// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
Guanqun Lu
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.
//! Main entry point of the sc-network crate.
//! There are two main structs in this module: [`NetworkWorker`] and [`NetworkService`].
//! The [`NetworkWorker`] *is* the network and implements the `Future` trait. It must be polled in
//! order fo the network to advance.
//! The [`NetworkService`] is merely a shared version of the [`NetworkWorker`]. You can obtain an
//! `Arc<NetworkService>` by calling [`NetworkWorker::service`].
//! The methods of the [`NetworkService`] are implemented by sending a message over a channel,
//! which is then processed by [`NetworkWorker::poll`].
use std::{collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fs, marker::PhantomData, io, path::Path};
use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}};
use sp_consensus::import_queue::{ImportQueue, Link};
use sp_consensus::import_queue::{BlockImportResult, BlockImportError};
use futures03::TryFutureExt as _;
use libp2p::{PeerId, Multiaddr, kad::record};
use libp2p::core::{transport::boxed::Boxed, muxing::StreamMuxerBox};
use libp2p::swarm::NetworkBehaviour;
use sc_peerset::PeersetHandle;
use sp_runtime::{traits::{Block as BlockT, NumberFor}, ConsensusEngineId};
use crate::{behaviour::{Behaviour, BehaviourOut}, config::{parse_str_addr, parse_addr}};
use crate::{NetworkState, NetworkStateNotConnectedPeer, NetworkStatePeer};
use crate::{transport, config::NonReservedPeerMode, ReputationChange};
use crate::config::{Params, TransportConfig};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::protocol::{self, Protocol, Context, PeerInfo};
use crate::protocol::{event::Event, light_dispatch::{AlwaysBadChecker, RequestData}};
use crate::protocol::specialization::NetworkSpecialization;
/// Minimum Requirements for a Hash within Networking
Bastian Köcher
pub trait ExHashT: std::hash::Hash + Eq + std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static {}
impl<T> ExHashT for T where
Bastian Köcher
T: std::hash::Hash + Eq + std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static
pub trait TransactionPool<H: ExHashT, B: BlockT>: Send + Sync {
/// Get transactions from the pool that are ready to be propagated.
fn transactions(&self) -> Vec<(H, B::Extrinsic)>;
/// Get hash of transaction.
fn hash_of(&self, transaction: &B::Extrinsic) -> H;
/// Peer reputation is changed by reputation_change if transaction is accepted by the pool.
fn import(
report_handle: ReportHandle,
who: PeerId,
reputation_change_good: ReputationChange,
reputation_change_bad: ReputationChange,
transaction: B::Extrinsic,
fn on_broadcasted(&self, propagations: HashMap<H, Vec<String>>);
/// A cloneable handle for reporting cost/benefits of peers.
pub struct ReportHandle {
inner: PeersetHandle, // wraps it so we don't have to worry about breaking API.
impl From<PeersetHandle> for ReportHandle {
fn from(peerset_handle: PeersetHandle) -> Self {
ReportHandle { inner: peerset_handle }
impl ReportHandle {
/// Report a given peer as either beneficial (+) or costly (-) according to the
/// given scalar.
pub fn report_peer(&self, who: PeerId, cost_benefit: ReputationChange) {
self.inner.report_peer(who, cost_benefit);
/// Substrate network service. Handles network IO and manages connectivity.
pub struct NetworkService<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> {
/// Number of peers we're connected to.
num_connected: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
/// The local external addresses.
external_addresses: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Multiaddr>>>,
/// Are we actively catching up with the chain?
is_major_syncing: Arc<AtomicBool>,
/// Local copy of the `PeerId` of the local node.
local_peer_id: PeerId,
/// Bandwidth logging system. Can be queried to know the average bandwidth consumed.
bandwidth: Arc<transport::BandwidthSinks>,
/// Peerset manager (PSM); manages the reputation of nodes and indicates the network which
/// nodes it should be connected to or not.
/// Channel that sends messages to the actual worker.
to_worker: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ServiceToWorkerMsg<B, S>>,
/// Marker to pin the `H` generic. Serves no purpose except to not break backwards
/// compatibility.
_marker: PhantomData<H>,
impl<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> NetworkWorker<B, S, H> {
/// Creates the network service.
