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// Copyright 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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//! Various implementations for `ShouldExecute`.

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use frame_support::{ensure, traits::Contains, weights::Weight};
use polkadot_parachain::primitives::IsSystem;
use sp_std::{marker::PhantomData, result::Result};
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use xcm::latest::{Junction, MultiLocation, Order, Xcm};
use xcm_executor::traits::{OnResponse, ShouldExecute};
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/// Execution barrier that just takes `shallow_weight` from `weight_credit`.
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pub struct TakeWeightCredit;
impl ShouldExecute for TakeWeightCredit {
	fn should_execute<Call>(
		_origin: &MultiLocation,
		_top_level: bool,
		_message: &Xcm<Call>,
		shallow_weight: Weight,
		weight_credit: &mut Weight,
	) -> Result<(), ()> {
		*weight_credit = weight_credit.checked_sub(shallow_weight).ok_or(())?;

/// Allows execution from `origin` if it is contained in `T` (i.e. `T::Contains(origin)`) taking payments into
/// account.
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pub struct AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Contains<MultiLocation>> ShouldExecute for AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom<T> {
	fn should_execute<Call>(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		top_level: bool,
		message: &Xcm<Call>,
		shallow_weight: Weight,
		_weight_credit: &mut Weight,
	) -> Result<(), ()> {
		ensure!(T::contains(origin), ());
		ensure!(top_level, ());
		match message {
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			Xcm::ReceiveTeleportedAsset { effects, .. } |
			Xcm::WithdrawAsset { effects, .. } |
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			Xcm::ReserveAssetDeposited { effects, .. }
				if matches!(
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					Some(Order::BuyExecution { debt, ..}) if *debt >= shallow_weight
				) =>
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			_ => Err(()),

/// Allows execution from any origin that is contained in `T` (i.e. `T::Contains(origin)`) without any payments.
/// Use only for executions from trusted origin groups.
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pub struct AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Contains<MultiLocation>> ShouldExecute for AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom<T> {
	fn should_execute<Call>(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		_top_level: bool,
		_message: &Xcm<Call>,
		_shallow_weight: Weight,
		_weight_credit: &mut Weight,
	) -> Result<(), ()> {
		ensure!(T::contains(origin), ());

/// Allows a message only if it is from a system-level child parachain.
pub struct IsChildSystemParachain<ParaId>(PhantomData<ParaId>);
impl<ParaId: IsSystem + From<u32>> Contains<MultiLocation> for IsChildSystemParachain<ParaId> {
	fn contains(l: &MultiLocation) -> bool {
		matches!(l, MultiLocation::X1(Junction::Parachain(id)) if ParaId::from(*id).is_system())

/// Allows only messages if the generic `ResponseHandler` expects them via `expecting_response`.
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pub struct AllowKnownQueryResponses<ResponseHandler>(PhantomData<ResponseHandler>);
impl<ResponseHandler: OnResponse> ShouldExecute for AllowKnownQueryResponses<ResponseHandler> {
	fn should_execute<Call>(
		origin: &MultiLocation,
		_top_level: bool,
		message: &Xcm<Call>,
		_shallow_weight: Weight,
		_weight_credit: &mut Weight,
	) -> Result<(), ()> {
		match message {
			Xcm::QueryResponse { query_id, .. }
				if ResponseHandler::expecting_response(origin, *query_id) =>
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			_ => Err(()),