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		/// # <weight>
		/// - The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets`,
		/// which is capped at `MAX_NOMINATIONS`.
		/// - Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.
		/// # </weight>
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		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(750_000)]
		fn nominate(origin, targets: Vec<<T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>) {

			let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?;
			let stash = &ledger.stash;
			ensure!(!targets.is_empty(), "targets cannot be empty");
			let targets = targets.into_iter()
				.map(|t| T::Lookup::lookup(t))
				.collect::<result::Result<Vec<T::AccountId>, _>>()?;
			let nominations = Nominations {
				submitted_in: Self::current_era(),
				suppressed: false,

			<Nominators<T>>::insert(stash, &nominations);
		/// Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.
		/// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
		/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
		/// - Contains one read.
		/// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
		/// # </weight>
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		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000)]
		fn chill(origin) {
			let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?;
		/// (Re-)set the payment target for a controller.
		/// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
		/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
		/// - Contains a limited number of reads.
		/// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
		/// # </weight>
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		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(500_000)]
		fn set_payee(origin, payee: RewardDestination) {
			let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or("not a controller")?;
			let stash = &ledger.stash;
			<Payee<T>>::insert(stash, payee);

		/// (Re-)set the controller of a stash.
		/// Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.
		/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.
		/// - Contains a limited number of reads.
		/// - Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.
		/// # </weight>
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		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FixedNormal(750_000)]
		fn set_controller(origin, controller: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source) {
			let stash = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let old_controller = Self::bonded(&stash).ok_or("not a stash")?;
			let controller = T::Lookup::lookup(controller)?;
			if <Ledger<T>>::exists(&controller) {
				return Err("controller already paired")
			if controller != old_controller {
				<Bonded<T>>::insert(&stash, &controller);
				if let Some(l) = <Ledger<T>>::take(&old_controller) {
					<Ledger<T>>::insert(&controller, l);
		/// The ideal number of validators.
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn set_validator_count(origin, #[compact] new: u32) {
		// ----- Root calls.

		/// Force there to be no new eras indefinitely.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - No arguments.
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn force_no_eras(origin) {

		/// Force there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will be
		/// reset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.
		/// - No arguments.
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn force_new_era(origin) {
		/// Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn set_invulnerables(origin, validators: Vec<T::AccountId>) {

		/// Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn force_unstake(origin, stash: T::AccountId) {

			// remove the lock.
			T::Currency::remove_lock(STAKING_ID, &stash);
			// remove all staking-related information.

		/// Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - One storage write
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn force_new_era_always(origin) {

		/// Cancel enactment of a deferred slash. Can be called by either the root origin or
		/// the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.
		/// passing the era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - One storage write.
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = SimpleDispatchInfo::FreeOperational]
		fn cancel_deferred_slash(origin, era: EraIndex, slash_indices: Vec<u32>) {
				.map(|_| ())
				.map_err(|_| "bad origin")?;

			let mut slash_indices = slash_indices;
			let mut unapplied = <Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::get(&era);

			for (removed, index) in slash_indices.into_iter().enumerate() {
				let index = index as usize;

				// if `index` is not duplicate, `removed` must be <= index.
				ensure!(removed <= index, "duplicate index");

				// all prior removals were from before this index, since the
				// list is sorted.
				let index = index - removed;
				ensure!(index < unapplied.len(), "slash record index out of bounds");


			<Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::insert(&era, &unapplied);
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impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {

	/// The total balance that can be slashed from a stash account as of right now.
	pub fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf<T> {
	/// Update the ledger for a controller. This will also update the stash lock. The lock will
	/// will lock the entire funds except paying for further transactions.
	fn update_ledger(
		controller: &T::AccountId,
		ledger: &StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>
	) {
		<Ledger<T>>::insert(controller, ledger);

