- Oct 30, 2023
Bastian Köcher authored
This ensures that upgrading a parachain code sends the same event & digest as when using `set_code` on a standalone chain. Close: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/2049
yjh authored
Michal Kucharczyk authored
Switch from: https://crates.io/crates/tiny-bip39 to: https://crates.io/crates/bip39 Required for: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/2044
Adrian Catangiu authored
Partial https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/226 `frame/transaction-storage`: replace `Currency` with `fungible::*` traits --------- Signed-off-by:
Adrian Catangiu <adrian@parity.io> Co-authored-by:
georgepisaltu <52418509+georgepisaltu@users.noreply.github.com>
Liam Aharon authored
Runtime migration CI is currently failing (https://gitlab.parity.io/parity/mirrors/polkadot-sdk/builds/4122083) for the contracts testnet due to unnecessary panicing in a `pre_upgrade` hook. Soon idempotency will be enforced https://github.com/paritytech/try-runtime-cli/issues/42, in the mean time we need to manually fix these issues as they arise. --- also removes backticks from the string in `echo`, which caused a 'command not found' error in ci output
Liam Aharon authored
Closes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/1970 Follow up issue to tackle, once the erroneous double incrementing/decrementing has stopped: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/2037
Liam Aharon authored
Making some devex improvements as I audit our chains adherence to try-state invariants, in preparation for automated try-state checks and alerting. Note to reviewer: while you're here, if you have time would be great to get your eyes on https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/1297 also since it touches a similar file and I'd like to avoid merge conflicts :P ## Devex Improvements - Changes the log level of logs informing the user that try-state checks are being run for a pallet from debug to info - Improves how errors are communicated - Errors are logged when they are encountered, rather than after everything has been executed - Exact pallet the error originated from is included with the error log - Clearly see all errors and how many there are, rather than only one - Closes #136 ### Example of new logs <img width="1185" alt="Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 15 44 44" src="https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/assets/16665596/b75588a2-1c64-45df-bbc8-bcb8bf8b0fe0"> ### Same but with old logs (run with RUST_LOG=debug) Notice only informed of one of the errors, and it's unclear which pallet it originated <img width="1185" alt="Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 15 39 01" src="https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/assets/16665596/e3429cb1-489e-430a-9716-77c052e5dae6"> ## Bug fix When dry-running migrations and `checks.try_state()` is `true`, only run `try_state` checks after migrations have been executed. Otherwise, `try_state` checks that expect state to be in at a HIGHER storage version than is on-chain could incorrectly fail. --------- Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
- Oct 29, 2023
Davide Galassi authored
Currently the CLI `-h/--help` commad output is almost unreadable as (for some commands) it: - doesn't provide a short brief of what the command does. - doesn't separate the options description in smaller paragraphs. - doesn't use a smart wrap strategy for lines longer than the number of columns in the terminal. Follow some pics taken with a 100 cols wide term ## Short help (./node -h) ### Before  ### After  ## Long help (./node --help) ### Before  ### After  --------- Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Vadim Smirnov authored
In https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/13740 the use of the `heap-pages` param inside the `frame-benchmarking-cli` has been removed. This results in running out of memory and this PR fixes the heap allocation strategy for benchmarks wasm executor.
- Oct 27, 2023
Liam Aharon authored
Closes https://github.com/paritytech/release-engineering/issues/6 Adds a new Github Workflow which on a new release being created, builds and attaches all runtimes managed in this repository in two flavours: - `dev-debug-build`: Built with the `try-runtime` feature and has logging enabled - `on-chain-release`: Built with the regular old `on-chain-release` feature The new Github Workflow could be extended in the future by the @paritytech/release-engineering team to fully automate the release process if they choose to, similar to how it is fully automated in the Fellowship repo (https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/runtimes/blob/main/.github/workflows/release.yml). The `on-chain-release` did not exist for parachains, so I added it. --- Tested on my fork: - https://github.com/liamaharon/polkadot-sdk/actions/runs/6663773523 - https://github.com/liamaharon/polkadot-sdk/releases/tag/test-6 --------- Co-authored-by:
Chevdor <chevdor@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
Dónal Murray <donal.murray@parity.io>
Sam Johnson authored
Updates `docify` to 0.2.6, which fixes a bug that was preventing nesting `#[docify::export]` within sub-items of items that already have `#[docify::export]` attached to them from working properly. Release notes here: https://github.com/sam0x17/docify/releases/tag/v0.2.6 cc @ggwpez @Kianenigma
Bastian Köcher authored
When warp syncing a node we import a header of the parachain around the tip of the chain. This header is currently not imported as finalized block (should be fixed at some point as well), the parent headers are not yet present (still being synced) and thus, we run into a panic. Even if there is a case where a leaf could not be found in the database, this probably means that the db is broken and it will fail somewhere elese.
