1. Apr 20, 2022
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      feat: WASM client via web-sys transport (#648) · 20e6e5de
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * feat: untested web-sys transport
      * rewrite me
      * make it work
      * add hacks and works :)
      * add subscription test too
      * revert StdError change; still works
      * cleanup
      * remove hacks
      * more wasm tests outside workspace
      * kill mutually exclusive features
      * merge nits
      * remove unsafe hack
      * fix nit
      * core: fix features and deps
      * ci: add WASM test
      * test again
      * work work
      * comeon
      * work work
      * revert unintentional change
      * Update core/Cargo.toml
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update core/src/client/async_client/mod.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * revert needless change: std hashmap + fxhashmap works
      * cleanup
      * extract try_connect_until fn
      * remove todo
      * fix bad merge
      * add wasm client wrapper crate
      * fix nits
      * use gloo-net dependency
      * fix build
      * grumbles CI: rename to `wasm_tests`
      * fix bad merge
      * fix grumbles
      * fix nit
      * comeon CI
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  2. Jan 21, 2022
  3. Jan 06, 2022
  4. Dec 22, 2021
  5. Dec 20, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      extract async client abstraction. (#580) · 292bd88a
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * extract ws client to async client
      * bring back jsonrpsee-ws-client crate
      * new crate core client
      * add missing file
      * jsonrpsee crate: add core client
      * rexport core client
      * more re-exports
      * downgrade trait bounds
      * update version
      * fix nits
      * send close reason
      * Update types/src/traits.rs
      * move 'TEN_MB_CONST' to core
      * Update client/core-client/Cargo.toml
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update client/core-client/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * cargo fmt
      * Update client/ws-client/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update client/ws-client/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * move `async-client` core
      The `async-client` is hidden behind a new feature flag `async-client`
      because it brings in additional dependecies such as tokio rt.
      * fix docs
      * add example how to use "core client"
      * fix build
      * Update http-server/Cargo.toml
      * Update client/transport/Cargo.toml
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  6. Dec 17, 2021
    • Maciej Hirsz's avatar
      Crate restructuring (#590) · e159c449
      Maciej Hirsz authored
      * Nuke V2
      * fmt
      * Formatting and imports
      * Updated benches
      * Fix doc comment link
      * Brace imports in ws-server
      * Reworking imports
      * std first
      * fmt
      * std on top
      * Update to match changed line numbers
      * Rename jsonrpsee_utils -> jsonrpsee_core
      * Migrating things types -> core
      * RpcError -> ErrorResponse
      * Merge types::client into core::client
      * Continued move types -> core
      * Removing features to make checks pass
      * Move rpc_module tests to tests crate
      * Fixed doc comment links
      * Add futures-util dependency for client
      * Remove dead code
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
      * fmt
      * Feature gate the Client trait
      * Move `Client` traits to `client` module
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  7. Dec 10, 2021
  8. Dec 06, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      clients: feature gate `tls` (#545) · 3f1c7fcf
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * clients: introduce tls feature flag
      * Update tests/tests/integration_tests.rs
      * fix: don't rebuild tls connector of every connect
      * fix tests + remove url dep
      * fix tests again
  9. Oct 29, 2021
  10. Oct 21, 2021
  11. Oct 15, 2021
  12. Oct 13, 2021
  13. Oct 05, 2021
  14. Sep 24, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      fix: ws server terminate subscriptions when connection is closed by the client. (#483) · 7cd7f36a
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * fix: server should not send to closed subscription
      Closing #481
      * add a test
      * rewrite me
      * remove faulty server close
      * fix tests
      * fix tests
      * remove needless code
      * Update ws-client/src/client.rs
      * fix: remove atomic flag; use `close_sender`
      * remove terminate message; use close channel
      * remove faulty subscription closed error msg
      * fix tests
      * fix grumbles
      * fix build
  15. Aug 25, 2021
  16. Aug 13, 2021
  17. Aug 05, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      fix(ws client): use query part of URL. (#429) · 430dcfaf
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * fix(ws client): use query part of URL.
      Fixes #428, we didn't take that query part of the URL into account and it wasn't sent in GET request.
