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		/// Cancel enactment of a deferred slash.
		/// Can be called by the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.
		/// Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.
		/// Complexity: O(U + S)
		/// with U unapplied slashes weighted with U=1000
		/// and S is the number of slash indices to be canceled.
		/// - Base: 5870 + 34.61 * S µs
		/// - Read: Unapplied Slashes
		/// - Write: Unapplied Slashes
		#[weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1)
			.saturating_add(5_870 * WEIGHT_PER_MICROS)
			.saturating_add((35 * WEIGHT_PER_MICROS).saturating_mul(slash_indices.len() as Weight))
		fn cancel_deferred_slash(origin, era: EraIndex, slash_indices: Vec<u32>) {
			ensure!(!slash_indices.is_empty(), Error::<T>::EmptyTargets);
			ensure!(is_sorted_and_unique(&slash_indices), Error::<T>::NotSortedAndUnique);
			let mut unapplied = <Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::get(&era);
			let last_item = slash_indices[slash_indices.len() - 1];
			ensure!((last_item as usize) < unapplied.len(), Error::<T>::InvalidSlashIndex);

			for (removed, index) in slash_indices.into_iter().enumerate() {
				let index = (index as usize) - removed;

			<Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::insert(&era, &unapplied);
		/// Pay out all the stakers behind a single validator for a single era.
		/// - `validator_stash` is the stash account of the validator. Their nominators, up to
		///   `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, will also receive their rewards.
		/// - `era` may be any era between `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`.
		/// The origin of this call must be _Signed_. Any account can call this function, even if
		/// it is not one of the stakers.
		/// This can only be called when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator).
		/// - Contains a limited number of reads and writes.
		/// -----------
		/// N is the Number of payouts for the validator (including the validator)
		/// Base Weight:
		/// - Reward Destination Staked: 110 + 54.2 * N µs (Median Slopes)
		/// - Reward Destination Controller (Creating): 120 + 41.95 * N µs (Median Slopes)
		/// DB Weight:
		/// - Read: EraElectionStatus, CurrentEra, HistoryDepth, ErasValidatorReward,
		///         ErasStakersClipped, ErasRewardPoints, ErasValidatorPrefs (8 items)
		/// - Read Each: Bonded, Ledger, Payee, Locks, System Account (5 items)
		/// - Write Each: System Account, Locks, Ledger (3 items)
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight =
			+ 54 * WEIGHT_PER_MICROS * Weight::from(T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator::get())
			+ T::DbWeight::get().reads(7)
			+ T::DbWeight::get().reads(5)  * Weight::from(T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator::get() + 1)
			+ T::DbWeight::get().writes(3) * Weight::from(T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator::get() + 1)
		fn payout_stakers(origin, validator_stash: T::AccountId, era: EraIndex) -> DispatchResult {
			ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::<T>::CallNotAllowed);
			Self::do_payout_stakers(validator_stash, era)

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		/// Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.
		/// The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller, and it can be only called when
		/// [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Closed`.
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		/// # <weight>
		/// - Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks
		/// - Bounded by `MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS`.
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		/// - Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.
		/// ---------------
		/// - Base Weight: 34.51 µs * .048 L µs
		/// - DB Weight:
		///     - Reads: EraElectionStatus, Ledger, Locks, [Origin Account]
		///     - Writes: [Origin Account], Locks, Ledger
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		/// # </weight>
		#[weight =
			+ T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(3, 2)
		fn rebond(origin, #[compact] value: BalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			ensure!(Self::era_election_status().is_closed(), Error::<T>::CallNotAllowed);
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			let controller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let ledger = Self::ledger(&controller).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotController)?;
			ensure!(!ledger.unlocking.is_empty(), Error::<T>::NoUnlockChunk);
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			let ledger = ledger.rebond(value);
			Self::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger);
				+ 50 * WEIGHT_PER_NANOS * (ledger.unlocking.len() as Weight)
				+ T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(3, 2)
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		/// Set `HistoryDepth` value. This function will delete any history information
		/// when `HistoryDepth` is reduced.
		/// Parameters:
		/// - `new_history_depth`: The new history depth you would like to set.
		/// - `era_items_deleted`: The number of items that will be deleted by this dispatch.
		///    This should report all the storage items that will be deleted by clearing old
		///    era history. Needed to report an accurate weight for the dispatch. Trusted by
		///    `Root` to report an accurate number.
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		/// Origin must be root.
		/// # <weight>
		/// - E: Number of history depths removed, i.e. 10 -> 7 = 3
		/// - Base Weight: 29.13 * E µs
		/// - DB Weight:
		///     - Reads: Current Era, History Depth
		///     - Writes: History Depth
		///     - Clear Prefix Each: Era Stakers, EraStakersClipped, ErasValidatorPrefs
		///     - Writes Each: ErasValidatorReward, ErasRewardPoints, ErasTotalStake, ErasStartSessionIndex
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = {
			let items = Weight::from(*_era_items_deleted);
			T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1)
				.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(items, items))

