// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
//! Substrate service. Starts a thread that spins up the network, client, and extrinsic pool.
//! Manages communication between them.

Svyatoslav Nikolsky
pub mod error;
mod metrics;
#[cfg(feature = "test-helpers")]
pub mod client;
#[cfg(not(feature = "test-helpers"))]
mod client;
mod task_manager;
use std::time::Duration;
use wasm_timer::Instant;
Future, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt,
use sc_network::{NetworkService, NetworkStatus, network_state::NetworkState, PeerId};
use log::{log, warn, debug, error, Level};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT};
use parity_util_mem::MallocSizeOf;
use sp_utils::{status_sinks, mpsc::{tracing_unbounded, TracingUnboundedReceiver, TracingUnboundedSender}};
ServiceBuilder, ServiceBuilderCommand, TFullClient, TLightClient, TFullBackend, TLightBackend,
TFullCallExecutor, TLightCallExecutor, RpcExtensionBuilder,
Cecile Tonglet
pub use config::{BasePath, Configuration, DatabaseConfig, PruningMode, Role, RpcMethods, TaskType};
Cecile Tonglet
ChainSpec, GenericChainSpec, Properties, RuntimeGenesis, Extension as ChainSpecExtension,
NoExtension, ChainType,
pub use sp_transaction_pool::{TransactionPool, InPoolTransaction, error::IntoPoolError};
pub use sc_transaction_pool::txpool::Options as TransactionPoolOptions;
pub use sc_rpc::Metadata as RpcMetadata;
pub use sc_executor::NativeExecutionDispatch;
pub use std::{ops::Deref, result::Result, sync::Arc};
pub use sc_network::config::{
FinalityProofProvider, OnDemand, BoxFinalityProofRequestBuilder, TransactionImport,
Cecile Tonglet
pub use sc_tracing::TracingReceiver;
pub use task_manager::{SpawnEssentialTaskHandle, SpawnTaskHandle};
use task_manager::TaskManager;
use sp_blockchain::{HeaderBackend, HeaderMetadata};
use sp_api::{ApiExt, ConstructRuntimeApi, ApiErrorExt};
Backend as BackendT, BlockchainEvents, CallExecutor, UsageProvider,
use sp_block_builder::BlockBuilder;
const DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_ID: &str = "sup";
/// A type that implements `MallocSizeOf` on native but not wasm.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "unknown"))]
pub trait MallocSizeOfWasm: MallocSizeOf {}
#[cfg(target_os = "unknown")]
pub trait MallocSizeOfWasm {}
#[cfg(not(target_os = "unknown"))]
impl<T: MallocSizeOf> MallocSizeOfWasm for T {}
#[cfg(target_os = "unknown")]
impl<T> MallocSizeOfWasm for T {}
pub struct Service<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc> {
task_manager: TaskManager,
select_chain: Option<TSc>,
network: Arc<TNet>,
Cecile Tonglet
// Sinks to propagate network status updates.
// For each element, every time the `Interval` fires we push an element on the sender.
network_status_sinks: Arc<Mutex<status_sinks::StatusSinks<(TNetStatus, NetworkState)>>>,
Cecile Tonglet
// Send a signal when a spawned essential task has concluded. The next time
// the service future is polled it should complete with an error.
essential_failed_tx: TracingUnboundedSender<()>,
Cecile Tonglet
// A receiver for spawned essential-tasks concluding.
essential_failed_rx: TracingUnboundedReceiver<()>,
rpc_handlers: sc_rpc_server::RpcHandler<sc_rpc::Metadata>,
_rpc: Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync>,
_telemetry: Option<sc_telemetry::Telemetry>,
_telemetry_on_connect_sinks: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TracingUnboundedSender<()>>>>,
keystore: sc_keystore::KeyStorePtr,
prometheus_registry: Option<prometheus_endpoint::Registry>,
Cecile Tonglet
// The base path is kept here because it can be a temporary directory which will be deleted
// when dropped
_base_path: Option<Arc<BasePath>>,
impl<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc> Unpin for Service<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc> {}
/// Abstraction over a Substrate service.
pub trait AbstractService: Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send + Unpin + Spawn + 'static {
Bastian Köcher
type Block: BlockT;
type Backend: 'static + BackendT<Self::Block>;
/// How to execute calls towards the runtime.
type CallExecutor: 'static + CallExecutor<Self::Block> + Send + Sync + Clone;
/// API that the runtime provides.
type RuntimeApi: Send + Sync;
/// Chain selection algorithm.
