1. Apr 09, 2024
  2. Apr 04, 2024
  3. Mar 19, 2024
    • Juan Ignacio Rios's avatar
      Add HRMP notification handlers to the xcm-executor (#3696) · 8b3bf39a
      Juan Ignacio Rios authored
      Currently the xcm-executor returns an `Unimplemented` error if it
      receives any HRMP-related instruction.
      What I propose here, which is what we are currently doing in our forked
      executor at polimec, is to introduce a trait implemented by the executor
      which will handle those instructions.
      This way, if parachains want to keep the default behavior, they just use
      `()` and it will return unimplemented, but they can also implement their
      own logic to establish HRMP channels with other chains in an automated
      fashion, without requiring to go through governance.
      Our implementation is mentioned in the [polkadot HRMP
      ), and it was suggested to us to
      submit a PR to add these changes to polkadot-sdk.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  4. Mar 08, 2024
  5. Feb 16, 2024
  6. Feb 13, 2024
  7. Jan 24, 2024
  8. Jan 18, 2024
  9. Jan 16, 2024
    • Francisco Aguirre's avatar
      XCMv4 (#1230) · 8428f678
      Francisco Aguirre authored
      # Note for reviewer
      Most changes are just syntax changes necessary for the new version.
      Most important files should be the ones under the `xcm` folder.
      # Description 
      Added XCMv4.
      ## Removed `Multi` prefix
      The following types have been renamed:
      - MultiLocation -> Location
      - MultiAsset -> Asset
      - MultiAssets -> Assets
      - InteriorMultiLocation -> InteriorLocation
      - MultiAssetFilter -> AssetFilter
      - VersionedMultiAsset -> VersionedAsset
      - WildMultiAsset -> WildAsset
      - VersionedMultiLocation -> VersionedLocation
      In order to fix a name conflict, the `Assets` in `xcm-executor` were
      renamed to `HoldingAssets`, as they represent assets in holding.
      ## Removed `Abstract` asset id
      It was not being used anywhere and this simplifies the code.
      Now assets are just constructed as follows:
      let asset: Asset = (AssetId(Location::new(1, Here)), 100u128).into();
      No need for specifying `Concrete` anymore.
      ## Outcome is now a named fields struct
      Instead of
      pub enum Outcome {
        Incomplete(Weight, Error),
      we now have
      pub enum Outcome {
        Complete { used: Weight },
        Incomplete { used: Weight, error: Error },
        Error { error: Error },
      ## Added Reanchorable trait
      Now both locations and assets implement this trait, making it easier to
      reanchor both.
      ## New syntax for building locations and junctions
      Now junctions are built using the following methods:
      let location = Location {
          parents: 1,
          interior: [Parachain(1000), PalletInstance(50), GeneralIndex(1984)].into()
      let location = Location::new(1, [Parachain(1000), PalletInstance(50), GeneralIndex(1984)]);
      And they are matched like so:
      match location.unpack() {
        (1, [Parachain(id)]) => ...
        (0, Here) => ...,
        (1, [_]) => ...,
      This syntax is mandatory in v4, and has been also implemented for v2 and
      v3 for easier migration.
      This was needed to make all sizes smaller.
      # TODO
      - [x] Scaffold v4
      - [x] Port github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/7236
      - [x] Remove `Multi` prefix
      - [x] Remove `Abstract` asset id
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
  10. Dec 22, 2023
  11. Dec 19, 2023
  12. Dec 15, 2023
  13. Dec 14, 2023
    • Francisco Aguirre's avatar
      Add FungibleAdapter (#2684) · 10a91f82
      Francisco Aguirre authored
      In the move from the old `Currency` traits to the new `fungible/s`
      family of traits, we already had the `FungiblesAdapter` and
      `NonFungiblesAdapter` for multiple fungible and non fungible assets
      respectively. However, for handling only one fungible asset, we were
      missing a `FungibleAdapter`, and so used the old `CurrencyAdapter`
      instead. This PR aims to fill in that gap, and provide the new adapter
      for more updated examples.
      I marked the old `CurrencyAdapter` as deprecated as part of this PR, and
      I'll change it to the new `FungibleAdapter` in a following PR.
      The two stages are separated so as to not bloat this PR with some name
      fixes in tests.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  14. Dec 12, 2023
  15. Dec 06, 2023
  16. Nov 17, 2023
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
      Relax `force_default_xcm_version` for testnet system parachains (#2385) · 0385902c
      Branislav Kontur authored
      This PR fixes two things:
      - relax `force_default_xcm_version` for testnet system parachains (e.g.