		fn set_history_depth(origin,
			#[compact] new_history_depth: EraIndex,
			#[compact] _era_items_deleted: u32,
		) {
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			if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() {
				HistoryDepth::mutate(|history_depth| {
					let last_kept = current_era.checked_sub(*history_depth).unwrap_or(0);
					let new_last_kept = current_era.checked_sub(new_history_depth).unwrap_or(0);
					for era_index in last_kept..new_last_kept {
					*history_depth = new_history_depth

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		/// Remove all data structure concerning a staker/stash once its balance is zero.
		/// This is essentially equivalent to `withdraw_unbonded` except it can be called by anyone
		/// and the target `stash` must have no funds left.
		/// This can be called from any origin.
		/// - `stash`: The stash account to reap. Its balance must be zero.
		/// # <weight>
		/// Complexity: O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans on the account.
		/// Base Weight: 75.94 + 2.396 * S µs
		/// DB Weight:
		/// - Reads: Stash Account, Bonded, Slashing Spans, Locks
		/// - Writes: Bonded, Slashing Spans (if S > 0), Ledger, Payee, Validators, Nominators, Stash Account, Locks
		/// - Writes Each: SpanSlash * S
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(4, 7)
			.saturating_add(76 * WEIGHT_PER_MICROS)
			// if slashing spans is non-zero, add 1 more write
		fn reap_stash(_origin, stash: T::AccountId, num_slashing_spans: u32) {
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			ensure!(T::Currency::total_balance(&stash).is_zero(), Error::<T>::FundedTarget);
			Self::kill_stash(&stash, num_slashing_spans)?;
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			T::Currency::remove_lock(STAKING_ID, &stash);
		/// Submit an election result to the chain. If the solution:
		/// 1. is valid.
		/// 2. has a better score than a potentially existing solution on chain.
		/// then, it will be _put_ on chain.
		/// A solution consists of two pieces of data:
		/// 1. `winners`: a flat vector of all the winners of the round.
		/// 2. `assignments`: the compact version of an assignment vector that encodes the edge
		///    weights.
		/// Both of which may be computed using _phragmen_, or any other algorithm.
		/// Additionally, the submitter must provide:
		/// - The `score` that they claim their solution has.
		/// Both validators and nominators will be represented by indices in the solution. The
		/// indices should respect the corresponding types ([`ValidatorIndex`] and
		/// [`NominatorIndex`]). Moreover, they should be valid when used to index into
		/// [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`]. Any invalid index will cause the
		/// solution to be rejected. These two storage items are set during the election window and
		/// may be used to determine the indices.
		/// A solution is valid if:
		/// 0. It is submitted when [`EraElectionStatus`] is `Open`.
		/// 1. Its claimed score is equal to the score computed on-chain.
		/// 2. Presents the correct number of winners.
		/// 3. All indexes must be value according to the snapshot vectors. All edge values must
		///    also be correct and should not overflow the granularity of the ratio type (i.e. 256
		///    or billion).
		/// 4. For each edge, all targets are actually nominated by the voter.
		/// 5. Has correct self-votes.
		/// A solutions score is consisted of 3 parameters:
		/// 1. `min { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be maximized.
		/// 2. `sum { }` for each support of a winner. This value should be minimized.
		/// 3. `sum {^2 }` for each support of a winner. This value should be
		///    minimized (to ensure less variance)
		/// # <weight>
		/// See `crate::weight` module.
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = weight::weight_for_submit_solution::<T>(winners, compact, size)]
		pub fn submit_election_solution(
			winners: Vec<ValidatorIndex>,
			compact: CompactAssignments,
			score: ElectionScore,
			era: EraIndex,
			size: ElectionSize,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			let _who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

