// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{CallFlags, Result, ReturnFlags, StorageFlags};
use pallet_revive_proc_macro::unstable_hostfn;
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv64")]
mod riscv64;
/// Implements [`HostFn`] when compiled on supported architectures (RISC-V).
pub enum HostFnImpl {}
/// Defines all the host apis available to contracts.
pub trait HostFn: private::Sealed {
/// Stores the address of the current contract into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the address.
fn address(output: &mut [u8; 20]);
/// Get the contract immutable data.
/// Traps if:
/// - Called from within the deploy export.
/// - Called by contracts that didn't set immutable data by calling `set_immutable_data` during
/// their constructor execution.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output buffer to write the immutable bytes.
fn get_immutable_data(output: &mut &mut [u8]);
/// Set the contract immutable data.
/// It is only valid to set non-empty immutable data in the constructor once.
/// Traps if:
/// - Called from within the call export.
/// - Called more than once.
/// - The provided data was empty.
/// # Parameters
/// - `data`: A reference to the data to be stored as immutable bytes.
fn set_immutable_data(data: &[u8]);
Cyrill Leutwiler
/// Stores the **reducible** balance of the current account into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the balance.
fn balance(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
Cyrill Leutwiler
/// Stores the **reducible** balance of the supplied address into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `addr`: The target address of which to retreive the free balance.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the balance.
fn balance_of(addr: &[u8; 20], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Returns the [EIP-155]( chain ID.
fn chain_id(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Returns the price per ref_time, akin to the EVM
/// [GASPRICE]( opcode.
fn gas_price() -> u64;
/// Returns the base fee, akin to the EVM
/// [BASEFEE]( opcode.
fn base_fee(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
Cyrill Leutwiler
/// Returns the call data size.
fn call_data_size() -> u64;
/// Call (possibly transferring some amount of funds) into the specified account.
/// # Parameters
/// - `flags`: See [`CallFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
/// - `callee`: The address of the callee. Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps
/// otherwise.
/// - `ref_time_limit`: how much *ref_time* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `proof_size_limit`: how much *proof_size* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `deposit`: The storage deposit limit for instantiation. Passing `None` means setting no
/// specific limit for the call, which implies storage usage up to the limit of the parent
/// call.
/// - `value`: The value to transfer into the contract.
/// - `input`: The input data buffer used to call the contract.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
/// is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
/// # Errors
/// An error means that the call wasn't successful output buffer is returned unless
/// stated otherwise.
/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
/// - [TransferFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::TransferFailed]
/// - [OutOfResources][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::OutOfResources]
fn call(
flags: CallFlags,
ref_time_limit: u64,
proof_size_limit: u64,
deposit: &[u8; 32],
input_data: &[u8],
output: Option<&mut &mut [u8]>,
) -> Result;
/// Stores the address of the caller into the supplied buffer.
/// If this is a top-level call (i.e. initiated by an extrinsic) the origin address of the
/// extrinsic will be returned. Otherwise, if this call is initiated by another contract then
/// the address of the contract will be returned.
/// If there is no address associated with the caller (e.g. because the caller is root) then
/// it traps with `BadOrigin`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the caller address.
fn caller(output: &mut [u8; 20]);
/// Stores the origin address (initator of the call stack) into the supplied buffer.
/// If there is no address associated with the origin (e.g. because the origin is root) then
/// it traps with `BadOrigin`. This can only happen through on-chain governance actions or
/// customized runtimes.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the origin's address.
fn origin(output: &mut [u8; 20]);
/// Retrieve the code hash for a specified contract address.
/// # Parameters
/// - `addr`: The address of the contract.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the code hash.
/// If `addr` is not a contract but the account exists then the hash of empty data
/// `0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470` is written,
/// otherwise `zero`.
fn code_hash(addr: &[u8; 20], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
Cyrill Leutwiler
/// Returns the code size for a specified contract address.
/// # Parameters
/// - `addr`: The address of the contract.
/// # Note
/// If `addr` is not a contract the `output` will be zero.