      BridgeHubWestend has now 2 and there is no way to change it to 3, so we
      need to call `force_xcm_version(3)` for every parachain that it is
      connected to, because we send XCMv3 messages)
      - add `Storage` item to `PolkadotXcm` pallet definition (now we cannot
      see storage items for `pallet_xcm` in PJS)
      ## TODO
      - [ ] when merged open PR to `polkadot-fellows/runtimes` repo
  17. Nov 13, 2023
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      pallet-xcm: enhance `reserve_transfer_assets` to support remote reserves (#1672) · 18257373
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      ## Motivation
      `pallet-xcm` is the main user-facing interface for XCM functionality,
      including assets manipulation functions like `teleportAssets()` and
      `reserve_transfer_assets()` calls.
      While `teleportAsset()` works both ways, `reserve_transfer_assets()`
      works only for sending reserve-based assets to a remote destination and
      beneficiary when the reserve is the _local chain_.
      ## Solution
      This PR enhances `pallet_xcm::(limited_)reserve_withdraw_assets` to
      support transfers when reserves are other chains.
      This will allow complete, **bi-directional** reserve-based asset
      transfers user stories using `pallet-xcm`.
      Enables following scenarios:
      - transferring assets with local reserve (was previously supported iff
      asset used as fee also had local reserve - now it works in all cases),
      - transferring assets with reserve on destination,
      - transferring assets with reserve on remote/third-party chain (iff
      assets and fees have same remote reserve),
      - transferring assets with reserve different than the reserve of the
      asset to be used as fees - meaning can be used to transfer random asset
      with local/dest reserve while using DOT for fees on all involved chains,
      even if DOT local/dest reserve doesn't match asset reserve,
      - transferring assets with any type of local/dest reserve while using
      fees which can be teleported between involved chains.
      All of the above is done by pallet inner logic without the user having
      to specify which scenario/reserves/teleports/etc. The correct scenario
      and corresponding XCM programs are identified, and respectively, built
      automatically based on runtime configuration of trusted teleporters and
      trusted reserves.
      #### Current limitations:
      - while `fees` and "non-fee" `assets` CAN have different reserves (or
      fees CAN be teleported), the remaining "non-fee" `assets` CANNOT, among
      themselves, have different reserve locations (this is also implicitly
      enforced by `MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER=2`, but this can be safely
      increased in the future).
      - `fees` and "non-fee" `assets` CANNOT have **different remote**
      reserves (this could also be supported in the future, but adds even more
      complexity while possibly not being worth it - we'll see what the future
      Fixes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/1584
      Fixes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/2055
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
  18. Nov 02, 2023
    • Oliver Tale-Yazdi's avatar
      Use `Message Queue` as DMP and XCMP dispatch queue (#1246) · e1c033eb
      Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
      (imported from https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/pull/2157)
      ## Changes
      This MR refactores the XCMP, Parachains System and DMP pallets to use
      the [MessageQueue](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/12485)
      for delayed execution of incoming messages. The DMP pallet is entirely
      replaced by the MQ and thereby removed. This allows for PoV-bounded
      execution and resolves a number of issues that stem from the current
      All System Parachains adopt this change.  
      The most important changes are in `primitives/core/src/lib.rs`,
      `pallets/parachain-system/src/lib.rs`, `pallets/xcmp-queue/src/lib.rs`
      and the runtime configs.
      ### DMP Queue Pallet
      The pallet got removed and its logic refactored into parachain-system.
      Overweight message management can be done directly through the MQ
      Final undeployment migrations are provided by
      `cumulus_pallet_dmp_queue::UndeployDmpQueue` and `DeleteDmpQueue` that
      can be configured with an aux config trait like:
      parameter_types! {
      	pub const DmpQueuePalletName: &'static str = \"DmpQueue\" < CHANGE ME;
      	pub const RelayOrigin: AggregateMessageOrigin = AggregateMessageOrigin::Parent;
      impl cumulus_pallet_dmp_queue::MigrationConfig for Runtime {
      	type PalletName = DmpQueuePalletName;
      	type DmpHandler = frame_support::traits::EnqueueWithOrigin<MessageQueue, RelayOrigin>;
      	type DbWeight = <Runtime as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight;
      // And adding them to your Migrations tuple:
      pub type Migrations = (
      ### XCMP Queue pallet
      Removed all dispatch queue functionality. Incoming XCMP messages are now
      either: Immediately handled if they are Signals, enqueued into the MQ
      pallet otherwise.