      * add log when connecting to a target
      * fix(grumbles): path -> path_and_query
  18. Jun 03, 2021
    • Igor Aleksanov's avatar
      Stick code to a single runtime (#364) · e34e28f2
      Igor Aleksanov authored
      * Stick test code to a single runtime
      * Replace async-std in ws-client with tokio
      * Replace std::thread::sleep with tokio::time::sleep in test
      * Add compatibility layer for tokio v0.2
      * Add check for both features being enabled + some improvements
      * Update ws-client/src/tokio.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas Adolfsson <[email protected]>
  19. May 28, 2021
  20. May 27, 2021
  21. May 25, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [ws client]: parse `path` from the URL (#335) · a60896e1
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * [ws client]: parse `path` from the URL
      This commit changes that the path/HTTP resource path is parsed from the URL and removes that option
      from WsClientBuilder.
      * address grumbles: introduce `RemoteWsTarget` type.
      * grumbles: RemoteWsTarget -> Target
      * cargo fmt
  22. May 17, 2021
    • Albin Hedman's avatar
      Add certificate_store() to WsClientBuilder (#321) · 8780fcef
      Albin Hedman authored
      * Add custom_certificate to WsClientBuilder
      * Use system certs instead of specified file
      * Cache client_config
      * Move client_config logic to fn build
      * Default use_system_certificates to true
      * Move out connector
      * Add CertificateStore type
      * cargo fmt
      * cargo clippy
      * Resolve comment: Rename variable
      * Resolved comments
  23. Apr 21, 2021
  24. Apr 20, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [client] use types v2 (less alloc) (#269) · 31153ac7
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * rewrite me
      * v2
      * PoC works without batch request
      * remove `PartialEq` bounds
      * add naive benches types
      * misc
      * remove useless lifetime
      * [ws client]: move request ID generation to client
      * make tests compile again
      * [client transport]: kill leaky abstractions.
      * [http client transport]: minor changes in the API.
      * [ws client]: fix batch requests.
      * fix nits
      * [ws client]: generate two request IDs for subscrib
      * fix tests
      * remove unused types + less alloc for params.
      * fix nits
      * more tweaks.
      * remove unused code
      * fix more nits
      * remove unused legacy types
      * reorg types_v2 mod
      * port macros to new types
      * fix tests again; more jsonvalue
      * [proc macros]: bring back impl Into for params.
      * fix build
      * [proc macros]: make it work for external crates.
      * [types]: remove weird From<Option<T>> to impl.
      * cleanup again
      * [examples]: remove unused async-std dep
      * Update types/src/v2/mod.rs
      * [types]: remove unsed dep smallvec
      * rewrite me
      * [types]: error code impl ser/deser
      Manual implementation of serialize/deserialize to get rid of duplicated message string
      * [types v2]: re-org with explicit mods
      * fix faulty test
      * add missed files
      * [ws client]: req_manager reserve unsubscribe slot.
      * simplify test code
      * add tracking issue for TODO
      * remove unused deps
  25. Apr 12, 2021
  26. Apr 01, 2021
  27. Mar 31, 2021
  28. Mar 04, 2021
  29. Feb 23, 2021
  30. Feb 18, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [ws client]: add `wss` test + refactor `WebSocketTransport builder` (#209) · 1cdd1381
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * test(ws client): wss (TLS)
      * fix(ws client): bug replace target with host.
      * address review suggestions
      * tests: add tests for non-ascii URLs
      * refactor: impl TryFrom for WebSocketTransportBuild
      * fix nit: try to connect to all sockaddrs
      * document `Host type`
      * doc(ws client): default port.
      * remove helper function
  31. Feb 02, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      [ws client]: use `max_payload_size` in transport (#198) · 7dc9435e
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * fix examples
      * [ws client]: transport use `max_payload_size`
      * fix nits
      * fix more nits
      * Update ws-client/src/client.rs
      * fix doc tests
      * [ws client]: all transport config configurable
      * Update ws-client/src/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update ws-client/src/manager.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * address grumbles
      * grumbles: WsDnsError -> WsHandshakeError
      * grumbles: remove needless clone
      * fix lint: remove explicit lifetime
      * fix nits: channel capacity + docs
      * clippy nits
      * clippy nits
      * fix grumbles: channel capacity 256
      As Maciej pointed out the capacity is the number of messages (not bytes) and each message is 96 bytes.