	/// Chill a stash account.
	fn chill_stash(stash: &T::AccountId) {
	/// Ensures storage is upgraded to most recent necessary state.
	fn ensure_storage_upgraded() {
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	/// Actually make a payment to a staker. This uses the currency's reward function
	/// to pay the right payee for the given staker account.
	fn make_payout(stash: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf<T>) -> Option<PositiveImbalanceOf<T>> {
		let dest = Self::payee(stash);
		match dest {
			RewardDestination::Controller => Self::bonded(stash)
					T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(&controller, amount).ok()
			RewardDestination::Stash =>
				T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(),
			RewardDestination::Staked => Self::bonded(stash)
				.and_then(|c| Self::ledger(&c).map(|l| (c, l)))
				.and_then(|(controller, mut l)| { += amount; += amount;
					let r = T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok();
					Self::update_ledger(&controller, &l);
	/// Reward a given validator by a specific amount. Add the reward to the validator's, and its
	/// nominators' balance, pro-rata based on their exposure, after having removed the validator's
	/// pre-payout cut.
	fn reward_validator(stash: &T::AccountId, reward: BalanceOf<T>) -> PositiveImbalanceOf<T> {
		let off_the_table = Self::validators(stash).commission * reward;
		let reward = reward.saturating_sub(off_the_table);
		let mut imbalance = <PositiveImbalanceOf<T>>::zero();
		let validator_cut = if reward.is_zero() {
		} else {
			let exposure = Self::stakers(stash);
			let total =;
			for i in &exposure.others {
				let per_u64 = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(i.value, total);
				imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(&i.who, per_u64 * reward));
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			let per_u64 = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(exposure.own, total);
			per_u64 * reward
		imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(stash, validator_cut + off_the_table));
	/// Session has just ended. Provide the validator set for the next session if it's an era-end, along
	/// with the exposure of the prior validator set.
	fn new_session(session_index: SessionIndex)
		-> Option<(Vec<T::AccountId>, Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>)>
		let era_length = session_index.checked_sub(Self::current_era_start_session_index()).unwrap_or(0);
		match ForceEra::get() {
			Forcing::ForceNew => ForceEra::kill(),
			Forcing::ForceAlways => (),
			Forcing::NotForcing if era_length >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() => (),
		let validators = T::SessionInterface::validators();
		let prior = validators.into_iter()
			.map(|v| { let e = Self::stakers(&v); (v, e) })

		Self::new_era(session_index).map(move |new| (new, prior))
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	/// The era has changed - enact new staking set.
	/// NOTE: This always happens immediately before a session change to ensure that new validators
	/// get a chance to set their session keys.
	fn new_era(start_session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		let points = CurrentEraPointsEarned::take();
		let now = T::Time::now();
		let previous_era_start = <CurrentEraStart<T>>::mutate(|v| {
			rstd::mem::replace(v, now)
		let era_duration = now - previous_era_start;
		if !era_duration.is_zero() {
			let validators = Self::current_elected();

			let validator_len: BalanceOf<T> = (validators.len() as u32).into();
			let total_rewarded_stake = Self::slot_stake() * validator_len;

			let (total_payout, max_payout) = inflation::compute_total_payout(
				// Duration of era; more than u64::MAX is rewarded as u64::MAX.

			let mut total_imbalance = <PositiveImbalanceOf<T>>::zero();

			for (v, p) in validators.iter().zip(points.individual.into_iter()) {
				if p != 0 {
					let reward = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(p, * total_payout;
					total_imbalance.subsume(Self::reward_validator(v, reward));
			// assert!(total_imbalance.peek() == total_payout)
			let total_payout = total_imbalance.peek();
			let rest = max_payout.saturating_sub(total_payout);
			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(total_payout, rest));
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		// Increment current era.
		let current_era = CurrentEra::mutate(|s| { *s += 1; *s });
		CurrentEraStartSessionIndex::mutate(|v| {
			*v = start_session_index;
		let bonding_duration = T::BondingDuration::get();

		BondedEras::mutate(|bonded| {
			bonded.push((current_era, start_session_index));

			if current_era > bonding_duration {
				let first_kept = current_era - bonding_duration;

				// prune out everything that's from before the first-kept index.
				let n_to_prune = bonded.iter()
					.take_while(|&&(era_idx, _)| era_idx < first_kept)

				// kill slashing metadata.
				for (pruned_era, _) in bonded.drain(..n_to_prune) {

				if let Some(&(_, first_session)) = bonded.first() {
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		// Reassign all Stakers.
		let (_slot_stake, maybe_new_validators) = Self::select_validators();

