1. Jan 12, 2024
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Run bridges zombienet tests on CI (#2439) · 5ed0a75f
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored
      Brridges zombienet tests are non-standard - zombienet currently missing
      multiple relay chains support (see e.g.
      https://github.com/paritytech/zombienet/pull/796), so we need to go live
      with two relay networks, their parachains + custom test runner (which
      e.g. doesn't shutdown net when its tests are finished and instead waits
      for both networks tests to complete). So we are stuck with native
      zombienet provider => this PR is an attempt to gather everything in a
      single docker container and run tests there ~Draft, because it is far
      from finishing - what I want now is to see how it works on CI~