/// Returns a `NetworkWorker` that implements `Future` and must be regularly polled in order
/// for the network processing to advance. From it, you can extract a `NetworkService` using
/// `worker.service()`. The `NetworkService` can be shared through the codebase.
pub fn new(params: Params<B, S, H>) -> Result<NetworkWorker<B, S, H>, Error> {
let (to_worker, from_worker) = mpsc::unbounded();
if let Some(ref path) = params.network_config.net_config_path {
// List of multiaddresses that we know in the network.
let mut known_addresses = Vec::new();
let mut bootnodes = Vec::new();
let mut reserved_nodes = Vec::new();
// Process the bootnodes.
for bootnode in params.network_config.boot_nodes.iter() {
match parse_str_addr(bootnode) {
Ok((peer_id, addr)) => {
known_addresses.push((peer_id, addr));
Err(_) => warn!(target: "sub-libp2p", "Not a valid bootnode address: {}", bootnode),
Bastian Köcher
// Check for duplicate bootnodes.
.try_for_each(|(peer_id, addr)|
if let Some(other) = known_addresses
.find(|o| o.1 == *addr && o.0 != *peer_id)
Err(Error::DuplicateBootnode {
address: addr.clone(),
first_id: peer_id.clone(),
second_id: other.0.clone(),
} else {
// Initialize the reserved peers.
for reserved in params.network_config.reserved_nodes.iter() {
if let Ok((peer_id, addr)) = parse_str_addr(reserved) {
known_addresses.push((peer_id, addr));
} else {
warn!(target: "sub-libp2p", "Not a valid reserved node address: {}", reserved);
let peerset_config = sc_peerset::PeersetConfig {
in_peers: params.network_config.in_peers,
out_peers: params.network_config.out_peers,
reserved_only: params.network_config.non_reserved_mode == NonReservedPeerMode::Deny,
// Private and public keys configuration.
let local_identity = params.network_config.node_key.clone().into_keypair()?;
let local_public = local_identity.public();
let local_peer_id = local_public.clone().into_peer_id();
info!(target: "sub-libp2p", "Local node identity is: {}", local_peer_id.to_base58());
let num_connected = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let is_major_syncing = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let (protocol, peerset_handle) = Protocol::new(
protocol::ProtocolConfig {
roles: params.roles,
max_parallel_downloads: params.network_config.max_parallel_downloads,
params.on_demand.as_ref().map(|od| od.checker().clone())
// Build the swarm.
let (mut swarm, bandwidth) = {
let user_agent = format!(
"{} ({})",
let behaviour = Behaviour::new(
match params.network_config.transport {
TransportConfig::MemoryOnly => false,
TransportConfig::Normal { enable_mdns, .. } => enable_mdns,
match params.network_config.transport {
TransportConfig::MemoryOnly => false,
TransportConfig::Normal { allow_private_ipv4, .. } => allow_private_ipv4,
let (transport, bandwidth) = {
let (config_mem, config_wasm) = match params.network_config.transport {
TransportConfig::MemoryOnly => (true, None),
TransportConfig::Normal { wasm_external_transport, .. } =>
(false, wasm_external_transport)
transport::build_transport(local_identity, config_mem, config_wasm)
(Swarm::<B, S, H>::new(transport, behaviour, local_peer_id.clone()), bandwidth)
// Listen on multiaddresses.
for addr in ¶ms.network_config.listen_addresses {
if let Err(err) = Swarm::<B, S, H>::listen_on(&mut swarm, addr.clone()) {
warn!(target: "sub-libp2p", "Can't listen on {} because: {:?}", addr, err)
// Add external addresses.
for addr in ¶ms.network_config.public_addresses {
Swarm::<B, S, H>::add_external_address(&mut swarm, addr.clone());
let external_addresses = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let service = Arc::new(NetworkService {
external_addresses: external_addresses.clone(),
is_major_syncing: is_major_syncing.clone(),
peerset: peerset_handle,
to_worker: to_worker.clone(),
_marker: PhantomData,
Ok(NetworkWorker {
import_queue: params.import_queue,
light_client_rqs: params.on_demand.and_then(|od| od.extract_receiver()),
event_streams: Vec::new(),
/// Returns the downloaded bytes per second averaged over the past few seconds.
pub fn average_download_per_sec(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the uploaded bytes per second averaged over the past few seconds.
