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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 29, 2020
  2. Apr 13, 2020
  3. Apr 03, 2020
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Split the Roles in three types (#5520) · 8c03a4fc
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Split the Roles bitfield in three
      * Forgot to include some changes
      * Fix cli test
      * More test fixes
      * Oh God, merging master broke other tests
      * Didn't run the doctests
      * Address review
      * I'm trying to fix the build blindly because it's taking a good hour to compile on my machine
      * Address some review
      * Also update the peerset's API to make sense
      * Fix peerset tests
      * Fix browser node
      * client: distinguish between local and network authority
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <>
  4. Apr 02, 2020
  5. Mar 27, 2020
  6. Mar 26, 2020
  7. Mar 19, 2020
  8. Mar 12, 2020
  9. Mar 05, 2020
  10. Mar 02, 2020
  11. Feb 25, 2020
  12. Feb 19, 2020
  13. Feb 18, 2020
  14. Feb 17, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Fix various spelling errors (#4940) · c7a14db7
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * meaningfull -> meaningful
      * initialise -> initialize
      * tokans -> tokens
      * incentivise -> incentivize
      * lenght -> length
      * incentivisation -> incentivization
      * doesnt't -> doesn't
      * overwriten -> overwritten
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * usefull -> useful
      * noone -> no one
      * spaming -> spamming
      * defered -> deferred
      * hieght -> height
      * sumation -> summation
      * ingore -> ignore
      * registed -> registered
      * Auxialary -> Auxiliary
      * loggin -> logging
      * independance -> independence
      * trailling -> trailing
      * responsability -> responsibility
      * trunkated -> truncated
      * Weither -> Whether
      * informations -> information
      * Runtume -> Runtime
      * choosen -> chosen
      * delcataion -> declaration
      * Unchekced -> Unchecked
      * defintion -> definition
      * scrach -> scratch
      * imput -> input
      * transfered -> transferred
      * endownment -> endowment
      * Determinator -> Determiner
      * relevent -> relevant
      * emited -> emitted
      * acocunt -> account
      * proprotional -> proportional
      * instantiaion -> instantiation
      * commited -> committed
      * tombstonedead -> tombstone
      * uwnrap -> unwrap
      * acount -> account
      * specialised -> specialized
      * existant -> existent
      * requried -> required
      * Anull -> Annul
      * underyling -> underlying
      * recognisable -> recognizable
      * Capitalise -> Capitalize
      * reportfor -> report for
      * hearbeat -> heartbeat
      * onlineness -> being online
      * creater -> creator
      * Bytearray -> Byte array
      * Despoit -> Deposit
      * substratced -> subtracted
      * Curent -> Current
      * imbalanes -> imbalances
      * countfown -> countdown
      * inexisting -> inexistent
      * additionaly -> additionally
      * substracted -> subtracted
      * auxilary -> auxiliary
      * parital -> partial
      * in't -> isn't
      * compatability -> compatibility
      * infomation -> information
      * etected -> detected
      * extrinsiscs -> extrinsics
      * reprensentation -> representation
      * coonfiguration -> configuration
      * primtives -> primitives
      * miscelanious -> miscellaneous
      * endcoded -> encoded
      * Genrates -> Generates
      * miliseconds -> milliseconds
      * occured -> occurred
      * trully -> truely
      * truely -> truly
      * conjuction -> conjunction
      * encouters -> encounters
      * customised -> customized
      * deterministicly -> deterministically
      * finalisation -> finalization
      * pluggable -> plugable
      * wakeup -> wake-up
      * interemdiate -> intermediate
      * intepreting -> interpreting
      * finalzied -> finalized
      * throgh -> through
      * extinsic -> extrinsic
      * convient -> convenient
      * allocater -> allocator
      * propagateable -> propagatable
      * succesfuly -> successfully
      * finalising -> finalizing
      * publically -> publicly
      * phrasee -> phrase
      * substration -> substractions
      * substractions -> subtractions
      * neccessarily -> necessarily
      * Inlucde -> Include
      * unefficient -> inefficient
      * thay -> they
      * funtion -> function
      * datastructures -> data structures
      * infromation -> information
      * propagatable -> propagable
      * ecountered -> encountered
      * recognise -> recognize
      * intergration -> integration
      * lastet -> latest
      * datatypes -> data types
      * datatype -> data type
      * Strongarming -> Strong Arming
      * avaible -> available
      * Commiting -> Committing
      * Retreiving -> Retrieving
      * shoud -> should
      * canonicaliziation -> canonicalization
      * comitted -> committed