      New config items for the XCMP queue pallet:
      /// The actual queue implementation that retains the messages for later processing.
      type XcmpQueue: EnqueueMessage<ParaId>;
      /// How a XCM over HRMP from a sibling parachain should be processed.
      type XcmpProcessor: ProcessMessage<Origin = ParaId>;
      /// The maximal number of suspended XCMP channels at the same time.
      type MaxInboundSuspended: Get<u32>;
      How to configure those:
      // Use the MessageQueue pallet to store messages for later processing. The `TransformOrigin` is needed since
      // the MQ pallet itself operators on `AggregateMessageOrigin` but we want to enqueue `ParaId`s.
      type XcmpQueue = TransformOrigin<MessageQueue, AggregateMessageOrigin, ParaId, ParaIdToSibling>;
      // Process XCMP messages from siblings. This is type-safe to only accept `ParaId`s. They will be dispatched
      // with origin `Junction::Sibling(…)`.
      type XcmpProcessor = ProcessFromSibling<
      // Not really important what to choose here. Just something larger than the maximal number of channels.
      type MaxInboundSuspended = sp_core::ConstU32<1_000>;
      The `InboundXcmpStatus` storage item was replaced by
      `InboundXcmpSuspended` since it now only tracks inbound queue suspension
      and no message indices anymore.
      Now only sends the most recent channel `Signals`, as all prio ones are
      out-dated anyway.
      ### Parachain System pallet
      For `DMP` messages instead of forwarding them to the `DMP` pallet, it
      now pushes them to the configured `DmpQueue`. The message processing
      which was triggered in `set_validation_data` is now being done by the MQ
      pallet `on_initialize`.
      XCMP messages are still handed off to the `XcmpMessageHandler`
      (XCMP-Queue pallet) - no change here.
      New config items for the parachain system pallet:
      /// Queues inbound downward messages for delayed processing. 
      /// Analogous to the `XcmpQueue` of the XCMP queue pallet.
      type DmpQueue: EnqueueMessage<AggregateMessageOrigin>;
      How to configure:
      /// Use the MQ pallet to store DMP messages for delayed processing.
      type DmpQueue = MessageQueue;
      ## Message Flow
      The flow of messages on the parachain side. Messages come in from the
      left via the `Validation Data` and finally end up at the `Xcm Executor`
      on the right.
      ## Further changes
      - Bumped the default suspension, drop and resume thresholds in
      - `XcmpQueue::{suspend_xcm_execution, resume_xcm_execution}` errors when
      they would be a noop.
      - Properly validate the `QueueConfigData` before setting it.
      - Marked weight files as auto-generated so they wont auto-expand in the
      MR files view.
      - Move the `hypothetical` asserts to `frame_support` under the name
      - [ ] What about the ugly `#[cfg(feature = \"runtime-benchmarks\")]` in
      the runtimes? Not sure how to best fix. Just having them like this makes
      tests fail that rely on the real message processor when the feature is
      - [ ] Need a good weight for `MessageQueueServiceWeight`. The scheduler
      already takes 80% so I put it to 10% but that is quite low.
      - [x] Remove c&p code after
      - [x] Use `HandleMessage` once it is public in Substrate
      - [x] fix `runtime-benchmarks` feature
      - [x] Benchmarks
      - [x] Tests
      - [ ] Migrate `InboundXcmpStatus` to `InboundXcmpSuspended`
      - [x] Possibly cleanup Migrations (DMP+XCMP)
      - [x] optional: create `TransformProcessMessageOrigin` in Substrate and
      replace `ProcessFromSibling`
      - [ ] Rerun weights on ref HW
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  19. Nov 01, 2023
  20. Oct 18, 2023
    • Keith Yeung's avatar
      Introduce XcmFeesToAccount fee manager (#1234) · 3dece311
      Keith Yeung authored
      Combination of paritytech/polkadot#7005, its addon PR
      paritytech/polkadot#7585 and its companion paritytech/cumulus#2433.
      This PR introduces a new XcmFeesToAccount struct which implements the
      `FeeManager` trait, and assigns this struct as the `FeeManager` in the
      XCM config for all runtimes.
      The struct simply deposits all fees handled by the XCM executor to a
      specified account. In all runtimes, the specified account is configured
      as the treasury account.
      XCM __delivery__ fees are now being introduced (unless the root origin
      is sending a message to a system parachain on behalf of the originating
      # Note for reviewers
      Most file changes are tests that had to be modified to account for the
      new fees.