pub fn average_upload_per_sec(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of peers we're connected to.
pub fn num_connected_peers(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of peers we're connected to and that are being queried.
pub fn num_active_peers(&self) -> usize {
/// Current global sync state.
pub fn sync_state(&self) -> SyncState {
/// Target sync block number.
pub fn best_seen_block(&self) -> Option<NumberFor<B>> {
/// Number of peers participating in syncing.
pub fn num_sync_peers(&self) -> u32 {
/// Number of blocks in the import queue.
pub fn num_queued_blocks(&self) -> u32 {
/// Adds an address for a node.
pub fn add_known_address(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, addr: Multiaddr) {
self.network_service.add_known_address(peer_id, addr);
/// Return a `NetworkService` that can be shared through the code base and can be used to
/// manipulate the worker.
pub fn service(&self) -> &Arc<NetworkService<B, S, H>> {
/// You must call this when a new block is imported by the client.
pub fn on_block_imported(&mut self, hash: B::Hash, header: B::Header, data: Vec<u8>, is_best: bool) {
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().on_block_imported(hash, &header, data, is_best);
/// You must call this when a new block is finalized by the client.
pub fn on_block_finalized(&mut self, hash: B::Hash, header: B::Header) {
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().on_block_finalized(hash, &header);
/// Get network state.
/// **Note**: Use this only for debugging. This API is unstable. There are warnings literaly
/// everywhere about this. Please don't use this function to retrieve actual information.
pub fn network_state(&mut self) -> NetworkState {
let swarm = &mut self.network_service;
let open = swarm.user_protocol().open_peers().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let connected_peers = {
let swarm = &mut *swarm;
open.iter().filter_map(move |peer_id| {
let known_addresses = NetworkBehaviour::addresses_of_peer(&mut **swarm, peer_id)
let endpoint = if let Some(e) = swarm.node(peer_id).map(|i| i.endpoint()) {
} else {
error!(target: "sub-libp2p", "Found state inconsistency between custom protocol \
and debug information about {:?}", peer_id);
return None
Some((peer_id.to_base58(), NetworkStatePeer {
version_string: swarm.node(peer_id)
.and_then(|i| i.client_version().map(|s| s.to_owned())).clone(),
latest_ping_time: swarm.node(peer_id).and_then(|i| i.latest_ping()),
enabled: swarm.user_protocol().is_enabled(&peer_id),
open: swarm.user_protocol().is_open(&peer_id),
let not_connected_peers = {
let swarm = &mut *swarm;
let list = swarm.known_peers().filter(|p| open.iter().all(|n| n != *p))
list.into_iter().map(move |peer_id| {
(peer_id.to_base58(), NetworkStateNotConnectedPeer {
version_string: swarm.node(&peer_id)
.and_then(|i| i.client_version().map(|s| s.to_owned())).clone(),
latest_ping_time: swarm.node(&peer_id).and_then(|i| i.latest_ping()),
known_addresses: NetworkBehaviour::addresses_of_peer(&mut **swarm, &peer_id)
NetworkState {
peer_id: Swarm::<B, S, H>::local_peer_id(&swarm).to_base58(),
listened_addresses: Swarm::<B, S, H>::listeners(&swarm).cloned().collect(),
external_addresses: Swarm::<B, S, H>::external_addresses(&swarm).cloned().collect(),
average_download_per_sec: self.service.bandwidth.average_download_per_sec(),
average_upload_per_sec: self.service.bandwidth.average_upload_per_sec(),
peerset: swarm.user_protocol_mut().peerset_debug_info(),
/// Get currently connected peers.
pub fn peers_debug_info(&mut self) -> Vec<(PeerId, PeerInfo<B>)> {
.map(|(id, info)| (id.clone(), info.clone()))
/// Removes a `PeerId` from the list of reserved peers.
pub fn remove_reserved_peer(&self, peer: PeerId) {
/// Adds a `PeerId` and its address as reserved. The string should encode the address
/// and peer ID of the remote node.
pub fn add_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String> {
impl<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> NetworkService<B, S, H> {
/// Writes a message on an open notifications channel. Has no effect if the notifications
/// channel with this protocol name is closed.