      * clonable -> cloneable
      * Uknown -> Unknown
      * reponse -> response
      * arbitary -> arbitrary
      * Capapbilities -> Capabilities
      * responsbile -> responsible
      * initialisation -> initialization
      * cames -> came
      * intemediate -> intermediate
      * reqeust -> request
      * intance -> instance
      * explcitly -> explicitly
      * neighor -> neighbor
      * reolving -> resolving
      * untill -> until
      * Validte -> Validate
      * deserailize -> deserialize
      * literaly -> literally
      * preceeding -> preceding
      * abpve -> above
      * chcecked -> checked
      * numbet -> number
      * Unknow -> Unknown
      * halfs -> halves
      * gossup -> gossip
      * givent -> given
      * immediatelly -> immediately
      * slicable -> sliceable
      * conensus -> consensus
      * Mimicks -> Mimics
      * acccept -> accept
      * serialise -> serialize
      * exstrinsics -> extrinsics
      * panicks -> panics
      * maintaince -> maintenance
      * repeatidely -> repeatedly
      * anecstor -> ancestor
      * becasue -> because
      * processer -> processor
      * Prunning -> Pruning
      * insterested -> interested
      * unuseful -> not useful
      * yeided -> yielded
      * descendfing -> descending
      * corresponts -> corresponds
      * survivew -> survive
      * keps -> keeps
      * ligh -> light
      * prerequisities -> prerequisites
      * positiion -> position
      * depedency -> dependency
      * extrinisic -> extrinsic
      * atomicaly -> atomically
      * staticly -> statically
      * resul -> result
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      * Utilites -> Utilities
      * ammount -> amount
      * pocess -> process
      * exteral -> external
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/
      * Update primitives/io/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update primitives/blockchain/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update frame/support/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update bin/node/cli/tests/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/cli/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/executor/common/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/communication/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/state-db/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update frame/contracts/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      * bump impl
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
  15. Jan 15, 2020
  16. Jan 09, 2020
  17. Jan 07, 2020
  18. Jan 05, 2020
  19. Jan 02, 2020
  20. Dec 16, 2019
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      [big refactor] Remove crate aliasing. (#4395) · 8778ca7d
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Rename: Phase 1.
      * Unify codec.
      * Fixing: Phase 2
      * Fixing: Phase 3.
      * Fixing: Phase 4.
      * Fixing: Phase 5.
      * Fixing: Phase 6.
      * Fixing: Phase 7.
      * Fixing: Phase 8. Tests
      * Fixing: Phase 9. Tests!!!
      * Fixing: Phase 10. Moar tests!
      * Finally done!
      * More fixes.
      * Rename primitives:: to sp_core::
      * Apply renames in finality-grandpa.
      * Fix benches.
      * Fix benches 2.
      * Revert node-template.
      * Fix frame-system in our modules.
  21. Dec 03, 2019
  22. Dec 02, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      The crate rename (#4223) · 927e13c1
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding script for rename, could be applicable for nodes on top of it, too
      * add stderr and gitlab ci features
      * apply script
      * fix now minor details in expected stderr
      * Update the Cargo.lock
      * fix name: sc-transaction -> sc-tracing
      * fix rename in script, too
  23. Nov 28, 2019
  24. Nov 26, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Remove all (non-dev) `client` references from `frame`, activate dependency enforcer (#4184) · bd652793
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Move transaction pool to primitives
      * move backend, errors into primitives
      * remove unused client depencies
      * Move rpc-api into primitives
      * Move peerset back to client
      * Move rpc/api back to client, move palette/support/rpc into utils
      * move support-rpc into subfolder
      * move system-rpc into utils
      * move transaction-pool  and -graph back into client
      * fix broken imports
      * Clean up test primitives
      * Make support test utils independent of frame
      * remove unnecessary node dependencies from service
      * Reactivate dependency script:
       - only enforce the now achieved status quo will remain
       - allow for primitives to depend on /client for now without failing
       - more discriptive error message so people understand, what it wants
       - minor fix to differentiative between ../client and /client (which may be a subfolder)
       - don't allow this to fail anylonger.
      * fix doc comment
      * 'Should not' rather than 'must not'.