Cyrill Leutwiler
fn code_size(addr: &[u8; 20]) -> u64;
/// Execute code in the context (storage, caller, value) of the current contract.
/// Reentrancy protection is always disabled since the callee is allowed
/// to modify the callers storage. This makes going through a reentrancy attack
/// unnecessary for the callee when it wants to exploit the caller.
/// # Parameters
/// - `flags`: See [`CallFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
/// - `address`: The address of the code to be executed. Should be decodable as an
/// `T::AccountId`. Traps otherwise.
/// - `ref_time_limit`: how much *ref_time* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `proof_size_limit`: how much *proof_size* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `deposit_limit`: The storage deposit limit for delegate call. Passing `None` means setting
/// no specific limit for the call, which implies storage usage up to the limit of the parent
/// call.
/// - `input`: The input data buffer used to call the contract.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
/// is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
/// # Errors
/// An error means that the call wasn't successful and no output buffer is returned unless
/// stated otherwise.
/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
/// - [OutOfResources][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::OutOfResources]
fn delegate_call(
flags: CallFlags,
address: &[u8; 20],
ref_time_limit: u64,
proof_size_limit: u64,
deposit_limit: &[u8; 32],
input_data: &[u8],
output: Option<&mut &mut [u8]>,
) -> Result;
/// Deposit a contract event with the data buffer and optional list of topics. There is a limit
/// on the maximum number of topics specified by `event_topics`.
/// There should not be any duplicates in `topics`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `topics`: The topics list. It can't contain duplicates.
fn deposit_event(topics: &[[u8; 32]], data: &[u8]);
/// Retrieve the value under the given key from storage.
/// The key length must not exceed the maximum defined by the contracts module parameter.
/// # Parameters
/// - `key`: The storage key.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the storage entry.
/// # Errors
/// [KeyNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound]
fn get_storage(flags: StorageFlags, key: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;
/// Computes the keccak_256 32-bit hash on the given input buffer.
/// - The `input` and `output` buffer may overlap.
/// - The output buffer is expected to hold at least 32 bits.
/// - It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that is large enough to hold
/// the expected amount of bytes returned by the hash function.
/// # Parameters
/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
/// - `output`: The output buffer to write the hash result to.
fn hash_keccak_256(input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Stores the input data passed by the caller into the supplied `output` buffer,
/// starting from the given input data `offset`.
/// The `output` buffer is guaranteed to always be fully populated:
/// - If the call data (starting from the given `offset`) is larger than the `output` buffer,
/// only what fits into the `output` buffer is written.
/// - If the `output` buffer size exceeds the call data size (starting from `offset`), remaining
/// bytes in the `output` buffer are zeroed out.
/// - If the provided call data `offset` is out-of-bounds, the whole `output` buffer is zeroed
/// out.
/// # Note
/// This function traps if:
/// - the input was previously forwarded by a [`call()`][`Self::call()`].
/// - the `output` buffer is located in an PolkaVM invalid memory range.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call data.
/// - `offset`: The offset index into the call data from where to start copying.
fn call_data_copy(output: &mut [u8], offset: u32);
/// Stores the U256 value at given `offset` from the input passed by the caller
/// into the supplied buffer.
/// # Note
/// - If `offset` is out of bounds, a value of zero will be returned.
/// - If `offset` is in bounds but there is not enough call data, the available data
/// is right-padded in order to fill a whole U256 value.
/// - The data written to `output` is a little endian U256 integer value.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the fixed output data buffer to write the value.
/// - `offset`: The offset (index) into the call data.
fn call_data_load(output: &mut [u8; 32], offset: u32);
/// Instantiate a contract with the specified code hash.
/// This function creates an account and executes the constructor defined in the code specified
/// by the code hash.
/// # Parameters
/// - `ref_time_limit`: how much *ref_time* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `proof_size_limit`: how much *proof_size* Weight to devote to the execution.
/// - `deposit`: The storage deposit limit for instantiation. Passing `None` means setting no
/// specific limit for the call, which implies storage usage up to the limit of the parent
/// call.