	/// Apply previously-unapplied slashes on the beginning of a new era, after a delay.
	fn apply_unapplied_slashes(current_era: EraIndex) {
		let slash_defer_duration = T::SlashDeferDuration::get();
		<Self as Store>::EarliestUnappliedSlash::mutate(|earliest| if let Some(ref mut earliest) = earliest {
			let keep_from = current_era.saturating_sub(slash_defer_duration);
			for era in (*earliest)..keep_from {
				let era_slashes = <Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::take(&era);
				for slash in era_slashes {

			*earliest = (*earliest).max(keep_from)

	/// Select a new validator set from the assembled stakers and their role preferences.
	/// Returns the new `SlotStake` value and a set of newly selected _stash_ IDs.
	/// Assumes storage is coherent with the declaration.
	fn select_validators() -> (BalanceOf<T>, Option<Vec<T::AccountId>>) {
		let mut all_nominators: Vec<(T::AccountId, Vec<T::AccountId>)> = Vec::new();
		let all_validator_candidates_iter = <Validators<T>>::enumerate();
		let all_validators =|(who, _pref)| {
			let self_vote = (who.clone(), vec![who.clone()]);

		let nominator_votes = <Nominators<T>>::enumerate().map(|(nominator, nominations)| {
			let Nominations { submitted_in, mut targets, suppressed: _ } = nominations;

			// Filter out nomination targets which were nominated before the most recent
			// slashing span.
			targets.retain(|stash| {
				<Self as Store>::SlashingSpans::get(&stash).map_or(
					|spans| submitted_in >= spans.last_start(),

			(nominator, targets)

		let maybe_phragmen_result = phragmen::elect::<_, _, _, T::CurrencyToVote>(
			Self::validator_count() as usize,
			Self::minimum_validator_count().max(1) as usize,
		if let Some(phragmen_result) = maybe_phragmen_result {
			let elected_stashes =
				.map(|(s, _)| s.clone())
			let assignments = phragmen_result.assignments;
			let to_votes = |b: BalanceOf<T>|
				<T::CurrencyToVote as Convert<BalanceOf<T>, u64>>::convert(b) as ExtendedBalance;
			let to_balance = |e: ExtendedBalance|
				<T::CurrencyToVote as Convert<ExtendedBalance, BalanceOf<T>>>::convert(e);
			let mut supports = phragmen::build_support_map::<_, _, _, T::CurrencyToVote>(
			if cfg!(feature = "equalize") {
				let mut staked_assignments
					: Vec<(T::AccountId, Vec<PhragmenStakedAssignment<T::AccountId>>)>
					= Vec::with_capacity(assignments.len());
				for (n, assignment) in assignments.iter() {
					let mut staked_assignment
						: Vec<PhragmenStakedAssignment<T::AccountId>>
						= Vec::with_capacity(assignment.len());

					// If this is a self vote, then we don't need to equalise it at all. While the
					// staking system does not allow nomination and validation at the same time,
					// this must always be 100% support.
					if assignment.len() == 1 && assignment[0].0 == *n {
					for (c, per_thing) in assignment.iter() {
						let nominator_stake = to_votes(Self::slashable_balance_of(n));
						let other_stake = *per_thing * nominator_stake;
						staked_assignment.push((c.clone(), other_stake));
					staked_assignments.push((n.clone(), staked_assignment));

				let tolerance = 0_u128;
				let iterations = 2_usize;
				phragmen::equalize::<_, _, T::CurrencyToVote, _>(
					&mut supports,
			// Clear Stakers.
			for v in Self::current_elected().iter() {
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			// Populate Stakers and figure out the minimum stake behind a slot.
			let mut slot_stake = BalanceOf::<T>::max_value();
			for (c, s) in supports.into_iter() {
				// build `struct exposure` from `support`
				let exposure = Exposure {
					own: to_balance(s.own),
					// This might reasonably saturate and we cannot do much about it. The sum of
					// someone's stake might exceed the balance type if they have the maximum amount
					// of balance and receive some support. This is super unlikely to happen, yet
					// we simulate it in some tests.
					total: to_balance(,
					others: s.others
						.map(|(who, value)| IndividualExposure { who, value: to_balance(value) })
						.collect::<Vec<IndividualExposure<_, _>>>(),
				if < slot_stake {
					slot_stake =;
				<Stakers<T>>::insert(&c, exposure.clone());