PG Herveou authored
Alexandru Gheorghe authored
While investigating some db migrations that make the node startup fail, I noticed that the node wasn't exiting and that the log file were growing exponentially, until my whole system was freezing and that makes it really hard to actually find why it was failing in the first place. E.g: ``` ls -lh /tmp/zombie-01a04c2a2c0265d85f6440cf01c0f44a_-51319-uyggzuD4wEpV/bob.log 32,6G oct 27 11:16 /tmp/zombie-01a04c2a2c0265d85f6440cf01c0f44a_-51319-uyggzuD4wEpV/bob.log ``` This was happening because the following errors were being printed continously without the subsystem main loop exiting: From dispute-coordinator: ``` WARN tokio-runtime-worker parachain::dispute-coordinator: error=Subsystem(Generated(Context("Signal channel is terminated and empty."))) ``` From availability recovery: ``` Erasure task channel closed. Node shutting down ? ``` Signed-off-by:
Alexandru Gheorghe <alexandru.gheorghe@parity.io>
juangirini authored
### Original PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/14137 This PR brings in the first version of the "_`frame` umbrella crate_". This crate is intended to serve two purposes: 1. documentation 2. easier development with frame. Ideally, we want most users to be able to build a frame-based pallet and runtime using just `frame` (plus `scale-codec` and `scale-info`). The crate is not finalized and is not yet intended for external use. Therefore, the version is set to `0.0.1-dev`, this PR is `silent`, and the entire crate is hidden behind the `experimental` flag. The main intention in merging it early on is to be able to iterate on it in the rest of [`developer-hub`](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk-docs/) efforts. The public API of the `frame` crate is at the moment as follows: ``` pub mod frame pub use frame::log pub use frame::pallet pub mod frame::arithmetic pub use frame::arithmetic::<<sp_arithmetic::*>> pub use frame::arithmetic::<<sp_arithmetic::traits::*>> pub mod frame::deps pub use frame::deps::codec pub use frame::deps::frame_executive pub use frame::deps::frame_support pub use frame::deps::frame_system pub use frame::deps::scale_info pub use frame::deps::sp_api pub use frame::deps::sp_arithmetic pub use frame::deps::sp_block_builder pub use frame::deps::sp_consensus_aura pub use frame::deps::sp_consensus_grandpa pub use frame::deps::sp_core pub use frame::deps::sp_inherents pub use frame::deps::sp_io pub use frame::deps::sp_offchain pub use frame::deps::sp_runtime pub use frame::deps::sp_std pub use frame::deps::sp_version pub mod frame::derive pub use frame::derive::CloneNoBound pub use frame::derive::Debug pub use frame::derive::Debug pub use frame::derive::DebugNoBound pub use frame::derive::Decode pub use frame::derive::Decode pub use frame::derive::DefaultNoBound pub use frame::derive::Encode pub use frame::derive::Encode pub use frame::derive::EqNoBound pub use frame::derive::PartialEqNoBound pub use frame::derive::RuntimeDebug pub use frame::derive::RuntimeDebugNoBound pub use frame::derive::TypeInfo pub use frame::derive::TypeInfo pub mod frame::prelude pub use frame::prelude::<<frame_support::pallet_prelude::*>> pub use frame::prelude::<<frame_system::pallet_prelude::*>> pub use frame::prelude::<<sp_std::prelude::*>> pub use frame::prelude::CloneNoBound pub use frame::prelude::Debug pub use frame::prelude::Debug pub use frame::prelude::DebugNoBound pub use frame::prelude::Decode pub use frame::prelude::Decode pub use frame::prelude::DefaultNoBound pub use frame::prelude::Encode pub use frame::prelude::Encode pub use frame::prelude::EqNoBound pub use frame::prelude::PartialEqNoBound pub use frame::prelude::RuntimeDebug pub use frame::prelude::RuntimeDebugNoBound pub use frame::prelude::TypeInfo pub use frame::prelude::TypeInfo pub use frame::prelude::frame_system pub mod frame::primitives pub use frame::primitives::BlakeTwo256 pub use frame::primitives::H160 pub use frame::primitives::H256 pub use frame::primitives::H512 pub use frame::primitives::Hash pub use frame::primitives::Keccak256 pub use frame::primitives::U256 pub use frame::primitives::U512 pub mod frame::runtime pub mod frame::runtime::apis pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<frame_system_rpc_runtime_api::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_api::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_block_builder::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_consensus_aura::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_consensus_grandpa::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_offchain::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_session::runtime_api::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::<<sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::*>> pub use frame::runtime::apis::ApplyExtrinsicResult pub use frame::runtime::apis::CheckInherentsResult pub use