/// - `value`: The value to transfer into the contract.
/// - `input`: The code hash and constructor input data buffer. The first 32 bytes are the code
/// hash of the code to be instantiated. The remaining bytes are the constructor call data.
/// - `address`: A reference to the address buffer to write the address of the contract. If
/// `None` is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
/// - `output`: A reference to the return value buffer to write the constructor output buffer.
/// If `None` is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
/// - `salt`: The salt bytes to use for this instantiation.
/// # Errors
/// Please consult the [ReturnErrorCode][`crate::ReturnErrorCode`] enum declaration for more
/// information on those errors. Here we only note things specific to this function.
/// An error means that the account wasn't created and no address or output buffer
/// is returned unless stated otherwise.
/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
/// - [TransferFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::TransferFailed]
/// - [OutOfResources][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::OutOfResources]
fn instantiate(
ref_time_limit: u64,
proof_size_limit: u64,
deposit: &[u8; 32],
address: Option<&mut [u8; 20]>,
output: Option<&mut &mut [u8]>,
salt: Option<&[u8; 32]>,
/// Load the latest block timestamp in seconds into the supplied buffer
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the timestamp.
fn now(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Returns the block ref_time limit.
fn gas_limit() -> u64;
/// Cease contract execution and save a data buffer as a result of the execution.
/// This function never returns as it stops execution of the caller.
/// This is the only way to return a data buffer to the caller. Returning from
/// execution without calling this function is equivalent to calling:
/// ```nocompile
/// return_value(ReturnFlags::empty(), &[])
/// ```
/// Using an unnamed non empty `ReturnFlags` triggers a trap.
/// # Parameters
/// - `flags`: Flag used to signal special return conditions to the supervisor. See
/// [`ReturnFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
/// - `return_value`: The return value buffer.
fn return_value(flags: ReturnFlags, return_value: &[u8]) -> !;
/// Set the value at the given key in the contract storage.
/// The key and value lengths must not exceed the maximums defined by the contracts module
/// parameters.
/// # Parameters
/// - `key`: The storage key.
/// - `encoded_value`: The storage value.
/// # Return
/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
fn set_storage(flags: StorageFlags, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;
/// Stores the value transferred along with this call/instantiate into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the transferred value.
fn value_transferred(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Stores the price for the specified amount of gas into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `ref_time_limit`: The *ref_time* Weight limit to query the price for.
/// - `proof_size_limit`: The *proof_size* Weight limit to query the price for.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the price.
fn weight_to_fee(ref_time_limit: u64, proof_size_limit: u64, output: &mut [u8; 32]);
Cyrill Leutwiler
/// Returns the size of the returned data of the last contract call or instantiation.
fn return_data_size() -> u64;
/// Stores the returned data of the last contract call or contract instantiation.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output buffer to write the data.
/// - `offset`: Byte offset into the returned data
fn return_data_copy(output: &mut &mut [u8], offset: u32);
/// Returns the amount of ref_time left.
fn ref_time_left() -> u64;
/// Stores the current block author of into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the block author.
fn block_author(output: &mut [u8; 20]);
/// Stores the current block number of the current contract into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the block number.
fn block_number(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
Alexander Theißen
/// Retrieve the account id for a specified address.
/// # Parameters
/// - `addr`: A `H160` address.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the account id.
/// # Note
/// If no mapping exists for `addr`, the fallback account id will be returned.
fn to_account_id(addr: &[u8; 20], output: &mut [u8]);
/// Stores the block hash of the given block number into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `block_number`: A reference to the block number buffer.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the block number.
fn block_hash(block_number: &[u8; 32], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Call into the chain extension provided by the chain if any.
/// Handling of the input values is up to the specific chain extension and so is the
/// return value. The extension can decide to use the inputs as primitive inputs or as
/// in/out arguments by interpreting them as pointers. Any caller of this function
/// must therefore coordinate with the chain that it targets.
/// # Note
/// If no chain extension exists the contract will trap with the `NoChainExtension`
/// module error.
