en.json 8.85 KiB
Newer Older
  "account": {
    "create": {
      "change_icon": "Generate another icon",
      "label_name_msg": "Please give this account a name:",
      "label_name": "Name",
      "title": "Create a new account",
      "copy_phrase": {
        "msg1": "Please write your secret phrase on a piece of paper:",
        "msg2": "Keep it secure and secret.",
        "msg3": "If you lose your secret phrase, your wallet cannot be recovered.",
        "msg4": "If someone gets hold of your secret phrase, they will be able to drain your account."
    "existing": {
      "no_name": "(no name)"
    "backup": {
      "label_msg_password_unlock": "Unlock your account to encrypt the JSON keystore file:",
      "label_password_unlock": "Password",
      "button_confirm": "Confirm backup"
    "delete": {
      "label_msg_password_unlock": "Unlock your account to delete it:",
      "label_password_unlock": "Password",
      "button_confirm": "Delete",
      "warning_parity_account": "Please note that if you haven't made any backup (via JSON or via recovery phrase), your account and its funds will be definitely lost!",
      "warning_signer_account": "The account will be removed from Fether, but you can add it back anytime by importing it again from Parity Signer."
    "import": {
      "error_msg_existing_address": "Account {{address}} already listed",
      "signer": {
        "error_msg_signer_imported": "Invalid QR code.",
        "error_msg_signer_imported_network_mismatch": "Network mismatch. Please import a Parity Signer account for the current {{chain_name}} network.",
        "label_msg_recover_signer": "Recover from Parity Signer",
        "label_button_recover_signer_scan": "Scan QR code",
        "label_msg_recover_signer_scan": "Scan Parity Signer account QR code"
      "json": {
        "error_msg_change_json_file": "Invalid file. Please check this is your actual Parity backup JSON keyfile and try again.",
        "label_msg_recover_json": "Recover from JSON Keyfile",
        "label_recover_json": "JSON Backup Keyfile"
      "phrase": {
        "error_msg_submit_phrase": "The passphrase was not recognized. Please verify that you entered your passphrase correctly.",
        "label_msg_recover_phrase": "Recover from Seed Phrase",
        "label_recover_phrase": "Recovery phrase"
      "question": "Already have an account?",
      "title": "Import account"
    "password": {
      "common": {
        "label_password": "Password",
        "label_password_confirm": "Confirm",
        "error_msg_password_incorrect": "Please check your password and try again.",
        "error_msg_password_insecure": "Password must contain at least 8 characters and a number.",
        "button_confirm": "Confirm account {{postfix}}",
        "button_confirm_opt1": "import",
        "button_confirm_opt2": "creation"
      "create": {
        "error_msg_password_confirmation_no_match": "Password confirmation does not match.",
        "label_msg_password": "Secure your account with a password:"
      "import": {
        "label_msg_unlock_json": "Unlock your account to decrypt your JSON keystore file: "
    "phrase_rewrite": {
      "label_msg_rewrite_phrase": "Type your secret phrase to confirm that you wrote it down correctly:",
      "label_rewrite_phrase": "Recovery phrase"
  "accounts_list": {
    "header": "Accounts",
    "hint": {
      "exist": "Click the + icon to add a new account.",
      "none": "Nothing here yet!"
  "feedback": {
    "title": "Feedback"
  "health": {
    "status": {
      "title": {
        "no_internet_no_node_connected": "No internet. No node connected",
        "internet_no_node_connected": "Connecting to node...",
        "no_internet_node_connected": "No internet. Connected to node",
        "no_clock_sync": "Clock of host not in sync",
        "no_peers": "Connecting to peers...",
        "syncing": "Syncing...",
        "synced": "Synced"
      "description": {
        "no_internet": "Please connect to the Internet",
        "no_clock_sync": "Mac: System Preferences -> Date & Time -> Uncheck and recheck 'Set date and time automatically'\n\n Linux: Settings > System -> Date & Time -> Uncheck and recheck 'Automatic Date & Time'\n\n Windows: Control Panel -> 'Clock, Language, and Region' -> 'Date and Time' -> Uncheck and recheck 'Set date and time automatically'",
        "no_peers": "Searching for peers",
        "syncing": "Syncing..."
