastian Köcher authored
      Changes the maximum instances count for `wasmtime` to `64`. It also
      allows to only pass in maximum `32` for `--max-runtime-instances` as
      `256` was way too big. With `64` instances in total and `32` that can be
      configured in maximum, there should be enough space to accommodate for
      extra instances that are may required to be allocated adhoc.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <[email protected]>
  11. Oct 20, 2023