		/// Unsigned version of `submit_election_solution`.
		/// Note that this must pass the [`ValidateUnsigned`] check which only allows transactions
		/// from the local node to be included. In other words, only the block author can include a
		/// transaction in the block.
		/// # <weight>
		/// See `crate::weight` module.
		/// # </weight>
		#[weight = weight::weight_for_submit_solution::<T>(winners, compact, size)]
		pub fn submit_election_solution_unsigned(
			winners: Vec<ValidatorIndex>,
			compact: CompactAssignments,
			score: ElectionScore,
			era: EraIndex,
			size: ElectionSize,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			let adjustments = Self::check_and_replace_solution(
				"An unsigned solution can only be submitted by validators; A validator should \
				always produce correct solutions, else this block should not be imported, thus \
				effectively depriving the validators from their authoring reward. Hence, this panic
				is expected."
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impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
	/// The total balance that can be slashed from a stash account as of right now.
	pub fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf<T> {
		// Weight note: consider making the stake accessible through stash.
	/// internal impl of [`slashable_balance_of`] that returns [`VoteWeight`].
	fn slashable_balance_of_vote_weight(stash: &T::AccountId) -> VoteWeight {
		<T::CurrencyToVote as Convert<BalanceOf<T>, VoteWeight>>::convert(

	/// Dump the list of validators and nominators into vectors and keep them on-chain.
	/// This data is used to efficiently evaluate election results. returns `true` if the operation
	/// is successful.
	pub fn create_stakers_snapshot() -> (bool, Weight) {
		let mut consumed_weight = 0;
		let mut add_db_reads_writes = |reads, writes| {
			consumed_weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(reads, writes);
		let validators = <Validators<T>>::iter().map(|(v, _)| v).collect::<Vec<_>>();
		let mut nominators = <Nominators<T>>::iter().map(|(n, _)| n).collect::<Vec<_>>();

		let num_validators = validators.len();
		let num_nominators = nominators.len();
		add_db_reads_writes((num_validators + num_nominators) as Weight, 0);

			num_validators > MAX_VALIDATORS ||
			num_nominators.saturating_add(num_validators) > MAX_NOMINATORS
				"💸 Snapshot size too big [{} <> {}][{} <> {}].",
			(false, consumed_weight)
		} else {
			// all validators nominate themselves;

			add_db_reads_writes(0, 2);
			(true, consumed_weight)

	/// Clears both snapshots of stakers.
	fn kill_stakers_snapshot() {
	fn do_payout_stakers(
		validator_stash: T::AccountId,
		era: EraIndex,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		let current_era = CurrentEra::get().ok_or(Error::<T>::InvalidEraToReward)?;
		ensure!(era <= current_era, Error::<T>::InvalidEraToReward);
		let history_depth = Self::history_depth();
		ensure!(era >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth), Error::<T>::InvalidEraToReward);

		// Note: if era has no reward to be claimed, era may be future. better not to update
		// `ledger.claimed_rewards` in this case.
		let era_payout = <ErasValidatorReward<T>>::get(&era)
			.ok_or_else(|| Error::<T>::InvalidEraToReward)?;

		let controller = Self::bonded(&validator_stash).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStash)?;
		let mut ledger = <Ledger<T>>::get(&controller).ok_or_else(|| Error::<T>::NotController)?;

		ledger.claimed_rewards.retain(|&x| x >= current_era.saturating_sub(history_depth));
		match ledger.claimed_rewards.binary_search(&era) {
			Ok(_) => Err(Error::<T>::AlreadyClaimed)?,
			Err(pos) => ledger.claimed_rewards.insert(pos, era),

		let exposure = <ErasStakersClipped<T>>::get(&era, &ledger.stash);

		/* Input data seems good, no errors allowed after this point */

		<Ledger<T>>::insert(&controller, &ledger);

		// Get Era reward points. It has TOTAL and INDIVIDUAL
		// Find the fraction of the era reward that belongs to the validator
		// Take that fraction of the eras rewards to split to nominator and validator
		// Then look at the validator, figure out the proportion of their reward
		// which goes to them and each of their nominators.

		let era_reward_points = <ErasRewardPoints<T>>::get(&era);
		let total_reward_points =;
		let validator_reward_points = era_reward_points.individual.get(&ledger.stash)
			.map(|points| *points)
			.unwrap_or_else(|| Zero::zero());

