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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 17, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Fix various spelling errors (#4940) · c7a14db7
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * meaningfull -> meaningful
      * initialise -> initialize
      * tokans -> tokens
      * incentivise -> incentivize
      * lenght -> length
      * incentivisation -> incentivization
      * doesnt't -> doesn't
      * overwriten -> overwritten
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * usefull -> useful
      * noone -> no one
      * spaming -> spamming
      * defered -> deferred
      * hieght -> height
      * sumation -> summation
      * ingore -> ignore
      * registed -> registered
      * Auxialary -> Auxiliary
      * loggin -> logging
      * independance -> independence
      * trailling -> trailing
      * responsability -> responsibility
      * trunkated -> truncated
      * Weither -> Whether
      * informations -> information
      * Runtume -> Runtime
      * choosen -> chosen
      * delcataion -> declaration
      * Unchekced -> Unchecked
      * defintion -> definition
      * scrach -> scratch
      * imput -> input
      * transfered -> transferred
      * endownment -> endowment
      * Determinator -> Determiner
      * relevent -> relevant
      * emited -> emitted
      * acocunt -> account
      * proprotional -> proportional
      * instantiaion -> instantiation
      * commited -> committed
      * tombstonedead -> tombstone
      * uwnrap -> unwrap
      * acount -> account
      * specialised -> specialized
      * existant -> existent
      * requried -> required
      * Anull -> Annul
      * underyling -> underlying
      * recognisable -> recognizable
      * Capitalise -> Capitalize
      * reportfor -> report for
      * hearbeat -> heartbeat
      * onlineness -> being online
      * creater -> creator
      * Bytearray -> Byte array
      * Despoit -> Deposit
      * substratced -> subtracted
      * Curent -> Current
      * imbalanes -> imbalances
      * countfown -> countdown
      * inexisting -> inexistent
      * additionaly -> additionally
      * substracted -> subtracted
      * auxilary -> auxiliary
      * parital -> partial
      * in't -> isn't
      * compatability -> compatibility
      * infomation -> information
      * etected -> detected
      * extrinsiscs -> extrinsics
      * reprensentation -> representation
      * coonfiguration -> configuration
      * primtives -> primitives
      * miscelanious -> miscellaneous
      * endcoded -> encoded
      * Genrates -> Generates
      * miliseconds -> milliseconds
      * occured -> occurred
      * trully -> truely
      * truely -> truly
      * conjuction -> conjunction
      * encouters -> encounters
      * customised -> customized
      * deterministicly -> deterministically
      * finalisation -> finalization
      * pluggable -> plugable
      * wakeup -> wake-up
      * interemdiate -> intermediate
      * intepreting -> interpreting
      * finalzied -> finalized
      * throgh -> through
      * extinsic -> extrinsic
      * convient -> convenient
      * allocater -> allocator
      * propagateable -> propagatable
      * succesfuly -> successfully
      * finalising -> finalizing
      * publically -> publicly
      * phrasee -> phrase
      * substration -> substractions
      * substractions -> subtractions
      * neccessarily -> necessarily
      * Inlucde -> Include
      * unefficient -> inefficient
      * thay -> they
      * funtion -> function
      * datastructures -> data structures
      * infromation -> information
      * propagatable -> propagable
      * ecountered -> encountered
      * recognise -> recognize
      * intergration -> integration
      * lastet -> latest
      * datatypes -> data types
      * datatype -> data type
      * Strongarming -> Strong Arming
      * avaible -> available
      * Commiting -> Committing
      * Retreiving -> Retrieving
      * shoud -> should
      * canonicaliziation -> canonicalization
      * comitted -> committed
      * clonable -> cloneable
      * Uknown -> Unknown
      * reponse -> response
      * arbitary -> arbitrary
      * Capapbilities -> Capabilities
      * responsbile -> responsible
      * initialisation -> initialization
      * cames -> came
      * intemediate -> intermediate
      * reqeust -> request
      * intance -> instance
      * explcitly -> explicitly
      * neighor -> neighbor
      * reolving -> resolving
      * untill -> until
      * Validte -> Validate
      * deserailize -> deserialize
      * literaly -> literally
      * preceeding -> preceding
      * abpve -> above
      * chcecked -> checked
      * numbet -> number
      * Unknow -> Unknown
      * halfs -> halves
      * gossup -> gossip
      * givent -> given
      * immediatelly -> immediately
      * slicable -> sliceable
      * conensus -> consensus
      * Mimicks -> Mimics
      * acccept -> accept
      * serialise -> serialize
      * exstrinsics -> extrinsics
      * panicks -> panics
      * maintaince -> maintenance
      * repeatidely -> repeatedly
      * anecstor -> ancestor
      * becasue -> because
      * processer -> processor