/// # Parameters
/// - `func_id`: The function id of the chain extension.
/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
/// is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
/// # Return
/// The chain extension returned value, if executed successfully.
fn call_chain_extension(func_id: u32, input: &[u8], output: Option<&mut &mut [u8]>) -> u32;
/// Call some dispatchable of the runtime.
/// # Parameters
/// - `call`: The call data.
/// # Return
/// Returns `Error::Success` when the dispatchable was successfully executed and
/// returned `Ok`. When the dispatchable was executed but returned an error
/// `Error::CallRuntimeFailed` is returned. The full error is not
/// provided because it is not guaranteed to be stable.
/// # Comparison with `ChainExtension`
/// Just as a chain extension this API allows the runtime to extend the functionality
/// of contracts. While making use of this function is generally easier it cannot be
/// used in all cases. Consider writing a chain extension if you need to do perform
/// one of the following tasks:
/// - Return data.
/// - Provide functionality **exclusively** to contracts.
/// - Provide custom weights.
/// - Avoid the need to keep the `Call` data structure stable.
fn call_runtime(call: &[u8]) -> Result;
/// Checks whether the caller of the current contract is the origin of the whole call stack.
/// Prefer this over [`is_contract()`][`Self::is_contract`] when checking whether your contract
/// is being called by a contract or a plain account. The reason is that it performs better
/// since it does not need to do any storage lookups.
/// # Return
/// A return value of `true` indicates that this contract is being called by a plain account
/// and `false` indicates that the caller is another contract.
fn caller_is_origin() -> bool;
/// Checks whether the caller of the current contract is root.
/// Note that only the origin of the call stack can be root. Hence this function returning
/// `true` implies that the contract is being called by the origin.
/// A return value of `true` indicates that this contract is being called by a root origin,
/// and `false` indicates that the caller is a signed origin.
fn caller_is_root() -> bool;
/// Clear the value at the given key in the contract storage.
/// # Parameters
/// - `key`: The storage key.
/// # Return
/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
fn clear_storage(flags: StorageFlags, key: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;
/// Checks whether there is a value stored under the given key.
/// The key length must not exceed the maximum defined by the contracts module parameter.
/// # Parameters
/// - `key`: The storage key.
/// # Return
/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
fn contains_storage(flags: StorageFlags, key: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;
/// Calculates Ethereum address from the ECDSA compressed public key and stores
/// it into the supplied buffer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `pubkey`: The public key bytes.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the address.
/// # Errors
/// - [EcdsaRecoveryFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::EcdsaRecoveryFailed]
fn ecdsa_to_eth_address(pubkey: &[u8; 33], output: &mut [u8; 20]) -> Result;
/// Computes the sha2_256 32-bit hash on the given input buffer.
/// - The `input` and `output` buffer may overlap.
/// - The output buffer is expected to hold at least 32 bits.
/// - It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that is large enough to hold
/// the expected amount of bytes returned by the hash function.
/// # Parameters
/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
/// - `output`: The output buffer to write the hash result to.
fn hash_sha2_256(input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Computes the blake2_256 32-bit hash on the given input buffer.
/// - The `input` and `output` buffer may overlap.
/// - The output buffer is expected to hold at least 32 bits.
/// - It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that is large enough to hold
/// the expected amount of bytes returned by the hash function.
/// # Parameters
/// */
/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
/// - `output`: The output buffer to write the hash result to.
fn hash_blake2_256(input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Computes the blake2_128 16-bit hash on the given input buffer.
/// - The `input` and `output` buffer may overlap.
/// - The output buffer is expected to hold at least 16 bits.
/// - It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that is large enough to hold
/// the expected amount of bytes returned by the hash function.
/// # Parameters
/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
/// - `output`: The output buffer to write the hash result to.
fn hash_blake2_128(input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 16]);
/// Checks whether a specified address belongs to a contract.