		// Nothing to do if they have no reward points.
		if validator_reward_points.is_zero() { return Ok(())}

		// This is the fraction of the total reward that the validator and the
		// nominators will get.
		let validator_total_reward_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(

		// This is how much validator + nominators are entitled to.
		let validator_total_payout = validator_total_reward_part * era_payout;

		let validator_prefs = Self::eras_validator_prefs(&era, &validator_stash);
		// Validator first gets a cut off the top.
		let validator_commission = validator_prefs.commission;
		let validator_commission_payout = validator_commission * validator_total_payout;

		let validator_leftover_payout = validator_total_payout - validator_commission_payout;
		// Now let's calculate how this is split to the validator.
		let validator_exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(
		let validator_staking_payout = validator_exposure_part * validator_leftover_payout;

		// We can now make total validator payout:
		if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout(
			validator_staking_payout + validator_commission_payout
		) {
			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(ledger.stash, imbalance.peek()));

		// Lets now calculate how this is split to the nominators.
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		// Reward only the clipped exposures. Note this is not necessarily sorted.
		for nominator in exposure.others.iter() {
			let nominator_exposure_part = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(

			let nominator_reward: BalanceOf<T> = nominator_exposure_part * validator_leftover_payout;
			// We can now make nominator payout:
			if let Some(imbalance) = Self::make_payout(&nominator.who, nominator_reward) {
				Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Reward(nominator.who.clone(), imbalance.peek()));


	/// Update the ledger for a controller. This will also update the stash lock. The lock will
	/// will lock the entire funds except paying for further transactions.
	fn update_ledger(
		controller: &T::AccountId,
		ledger: &StakingLedger<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>
	) {
		<Ledger<T>>::insert(controller, ledger);

	/// Chill a stash account.
	fn chill_stash(stash: &T::AccountId) {
	/// Actually make a payment to a staker. This uses the currency's reward function
	/// to pay the right payee for the given staker account.
	fn make_payout(stash: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf<T>) -> Option<PositiveImbalanceOf<T>> {
		let dest = Self::payee(stash);
		match dest {
			RewardDestination::Controller => Self::bonded(stash)
					Some(T::Currency::deposit_creating(&controller, amount))
			RewardDestination::Stash =>
				T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(),
			RewardDestination::Staked => Self::bonded(stash)
				.and_then(|c| Self::ledger(&c).map(|l| (c, l)))
				.and_then(|(controller, mut l)| { += amount; += amount;
					let r = T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok();
					Self::update_ledger(&controller, &l);
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	/// Plan a new session potentially trigger a new era.
	fn new_session(session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() {
			// Initial era has been set.

			let current_era_start_session_index = Self::eras_start_session_index(current_era)
				.unwrap_or_else(|| {
					frame_support::print("Error: start_session_index must be set for current_era");

			let era_length = session_index.checked_sub(current_era_start_session_index)
				.unwrap_or(0); // Must never happen.

			match ForceEra::get() {
				Forcing::ForceNew => ForceEra::kill(),
				Forcing::ForceAlways => (),
				Forcing::NotForcing if era_length >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() => (),
					// Either `ForceNone`, or `NotForcing && era_length < T::SessionsPerEra::get()`.
					if era_length + 1 == T::SessionsPerEra::get() {
					} else if era_length >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() {
						// Should only happen when we are ready to trigger an era but we have ForceNone,
						// otherwise previous arm would short circuit.
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			// new era.
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		} else {
			// Set initial era
	/// Basic and cheap checks that we perform in validate unsigned, and in the execution.
	/// State reads: ElectionState, CurrentEr, QueuedScore.
	/// This function does weight refund in case of errors, which is based upon the fact that it is
	/// called at the very beginning of the call site's function.
	pub fn pre_dispatch_checks(score: ElectionScore, era: EraIndex) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
		// discard solutions that are not in-time
		// check window open

		// check current era.
		if let Some(current_era) = Self::current_era() {
				current_era == era,

		// assume the given score is valid. Is it better than what we have on-chain, if we have any?
		if let Some(queued_score) = Self::queued_score() {
				is_score_better(score, queued_score, T::MinSolutionScoreBump::get()),

