1. Jan 21, 2019
  2. Jan 19, 2019
  3. Jan 18, 2019
  4. Jan 16, 2019
    • Luke Schoen's avatar
      feat: Relates to #337. Part 1 of 2 - Account view - Change header account design · 85b74c41
      Luke Schoen authored
      * Change Account screen so its header uses the Information component with a big identicon, a short address,
      so it is clickable, and with identicon on left of name and address.
      * Apply extra bottom margin between name and account address when Information component used in the header
      * Update header so it uses Flexbox according to docs as intended
      * Since we're using Flexbox without placeholder spacing for the left and right header buttons, when the title
      is shown in the header it is offset if there is only a left or right button. So a `titleOffset` prop
      is used on pages where the Header component is used to indicate if the title needs to be offset to the left
      or right so it appears centered in the screen. We also pass a `screen` prop (named after the component where the
      Header component is being used so we can tailor the header spacing on specific screens.
      * Re-order props alphabetically
      * QUESTION - should we consider always adding placeholder spacing for where both right and left buttons in header would be as an alternative so no offset for the title is require?
  5. Jun 29, 2018
  6. Jun 22, 2018
  7. Jun 13, 2018
  8. Jun 07, 2018
  9. Jun 04, 2018
  10. May 31, 2018
  11. May 28, 2018
  12. May 18, 2018
  13. May 17, 2018
  14. May 12, 2018
  15. May 10, 2018