/// # Parameters
/// - `address`: The address to check
/// # Return
/// Returns `true` if the address belongs to a contract.
fn is_contract(address: &[u8; 20]) -> bool;
/// Stores the minimum balance (a.k.a. existential deposit) into the supplied buffer.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the minimum balance.
fn minimum_balance(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Retrieve the code hash of the currently executing contract.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the code hash.
fn own_code_hash(output: &mut [u8; 32]);
/// Replace the contract code at the specified address with new code.
/// # Note
/// There are a couple of important considerations which must be taken into account when
/// using this API:
/// 1. The storage at the code address will remain untouched. This means that contract
/// developers must ensure that the storage layout of the new code is compatible with that of
/// the old code.
/// 2. Contracts using this API can't be assumed as having deterministic addresses. Said another
/// way, when using this API you lose the guarantee that an address always identifies a specific
/// code hash.
/// 3. If a contract calls into itself after changing its code the new call would use
/// the new code. However, if the original caller panics after returning from the sub call it
/// would revert the changes made by [`set_code_hash()`][`Self::set_code_hash`] and the next
/// caller would use the old code.
/// # Parameters
/// - `code_hash`: The hash of the new code. Should be decodable as an `T::Hash`. Traps
/// otherwise.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if there is no code on-chain with the specified hash.
fn set_code_hash(code_hash: &[u8; 32]);
/// Verify a sr25519 signature
/// # Parameters
/// - `signature`: The signature bytes.
/// - `message`: The message bytes.
/// # Errors
/// - [Sr25519VerifyFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::Sr25519VerifyFailed]
fn sr25519_verify(signature: &[u8; 64], message: &[u8], pub_key: &[u8; 32]) -> Result;
/// Retrieve and remove the value under the given key from storage.
/// # Parameters
/// - `key`: The storage key.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the storage entry.
/// # Errors
/// [KeyNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound]
fn take_storage(flags: StorageFlags, key: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;
/// Remove the calling account and transfer remaining **free** balance.
/// This function never returns. Either the termination was successful and the
/// execution of the destroyed contract is halted. Or it failed during the termination
/// which is considered fatal and results in a trap + rollback.
/// # Parameters
/// - `beneficiary`: The address of the beneficiary account
/// # Traps
/// - The contract is live i.e is already on the call stack.
/// - Failed to send the balance to the beneficiary.
/// - The deletion queue is full.
fn terminate(beneficiary: &[u8; 20]) -> !;
/// Stores the amount of weight left into the supplied buffer.
/// The data is encoded as Weight.
/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
/// # Parameters
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the weight left.
fn weight_left(output: &mut &mut [u8]);
/// Execute an XCM program locally, using the contract's address as the origin.
/// This is equivalent to dispatching `pallet_xcm::execute` through call_runtime, except that
/// the function is called directly instead of being dispatched.
/// # Parameters
/// - `msg`: The message, should be decodable as a [VersionedXcm](,
/// traps otherwise.
/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the [Outcome](
/// # Return
/// Returns `Error::Success` when the XCM execution attempt is successful. When the XCM
/// execution fails, `ReturnCode::XcmExecutionFailed` is returned
fn xcm_execute(msg: &[u8]) -> Result;
/// Send an XCM program from the contract to the specified destination.
/// This is equivalent to dispatching `pallet_xcm::send` through `call_runtime`, except that
/// the function is called directly instead of being dispatched.
/// # Parameters
/// - `dest`: The XCM destination, should be decodable as [VersionedLocation](,
/// traps otherwise.
/// - `msg`: The message, should be decodable as a [VersionedXcm](,
/// traps otherwise.
/// # Return
/// Returns `ReturnCode::Success` when the message was successfully sent. When the XCM
/// execution fails, `ReturnErrorCode::XcmSendFailed` is returned.
fn xcm_send(dest: &[u8], msg: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]) -> Result;
/// Create a new query
/// # Parameters
/// - `responder`:
/// - `maybe_notify`:
/// - `timeout`:
fn new_query(responder: &[u8], maybe_notify: &[u8], timeout: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]) -> Result;
mod private {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl Sealed for super::HostFnImpl {}