/// > **Note**: The reason why this is a no-op in the situation where we have no channel is
/// > that we don't guarantee message delivery anyway. Networking issues can cause
/// > connections to drop at any time, and higher-level logic shouldn't differentiate
/// > between the remote voluntarily closing a substream or a network error
/// > preventing the message from being delivered.
/// The protocol must have been registered with `register_notifications_protocol`.
pub fn write_notification(&self, target: PeerId, engine_id: ConsensusEngineId, message: Vec<u8>) {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::WriteNotification {
/// Returns a stream containing the events that happen on the network.
/// If this method is called multiple times, the events are duplicated.
/// The stream never ends (unless the `NetworkWorker` gets shut down).
pub fn event_stream(&self) -> impl Stream<Item = Event, Error = ()> {
// Note: when transitioning to stable futures, remove the `Error` entirely
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::EventStream(tx));
/// Registers a new notifications protocol.
/// After that, you can call `write_notifications`.
/// Please call `event_stream` before registering a protocol, otherwise you may miss events
/// about the protocol that you have registered.
/// You are very strongly encouraged to call this method very early on. Any connection open
/// will retain the protocols that were registered then, and not any new one.
pub fn register_notifications_protocol(
engine_id: ConsensusEngineId,
) {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::RegisterNotifProtocol {
/// You must call this when new transactons are imported by the transaction pool.
/// The latest transactions will be fetched from the `TransactionPool` that was passed at
/// initialization as part of the configuration.
pub fn trigger_repropagate(&self) {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::PropagateExtrinsics);
/// Make sure an important block is propagated to peers.
/// In chain-based consensus, we often need to make sure non-best forks are
/// at least temporarily synced. This function forces such an announcement.
pub fn announce_block(&self, hash: B::Hash, data: Vec<u8>) {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::AnnounceBlock(hash, data));
/// Report a given peer as either beneficial (+) or costly (-) according to the
/// given scalar.
pub fn report_peer(&self, who: PeerId, cost_benefit: ReputationChange) {
self.peerset.report_peer(who, cost_benefit);
/// Disconnect from a node as soon as possible.
/// This triggers the same effects as if the connection had closed itself spontaneously.
pub fn disconnect_peer(&self, who: PeerId) {
let _ = self.to_worker.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::DisconnectPeer(who));
/// Request a justification for the given block from the network.
/// On success, the justification will be passed to the import queue that was part at
/// initialization as part of the configuration.
pub fn request_justification(&self, hash: &B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>) {
let _ = self
.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::RequestJustification(hash.clone(), number));
/// Execute a closure with the chain-specific network specialization.
pub fn with_spec<F>(&self, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut S, &mut dyn Context<B>) + Send + 'static
let _ = self
/// Are we in the process of downloading the chain?
pub fn is_major_syncing(&self) -> bool {
/// Start getting a value from the DHT.
/// This will generate either a `ValueFound` or a `ValueNotFound` event and pass it as an
/// item on the [`NetworkWorker`] stream.
pub fn get_value(&self, key: &record::Key) {
/// Start putting a value in the DHT.
/// This will generate either a `ValuePut` or a `ValuePutFailed` event and pass it as an
/// item on the [`NetworkWorker`] stream.
pub fn put_value(&self, key: record::Key, value: Vec<u8>) {
.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::PutValue(key, value));
/// Connect to unreserved peers and allow unreserved peers to connect.
pub fn accept_unreserved_peers(&self) {
/// Disconnect from unreserved peers and deny new unreserved peers to connect.
pub fn deny_unreserved_peers(&self) {
/// Removes a `PeerId` from the list of reserved peers.
pub fn remove_reserved_peer(&self, peer: PeerId) {
/// Adds a `PeerId` and its address as reserved. The string should encode the address
/// and peer ID of the remote node.
pub fn add_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String> {
let (peer_id, addr) = parse_str_addr(&peer).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;
.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::AddKnownAddress(peer_id, addr));
Arkadiy Paronyan
/// Configure an explicit fork sync request.
/// Note that this function should not be used for recent blocks.
/// Sync should be able to download all the recent forks normally.
/// `set_sync_fork_request` should only be used if external code detects that there's
/// a stale fork missing.