type SelectChain: sp_consensus::SelectChain<Self::Block>;
/// Transaction pool.
type TransactionPool: TransactionPool<Block = Self::Block> + MallocSizeOfWasm;
/// The generic Client type, the bounds here are the ones specifically required by
/// internal crates like sc_informant.
type Client:
HeaderMetadata<Self::Block, Error = sp_blockchain::Error> + UsageProvider<Self::Block>
+ BlockchainEvents<Self::Block> + HeaderBackend<Self::Block> + Send + Sync;
/// Get event stream for telemetry connection established events.
fn telemetry_on_connect_stream(&self) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<()>;
/// return a shared instance of Telemetry (if enabled)
fn telemetry(&self) -> Option<sc_telemetry::Telemetry>;
/// Spawns a task in the background that runs the future passed as parameter.
/// Information about this task will be reported to Prometheus.
/// The task name is a `&'static str` as opposed to a `String`. The reason for that is that
/// in order to avoid memory consumption issues with the Prometheus metrics, the set of
/// possible task names has to be bounded.
#[deprecated(note = "Use `spawn_task_handle().spawn() instead.")]
fn spawn_task(&self, name: &'static str, task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static);
/// Spawns a task in the background that runs the future passed as
/// parameter. The given task is considered essential, i.e. if it errors we
/// trigger a service exit.
#[deprecated(note = "Use `spawn_essential_task_handle().spawn() instead.")]
fn spawn_essential_task(&self, name: &'static str, task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static);
/// Returns a handle for spawning essential tasks. Any task spawned through this handle is
/// considered essential, i.e. if it errors we trigger a service exit.
fn spawn_essential_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnEssentialTaskHandle;
/// Returns a handle for spawning tasks.
fn spawn_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnTaskHandle;
/// Returns the keystore that stores keys.
fn keystore(&self) -> sc_keystore::KeyStorePtr;
/// Starts an RPC query.
/// The query is passed as a string and must be a JSON text similar to what an HTTP client
/// would for example send.
/// Returns a `Future` that contains the optional response.
/// If the request subscribes you to events, the `Sender` in the `RpcSession` object is used to
/// send back spontaneous events.
fn rpc_query(&self, mem: &RpcSession, request: &str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<String>> + Send>>;
fn client(&self) -> Arc<Self::Client>;
/// Get clone of select chain.
fn select_chain(&self) -> Option<Self::SelectChain>;
/// Get shared network instance.
Bastian Köcher
fn network(&self)
-> Arc<NetworkService<Self::Block, <Self::Block as BlockT>::Hash>>;
/// Returns a receiver that periodically receives a status of the network.
fn network_status(&self, interval: Duration) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<(NetworkStatus<Self::Block>, NetworkState)>;
/// Get shared transaction pool instance.
fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc<Self::TransactionPool>;
/// Get a handle to a future that will resolve on exit.
#[deprecated(note = "Use `spawn_task`/`spawn_essential_task` instead, those functions will attach on_exit signal.")]
fn on_exit(&self) -> ::exit_future::Exit;
/// Get the prometheus metrics registry, if available.
fn prometheus_registry(&self) -> Option<prometheus_endpoint::Registry>;
Cecile Tonglet
/// Get a clone of the base_path
fn base_path(&self) -> Option<Arc<BasePath>>;
impl<TBl, TBackend, TExec, TRtApi, TSc, TExPool, TOc> AbstractService for
Service<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>, TSc, NetworkStatus<TBl>,
NetworkService<TBl, TBl::Hash>, TExPool, TOc>
TExec: 'static + CallExecutor<TBl, Backend = TBackend> + Send + Sync + Clone,
TRtApi: 'static + Send + Sync + ConstructRuntimeApi<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>>,
<TRtApi as ConstructRuntimeApi<TBl, Client<TBackend, TExec, TBl, TRtApi>>>::RuntimeApi:
+ ApiExt<TBl, StateBackend = TBackend::State>
+ ApiErrorExt<Error = sp_blockchain::Error>
+ BlockBuilder<TBl>,
TSc: sp_consensus::SelectChain<TBl> + 'static + Clone + Send + Unpin,