frame::runtime::apis::InherentData pub use frame::runtime::apis::OpaqueMetadata pub use frame::runtime::apis::impl_runtime_apis pub use frame::runtime::apis::sp_api pub mod frame::runtime::prelude pub use frame::runtime::prelude::<<frame_executive::*>> pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstBool pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI128 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI16 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI32 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI64 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstI8 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU128 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU16 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU32 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU64 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ConstU8 pub use frame::runtime::prelude::NativeVersion pub use frame::runtime::prelude::RuntimeVersion pub use frame::runtime::prelude::construct_runtime pub use frame::runtime::prelude::create_runtime_str pub use frame::runtime::prelude::derive_impl pub use frame::runtime::prelude::frame_support pub use frame::runtime::prelude::ord_parameter_types pub use frame::runtime::prelude::parameter_types pub use frame::runtime::prelude::runtime_version pub mod frame::runtime::testing_prelude pub use frame::runtime::testing_prelude::BuildStorage pub use frame::runtime::testing_prelude::Storage pub mod frame::runtime::types_common pub type frame::runtime::types_common::AccountId = <<frame::runtime::types_common::Signature as sp_runtime::traits::Verify>::Signer as sp_runtime::traits::IdentifyAccount>::AccountId pub type frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber = u32 pub type frame::runtime::types_common::BlockOf<T, Extra> = sp_runtime::generic::block::Block<sp_runtime::generic::header::Header<frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber, sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256>, sp_runtime::generic::unchecked_extrinsic::UncheckedExtrinsic<sp_runtime::multiaddress::MultiAddress<frame::runtime::types_common::AccountId, ()>, <T as frame_system::pallet::Config>::RuntimeCall, frame::runtime::types_common::Signature, Extra>> pub type frame::runtime::types_common::OpaqueBlock = sp_runtime::generic::block::Block<sp_runtime::generic::header::Header<frame::runtime::types_common::BlockNumber, sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256>, sp_runtime::OpaqueExtrinsic> pub type frame::runtime::types_common::Signature = sp_runtime::MultiSignature pub type frame::runtime::types_common::SystemSignedExtensionsOf<T> = (frame_system::extensions::check_non_zero_sender::CheckNonZeroSender<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_spec_version::CheckSpecVersion<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_tx_version::CheckTxVersion<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_genesis::CheckGenesis<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_mortality::CheckMortality<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_nonce::CheckNonce<T>, frame_system::extensions::check_weight::CheckWeight<T>) pub mod frame::testing_prelude pub use frame::testing_prelude::<<frame_executive::*>> pub use frame::testing_prelude::<<frame_system::mocking::*>> pub use frame::testing_prelude::BuildStorage pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstBool pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI128 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI16 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI32 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI64 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstI8 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU128 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU16 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU32 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU64 pub use frame::testing_prelude::ConstU8 pub use frame::testing_prelude::NativeVersion pub use frame::testing_prelude::RuntimeVersion pub use frame::testing_prelude::Storage pub use frame::testing_prelude::TestState pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_err pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_err_ignore_postinfo pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_error_encoded_size pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_noop pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_ok pub use frame::testing_prelude::assert_storage_noop pub use frame::testing_prelude::construct_runtime pub use frame::testing_prelude::create_runtime_str pub use frame::testing_prelude::derive_impl pub use frame::testing_prelude::frame_support pub use frame::testing_prelude::frame_system pub use frame::testing_prelude::if_std pub use frame::testing_prelude::ord_parameter_types pub use frame::testing_prelude::parameter_types pub use frame::testing_prelude::runtime_version pub use frame::testing_prelude::storage_alias pub mod frame::traits pub use frame::traits::<<frame_support::traits::*>> pub use frame::traits::<<sp_runtime::traits::*>> ``` --- The road to full stabilization is - [ ] https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/127 - [ ] have a more intentional version bump, as opposed to the current bi weekly force-major-bump - [ ] revise the internal API of `frame`, especially what goes into the `prelude`s. - [ ] migrate all internal pallets and runtime to use `frame` --------- Co-authored-by:
kianenigma <kian@parity.io> Co-authored-by:
Kian Paimani <5588131+kianenigma@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
Oliver Tale-Yazdi <oliver.tale-yazdi@parity.io> Co-authored-by:
Francisco Aguirre <franciscoaguirreperez@gmail.com>
Sam Johnson authored
Updates `docify` to 0.2.5, which fixes some indentation bugs and adds the new `#[docify::export_content]` attribute which can be used like regular `#[docify::export]` but will only export the _underlying contents_ of the item it is attached to, if applicable (otherwise it just behaves exactly like `#[docify::export]`). Release notes here: https://github.com/sam0x17/docify/releases/tag/v0.2.5 cc @Kianenigma
- Oct 26, 2023
yjh authored
Bastian Köcher authored
ordian <write@reusable.software>
Alin Dima authored
the min slot duration should be 0 only if the `experimental` feature is enabled. otherwise, the runtime will panic on a division by 0.
Branislav Kontur authored
Adrian Catangiu <adrian@parity.io>
Dastan authored
# Description - What does this PR do? While working with `pallet_nfts` through `nonfungibles_v2` traits `Inspect, Mutate`, I found out that once you have set the collection attribute with `<Nfts as Mutate>::set_collection_attribute()`, it's not possible to read it with `<Nfts as Inspect>::collection_attribute()` since they use different `namespace` values. When setting the attribute, `AttributeNamespace::Pallet` is used, while `AttributeNamespace::CollectionOwner` is used when reading. more context: https://github.com/freeverseio/laos/issues/7#issuecomment-1766137370 This PR makes `item` an optional parameter in `Inspect::system_attribute()`, to be able to read collection attributes. - Why are these changes needed? To be able to read collection level attributes when reading attributes of the collection. It will be possible to read collection attributes by passing `None` for `item` - How were these changes implemented and what do they affect? `NftsApi` is also affected and `NftsApi::system_attribute()` now accepts optional `item` parameter. ## Breaking change Because of the change in the `NftsApi::system_attribute()` method's `item` param, parachains who integrated the `NftsApi` need to update their API code and frontend integrations accordingly. AssetHubs are unaffected since the NftsApi wasn't released on those parachains yet.
- Oct 25, 2023
Joshy Orndorff authored
This PR does not make any functional changes to the code. Rather, it restructures the dependency graph. Before this PR, the crate `polkadot-parachain-primitives` depended directly on the crate `frame-support`. This is wrong in principal because a parachain does not necessarily have anything to do with frame. This dependency was only for the `Weight` type which was just a re-export from `sp-weights` anyway. So this PR changes the dependency to be directly on the much lighter `sp-weights`. --------- Co-authored-by:
Joshy Orndorff <git-user-email.h0ly5@simplelogin.com> Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Branislav Kontur authored
[testnet] Align testnet system parachain runtimes using `RelayTreasuryLocation` and `SystemParachains` in the same way (#2023) This PR addresses several issues: - simplify referencing `RelayTreasuryLocation` without needing additional `RelayTreasury` struct - fix for referencing `SystemParachains` from parachain with `parents: 1` instead of `parents: 0` - removed hard-coded constants and fix tests for `asset-hub-rococo` which was merged to master after https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/1726 --------- Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
Oliver Tale-Yazdi <oliver.tale-yazdi@parity.io>
Xiliang Chen authored
so we can use it in our tests
PG Herveou authored
Project that includes pallet-contracts via crates.io will fail to run ```bash cargo check --features=runtime-benchmarks ``` without the currently not included benchmarks files
Liam Aharon authored