	/// Checks a given solution and if correct and improved, writes it on chain as the queued result
	/// of the next round. This may be called by both a signed and an unsigned transaction.
	pub fn check_and_replace_solution(
		winners: Vec<ValidatorIndex>,
		compact_assignments: CompactAssignments,
		compute: ElectionCompute,
		claimed_score: ElectionScore,
		era: EraIndex,
		election_size: ElectionSize,
	) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
		// Do the basic checks. era, claimed score and window open.
		Self::pre_dispatch_checks(claimed_score, era)?;
		// the weight that we will refund in case of a correct submission. We compute this now
		// because the data needed for it will be consumed further down.
		let adjusted_weight = weight::weight_for_correct_submit_solution::<T>(

		// Check that the number of presented winners is sane. Most often we have more candidates
		// than we need. Then it should be `Self::validator_count()`. Else it should be all the
		// candidates.
		let snapshot_validators_length = <SnapshotValidators<T>>::decode_len()
			.map(|l| l as u32)
			.ok_or_else(|| Error::<T>::SnapshotUnavailable)?;
		// size of the solution must be correct.
			snapshot_validators_length == u32::from(election_size.validators),

		// check the winner length only here and when we know the length of the snapshot validators
		// length.
		let desired_winners = Self::validator_count().min(snapshot_validators_length);
		ensure!(winners.len() as u32 == desired_winners, Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusWinnerCount);

		let snapshot_nominators_len = <SnapshotNominators<T>>::decode_len()
			.map(|l| l as u32)
			.ok_or_else(|| Error::<T>::SnapshotUnavailable)?;

		// rest of the size of the solution must be correct.
			snapshot_nominators_len == election_size.nominators,

		// decode snapshot validators.
		let snapshot_validators = Self::snapshot_validators()

		// check if all winners were legit; this is rather cheap. Replace with accountId.
		let winners = winners.into_iter().map(|widx| {
			// NOTE: at the moment, since staking is explicitly blocking any offence until election
			// is closed, we don't check here if the account id at `snapshot_validators[widx]` is
			// actually a validator. If this ever changes, this loop needs to also check this.
			snapshot_validators.get(widx as usize).cloned().ok_or(Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusWinner)
		}).collect::<Result<Vec<T::AccountId>, Error<T>>>()?;

		// decode the rest of the snapshot.
		let snapshot_nominators = Self::snapshot_nominators()

		// helpers
		let nominator_at = |i: NominatorIndex| -> Option<T::AccountId> {
			snapshot_nominators.get(i as usize).cloned()
		let validator_at = |i: ValidatorIndex| -> Option<T::AccountId> {
			snapshot_validators.get(i as usize).cloned()

		// un-compact.
		let assignments = compact_assignments.into_assignment(
		).map_err(|e| {
			// log the error since it is not propagated into the runtime error.
			log!(warn, "💸 un-compacting solution failed due to {:?}", e);

		// check all nominators actually including the claimed vote. Also check correct self votes.
		// Note that we assume all validators and nominators in `assignments` are properly bonded,
		// because they are coming from the snapshot via a given index.
		for Assignment { who, distribution } in assignments.iter() {
			let is_validator = <Validators<T>>::contains_key(&who);
			let maybe_nomination = Self::nominators(&who);

			if !(maybe_nomination.is_some() ^ is_validator) {
				// all of the indices must map to either a validator or a nominator. If this is ever
				// not the case, then the locking system of staking is most likely faulty, or we
				// have bigger problems.
				log!(error, "💸 detected an error in the staking locking and snapshot.");
				return Err(Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusNominator.into());

			if !is_validator {
				// a normal vote
				let nomination = maybe_nomination.expect(
					"exactly one of `maybe_validator` and `maybe_nomination.is_some` is true. \
					is_validator is false; maybe_nomination is some; qed"

				// NOTE: we don't really have to check here if the sum of all edges are the
				// nominator correct. Un-compacting assures this by definition.

				for (t, _) in distribution {
					// each target in the provided distribution must be actually nominated by the
					// nominator after the last non-zero slash.
					if nomination.targets.iter().find(|&tt| tt == t).is_none() {
						return Err(Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusNomination.into());

					if <Self as Store>::SlashingSpans::get(&t).map_or(
						|spans| nomination.submitted_in < spans.last_nonzero_slash(),
					) {
						return Err(Error::<T>::PhragmenSlashedNomination.into());
			} else {
				// a self vote
				ensure!(distribution.len() == 1, Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusSelfVote);
				ensure!(distribution[0].0 == *who, Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusSelfVote);
				// defensive only. A compact assignment of length one does NOT encode the weight and
				// it is always created to be 100%.
					distribution[0].1 == OffchainAccuracy::one(),