TExPool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block = TBl> + MallocSizeOfWasm,
TOc: 'static + Send + Sync,
type Block = TBl;
type Backend = TBackend;
type CallExecutor = TExec;
type RuntimeApi = TRtApi;
type SelectChain = TSc;
type TransactionPool = TExPool;
type Client = Client<Self::Backend, Self::CallExecutor, Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi>;
fn telemetry_on_connect_stream(&self) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<()> {
let (sink, stream) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_telemetry_on_connect");
fn telemetry(&self) -> Option<sc_telemetry::Telemetry> {
Cecile Tonglet
fn keystore(&self) -> sc_keystore::KeyStorePtr {
fn spawn_task(&self, name: &'static str, task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static) {
self.task_manager.spawn(name, task)
fn spawn_essential_task(&self, name: &'static str, task: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static) {
let mut essential_failed = self.essential_failed_tx.clone();
let essential_task = std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(task)
error!("Essential task `{}` failed. Shutting down service.", name);
let _ = essential_failed.send(());
let _ = self.spawn_task_handle().spawn(name, essential_task);
fn spawn_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnTaskHandle {
fn spawn_essential_task_handle(&self) -> SpawnEssentialTaskHandle {
fn rpc_query(&self, mem: &RpcSession, request: &str) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<String>> + Send>> {
self.rpc_handlers.handle_request(request, mem.metadata.clone())
.map(|res| res.expect("this should never fail"))
fn client(&self) -> Arc<Self::Client> {
fn select_chain(&self) -> Option<Self::SelectChain> {
Bastian Köcher
fn network(&self)
-> Arc<NetworkService<Self::Block, <Self::Block as BlockT>::Hash>>
Bastian Köcher
fn network_status(&self, interval: Duration) -> TracingUnboundedReceiver<(NetworkStatus<Self::Block>, NetworkState)> {
let (sink, stream) = tracing_unbounded("mpsc_network_status");
self.network_status_sinks.lock().push(interval, sink);
fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc<Self::TransactionPool> {
fn on_exit(&self) -> exit_future::Exit {
fn prometheus_registry(&self) -> Option<prometheus_endpoint::Registry> {
Cecile Tonglet
fn base_path(&self) -> Option<Arc<BasePath>> {
impl<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc> Future for
Service<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc>
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = Pin::into_inner(self);
match Pin::new(&mut this.essential_failed_rx).poll_next(cx) {
Poll::Pending => {},
Poll::Ready(_) => {
// Ready(None) should not be possible since we hold a live
// sender.
return Poll::Ready(Err(Error::Other("Essential task failed.".into())));
impl<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc> Spawn for
Service<TBl, TCl, TSc, TNetStatus, TNet, TTxPool, TOc>
future: FutureObj<'static, ()>
) -> Result<(), SpawnError> {
self.task_manager.spawn_handle().spawn("unnamed", future);
/// Builds a never-ending future that continuously polls the network.
/// The `status_sink` contain a list of senders to send a periodic network status to.
mut network: sc_network::NetworkWorker<B, H>,
status_sinks: Arc<Mutex<status_sinks::StatusSinks<(NetworkStatus<B>, NetworkState)>>>,
mut rpc_rx: TracingUnboundedReceiver<sc_rpc::system::Request<B>>,
announce_imported_blocks: bool,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
let mut imported_blocks_stream = client.import_notification_stream().fuse();
let mut finality_notification_stream = client.finality_notification_stream().fuse();
let before_polling = Instant::now();
while let Poll::Ready(Some(notification)) = Pin::new(&mut imported_blocks_stream).poll_next(cx) {
if announce_imported_blocks {
network.service().announce_block(notification.hash, Vec::new());
if let sp_consensus::BlockOrigin::Own = notification.origin {
// We poll `finality_notification_stream`, but we only take the last event.
let mut last = None;
while let Poll::Ready(Some(item)) = Pin::new(&mut finality_notification_stream).poll_next(cx) {
last = Some(item);
if let Some(notification) = last {
network.on_block_finalized(notification.hash, notification.header);
// Poll the RPC requests and answer them.