`wasm-builder` was adjusted to default to building wasm blobs in `release` mode even when cargo is in `debug` because `debug` wasm is too slow. A side effect of this was `.compact` and `.compact.compressed` getting built when the dev is running build in `debug`, adding ~5s to the build time of every wasm runtime. I think it's reasonable to assume if the dev is running `debug` build they want to optimise speed and do not care about the size of the wasm binary. Compacting a blob has negligible impact on its actual performance. In this PR, I adjusted the behavior of the wasm builder so it does not produce `.compact` or `.compact.compressed` wasm when the user is running in `debug`. The builder will continue to produce the bloaty wasm in release mode unless it is overriden with an env var. As suggested by @koute in review, also refactored the `maybe_compact_wasm_and_copy_blobs` into multiple funuctions, and renamed things to better support RISC-V in the future. --- There is no `T-runtime` label so @KiChjang told me to put `T1-FRAME` :) --------- Co-authored-by:
Koute <koute@users.noreply.github.com>
- Oct 24, 2023
Bastian Köcher authored
drskalman authored
Next step in process of making BEEFY being able to generate both ECDSA and BLS signature after #1705. It allows BEEFY to use a pair of ECDSA and BLS key as a AuthorityId. --------- Co-authored-by:
Davide Galassi <davxy@datawok.net> Co-authored-by:
Robert Hambrock <roberthambrock@gmail.com>
Alexander Samusev authored
Need to run this job in master to make it `Required`
Oliver Tale-Yazdi authored
Adds a config file that allows to run `zepter` without any arguments in the workspace to address all issues. A secondary workflow for the CI is provided as `zepter run check`. Both the formatting and linting are now in one check for efficiancy. The latest version also detects some more things that `featalign` was already showing. Error message [in the CI](https://gitlab.parity.io/parity/mirrors/polkadot-sdk/-/jobs/3916205) now looks like this: ```pre ... crate 'test-parachains' (/Users/vados/Documents/work/polkadot-sdk/polkadot/parachain/test-parachains/Cargo.toml) feature 'std' must propagate to: parity-scale-codec Found 55 issues (run with --fix to fix). Error: Command 'lint propagate-feature' failed with exit code 1 Polkadot-SDK uses the Zepter CLI to detect abnormalities in the feature configuration. It looks like one more more checks failed; please check the console output. You can try to automatically address them by running `zepter`. Otherwise please ask directly in the Merge Request, GitHub Discussions or on Matrix Chat, thank you. For more information, see: - https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/1831 - https://github.com/ggwpez/zepter ``` TODO: - [x] Check that CI fails correctly --------- Signed-off-by:
Oliver Tale-Yazdi <oliver.tale-yazdi@parity.io>
eskimor authored
it is indeed correct. Co-authored-by:
eskimor <eskimor@no-such-url.com>
Tsvetomir Dimitrov authored
Splits the test in multiple cases.
Marcin S. authored
dependabot[bot] authored
Bumps [actions/setup-node](https://github.com/actions/setup-node) from 3.8.1 to 4.0.0. <details> <summary>Release notes</summary> <p><em>Sourced from <a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/releases">actions/setup-node's releases</a>.</em></p> <blockquote> <h2>v4.0.0</h2> <h2>What's Changed</h2> <p>In scope of this release we changed version of node runtime for action from node16 to node20 and updated dependencies in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/866">actions/setup-node#866</a></p> <p>Besides, release contains such changes as:</p> <ul> <li>Upgrade actions/checkout to v4 by <a href="https://github.com/gmembre-zenika"><code>@gmembre-zenika</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/868">actions/setup-node#868</a></li> <li>Update actions/checkout for documentation and yaml by <a href="https://github.com/dmitry-shibanov"><code>@dmitry-shibanov</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/876">actions/setup-node#876</a></li> </ul> <h2>New Contributors</h2> <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/gmembre-zenika"><code>@gmembre-zenika</code></a> made their first contribution in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/868">actions/setup-node#868</a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: <a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/compare/v3...v4.0.0">https://github.com/actions/setup-node/compare/v3...v4.0.0</a></p> <h2>v3.8.2</h2> <h2>What's Changed</h2> <ul> <li>Update semver by <a href="https://github.com/dmitry-shibanov"><code>@dmitry-shibanov</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/861">actions/setup-node#861</a></li> <li>Update temp directory creation by <a href="https://github.com/nikolai-laevskii"><code>@nikolai-laevskii</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/859">actions/setup-node#859</a></li> <li>Bump <code>@babel/traverse</code> from 7.15.4 to 7.23.2 by <a href="https://github.com/dependabot"><code>@dependabot</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/870">actions/setup-node#870</a></li> <li>Add notice about binaries not being updated yet by <a