/// Passing empty `peers` set effectively removes the sync request.
pub fn set_sync_fork_request(&self, peers: Vec<PeerId>, hash: B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>) {
let _ = self
.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::SyncFork(peers, hash, number));
Arkadiy Paronyan
/// Modify a peerset priority group.
pub fn set_priority_group(&self, group_id: String, peers: HashSet<Multiaddr>) -> Result<(), String> {
let peers = peers.into_iter().map(|p| {
parse_addr(p).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))
}).collect::<Result<Vec<(PeerId, Multiaddr)>, String>>()?;
let peer_ids = peers.iter().map(|(peer_id, _addr)| peer_id.clone()).collect();
self.peerset.set_priority_group(group_id, peer_ids);
for (peer_id, addr) in peers.into_iter() {
let _ = self
.unbounded_send(ServiceToWorkerMsg::AddKnownAddress(peer_id, addr));
/// Returns the number of peers we're connected to.
pub fn num_connected(&self) -> usize {
impl<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> sp_consensus::SyncOracle
Bastian Köcher
for NetworkService<B, S, H>
fn is_major_syncing(&mut self) -> bool {
fn is_offline(&mut self) -> bool {
self.num_connected.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 0
impl<'a, B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> sp_consensus::SyncOracle
Bastian Köcher
for &'a NetworkService<B, S, H>
fn is_major_syncing(&mut self) -> bool {
fn is_offline(&mut self) -> bool {
self.num_connected.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 0
/// Trait for providing information about the local network state
pub trait NetworkStateInfo {
/// Returns the local external addresses.
fn external_addresses(&self) -> Vec<Multiaddr>;
/// Returns the local Peer ID.
Weiliang Li
fn local_peer_id(&self) -> PeerId;
impl<B, S, H> NetworkStateInfo for NetworkService<B, S, H>
S: NetworkSpecialization<B>,
H: ExHashT,
/// Returns the local external addresses.
fn external_addresses(&self) -> Vec<Multiaddr> {
/// Returns the local Peer ID.
Weiliang Li
fn local_peer_id(&self) -> PeerId {
/// Messages sent from the `NetworkService` to the `NetworkWorker`.
/// Each entry corresponds to a method of `NetworkService`.
enum ServiceToWorkerMsg<B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>> {
RequestJustification(B::Hash, NumberFor<B>),
ExecuteWithSpec(Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut S, &mut dyn Context<B>) + Send>),
PutValue(record::Key, Vec<u8>),
Arkadiy Paronyan
SyncFork(Vec<PeerId>, B::Hash, NumberFor<B>),
WriteNotification {
message: Vec<u8>,
engine_id: ConsensusEngineId,
target: PeerId,
RegisterNotifProtocol {
engine_id: ConsensusEngineId,
/// Main network worker. Must be polled in order for the network to advance.
/// You are encouraged to poll this in a separate background thread or task.
#[must_use = "The NetworkWorker must be polled in order for the network to work"]
pub struct NetworkWorker<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> {
/// Updated by the `NetworkWorker` and loaded by the `NetworkService`.
external_addresses: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Multiaddr>>>,
/// Updated by the `NetworkWorker` and loaded by the `NetworkService`.
num_connected: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
/// Updated by the `NetworkWorker` and loaded by the `NetworkService`.
is_major_syncing: Arc<AtomicBool>,
/// The network service that can be extracted and shared through the codebase.
/// The *actual* network.
network_service: Swarm<B, S, H>,
/// The import queue that was passed as initialization.
import_queue: Box<dyn ImportQueue<B>>,
/// Messages from the `NetworkService` and that must be processed.
from_worker: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ServiceToWorkerMsg<B, S>>,
/// Receiver for queries from the light client that must be processed.
light_client_rqs: Option<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RequestData<B>>>,
/// Senders for events that happen on the network.
event_streams: Vec<mpsc::UnboundedSender<Event>>,
impl<B: BlockT + 'static, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> Future for NetworkWorker<B, S, H> {
type Item = ();
type Error = io::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
// Poll the import queue for actions to perform.
let _ = futures03::future::poll_fn(|cx| {
self.import_queue.poll_actions(cx, &mut NetworkLink {
protocol: &mut self.network_service,
std::task::Poll::Pending::<Result<(), ()>>
// Check for new incoming light client requests.
if let Some(light_client_rqs) = self.light_client_rqs.as_mut() {
while let Ok(Async::Ready(Some(rq))) = light_client_rqs.poll() {
// Process the next message coming from the `NetworkService`.