      Main changes are in:
      - cumulus/pallets/xcmp-queue/src/lib.rs <- To make it track the delivery
      fees exponential factor
      - polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/fee_handling.rs <- Added. Has the
      FeeManager implementation
      - All runtime xcm_config files <- To add the FeeManager to the XCM
      # Important note
      After this change, instructions that create and send a new XCM (Query*,
      Report*, ExportMessage, InitiateReserveWithdraw, InitiateTeleport,
      DepositReserveAsset, TransferReserveAsset, LockAsset and RequestUnlock)
      will require the corresponding origin account in the origin register to
      pay for transport delivery fees, and the onward message will fail to be
      sent if the origin account does not have the required amount. This
      delivery fee is on top of what we already collect as tx fees in
      pallet-xcm and XCM BuyExecution fees!
      Wallet UIs that want to expose the new delivery fee can do so using the
      delivery_fee_factor * (base_fee + encoded_msg_len * per_byte_fee)
      where the delivery fee factor can be obtained from the corresponding
      pallet based on which transport you are using (UMP, HRMP or bridges),
      the base fee is a constant, the encoded message length from the message
      itself and the per byte fee is the same as the configured per byte fee
      for txs (i.e. `TransactionByteFee`).
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGiles Cope <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      cumulus: add asset-hub-rococo runtime based on asset-hub-kusama and add... · 8b3905d2
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      cumulus: add asset-hub-rococo runtime based on asset-hub-kusama and add asset-bridging support to it (#1215)
      This commit adds Rococo Asset Hub dedicated runtime so we can test new
      features here, before merging them in Kusama Asset Hub.
      Also adds one such feature: asset transfer over bridge (Rococo AssetHub
      <> Wococo AssetHub)
      - clone `asset-hub-kusama-runtime` -> `asset-hub-rococo-runtime`
      - make it use Rococo primitives, names, assets, constants, etc
      - add asset-transfer-over-bridge support to Rococo AssetHub <> Wococo
      Fixes #1128
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
  21. Oct 16, 2023
  22. Aug 31, 2023
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Rename `polkadot-parachain` to `polkadot-parachain-primitives` (#1334) · a33d7922
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Rename `polkadot-parachain` to `polkadot-parachain-primitives`
      While doing this it also fixes some last `rustdoc` issues and fixes
      another Cargo warning related to `pallet-paged-list`.
      * Fix compilation
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/fmt.sh"
      * Fix XCM docs
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  23. Aug 30, 2023
  24. Aug 16, 2023
  25. Aug 14, 2023
  26. Aug 10, 2023
  27. Jun 05, 2023
    • Just van Stam's avatar
      companion for xcm alias origin (#2680) · 119604ed
      Just van Stam authored
      * companion for xcm alias origin
      * update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}
      * add benchmark function for runtimes
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
  28. May 29, 2023
  29. May 25, 2023
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Companion for polkadot#7234 (XCM: Tools for uniquely referencing messages) (#2601) · ec21c0a2
      Gavin Wood authored
      * Fixes for new API
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Further fixes
      * XCMP dispatch events mention message ID
      * XCMP event includes ID
      * Add DMP message ID functionality
      * Integrate into test parachains
      * Remove WithUniqueTopic usage
      * Use new primitive
      * Formatting
      * undiener
      * Revert lock
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * message_hash becomes message_id
      * Rename
      * Another Rename
      * Fixes
      * Fix
      * Bump
      * Fixes
      * Grumble.
  30. May 08, 2023
  31. May 06, 2023
  32. May 05, 2023
  33. Apr 24, 2023
  34. Mar 23, 2023
    • joe petrowski's avatar
      Add Support for Foreign Assets (#2133) · af46f4b4
      joe petrowski authored
      * add foreign assets to westmint
      * add foreign assets to statemine
      * use updated api for ensure origin trait
      * Assets/ForeignAssets tests and fixes (#2167)
      * Test for create and transfer `TrustBackedAssets` with AssetTransactor
      * Test for transfer `local Currency` with AssetTransactor
      * Test for create foreign assets (covers foreign relaychain currency)
      * Added `ForeignFungiblesTransactor` and test for transfer `ForeignAssets` with AssetTransactor
      * Removed unused `pub const Local: MultiLocation`
      * Changed `ParaId -> Sibling` for `SiblingParachainConvertsVia`
      * Test for create foreign assets (covers local sibling parachain assets)
      * Reverted stuff for ForeignCreators from different global consensus (moved to transfer asset branch)
      * Refactor `weight_limit` for `execute_xcm`
      * Added test for `set_metadata` by ForeignCreator with `xcm::Transact(set_metadata)`
      * Renamed `receive_teleported_asset_works` -> `receive_teleported_asset_for_native_asset_works`
      * Allow `ForeignCreators` only for sibling parachains
      * Unify ReservedDmpWeight/ReservedXcmpWeight usage
      * Removed hack - replaced with `MatchedConvertedConcreteId`
      * Refactor `ForeignCreators` to assets-common
      * Add `ReceiveTeleportedAsset` test
      * Change test - `Utility::batch` -> Multiple `xcm::Transact`
      * Reusing the same deposits as for TrustBackedAssets
      * missing `try_successful_origin` ?