      Thus, 256 * 96 = ~24kB which is reasonable default value.
      * Update ws-client/src/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * grumbles: docs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
  32. Jan 18, 2021
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      merge v2 to master (#180) · 61656562
      Niklas Adolfsson authored
      * update http example
      * ungeneric crate
      * update dependencies
      * [client]: add WebSocket client again.
      * [deps]: remove needless dev dependencies
      * nits: forgot to commit new files
      * [ws client]: `send_text` instead of `send_binary`
      This is temporary fix to work with the `server` which assumes that
      `WebSocket` resonses are `text`
      * chore: add a bunch of more logging
      * [ws]: port tests but some are failing.
      * chore: fmt
      * [server API]: expose `fn local_addr` as public API.
      * [tests]: make them less ugly by using ``
      * fix: a bunch of compiler warnings.
      * [api]: uniform naming, `bind -> new` in transport.
      * [websocket server]: reply when deserial fails
      When the server receives an request with invalid JSON
      `-32700, Parse error shall be returned`
      * chore: fmt
      * [tests]: fix remaining tests
      * [websocket server]: support `binary` and `text`
      * [ws server]: fix bug in subscription response.
      `.await` was missing in RegisteredSubscription::send() and no responses
      were actually sent which this commit fixes.
      * [client API]: export `WsSubscription`
      * [examples]: use `localhost` instead of ``
      Hostname is required when using `wss` and `` is not valid hostname.
      * [examples]: add subscription example.
      * chore: fmt
      * [ws server]: fix bug register new subscription.
      Fixes newly introduced bug that causes `register_subscription` to have
      side-effects even if the subscription fails.
      * fmt
      * more uniform logs
      * [ws server]: simple subscription test.
      * [ws server]: subscription tests improved.
      * [tests]: extract test helpers to a separate crate (#125)
      * [ws server]: don't close connection when `deserialization` fails (#131)
      * [ws server]: don't close conn. when `deser` fails
      * Update src/ws/transport.rs
      * grumbles: prefer matching of if else.
      * chore: CI warn `intra_doc_link_resolution_failure` (#139)
      Since we have not updated the documentation properly it's annoying that
      the entire job fails.
      * chore: rustfmt.toml (#138)
      * chore: add `rustfmt.toml` for formatting
      * style: `cargo fmt --all` with new config
      * [server raw params]: fix debug implementation (#137)
      * [server]: simply raw params impl
      Use debug implementation of `common::Params` instead of doing something
      similar that doesn't work properly.
      * [raw params]: derive `Debug` impl.
      * [ws server]: parse subscription ID for unsubscription instead of hardcoding `JsonValue::Null` (#136)
      * [ws server]: fix broken unsubscribe.
      Try to parse the subscription ID as the first element of an Array or the `subscription`
      field of an Object/Map.
      If both of those fails then regard it as a error.
      * fmt
      * fix grumbles: remove space indentation
      * fix(ws server): sub/unsubscribe to same method should generate an error (#140)
      * fix(ws server): sub/unsubscribe to same method err
      Subscribe and unsubscribe to the same method should generate an error, which this commit fixed.
      This bug was introduced by myself in https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpsee/commit/fc87889de2615dbb3d0cf2d91a306f016d48df2d
      * Update src/ws/server.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * chore: add naive benches for request/response (#142)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNiklas <[email protected]>
      * fix(ws server): remove faulty debug_assert (#145)
      The code assumed that `subscription id` is still in `active_subscriptions` when the
      connection was dropped.
      The list of subscriptions (kept in raw server) are not notified when a client dropped its
      subscription/unsubscribed thus it's possible that the actual subscriptions are closed before the
      entire client was dropped.