while let Poll::Ready(Some(request)) = Pin::new(&mut rpc_rx).poll_next(cx) {
sc_rpc::system::Request::Health(sender) => {
let _ = sender.send(sc_rpc::system::Health {
peers: network.peers_debug_info().len(),
is_syncing: network.service().is_major_syncing(),
sc_rpc::system::Request::LocalPeerId(sender) => {
let _ = sender.send(network.local_peer_id().to_base58());
sc_rpc::system::Request::LocalListenAddresses(sender) => {
let peer_id = network.local_peer_id().clone().into();
let p2p_proto_suffix = sc_network::multiaddr::Protocol::P2p(peer_id);
let addresses = network.listen_addresses()
.map(|addr| addr.clone().with(p2p_proto_suffix.clone()).to_string())
let _ = sender.send(addresses);
sc_rpc::system::Request::Peers(sender) => {
let _ = sender.send(network.peers_debug_info().into_iter().map(|(peer_id, p)|
sc_rpc::system::PeerInfo {
peer_id: peer_id.to_base58(),
roles: format!("{:?}", p.roles),
protocol_version: p.protocol_version,
best_hash: p.best_hash,
best_number: p.best_number,
sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkState(sender) => {
if let Some(network_state) = serde_json::to_value(&network.network_state()).ok() {
let _ = sender.send(network_state);
sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkAddReservedPeer(peer_addr, sender) => {
let x = network.add_reserved_peer(peer_addr)
let _ = sender.send(x);
sc_rpc::system::Request::NetworkRemoveReservedPeer(peer_id, sender) => {
let _ = match peer_id.parse::<PeerId>() {
Ok(peer_id) => {
Err(e) => sender.send(Err(sc_rpc::system::error::Error::MalformattedPeerArg(
sc_rpc::system::Request::NodeRoles(sender) => {
use sc_rpc::system::NodeRole;
let node_role = match role {
Role::Authority { .. } => NodeRole::Authority,
Role::Light => NodeRole::LightClient,
Role::Full => NodeRole::Full,
Role::Sentry { .. } => NodeRole::Sentry,
let _ = sender.send(vec![node_role]);
// Interval report for the external API.
let status = NetworkStatus {
sync_state: network.sync_state(),
best_seen_block: network.best_seen_block(),
num_sync_peers: network.num_sync_peers(),
num_connected_peers: network.num_connected_peers(),
num_active_peers: network.num_active_peers(),
average_download_per_sec: network.average_download_per_sec(),
average_upload_per_sec: network.average_upload_per_sec(),
(status, state)
if let Poll::Ready(Ok(())) = Pin::new(&mut network).poll(cx).map_err(|err| {
warn!(target: "service", "Error in network: {:?}", err);
}) {
// Now some diagnostic for performances.
let polling_dur = before_polling.elapsed();
target: "service",
if polling_dur >= Duration::from_secs(1) { Level::Warn } else { Level::Trace },
#[cfg(not(target_os = "unknown"))]
// Wrapper for HTTP and WS servers that makes sure they are properly shut down.
mod waiting {
pub struct HttpServer(pub Option<sc_rpc_server::HttpServer>);
impl Drop for HttpServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(server) = self.0.take() {
pub struct IpcServer(pub Option<sc_rpc_server::IpcServer>);
impl Drop for IpcServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(server) = self.0.take() {
let _ = server.wait();
pub struct WsServer(pub Option<sc_rpc_server::WsServer>);
impl Drop for WsServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(server) = self.0.take() {
let _ = server.wait();
/// Starts RPC servers that run in their own thread, and returns an opaque object that keeps them alive.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "unknown"))]
fn start_rpc_servers<H: FnMut(sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe) -> sc_rpc_server::RpcHandler<sc_rpc::Metadata>>(
mut gen_handler: H
) -> Result<Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync>, error::Error> {
fn maybe_start_server<T, F>(address: Option<SocketAddr>, mut start: F) -> Result<Option<T>, io::Error>
where F: FnMut(&SocketAddr) -> Result<T, io::Error>,
Ok(match address {
Some(mut address) => Some(start(&address)
.or_else(|e| match e.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse |
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
warn!("Unable to bind RPC server to {}. Trying random port.", address);
_ => Err(e),
None => None,
fn deny_unsafe(addr: &SocketAddr, methods: &RpcMethods) -> sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe {
let is_exposed_addr = !addr.ip().is_loopback();
match (is_exposed_addr, methods) {
| (_, RpcMethods::Unsafe)
| (false, RpcMethods::Auto) => sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe::No,
_ => sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe::Yes
config.rpc_ipc.as_ref().map(|path| sc_rpc_server::start_ipc(&*path, gen_handler(sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe::No))),
|address| sc_rpc_server::start_http(
gen_handler(deny_unsafe(&address, &config.rpc_methods)),
)?.map(|s| waiting::HttpServer(Some(s))),
|address| sc_rpc_server::start_ws(
gen_handler(deny_unsafe(&address, &config.rpc_methods)),
)?.map(|s| waiting::WsServer(Some(s))),
/// Starts RPC servers that run in their own thread, and returns an opaque object that keeps them alive.