		// convert into staked assignments.
		let staked_assignments = sp_npos_elections::assignment_ratio_to_staked(

		// build the support map thereof in order to evaluate.
		// OPTIMIZATION: loop to create the staked assignments but it would bloat the code. Okay for
		// now as it does not add to the complexity order.
		let (supports, num_error) = build_support_map::<T::AccountId>(
		// This technically checks that all targets in all nominators were among the winners.
		ensure!(num_error == 0, Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusEdge);

		// Check if the score is the same as the claimed one.
		let submitted_score = evaluate_support(&supports);
		ensure!(submitted_score == claimed_score, Error::<T>::PhragmenBogusScore);

		// At last, alles Ok. Exposures and store the result.
		let exposures = Self::collect_exposure(supports);
			"💸 A better solution (with compute {:?} and score {:?}) has been validated and stored on chain.",

		// write new results.
		<QueuedElected<T>>::put(ElectionResult {
			elected_stashes: winners,

		// emit event.

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	/// Start a session potentially starting an era.
	fn start_session(start_session: SessionIndex) {
		let next_active_era = Self::active_era().map(|e| e.index + 1).unwrap_or(0);
		if let Some(next_active_era_start_session_index) =
			if next_active_era_start_session_index == start_session {
			} else if next_active_era_start_session_index < start_session {
				// This arm should never happen, but better handle it than to stall the
				// staking pallet.
				frame_support::print("Warning: A session appears to have been skipped.");
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	/// End a session potentially ending an era.
	fn end_session(session_index: SessionIndex) {
		if let Some(active_era) = Self::active_era() {
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			if let Some(next_active_era_start_session_index) =
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				Self::eras_start_session_index(active_era.index + 1)
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				if next_active_era_start_session_index == session_index + 1 {
					Self::end_era(active_era, session_index);
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	/// * Increment `active_era.index`,
	/// * reset `active_era.start`,
	/// * update `BondedEras` and apply slashes.
	fn start_era(start_session: SessionIndex) {
		let active_era = ActiveEra::mutate(|active_era| {
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			let new_index = active_era.as_ref().map(|info| info.index + 1).unwrap_or(0);
			*active_era = Some(ActiveEraInfo {
				index: new_index,
				// Set new active era start in next `on_finalize`. To guarantee usage of `Time`
				start: None,
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		let bonding_duration = T::BondingDuration::get();

		BondedEras::mutate(|bonded| {
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			bonded.push((active_era, start_session));
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			if active_era > bonding_duration {
				let first_kept = active_era - bonding_duration;

				// prune out everything that's from before the first-kept index.
				let n_to_prune = bonded.iter()
					.take_while(|&&(era_idx, _)| era_idx < first_kept)

				// kill slashing metadata.
				for (pruned_era, _) in bonded.drain(..n_to_prune) {

				if let Some(&(_, first_session)) = bonded.first() {
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	/// Compute payout for era.
	fn end_era(active_era: ActiveEraInfo, _session_index: SessionIndex) {
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		// Note: active_era_start can be None if end era is called during genesis config.
		if let Some(active_era_start) = active_era.start {
			let now_as_millis_u64 = T::UnixTime::now().as_millis().saturated_into::<u64>();
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			let era_duration = now_as_millis_u64 - active_era_start;
			let (validator_payout, max_payout) = inflation::compute_total_payout(
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				// Duration of era; more than u64::MAX is rewarded as u64::MAX.
			let rest = max_payout.saturating_sub(validator_payout);

			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::EraPayout(active_era.index, validator_payout, rest));
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			// Set ending era reward.
			<ErasValidatorReward<T>>::insert(&active_era.index, validator_payout);
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	/// Plan a new era. Return the potential new staking set.
	fn new_era(start_session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		// Increment or set current era.
		let current_era = CurrentEra::mutate(|s| {
			*s = Some(|s| s + 1).unwrap_or(0));
		ErasStartSessionIndex::insert(&current_era, &start_session_index);

		// Clean old era information.
		if let Some(old_era) = current_era.checked_sub(Self::history_depth() + 1) {

		// Set staking information for new era.
		let maybe_new_validators = Self::select_and_update_validators(current_era);


	/// Remove all the storage items associated with the election.
	fn close_election_window() {
		// Close window.
		// Kill snapshots.
		// Don't track final session.