      * Prunning -> Pruning
      * insterested -> interested
      * unuseful -> not useful
      * yeided -> yielded
      * descendfing -> descending
      * corresponts -> corresponds
      * survivew -> survive
      * keps -> keeps
      * ligh -> light
      * prerequisities -> prerequisites
      * positiion -> position
      * depedency -> dependency
      * extrinisic -> extrinsic
      * atomicaly -> atomically
      * staticly -> statically
      * resul -> result
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      * Utilites -> Utilities
      * ammount -> amount
      * pocess -> process
      * exteral -> external
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/
      * Update primitives/io/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update primitives/blockchain/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update frame/support/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update bin/node/cli/tests/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/cli/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/executor/common/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/communication/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/state-db/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update frame/contracts/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
      * Update client/api/src/
      * bump impl
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <>
  2. Feb 10, 2020
  3. Feb 06, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Fix memory leak in runtime interface (#4837) · c7867e51
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Fix memory leak in runtime interface
      We used `slice::from_raw_parts` in runtime-interface which did not free
      the memory afterwards. This pr changes it to `Vec::from_raw_parts` to
      make sure `drop` is called properly and the values are freed.
      * Check that `len` is non-zero
      * Adds comment
  4. Jan 29, 2020
  5. Jan 28, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      WASM runtime switch to import memory (#4737) · 793a1eb0
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * WASM runtime switch to import memory
      Up to now runtimes have exported their memory. To unify it with
      sandboxing, this pr switches runtimes to import memory as well.
      From a functional perspective, exporting/importing memory makes no
      difference to the runtime.
      To provide backwards compatibility, WASM exported memory is still supported.
      * Revert debug stuff
      * Revert some stuff
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Support `u128`/`i128` in runtime interface (#4703) · 07d738ea
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Support `u128`/`i128` in runtime interface
      This implements support for `u128`/`i128` as parameters/return value in
      runtime interfaces. As we can not pass them as identity, as for the
      other primitives types, we pass them as an pointer to an `[u8; 16]` array.
      * Remove some unsafe code usage
  7. Jan 21, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Make debug builds more usable (#4683) · 85aa6322
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Make debug builds more usable
      This pr makes debug builds more usable in terms of `cargo run -- --dev`.
      1. `--dev` activates `--execution native`, iff `--execution` is not
      given or no sub `--execution-*` is given.
      2. It was probably a mistake to compile WASM in debug for a debug build.
      So, we now build the WASM binary always as `release` (if not requested
      differently by the user). So, we trade compilation time for a better
      debug experience.
      * Make sure we only overwrite default values
      * Make it work
      * Apply suggestion
  8. Jan 19, 2020
  9. Jan 18, 2020
  10. Jan 16, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Implement runtime version checks in `set_code` (#4548) · afc3318f
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Implement runtime version checks in `set_code`
      Check that the new runtime code given to `set_code` fullfills some
      - `spec_name` matches
      - `spec_version` does not decreases
      - `impl_version` does not decreases
      - Either `spec_version` and `impl_version` increase
      * Make tests almost work
      * Some fixes after master merge
      * Fix tests
      * Add missed file
      * Make depedency check happy?
      * Remove leftover `sc-executor`
      * AHHHHH
      * Reset debug stuff
      * Remove some 'static
      * More 'static
      * Some docs
      * Update `Cargo.lock`
  11. Jan 15, 2020
  12. Jan 10, 2020
  13. Jan 09, 2020
  14. Jan 05, 2020
  15. Dec 24, 2019
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Remove unnecessary unsafe. (#4494) · 1f07123c
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Extract execution engines definitions into their own crates (#4489) · 1782fbbb
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * Clean imports in wasmi_execution
      * Replace `interpret_runtime_api_result` with `pointer_and_len_from_u64`.
      * Extract sc-executor-common crate
      * Extract `sc-executor-wasmi` into its own crate
      * Extract `sc-executor-wasmtime` into its own crate.
      * Add missing headers.