      * ci(benches): cargo check on benches. (#146)
      * fix(http client): implement `clone` uniform API. (#147)
      * chore(deps): update `futures v0.3.7` (#148)
      * chore(deps): update remaining crates (#149)
      * chore(deps): update `futures v0.3.7`
      * chore(deps): bump the rest of deps
      * Improve HTTP client background thread (#150)
      * refactor: resultify API + some crate reorg (#144)
      * [ws client]: resultify API and fix subscribe.
      * The commit changes the API to return `Err` when it's possible and to not ignore underlying errors.
      * Fix that `fn subscribe` doesn't accept the subscription and unsubscription to be same which causes
      errors in the server.
      * nits: Err::SubscriptionMetod -> Err::Subscription
      * refactor(client): common error type
      * refactor(http client): resultify
      * refactor(common): rename common -> types..
      This commit renames the `common module` to `types` and tries to distinguish the types that is
      directly related to the `JSON-RPC v2 specification` from others.
      Somethings are a little big sloppy named as naming is hard.
      Also, as bonus a removed a bunch of needless stuff in http server related to subscription.
      * Update src/ws/tests.rs
      * style: cargo fmt
      * fix(grumble): matches -> assert(matches)
      * fix(grumbles): `jsonrpc_v2` -> `jsonrpc`
      * fix(nit): remove unused code.
      * fix(benches): make it compile again.
      * style: cargo fmt
      * fix nits (#151)
      * fix(ws client): send binary (1 byte less payload)
      * docs(ws server): fix bad comment.
      * chore: add `editorconfig` (#152)
      * chore: make `debug log` less verbose. (#153)
      * chore: make `debug log` less verbose.
      The debug logging was just too verbose and this commit simplies it as follows:
      DEBUG recv: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"<METHOD>","params":<PARAMS>,"id":<ID>}
      DEBUG send: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"<RESULT>","id":<ID>}
      * style: cargo fmt
      * fix: missed logs
      * [jsonrpc types]: implement Display for Request/Response (#160)
      * feat(jsonrpc response/request): impl `Display`
      * refactor(logging): use display impl
      * use serde_json for verbosity
      * [http client]: refactor with "syncronous-like" design (#156)
      * experimental
      * ci(benches): sync and concurrent roundtrips
      Improve benchmarks to take concurrent requests into account.
      * ci(benches): sync and concurrent roundtrips
      Improve benchmarks to take concurrent requests into account.
      * fix(nits)
      * feat(http client): limit max request body size
      * test(http transport): request limit test
      * test(http client): add tests.
      * fix typo
      * fix(benches): make it compile again.
      * fix(ws example): revert unintentional change.
      * test(http client): subscription response on call.
      * fix(cleanup)
      * fix(benches): make it compile again.
      * Update src/client/http/transport.rs
      * fix(http client): `&str` -> `AsRef<str>`
      * docs(client types): better docs for Mismatch type.
      * style: `Default::default` -> `HttpConfig::default`
      * fix(http client): read body size from header.
      Expermential to read number of bytes from `HTTP Content Length` to pre-allocate the number of bytes and bail early
      if the length is bigger than the `max_request_body size`
      Need to be benched with bigger requests.
      * test(raw http): enable tests to works again.
      * style: cargo fmt
      * benches: address grumbles
      * feat(jsonrpc response/request): impl `Display`
      * refactor(logging): use display impl
      * fix(http client): nits.
      * Update benches/benches.rs
      * fix bad merge.
      * chore(deps): update dependencies. (#164)
      * feat(http server): configurable request body limit (#162)
      * feat(http server): configurable request body limit
      * refactor(crate reorg): to have shared http helpers.
      * Merge client and server errors.
      * Move `http_server_utils` to `utils/http`
      * Minor cleanup
      * fix nits
      * fix(hyper helper): u64 -> u32
      * Update src/utils/http/hyper_helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update src/utils/http/hyper_helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * fix: grumbles
      * Update src/utils/http/hyper_helpers.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update src/http/server.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * ci: remove nightly (#167)
      Use stabilized `broken_intra_doc_links` instead of `intra_doc_link_resolution_failure`
      * fix(websocket client): drop subscriptions that can't keep up with the internal buffer size (#166)
      * fix(ws client): drop subscriptions when full.