#[cfg(target_os = "unknown")]
fn start_rpc_servers<H: FnMut(sc_rpc::DenyUnsafe) -> sc_rpc_server::RpcHandler<sc_rpc::Metadata>>(
) -> Result<Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync>, error::Error> {
/// An RPC session. Used to perform in-memory RPC queries (ie. RPC queries that don't go through
/// the HTTP or WebSockets server).
pub struct RpcSession {
metadata: sc_rpc::Metadata,
impl RpcSession {
/// Creates an RPC session.
/// The `sender` is stored inside the `RpcSession` and is used to communicate spontaneous JSON
/// messages.
/// The `RpcSession` must be kept alive in order to receive messages on the sender.
pub fn new(sender: futures01::sync::mpsc::Sender<String>) -> RpcSession {
RpcSession {
pub struct TransactionPoolAdapter<C, P> {
imports_external_transactions: bool,
/// Get transactions for propagation.
/// Function extracted to simplify the test and prevent creating `ServiceFactory`.
fn transactions_to_propagate<Pool, B, H, E>(pool: &Pool)
-> Vec<(H, B::Extrinsic)>
Pool: TransactionPool<Block=B, Hash=H, Error=E>,
B: BlockT,
H: std::hash::Hash + Eq + sp_runtime::traits::Member + sp_runtime::traits::MaybeSerialize,
E: IntoPoolError + From<sp_transaction_pool::error::Error>,
.map(|t| {
let hash = t.hash().clone();
let ex: B::Extrinsic =;
(hash, ex)
impl<B, H, C, Pool, E> sc_network::config::TransactionPool<H, B> for
TransactionPoolAdapter<C, Pool>
C: sc_network::config::Client<B> + Send + Sync,
Pool: 'static + TransactionPool<Block=B, Hash=H, Error=E>,
H: std::hash::Hash + Eq + sp_runtime::traits::Member + sp_runtime::traits::MaybeSerialize,
E: 'static + IntoPoolError + From<sp_transaction_pool::error::Error>,
fn transactions(&self) -> Vec<(H, B::Extrinsic)> {
fn hash_of(&self, transaction: &B::Extrinsic) -> H {
fn import(
transaction: B::Extrinsic,
) -> TransactionImportFuture {
if !self.imports_external_transactions {
let encoded = transaction.encode();
let uxt = match Decode::decode(&mut &encoded[..]) {
Ok(uxt) => uxt,
Err(e) => {
debug!("Transaction invalid: {:?}", e);
return Box::pin(futures::future::ready(TransactionImport::Bad));
let best_block_id = BlockId::hash(;
let import_future = self.pool.submit_one(&best_block_id, sp_transaction_pool::TransactionSource::External, uxt);
Box::pin(async move {
match import_future.await {
Ok(_) => TransactionImport::NewGood,
Err(e) => match e.into_pool_error() {
Ok(sp_transaction_pool::error::Error::AlreadyImported(_)) => TransactionImport::KnownGood,
Ok(e) => {
debug!("Error adding transaction to the pool: {:?}", e);
Err(e) => {
debug!("Error converting pool error: {:?}", e);
// it is not bad at least, just some internal node logic error, so peer is innocent.
fn on_broadcasted(&self, propagations: HashMap<H, Vec<String>>) {
fn transaction(&self, hash: &H) -> Option<B::Extrinsic> {
// Only propagable transactions should be resolved for network service.
|tx| if tx.is_propagable() { Some( } else { None }
mod tests {
use super::*;
use sp_consensus::SelectChain;
use substrate_test_runtime_client::{prelude::*, runtime::{Extrinsic, Transfer}};
use sc_transaction_pool::{BasicPool, FullChainApi};
fn should_not_propagate_transactions_that_are_marked_as_such() {
// given
let (client, longest_chain) = TestClientBuilder::new().build_with_longest_chain();
let client = Arc::new(client);
let pool = Arc::new(BasicPool::new(
Nikolay Volf
let source = sp_runtime::transaction_validity::TransactionSource::External;
let best = longest_chain.best_chain().unwrap();
let transaction = Transfer {
amount: 5,
nonce: 0,
from: AccountKeyring::Alice.into(),
to: Default::default(),
&BlockId::hash(best.hash()), source, transaction.clone()),
&BlockId::hash(best.hash()), source, Extrinsic::IncludeData(vec![1])),
assert_eq!(pool.status().ready, 2);
// when
let transactions = transactions_to_propagate(&*pool);
// then
assert_eq!(transactions.len(), 1);
// this should not panic
let _ = transactions[0].1.transfer();