      * Revert unwanted dependency changes
      * fix faulty import
      * fixup derive_more version
      * fix wrong import path
  25. Nov 14, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Reorganising the repository - external renames and moves (#4074) · 60e5011c
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding first rough ouline of the repository structure
      * Remove old CI stuff
      * add title
      * formatting fixes
      * move node-exits job's script to scripts dir
      * Move docs into subdir
      * move to bin
      * move maintainence scripts, configs and helpers into its own dir
      * add .local to ignore
      * move core->client
      * start up 'test' area
      * move test client
      * move test runtime
      * make test move compile
      * Add dependencies rule enforcement.
      * Fix indexing.
      * Update docs to reflect latest changes
      * Moving /srml->/paint
      * update docs
      * move client/sr-* -> primitives/
      * clean old readme
      * remove old broken code in rhd
      * update lock
      * Step 1.
      * starting to untangle client
      * Fix after merge.
      * start splitting out client interfaces
      * move children and blockchain interfaces
      * Move trie and state-machine to primitives.
      * Fix WASM builds.
      * fixing broken imports
      * more interface moves
      * move backend and light to interfaces
      * move CallExecutor
      * move cli off client
      * moving around more interfaces
      * re-add consensus crates into the mix
      * fix subkey path
      * relieve client from executor
      * starting to pull out client from grandpa
      * move is_decendent_of out of client
      * grandpa still depends on client directly
      * lemme tests pass
      * rename srml->paint
      * Make it compile.
      * rename interfaces->client-api
      * Move keyring to primitives.
      * fixup libp2p dep
      * fix broken use
      * allow dependency enforcement to fail
      * move fork-tree
      * Moving wasm-builder
      * make env
      * move build-script-utils
      * fixup broken crate depdencies and names
      * fix imports for authority discovery
      * fix typo
      * update cargo.lock
      * fixing imports
      * Fix paths and add missing crates
      * re-add missing crates
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
  26. Nov 12, 2019
  27. Nov 11, 2019
  28. Nov 10, 2019
  29. Nov 09, 2019
  30. Nov 08, 2019
  31. Nov 07, 2019
  32. Nov 05, 2019
  33. Oct 24, 2019
    • Max Inden's avatar
      core/finality-grandpa: Request block sync from network after import timeout (#3800) · 743a34bc
      Max Inden authored
      * core/finality-grandpa: Pass Grandpa msg sender up to UntilImported
      * core/finality-grandpa: Track senders to maybe later request blocks
      * core/finality-grandpa: Make BlockStatus pub only within crate
      * core/finality-grandpa: Abstract NetworkBridge with BlockSyncRequester
      * core/finality-grandpa: Pass BlockSyncRequester to UntilImported
      * core/finality-grandpa: Track block number of pending within UntilImported
      * core/finality-grandpa: Request block sync on long wait
      * core/finality-grandpa: Adjust unit tests to previous changes
      * core/finality-grandpa: Fix line length
      * core/finality-grandpa: Add comment explaining in & out vote combination
      * core/finality-grandpa: Log after, not before, timeout expired
      The UntilImported component should log whenever waiting for a specific
      block to be imported surpassed a defined constant timeout. Without this
      patch the code would log whenever the current time was below the
      * core/finality-grandpa: Collect senders as HashSet for deduplication
      * Revert "core/finality-grandpa: Track senders to maybe later request blocks"
      This reverts commit 61ac9dd715612d5fdbf7b8f00b84e450f282ade0.
      * Revert "core/finality-grandpa: Pass Grandpa msg sender up to UntilImported"
      This reverts commit afdc9646a6c314f99a9d19242f1878f85980e70d.
      * core/network/sync: Ask for block from all peers if none provided
      When requesting an explicit fork sync, try to sync from all known peers,
      when no specific peers were provided.
      * core/network/sync: Request specific fork sync from peers ahead or on par
      When making an explicit fork sync request without specifying any peers,
      make sure to only request it from the locally known peers that are
      either ahead or on a par compared to the block number we are looking
      * grandpa: fix tests
      * grandpa: fix warnings
      * grandpa: add test for block sync request on until_imported
      * grandpa: rename Environment field inner to client
      * grandpa: fix minor nits
      * grandpa: minor nits in until_imported
      * grandpa: copy docs for set_sync_fork_request
      * grandpa: remove stale TODO on UntilImported