let msg = match self.from_worker.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(msg))) => msg,
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) | Err(_) => return Ok(Async::Ready(())),
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
match msg {
ServiceToWorkerMsg::ExecuteWithSpec(task) => {
let protocol = self.network_service.user_protocol_mut();
let (mut context, spec) = protocol.specialization_lock();
ServiceToWorkerMsg::AnnounceBlock(hash, data) =>
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().announce_block(hash, data),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::RequestJustification(hash, number) =>
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().request_justification(&hash, number),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::PropagateExtrinsics =>
ServiceToWorkerMsg::GetValue(key) =>
ServiceToWorkerMsg::PutValue(key, value) =>
self.network_service.put_value(key, value),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::AddKnownAddress(peer_id, addr) =>
self.network_service.add_known_address(peer_id, addr),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::SyncFork(peer_ids, hash, number) =>
Arkadiy Paronyan
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().set_sync_fork_request(peer_ids, &hash, number),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::EventStream(sender) =>
ServiceToWorkerMsg::WriteNotification { message, engine_id, target } =>
self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().write_notification(target, engine_id, message),
ServiceToWorkerMsg::RegisterNotifProtocol { engine_id } => {
let events = self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().register_notifications_protocol(engine_id);
for event in events {
self.event_streams.retain(|sender| sender.unbounded_send(event.clone()).is_ok());
ServiceToWorkerMsg::DisconnectPeer(who) =>
// Process the next action coming from the network.
let poll_value = self.network_service.poll();
match poll_value {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => break,
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(BehaviourOut::BlockImport(origin, blocks)))) =>
self.import_queue.import_blocks(origin, blocks),
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(BehaviourOut::JustificationImport(origin, hash, nb, justification)))) =>
self.import_queue.import_justification(origin, hash, nb, justification),
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(BehaviourOut::FinalityProofImport(origin, hash, nb, proof)))) =>
self.import_queue.import_finality_proof(origin, hash, nb, proof),
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(BehaviourOut::Event(ev)))) => {
self.event_streams.retain(|sender| sender.unbounded_send(ev.clone()).is_ok());
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {},
Err(err) => {
error!(target: "sync", "Error in the network: {:?}", err);
return Err(err)
// Update the variables shared with the `NetworkService`., Ordering::Relaxed);
let external_addresses = Swarm::<B, S, H>::external_addresses(&self.network_service).cloned().collect();
*self.external_addresses.lock() = external_addresses;
} self.network_service.user_protocol_mut().sync_state() {
SyncState::Idle => false,
SyncState::Downloading => true,
}, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// The libp2p swarm, customized for our needs.
Boxed<(PeerId, StreamMuxerBox), io::Error>,
// Implementation of `import_queue::Link` trait using the available local variables.
struct NetworkLink<'a, B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> {
protocol: &'a mut Swarm<B, S, H>,
impl<'a, B: BlockT, S: NetworkSpecialization<B>, H: ExHashT> Link<B> for NetworkLink<'a, B, S, H> {
&mut self,
imported: usize,
count: usize,
results: Vec<(Result<BlockImportResult<NumberFor<B>>, BlockImportError>, B::Hash)>
) {
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().blocks_processed(imported, count, results)
fn justification_imported(&mut self, who: PeerId, hash: &B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>, success: bool) {
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().justification_import_result(hash.clone(), number, success);
if !success {
info!("Invalid justification provided by {} for #{}", who, hash);
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().report_peer(who, ReputationChange::new_fatal("Invalid justification"));
fn request_justification(&mut self, hash: &B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>) {
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().request_justification(hash, number)
fn request_finality_proof(&mut self, hash: &B::Hash, number: NumberFor<B>) {
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().request_finality_proof(hash, number)
fn finality_proof_imported(
&mut self,
who: PeerId,
request_block: (B::Hash, NumberFor<B>),
finalization_result: Result<(B::Hash, NumberFor<B>), ()>,
) {
let success = finalization_result.is_ok();
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().finality_proof_import_result(request_block, finalization_result);
if !success {
info!("Invalid finality proof provided by {} for #{}", who, request_block.0);
self.protocol.user_protocol_mut().report_peer(who, ReputationChange::new_fatal("Invalid finality proof"));