110 KiB
Newer Older
			key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
		) -> Option<()> {
			let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?;


		fn generate_key_ownership_proof(
			_set_id: sp_consensus_beefy::ValidatorSetId,
			authority_id: BeefyId,
		) -> Option<sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof> {
			Historical::prove((sp_consensus_beefy::KEY_TYPE, authority_id))
				.map(|p| p.encode())

	impl pallet_mmr::primitives::MmrApi<
	> for Runtime {
		fn mmr_root() -> Result<mmr::Hash, mmr::Error> {
		fn mmr_leaf_count() -> Result<mmr::LeafIndex, mmr::Error> {
			block_numbers: Vec<BlockNumber>,
			best_known_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
		) -> Result<(Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>, mmr::Proof<mmr::Hash>), mmr::Error> {
			Mmr::generate_proof(block_numbers, best_known_block_number).map(
				|(leaves, proof)| {
							.map(|leaf| mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf::from_leaf(&leaf))
		fn verify_proof(leaves: Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>, proof: mmr::Proof<mmr::Hash>)
			-> Result<(), mmr::Error>
			let leaves = leaves.into_iter().map(|leaf|
				.ok_or(mmr::Error::Verify)).collect::<Result<Vec<mmr::Leaf>, mmr::Error>>()?;
			Mmr::verify_leaves(leaves, proof)

		fn verify_proof_stateless(
			root: mmr::Hash,
			leaves: Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>,
			proof: mmr::Proof<mmr::Hash>
		) -> Result<(), mmr::Error> {
			let nodes = leaves.into_iter().map(|leaf|mmr::DataOrHash::Data(leaf.into_opaque_leaf())).collect();
			pallet_mmr::verify_leaves_proof::<mmr::Hashing, _>(root, nodes, proof)
David Emett's avatar
David Emett committed
	impl sp_mixnet::runtime_api::MixnetApi<Block> for Runtime {
		fn session_status() -> sp_mixnet::types::SessionStatus {

		fn prev_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode>, sp_mixnet::types::MixnodesErr> {

		fn current_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode>, sp_mixnet::types::MixnodesErr> {

		fn maybe_register(session_index: sp_mixnet::types::SessionIndex, mixnode: sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode) -> bool {
			Mixnet::maybe_register(session_index, mixnode)

	impl sp_session::SessionKeys<Block> for Runtime {
		fn generate_session_keys(seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Vec<u8> {
		) -> Option<Vec<(Vec<u8>, KeyTypeId)>> {
	#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
	impl frame_try_runtime::TryRuntime<Block> for Runtime {
		fn on_runtime_upgrade(checks: frame_try_runtime::UpgradeCheckSelect) -> (Weight, Weight) {
			// NOTE: intentional unwrap: we don't want to propagate the error backwards, and want to
			// have a backtrace here. If any of the pre/post migration checks fail, we shall stop
			// right here and right now.
			let weight = Executive::try_runtime_upgrade(checks).unwrap();
			(weight, RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block)

		fn execute_block(
			block: Block,
			state_root_check: bool,
			signature_check: bool,
			select: frame_try_runtime::TryStateSelect
		) -> Weight {
			// NOTE: intentional unwrap: we don't want to propagate the error backwards, and want to
			// have a backtrace here.
			Executive::try_execute_block(block, state_root_check, signature_check, select).unwrap()
	#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
	impl frame_benchmarking::Benchmark<Block> for Runtime {
		fn benchmark_metadata(extra: bool) -> (
		) {
			use frame_benchmarking::{baseline, Benchmarking, BenchmarkList};
			use frame_support::traits::StorageInfoTrait;

			// Trying to add benchmarks directly to the Session Pallet caused cyclic dependency
			// issues. To get around that, we separated the Session benchmarks into its own crate,
			// which is why we need these two lines below.
			use pallet_session_benchmarking::Pallet as SessionBench;
			use pallet_offences_benchmarking::Pallet as OffencesBench;
			use pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Pallet as EPSBench;
			use frame_system_benchmarking::Pallet as SystemBench;
			use baseline::Pallet as BaselineBench;
Zeke Mostov's avatar
Zeke Mostov committed
			use pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Pallet as NominationPoolsBench;

			let mut list = Vec::<BenchmarkList>::new();
			list_benchmarks!(list, extra);

			let storage_info = AllPalletsWithSystem::storage_info();

			(list, storage_info)
			config: frame_benchmarking::BenchmarkConfig
		) -> Result<Vec<frame_benchmarking::BenchmarkBatch>, sp_runtime::RuntimeString> {
			use frame_benchmarking::{baseline, Benchmarking, BenchmarkBatch};
			use sp_storage::TrackedStorageKey;
			// Trying to add benchmarks directly to the Session Pallet caused cyclic dependency
			// issues. To get around that, we separated the Session benchmarks into its own crate,
			// which is why we need these two lines below.
			use pallet_session_benchmarking::Pallet as SessionBench;
			use pallet_offences_benchmarking::Pallet as OffencesBench;
			use pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Pallet as EPSBench;
			use frame_system_benchmarking::Pallet as SystemBench;
			use baseline::Pallet as BaselineBench;
Zeke Mostov's avatar
Zeke Mostov committed
			use pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Pallet as NominationPoolsBench;
			impl pallet_session_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
			impl pallet_offences_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
			impl pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
			impl frame_system_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
			impl baseline::Config for Runtime {}
Zeke Mostov's avatar
Zeke Mostov committed
			impl pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
			use frame_support::traits::WhitelistedStorageKeys;
			let mut whitelist: Vec<TrackedStorageKey> = AllPalletsWithSystem::whitelisted_storage_keys();

			// Treasury Account
			// TODO: this is manual for now, someday we might be able to use a
			// macro for this particular key
			let treasury_key = frame_system::Account::<Runtime>::hashed_key_for(Treasury::account_id());
			let mut batches = Vec::<BenchmarkBatch>::new();
			let params = (&config, &whitelist);
			add_benchmarks!(params, batches);

	impl sp_genesis_builder::GenesisBuilder<Block> for Runtime {
		fn create_default_config() -> Vec<u8> {

		fn build_config(config: Vec<u8>) -> sp_genesis_builder::Result {
mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use frame_election_provider_support::NposSolution;
Rakan Alhneiti's avatar
Rakan Alhneiti committed
	use frame_system::offchain::CreateSignedTransaction;
	use sp_runtime::UpperOf;
	fn validate_transaction_submitter_bounds() {
		fn is_submit_signed_transaction<T>()
			T: CreateSignedTransaction<RuntimeCall>,
Rakan Alhneiti's avatar
Rakan Alhneiti committed
	fn perbill_as_onchain_accuracy() {
		type OnChainAccuracy =
			<<Runtime as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::MinerConfig>::Solution as NposSolution>::Accuracy;
		let maximum_chain_accuracy: Vec<UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy>> = (0..MaxNominations::get())
			.map(|_| <UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy>>::from(OnChainAccuracy::one().deconstruct()))
		let _: UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy> =
			maximum_chain_accuracy.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc.checked_add(*x).unwrap());

	fn call_size() {
		let size = core::mem::size_of::<RuntimeCall>();
			"size of RuntimeCall {} is more than {CALL_PARAMS_MAX_SIZE} bytes.
			 Some calls have too big arguments, use Box to reduce the size of RuntimeCall.
			 If the limit is too strong, maybe consider increase the limit.",