    "overlay": {
      "error_status_invalid": "Status {{status}} must be one of 'node-internet|node|sync': "
  "onboarding": {
    "header": "Terms of Use",
    "instructions": "Please read carefully",
    "button_accept": "Accept"
  "navigation": {
    "back": "Back",
    "go_back": "Go back",
    "close": "Close",
    "next": "Next",
    "next_step": "Next step"
  "releases": {
    "new_release_title": "New version available",
    "new_release_description": "{{release_name}} was released!"
  "search_tokens": {
    "add": "Add",
    "clear": "Clear",
    "placeholder": "Find token by name or symbol",
    "remove": "Remove",
    "title": "Search tokens"
  "scanner": {
    "error_security": "Access to the webcam was refused.",
    "error_overcontrained": "No webcam found on the device.",
    "error_not_readable": "Webcam hardware error. Try restarting your computer",
    "error_unknown": "Unknown error."
  "tx": {
    "header_send_prefix": "Send {{token}}",
    "header_sending": "Sending your transaction...",
    "blockscout": "See it on BlockScout",
    "form": {
      "button_checking": "Checking...",
      "button_scan": "Scan",
      "button_send": "Send",
      "button_max": "Max",
      "button_confirm_tx": "Confirm transaction",
      "label_unlock": "Unlock account:",
      "field": {
        "to": "To",
        "amount": "Amount",
        "tx_speed": "Transaction Speed",
        "high": "High",
        "low": "Low",
        "password": "Password"
      "details": {
        "details": "Details",
        "hide": "Hide",
        "missing_fields": "Missing input fields...",
        "gas_limit": "Gas Limit: {{gas_limit}}",
        "fee": "Fee: {{fee}} {{chain_id}} (gas limit * gas price)",
        "total_amount": "Total Amount: {{total_amount}} {{chain_id}}",
        "title": "Transaction Details:"
      "warning": {
        "title_same_sender_receiver": "WARNING:",
        "body_same_sender_receiver": "The sender and receiver addresses are the same."
      "validation": {
        "amount_invalid": "Please enter a valid amount",
        "eth_balance_too_low_for_gas": "{{chain_id}} balance too low to pay for gas.",
        "eth_balance_too_low": "You don't have enough {{chain_id}} balance",
        "fetching_chain_id": "Fetching chain ID",
        "fetching_eth_balance": "Fetching Ether balance",
        "fetching_tx_count": "Fetching transaction count for nonce",
        "non_zero_amount": "Please enter a non-zero amount",
        "positive_amount": "Please enter a positive amount",
        "min_wei": "Please enter at least 1 Wei",
        "min_decimals": "Please enter a {{token_name}} value of less than {{token_decimals}} decimal places",
        "token_balance_too_low": "You don't have enough {{token_symbol}} balance",
        "invalid_eth_address": "Please enter a valid Ethereum address",
        "invalid_etc_address": "Please enter a valid Ethereum Classic address",
        "prevent_send_zero_account": "You are not permitted to send {{token_name}} to the zero account (0x0)",
        "unable_estimate_gas": "Unable to estimate gas...",
        "estimating_gas": "Estimating gas...",
        "error_estimating_balance": "Failed estimating balance, please try again",
        "valid_tx": "Transaction seems valid"
    "scan": {
      "msg_qr_scan": "Please scan the QR code of the transaction on Parity Signer"
    "scan_signed": {
      "error_qr_tx_invalid": "The QR code doesn't seem to be a valid transaction.",
      "label_msg_qr_tx": "Show the signed transaction QR code"
    "sent": {
      "waiting_confirmations_receiving": "Waiting {{progress}} confirmations: ",
      "waiting_confirmed": "Waiting for confirmations...",
      "confirmed": "Transaction confirmed",
      "submitted": "Submitted",
      "error": "Error"
  "tokens": {
    "tokens": {
      "menu_items": {
        "backup_account": "Backup Account",
        "add_tokens": "Add Tokens",
        "delete_account": "Delete Account"
  "ui": {
    "click_to_copy": {
      "card": {
        "label": "Click to copy address"
      "header": {
        "label": "Copy address"
      "copied": "Copied"
    "form_input_file": {
      "select_file": "Select File"
  "utils": {
    "blockscout_chain": "Chain name not yet supported. Please open a Github issue at https://github.com/paritytech/fether/issues/new"