1. Aug 31, 2021
  2. Aug 27, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [proc macros]: support generic type params (#436) · 1045c785
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * PoC support generic type params
      * more annoying example
      * add trait bounds for generic params in proc macros
      * add compile-time test for complicated trait
      * smarter trait bounds in proc macros
      * add non-working example for now
      * revert nits
      * Update examples/proc_macro.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * add messy code but works
      * cleanup
      * add some simple compile check in tests
      * fix doc link
      * fix doc link last time
      * address grumbles
      * docs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * Update proc-macros/src/visitor.rs
      * fix nit: | -> ||
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * add issues to introduced TODOs
      * generics support where clause on trait
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update proc-macros/src/helpers.rs
      * address grumbles
      * add more docs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  3. Aug 25, 2021
  4. Aug 18, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [proc macros] force proc macro api to return `Result` (#435) · 09abbaaa
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * rewrite me
      * require proc macro API to return result
      * send unknown message when error is not CallError
      * show example that auto cast StdError doesn't work
      * register_*_method Into<Error>
      * clippy
      * replace generic errors with anyhow::Error
      * fix nits
      * example that anyhow::Error in register_method works
      * CallError: add missing From impl
      * [types]: add helper methods for Error types
      The rationale is to make it possible for users to either use anyhow::Error or use the helper methods.
      * fmt
      * Revert "register_*_method Into<Error>"
      This reverts commit 33b4fa28730b72647ba150659d3c0ab1937e524a.
      * add better comment
      * fix nit
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
  5. Aug 17, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Concurrent polling on async methods (#424) · c69e0dd8
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Experimental generic driver for methods
      * Move FutureDriver to its own module
      * "Infallible" sync methods + fmt
      * Drive all methods to completion before background_task closes
  6. Aug 16, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Don't allocate until we know it's worth it (#420) · 326d0c91
      David authored
      * Sniff the first byte to glean if the incoming request is a single or batch request
      This works around the serde limitations around `untagged` enums and `RawValue`.
      * fmt
      * For http server, check first byte before allocating space for the body
      Also, rework the way we return errors: prefer JSON-RPC errors according to spec (application/json) wherever sensible.
      * Review feedback
      * Don't assume there is a first byte to read
      * ty clipyp
      * Review concerns
      * Cleanup
  7. Aug 13, 2021
  8. Aug 09, 2021
  9. Aug 05, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      fix(ws client): use query part of URL. (#429) · 430dcfaf
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * fix(ws client): use query part of URL.
      Fixes #428, we didn't take that query part of the URL into account and it wasn't sent in GET request.
      * add log when connecting to a target
      * fix(grumbles): path -> path_and_query
  10. Jul 27, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Proc macro params optimizations and tests. (#421) · 3d52c6ac
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * WIP
      * Feature-complete-ish
      * WIP
      * Cleaner replace marker
      * Inject lifetimes in elided `Cow`s
      * Use a single static &str for all injected lifetimes
      * Working lifetimes
      * Add the `call` method to `Methods`
      * Testing proc macro with optional params
      * Remove internal loop
      * fmt
      * Fix grumbles
  11. Jul 15, 2021
  12. Jul 12, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Prepare v0.3.0 (#415) · 0f66093e
      David authored
      * Bump versions to 0.3.0
      * Add draft release checklist
      * Changelog for v0.3.0
      * Mention possibility of passing params to `publish.sh`
      * Added PR 412
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Module API refactor (#412) · 8db65b42
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Do not register methods on servers
      * fmt
      * Infallible `to_rpc` proc macro
      * Remove dead code
      * Check for duplicate names at compile time
      * Add a UI test for name conflicts
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid Palm <[email protected]>
    • David's avatar
      Sort out type paths in proc macros (#414) · b8af4cc0
      David authored
      * Only return the crate name when the crate is `jsonrpsee` as well
      * Sort out the type paths in the macros, this time for real (?)