			// Update slot stake.
			// Set the new validator set in sessions.
			// In order to keep the property required by `n_session_ending`
			// that we must return the new validator set even if it's the same as the old,
			// as long as any underlying economic conditions have changed, we don't attempt
			// to do any optimization where we compare against the prior set.
			(slot_stake, Some(elected_stashes))
		} else {
			// There were not enough candidates for even our minimal level of functionality.
			// This is bad.
			// We should probably disable all functionality except for block production
			// and let the chain keep producing blocks until we can decide on a sufficiently
			// substantial set.
			// TODO: #2494
			(Self::slot_stake(), None)
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	/// Remove all associated data of a stash account from the staking system.
	/// Assumes storage is upgraded before calling.
	/// This is called :
	/// - Immediately when an account's balance falls below existential deposit.
	/// - after a `withdraw_unbond()` call that frees all of a stash's bonded balance.
	fn kill_stash(stash: &T::AccountId) {
		if let Some(controller) = <Bonded<T>>::take(stash) {

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	/// Add reward points to validators using their stash account ID.
	/// Validators are keyed by stash account ID and must be in the current elected set.
	/// For each element in the iterator the given number of points in u32 is added to the
	/// validator, thus duplicates are handled.
	/// At the end of the era each the total payout will be distributed among validator
	/// relatively to their points.
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	/// COMPLEXITY: Complexity is `number_of_validator_to_reward x current_elected_len`.
	/// If you need to reward lots of validator consider using `reward_by_indices`.
	pub fn reward_by_ids(validators_points: impl IntoIterator<Item = (T::AccountId, u32)>) {
		CurrentEraPointsEarned::mutate(|rewards| {
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			let current_elected = <Module<T>>::current_elected();
			for (validator, points) in validators_points.into_iter() {
				if let Some(index) = current_elected.iter()
					.position(|elected| *elected == validator)
					rewards.add_points_to_index(index as u32, points);

	/// Add reward points to validators using their validator index.
	/// For each element in the iterator the given number of points in u32 is added to the
	/// validator, thus duplicates are handled.
	pub fn reward_by_indices(validators_points: impl IntoIterator<Item = (u32, u32)>) {
		// TODO: This can be optimised once #3302 is implemented.
		let current_elected_len = <Module<T>>::current_elected().len() as u32;

		CurrentEraPointsEarned::mutate(|rewards| {
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			for (validator_index, points) in validators_points.into_iter() {
				if validator_index < current_elected_len {
					rewards.add_points_to_index(validator_index, points);

	/// Ensures that at the end of the current session there will be a new era.
	fn ensure_new_era() {
		match ForceEra::get() {
			Forcing::ForceAlways | Forcing::ForceNew => (),
			_ => ForceEra::put(Forcing::ForceNew),
impl<T: Trait> session::OnSessionEnding<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_session_ending(_ending: SessionIndex, start_session: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		Self::new_session(start_session - 1).map(|(new, _old)| new)

impl<T: Trait> OnSessionEnding<T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> for Module<T> {
	fn on_session_ending(_ending: SessionIndex, start_session: SessionIndex)
		-> Option<(Vec<T::AccountId>, Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>)>
		Self::new_session(start_session - 1)
impl<T: Trait> OnFreeBalanceZero<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_free_balance_zero(stash: &T::AccountId) {
/// Add reward points to block authors:
/// * 20 points to the block producer for producing a (non-uncle) block in the relay chain,
/// * 2 points to the block producer for each reference to a previously unreferenced uncle, and
/// * 1 point to the producer of each referenced uncle block.
impl<T: Trait + authorship::Trait> authorship::EventHandler<T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber> for Module<T> {
	fn note_author(author: T::AccountId) {
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		Self::reward_by_ids(vec![(author, 20)]);
	fn note_uncle(author: T::AccountId, _age: T::BlockNumber) {
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			(<authorship::Module<T>>::author(), 2),
			(author, 1)
/// A `Convert` implementation that finds the stash of the given controller account,
/// if any.
pub struct StashOf<T>(rstd::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Trait> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<T::AccountId>> for StashOf<T> {
	fn convert(controller: T::AccountId) -> Option<T::AccountId> {
		<Module<T>>::ledger(&controller).map(|l| l.stash)