href="https://github.com/nikolai-laevskii"><code>@nikolai-laevskii</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/872">actions/setup-node#872</a></li> <li>Update toolkit cache and core by <a href="https://github.com/dmitry-shibanov"><code>@dmitry-shibanov</code></a> and <a href="https://github.com/seongwon-privatenote"><code>@seongwon-privatenote</code></a> in <a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/pull/875">actions/setup-node#875</a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: <a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/compare/v3...v3.8.2">https://github.com/actions/setup-node/compare/v3...v3.8.2</a></p> </blockquote> </details> <details> <summary>Commits</summary> <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/commit/8f152de45cc393bb48ce5d89d36b731f54556e65"><code>8f152de</code></a> Update actions/checkout for documentation and yaml (<a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/issues/876">#876</a>)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/commit/23755b521f87533c8ed7f8fb13674f9021579e34"><code>23755b5</code></a> upgrade actions/checkout to v4 (<a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/issues/868">#868</a>)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/commit/54534a2a9ba7308e8a8995af3104899e6a95b681"><code>54534a2</code></a> Change node version for action to node20 (<a href="https://redirect.github.com/actions/setup-node/issues/866">#866</a>)</li> <li><a href="https://github.com/actions/setup-node/commit/1a4442cacd436585916779262731d5b162bc6ec7"><code>1a4442c</code></a> Update toolkit cache and core (<a 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André Silva authored
This is indirectly enabled by rocksdb crate, better to make it explicit (https://github.com/tikv/rust-rocksdb/blob/2096b9a161f93e437f7adee49e68cd1570aea42f/librocksdb_sys/Cargo.toml#L35-L38).
georgepisaltu authored
Fixes #179 # Description This PR makes the structure containing identity information used in `pallet-identity` generic through the pallet `Config`. Additionally, the old structure is now available in a separate module called `simple` (pending rename) and is compatible with the new interface. Another change in this PR is that while the `additional` field in `IdentityInfo` stays for backwards compatibility reasons, the associated costs are stil present in the pallet through the `additional` function in the `IdentityInformationProvider` interface. This function is marked as deprecated as it is only a temporary solution to the backwards compatibility problem we had. In short, we could have removed the additional fields in the struct and done a migration, but we chose to wait and do it off-chain through the genesis of the system parachain. After we move the identity pallet to the parachain, additional fields will be migrated into the existing fields and the `additional` key-value store will be removed. Until that happens, this interface will provide the necessary information to properly account for the associated costs. Additionally, this PR fixes an unrelated issue; the `IdentityField` enum used to represent the fields as bitflags couldn't store more than 8 fields, even though it was marked as `#[repr(u64)]`. This was because of the `derive` implementation of `TypeInfo`, which assumed `u8` semantics. The custom implementation of this trait in https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/commit/0105cc03 fixes the issue. --------- Signed-off-by:
georgepisaltu <george.pisaltu@parity.io> Co-authored-by:
Sam Johnson <sam@durosoft.com> Co-authored-by:
joe petrowski <25483142+joepetrowski@users.noreply.github.com>
Kian Paimani authored
closes https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/1882 ## Breaking Changes This PR introduces a new item to `pallet_balances::Config`: ```diff trait Config { ++ type RuntimeFreezeReasons; } ``` This value is only used to check it against `type MaxFreeze`. A similar check has been added for `MaxHolds` against `RuntimeHoldReasons`, which is already given to `pallet_balances`. In all contexts, you should pass the real `RuntimeFreezeReasons` generated by `construct_runtime` to `type RuntimeFreezeReasons`. Passing `()` would also work, but it would imply that the runtime uses no freezes at all. --------- Signed-off-by:
Oliver Tale-Yazdi <oliver.tale-yazdi@parity.io> Co-authored-by:
Oliver Tale-Yazdi <oliver.tale-yazdi@parity.io>
Bastian Köcher authored
This adds more logging to `CheckWeight` to get a better understanding why a transaction exhausts resources.
Brian Anderson authored
Just keeping wasm-opt up to date. I don't see anything in the [binaryen changelog](https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) that should affect substrate. This release includes dwarf passes that were accidentally omitted from previous versions of the wasm-opt crate. I suspect this will not affect substrate as their omission hasn't been noticed until recently.