      * Finished `ForeignAssets` for westmint (converter, FungiblesApi, tests)
      * Refactoring tests - receive_teleported_asset_for_native_asset_works
      * ForeignAssets for statemine + refactored `receive_teleported_asset_from_foreign_creator_works`
      * Add `ForeignAssets` to statemine `FungiblesApi`
      * Add `asset_transactor_transfer_with_local_consensus_currency_works` to all runtimes
      * Added `asset_transactor_transfer_with_trust_backed_assets_works` test
      * Added `asset_transactor_transfer_with_foreign_assets_works`
      * Fix `missing `try_successful_origin` in implementation`
      * Added `create_and_manage_foreign_assets_for_local_consensus_parachain_assets_works`
      * Added `ExpectTransactStatus` check
      * Small rename
      * Extended `test_assets_balances_api_works` with ForeignAssets for `statemine`
      * PR fixes
      * Update parachains/runtimes/assets/test-utils/src/test_cases.rs
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Added `StartsWithExplicitGlobalConsensus` to ignores (#2338)
      * Update parachains/runtimes/assets/common/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
      * include mint and burn in SafeCallFilter
      * include mint and burn in SafeCallFilter (statemine)
      * clarify doc
      * Fix compilation (moved trait `InspectMetadata`)
      * Fix test
      * Extended test for `teleport` from/to relaychain + `CheckingAccount` (Part I)
      * Extended test for `teleport` from/to foreign parachain + `CheckingAccount` (Part II)
      * Fixed TODO - `NonLocal` for `ForeignAssets`
      * Changed `NonLocal` to `NoChecking`
      * Fix weight in test
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarmuharem <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
    • Just van Stam's avatar
      Companion for polkadot#6928 (#2356) · 490593bf
      Just van Stam authored
      * add AdminOrigin to all xcm-configs in cumulus
      * cargo fmt
      * Update Substrate & Polkadot
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  35. Mar 21, 2023
    • Muharem Ismailov's avatar
      Introduce Fellowship into Collectives (#2186) · ef0d3fe7
      Muharem Ismailov authored
      * Fellowship into Collectives
      * cargo.lock
      * tracks alias
      * allow to send Fellows origin over XCM
      * update todos, remove duplication of type
      * use Collectives location for Fellows body
      * alias for ranks constants
      * benchmarks
      * proxy for Fellowship
      * docs
      * correct copyright date
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * rustfmt
      * remove council, update origins
      * renames
      * remove tech committee from promote origin
      * renames
      * doc nits
      * weights with new api
      * sane weights for pallet_scheduler
      * XCM tweaks for OpenGov (#2305)
      * updated xcm configs for collectives and statemint
      * remove xcm send from safe filter
      * remove prod_or_fast
      * remove empty line
      * drop redundant aggregation
      * remove match arm duplication
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
  36. Mar 14, 2023
  37. Feb 02, 2023
    • Branislav Kontur's avatar
      Added new empty shell runtime for `BridgeHubPolkadot` (without bridging stuff)... · a7bde3b9
      Branislav Kontur authored
      Added new empty shell runtime for `BridgeHubPolkadot` (without bridging stuff) for onboarding parachain on Polkadot (#2137)
      * Added new empty shell runtime for `BridgeHubPolkadot` (without bridging stuff) for onboarding parachain on Polkadot
      * Fix benchmarks/try-runtime
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs frame_system
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_balances
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_multisig
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_xcm
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_session
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_utility
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_timestamp
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_collator_selection
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" pallet bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs cumulus_pallet_xcmp_queue
      * PR fixes
      * Rebase fix
      * Fix new runtime api
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm bridge-hub-polkadot bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      * Updated aura/bootNodes in `create_bridge_hub_polkadot_spec.sh`
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>