/// A typed conversion from stash account ID to the current exposure of nominators
/// on that account.
pub struct ExposureOf<T>(rstd::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Trait> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>>
	for ExposureOf<T>
	fn convert(validator: T::AccountId) -> Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> {

impl<T: Trait> SelectInitialValidators<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn select_initial_validators() -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {

/// This is intended to be used with `FilterHistoricalOffences`.
impl <T: Trait> OnOffenceHandler<T::AccountId, session::historical::IdentificationTuple<T>> for Module<T> where
	T: session::Trait<ValidatorId = <T as system::Trait>::AccountId>,
	T: session::historical::Trait<
		FullIdentification = Exposure<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>,
		FullIdentificationOf = ExposureOf<T>,
	T::SessionHandler: session::SessionHandler<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>,
	T::OnSessionEnding: session::OnSessionEnding<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>,
	T::SelectInitialValidators: session::SelectInitialValidators<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>,
	T::ValidatorIdOf: Convert<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId, Option<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>>
	fn on_offence(
		offenders: &[OffenceDetails<T::AccountId, session::historical::IdentificationTuple<T>>],
		slash_fraction: &[Perbill],
		slash_session: SessionIndex,

		let reward_proportion = SlashRewardFraction::get();

		let era_now = Self::current_era();
		let window_start = era_now.saturating_sub(T::BondingDuration::get());
		let current_era_start_session = CurrentEraStartSessionIndex::get();

		// fast path for current-era report - most likely.
		let slash_era = if slash_session >= current_era_start_session {
		} else {
			let eras = BondedEras::get();

			// reverse because it's more likely to find reports from recent eras.
			match eras.iter().rev().filter(|&&(_, ref sesh)| sesh <= &slash_session).next() {
				None => return, // before bonding period. defensive - should be filtered out.
				Some(&(ref slash_era, _)) => *slash_era,

		<Self as Store>::EarliestUnappliedSlash::mutate(|earliest| {
			if earliest.is_none() {
				*earliest = Some(era_now)

		let slash_defer_duration = T::SlashDeferDuration::get();

		for (details, slash_fraction) in offenders.iter().zip(slash_fraction) {
			let stash = &details.offender.0;
			let exposure = &details.offender.1;

			// Skip if the validator is invulnerable.
			if Self::invulnerables().contains(stash) {

			let unapplied = slashing::compute_slash::<T>(slashing::SlashParams {
				slash: *slash_fraction,
				now: era_now,

			if let Some(mut unapplied) = unapplied {
				unapplied.reporters = details.reporters.clone();
				if slash_defer_duration == 0 {
					// apply right away.
				} else {
					// defer to end of some `slash_defer_duration` from now.
					<Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::mutate(
						move |for_later| for_later.push(unapplied),
/// Filter historical offences out and only allow those from the bonding period.
pub struct FilterHistoricalOffences<T, R> {
	_inner: rstd::marker::PhantomData<(T, R)>,

impl<T, Reporter, Offender, R, O> ReportOffence<Reporter, Offender, O>
	for FilterHistoricalOffences<Module<T>, R> where
	T: Trait,
	R: ReportOffence<Reporter, Offender, O>,
	O: Offence<Offender>,
	fn report_offence(reporters: Vec<Reporter>, offence: O) {

		// disallow any slashing from before the current bonding period.
		let offence_session = offence.session_index();
		let bonded_eras = BondedEras::get();

		if bonded_eras.first().filter(|(_, start)| offence_session >= *start).is_some() {
			R::report_offence(reporters, offence)
		} else {