      * Clean and docs
      * Docs for sc-executor-wasmi
      * Expand a comment about sandboxing
      * Fix assert_matches
      * Rename (un)pack_ptr_and_len and move them into util module
      * Remove wasmtime errors in sc-executor-common
  16. Dec 20, 2019
  17. Dec 17, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Setting versions locally towards 2.0 release (#4404) · 9200bfa9
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * clean up cargo.toml syntax
      * bumping versions to 2.0
      * bump networking to 0.8
      * move consensus down to 0.8
      * bump consensus pallets to 0.8.0, too
      * Upping babe and aura pallets
      * add remaining, missing version definitions
      * missed some
  18. Dec 16, 2019
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      [big refactor] Remove crate aliasing. (#4395) · 8778ca7d
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Rename: Phase 1.
      * Unify codec.
      * Fixing: Phase 2
      * Fixing: Phase 3.
      * Fixing: Phase 4.
      * Fixing: Phase 5.
      * Fixing: Phase 6.
      * Fixing: Phase 7.
      * Fixing: Phase 8. Tests
      * Fixing: Phase 9. Tests!!!
      * Fixing: Phase 10. Moar tests!
      * Finally done!
      * More fixes.
      * Rename primitives:: to sp_core::
      * Apply renames in finality-grandpa.
      * Fix benches.
      * Fix benches 2.
      * Revert node-template.
      * Fix frame-system in our modules.
  19. Dec 11, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Fix folder names in client and test (#4360) · c5a709a8
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * client/rpc/api -> client/rpc-api
      * client/util/wasm-builder-runner -> utils/wasm-builder-runner
      * client/grafana-data-source -> utils/grafana-data-source
      * test/utils -> test-utils
      * fix moved path
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * Update Cargo.lock
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Fix a bunch of low work dependency cycles (#4354) · 605c0e65
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * take test-client off sp-consensus
      * use test primitives rather than test client in authority discovery tests
      * move runtime-interface tests
      * don't forget to remove the dev-dependency
      * remove more unneeded dev deps
      * add changes_trie_config to test prrimitives
      * Separate network crates from its integration tests
      * Fix up consensus crates for networking test changes
      * remove unnecessary dependencies
      * remove unused addition
      * remove unnecessary dev-dependencies
      * fixing finality grandpa tests
      * removing unnecessary executor dependencies
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Fix cycle dependency in `sp-runtime-interface` (#4353) · 6500b33d
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Fix cycle dependency in `sp-runtime-interface`
      * Fixes tests
  20. Dec 10, 2019
  21. Dec 05, 2019
  22. Dec 02, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      The crate rename (#4223) · 927e13c1
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding script for rename, could be applicable for nodes on top of it, too
      * add stderr and gitlab ci features
      * apply script
      * fix now minor details in expected stderr
      * Update the Cargo.lock
      * fix name: sc-transaction -> sc-tracing
      * fix rename in script, too
  23. Nov 22, 2019
  24. Nov 14, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Reorganising the repository - external renames and moves (#4074) · 60e5011c
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding first rough ouline of the repository structure
      * Remove old CI stuff
      * add title
      * formatting fixes
      * move node-exits job's script to scripts dir
      * Move docs into subdir
      * move to bin
      * move maintainence scripts, configs and helpers into its own dir
      * add .local to ignore
      * move core->client
      * start up 'test' area
      * move test client
      * move test runtime
      * make test move compile
      * Add dependencies rule enforcement.
      * Fix indexing.
      * Update docs to reflect latest changes
      * Moving /srml->/paint
      * update docs
      * move client/sr-* -> primitives/
      * clean old readme
      * remove old broken code in rhd
      * update lock
      * Step 1.
      * starting to untangle client
      * Fix after merge.
      * start splitting out client interfaces
      * move children and blockchain interfaces
      * Move trie and state-machine to primitives.
      * Fix WASM builds.
      * fixing broken imports
      * more interface moves
      * move backend and light to interfaces
      * move CallExecutor
      * move cli off client
      * moving around more interfaces
      * re-add consensus crates into the mix
      * fix subkey path
      * relieve client from executor
      * starting to pull out client from grandpa
      * move is_decendent_of out of client
      * grandpa still depends on client directly
      * lemme tests pass
      * rename srml->paint
      * Make it compile.
      * rename interfaces->client-api
      * Move keyring to primitives.
      * fixup libp2p dep
      * fix broken use
      * allow dependency enforcement to fail
      * move fork-tree
      * Moving wasm-builder
      * make env
      * move build-script-utils
      * fixup broken crate depdencies and names
      * fix imports for authority discovery
      * fix typo
      * update cargo.lock
      * fixing imports
      * Fix paths and add missing crates
      * re-add missing crates