	/// Select the new validator set at the end of the era.
	/// Runs [`try_do_phragmen`] and updates the following storage items:
	/// - [`EraElectionStatus`]: with `None`.
	/// - [`ErasStakers`]: with the new staker set.
	/// - [`ErasStakersClipped`].
	/// - [`ErasValidatorPrefs`].
	/// - [`ErasTotalStake`]: with the new total stake.
	/// - [`SnapshotValidators`] and [`SnapshotNominators`] are both removed.
	/// Internally, [`QueuedElected`], snapshots and [`QueuedScore`] are also consumed.
	/// If the election has been successful, It passes the new set upwards.
	/// This should only be called at the end of an era.
	fn select_and_update_validators(current_era: EraIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		if let Some(ElectionResult::<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>> {
		}) = Self::try_do_election() {
			// Totally close the election round and data.

			// Populate Stakers and write slot stake.
			let mut total_stake: BalanceOf<T> = Zero::zero();
			exposures.into_iter().for_each(|(stash, exposure)| {
				total_stake = total_stake.saturating_add(;
				<ErasStakers<T>>::insert(current_era, &stash, &exposure);
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				let mut exposure_clipped = exposure;
				let clipped_max_len = T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator::get() as usize;
				if exposure_clipped.others.len() > clipped_max_len {
					exposure_clipped.others.sort_by(|a, b| a.value.cmp(&b.value).reverse());
				<ErasStakersClipped<T>>::insert(&current_era, &stash, exposure_clipped);

			// Insert current era staking information
			<ErasTotalStake<T>>::insert(&current_era, total_stake);

			// collect the pref of all winners
			for stash in &elected_stashes {
				let pref = Self::validators(stash);
				<ErasValidatorPrefs<T>>::insert(&current_era, stash, pref);
			// emit event

				"💸 new validator set of size {:?} has been elected via {:?} for era {:?}",

		} else {

	/// Select a new validator set from the assembled stakers and their role preferences. It tries
	/// first to peek into [`QueuedElected`]. Otherwise, it runs a new on-chain phragmen election.
	/// If [`QueuedElected`] and [`QueuedScore`] exists, they are both removed. No further storage
	/// is updated.
	fn try_do_election() -> Option<ElectionResult<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> {
		// an election result from either a stored submission or locally executed one.
		let next_result = <QueuedElected<T>>::take().or_else(||

		// either way, kill this. We remove it here to make sure it always has the exact same
		// lifetime as `QueuedElected`.

	/// Execute election and return the new results. The edge weights are processed into support
	/// This is basically a wrapper around [`do_phragmen`] which translates
	/// `PrimitiveElectionResult` into `ElectionResult`.
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	/// No storage item is updated.
	fn do_phragmen_with_post_processing<Accuracy: PerThing>(compute: ElectionCompute)
		-> Option<ElectionResult<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>
		Accuracy: sp_std::ops::Mul<ExtendedBalance, Output=ExtendedBalance>,
		ExtendedBalance: From<<Accuracy as PerThing>::Inner>,
		if let Some(phragmen_result) = Self::do_phragmen::<Accuracy>() {
			let elected_stashes =
				.map(|(s, _)| s.clone())
			let assignments = phragmen_result.assignments;

			let staked_assignments = sp_npos_elections::assignment_ratio_to_staked(

			let (supports, _) = build_support_map::<T::AccountId>(

			// collect exposures
			let exposures = Self::collect_exposure(supports);

			// In order to keep the property required by `on_session_ending` that we must return the
			// new validator set even if it's the same as the old, as long as any underlying
			// economic conditions have changed, we don't attempt to do any optimization where we
			// compare against the prior set.
			Some(ElectionResult::<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>> {
		} else {
			// There were not enough candidates for even our minimal level of functionality. This is
			// bad. We should probably disable all functionality except for block production and let
			// the chain keep producing blocks until we can decide on a sufficiently substantial
			// set. TODO: #2494