      This commit changes the behavior in the `WebSocket Client` where each subscription channel is used in a non-blocking
      matter until it is determined as full or disconnected. When that occurs the channel is simply dropped and when
      the user `poll` the subscription it will return all sent subscriptions before it was and terminate (return None)
      once it's polled one last time. Similarly as `Streams` works in Rust.
      It also adds configuration for the `WebSocket Client` to configure capacity for the different internal channels to avoid
      filling the buffers when it's not expected.
      * tests(ws client): simple subscription test.
      * fix: nits
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      * refactor(tests): introduce integration_tests
      Make the repo structure more understable w.r.t testing.
      * chore(license): add missing license headers
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      * style: remove unintended spaces.
      * tests: add concurrent deadlock test
      Ensure that if more than the requested channel buffer capacity is exceeded it should not deadlock.
      Such as spawning alot of concurrent requests, notifications or new subscriptions.
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      * fix: review grumbles
      * fix nits: `remove needless closure`
      * fix: cargo fmt
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * fix more nits
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * fix(ws client): embed request id in `SubscriptionClosed` (#170)
      * fix(ws client): embed request id SubscriptClosed
      Fixes https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpsee/issues/169
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * chore(deps): bump dependencies (#172)
      * [ws client]: add tests (#134)
      * [test utils]: add `internal_err` and consts
      [errors]: unify client/server errors
      [test utils]: fake WebSocket jsonrpc server
      [ws client]: export errors
      [ws client]: add some basic tests
      * fmt
      * remove log target
      * fix nits
      * [ws client]: add subscription test
      * revert unintendend changes.
      * fmt
      * [ws client]: fix panic in tests
      * cleanup
      * tests(ws client): test for invalid request ID.
      * fix nits
      * [ws client]: kill raw client (#171)
      * getting started
      * WIP WIP
      * cleanup
      * cleanup v2
      * cleanup v3
      * perf: use BufReader BufWriter
      * fix(request manager): resultify insert API
      The rationale behind this change is that the `insert_methods` takes ownership of the `send_back_oneshot`
      and if the operation fails it should be propagated the frontend.
      So returning the `Err(send_back_oneshot)` if it fails makes it possible.
      * fix nits
      * examples(ws): revert changes
      * Update tests/integration_tests.rs
      * nits: fix unwraps
      * Update src/client/ws/manager.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update src/client/ws/transport.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * Update src/client/ws/client.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * fix build
      * refactor: simplify `Error::InvalidRequestId`
      It was hard to use when the expected id is not known.
      * fix(ws client): error handling.
      * fix(grumble error type): better error message.
      * fix(grumble): docs `JSONRPC WebSocket transport`
      * fix(ws manager): fix grumbles.
      * Add better documentation
      * Rename methods.
      * Add `proof` to unreachable!
      * fix(ws manager): fix nit in docs.
      * fix(grumbles): ws client
      * fix more nits
      * fix compile warning: export websocket transports.
      * Update src/client/ws/manager.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      * deps: tokio 1.0 and hyper 0.14 (#176)
      * deps: tokio 1.0 and hyper 0.14
      * Update Cargo.toml
      * refactor: crate re-organization with separate crates (#177)
      * [ci]: feature `http` and `ws` removed.
      * refactor: re-org crate with smaller crates.
      * fmt
      * [ci]: remove default features
      Currently there are no features in the crates, so that check is not needed.
      * [http client]: remove unused dependency tokio
      * docs(http client): fix nits tokio 0.2 -> tokio 1.0 (#178)
      * docs(http client): tokio 0.2 -> tokio 1.0
      * fix: better link
      * [ci]: github actions (#179)
      * docs(http client): tokio 0.2 -> tokio 1.0
      * [ci]: remove travis
      * [ci]: add github actions.
      * [ci]: fix identation nits
      * [ci]: use cache for actions
      * [ci]: filter to clippy
      * [ci]: remove hacks
      * separate action for ci and benchmarks
      * [ci]: tweak to run on master branch.
      * examples/subscription -> examples/ws_subscription
      * force CI
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej Hirsz <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAtkins <[email protected]>