      * fmt
    • David's avatar
      Fix type paths for client macros (#413) · b83be742
      David authored
      * type paths in client macros
      * Tweak more paths
      * Helpers as well
    • David's avatar
      Rexport types for servers (#409) · 0592442e
      David authored
      * Include "macros" in the "server" feature
      * Re-export SubscriptionSink
      * Include the "types" feature in both the "client" and "server" features
      Export types::* from façade when the "types" is active
      Export types::* from servers
      * fmt
      * Export jsonrpsee_types under types
      * fmt
      * broken doc link
      * fix benches
      * fmt
      * Fix test imports
  13. Jul 10, 2021
    • David's avatar
      Pass OwnedRpcParams to async methods (#410) · d5d67e98
      David authored
      * Pass OwnedRpcParams to async methods
      * Cow-ified RpcParams
      * fmt
      * Separate `RpcParamsSequence` parser from `RpcParams`
      * Remove OwnedId, use Id<'static> instead
      * Ensure that parsed `Id` is borrowing from input slice
      * Tweak/add some docs
      Test that parse() works after calling sequence()
      * Fix rustdoc link
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
  14. Jul 08, 2021
  15. Jul 01, 2021
    • Igor Aleksanov's avatar
      New proc macro (#387) · ddb50806
      Igor Aleksanov authored
      * Start working on the new proc macro system
      * Add skeleton for rendering
      * Improve error reporting
      * Main part of 'render_client'
      * Implement RPC client generation
      * Client successfully rendered
      * Add doc-comment generation for the API client
      * Check that all the methods have receiver
      * Start working on the server impl
      * Add helper method to find server crate
      * Fix usage of client rpc path
      * Decent progress on the server macro implementation
      * Server macro compiled successfully
      * Remove unneeded re-export
      * Insert SubscriptionSink argument to the subscription server signatures
      * Add basic doc-comment for the macro
      * no_run -> ignore
      * Trait with subscription compiles
      * Extend the example
      * Add integration test for client/server impl
      * Add trybuild setup
      * Set correct span for attribute parsing related errors
      * Add basic set of trybuild tests
      * Add tests for client and server generated separately
      * Improve proc-macro documentation
      * Update proc-macros/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * Fix a couple of bugs in docs
      * Fix rendering subscription with params
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Streaming RpcParams parsing (#401) · 095db9b2
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Streaming RpcParams parsing
      * DRY RpcParams::one again
      * Fix doc comments
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Set allowed Host header values (#399) · f705e325
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Set allowed Host header values
      * Error if allowed hosts list is empty
      * Grammar
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  16. Jun 30, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Synchronization-less async connections in ws-server (#388) · 7496afe2
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * WIP
      * More WIP
      * Simplify ConnDriver
      * Progress all connections on each poll
      * Make ConnDriver more opaque and less leaky
      * fmt
      * Spawn connections on tasks after handshake
      * WIP put connections on tasks
      * cargo fmt, naming clarity
      * Fix grumbles
      * Extra comment on swap_remove
      * Remove unwrap from the handshake
      * Restore the wrapping_add on connection id
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [ws server]: terminate already established connection(s) when the server is stopped (#396) · 7a33bf50
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * [ws server]: terminate connection when closed.
      * fix tests
      * add test
      * address grumbles: return Ok when server stopped
      * revert log
      * revert outdated documentation
      * use wrapping add for conn id
      * address grumbles: replace Mutex with AtomicBool
      * add comment to assertion
      * fix nits
      * address grumbles: naming of variables
      * address grumbles: RwLock to wait for tasks
      This commit introduces a RwLock instead of the Mutex to the shared by the background tasks
      and the stop handle won't signal until all readers has been dropped.
      * fix nit
      * Update ws-server/src/server.rs
      * remove AtomicBool; use stop_sender instead
      * Update ws-server/src/server.rs
      * Update ws-server/src/server.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * correct subscription err messages
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  17. Jun 29, 2021
  18. Jun 25, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [ci]: test each individual crate's manifest (#392) · 2ca8355a
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * [ci]: test each crate outside workspace
      We have bitten by these a few times now with that some features are leaked from the workspace
      which makes it compile in the workspace but not using it's own Cargo.toml.
      * [ci]: add tests for macos and windows
      * add missed `WsServer` and `HttpServer`
      * [ws server]: fix features
      * debug failure in CI
      * remove platform dependent assertion
      * fix nit; proc-macros is proc-macros
      * restore removed assertion
      * remove whitespaces
  19. Jun 24, 2021
  20. Jun 23, 2021
  21. Jun 18, 2021
  22. Jun 16, 2021
  23. Jun 14, 2021
  24. Jun 10, 2021
  25. Jun 08, 2021
  26. Jun 07, 2021