1. Apr 03, 2019
  2. Mar 29, 2019
  3. Mar 28, 2019
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Update to latest substrate-master and polkadot v0.3 (#195) · adba1d58
      Bastian Köcher authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Rebuild runtime
      * Remove invalid value from chainspec (#68)
      * service: use grandpa block import for locally sealed aura blocks (#85)
      * bump version to v0.3.1
      * Update lock file.
      * limit number of transactions when building blocks (#91)
      * Update to latest Substrate
      * Bump to 0.3.2
      * Actually bump.
      * v0.3.2 (#98)
      * bump substrate version
      * fix polkadot-collator
      * point to alexander-backports of substrate
      * bump version
      * cli: fix node shutdown (#100)
      * update to latest substrate, change to v0.3.4
      * update to latest substrate, bump version to 0.3.5
      * v0.3.6
      * try to build on every v0.3 commit and update alexander-backports
      * bump to v0.3.7
      * bump to 0.3.8
      * Bump to 0.3.9: network and pruning improvements
      * Bump to 0.3.10: reduce network bandwidth usage
      * Use libp2p-kad 0.3.2 (#122)
      * Bump libp2p-identify to 0.3.1 (#123)
      * Bump to 0.3.12 (#127)
      * Update Substrate again (#128)
      * update substrate and bump version to v0.3.13
      * bump version to v0.3.14: fix --reserved-nodes
      * add a manually curated grandpa module (#136)
      * updating v0.3 to use substrate v0.10 (#146)
      * updating to latest substrate v0.10
      * better handling of outer poll
      * nit
      * fix tests
      * remove comment
      * reduce indentation
      * use self.poll
      * bring oneshot into scope
      * spaces
      * wrap
      * remove match
      * wrap
      * Update primitives/Cargo.toml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatargterzian <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/wasm/Cargo.toml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatargterzian <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/wasm/Cargo.toml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatargterzian <[email protected]>
      * Update test-parachains/adder/collator/src/main.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatargterzian <[email protected]>
      * indent
      * add paranthese
      * config: fix wrong ip for alexander bootnode (#161)
      * fix curated-grandpa and rebuild wasm (#162)
      * [v0.3] Integrates new gossip system into Polkadot (#166)
      * new gossip validation in network
      * integrate new gossip into service
      * network: guard validation network future under exit signal (#168)
      * bump version to v0.3.15: substrate v0.10
      * [v0.3] update to substrate master (#175)
      * update to substrate master
      * fix test
      * service: fix telemetry endpoints on alexander chainspec (#169) (#178)
      * Update v0.3 to latest Substrate master (#177)
      * update substrate v0.3 to latest master
      * bump spec version
      * update to latest master: remove fees module
      * update runtime blobs
      * bump version to 0.3.16
      * replace sr25519 accountid with anysigner
      * bump version to v0.3.17
      * Some PoC-3 GRANDPA tweaks (#181)
      * call on_finalise after triggering curated_grandpa change
      * make grandpa rounds shorter for faster finalization
      * use authorities when calculating duty roster (#185)
      * [v0.3] Update to substrate master (#183)
      * update to latest substrate master
      * bump version to 0.3.18
      * update to latest substrate master
      * bump spec version
      * update runtime wasm blobs
      * remove current_offline_slash from chain spec
      * update to substrate master: bump version to v0.3.19 (#188)
      * update to substrate master: bump version to v0.3.19
      libp2p network improvements
      * network: replace NodeIndex with PeerId
      * network: fix tests
      * polkadot v0.3.20 (#190)
      * update to substrate master: bump version to 0.3.20
      * runtime: add offchain worker trait
      * runtime: rebuild wasm blobs
      * bump spec version (#191)
      * Fix compilation
      * Update version to 0.4.0
      * Switch to use `polkadot-master` branch from substrate
      * Remove unused struct
      * Remove `grandpa::SyncedAuthorities` from `OnSessionChange`
  4. Mar 21, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Collators get incoming parachain messages (#149) · e9402a6c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * refactor out a consensus data fetcher from table router
      * move statement checking logic into router
      * refuse to start authority if collator
      * support building the table router asynchronously
      * instantiate_consensus does not overwrite old
      * update key in new consensus if there was none before
      * collator collects ingress from network
      * test produced egress roots
      * fix adder-collator compilation
      * address first grumbles
      * integrate new gossip with collator network launch
      * address review
  5. Mar 18, 2019
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Update to Substrate master (#176) · c12969e1
      Gav Wood authored
      * Update to master
      This introduces a new type `CollatorId`, currently just `SessionKey`
      but which would forseeably change to its own thing. It seems to work
      like this (despite there being a lot of the new-incompatible
      `AccountId` replaced). No idea if it does anything sensible, though.
      * Cleanups
      * Fix tests
      * Remove commented code
      * Specify commit hash
      * Remove commented code
      * Correct version
      * Update runtime/Cargo.toml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatargavofyork <[email protected]>
      * PairT instead of _Pair
      * Update lock file
      * Remove rev causing upset
  6. Mar 06, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Update to new gossip system. (#172) · 222c6c23
      asynchronous rob authored
      * Integrates new gossip system into Polkadot (#166)
      * new gossip validation in network
      * integrate new gossip into service
      * Fix build
      * Fix claims module
      * fix warning
      * update to latest master again
      * update runtime
  7. Feb 25, 2019
    • Andrew Jones's avatar
      Egress queue validation in runtime (#155) · b4c05459
      Andrew Jones authored and asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob committed
      * Add fn to validate egress routes
      * Add blank tests
      * Reject routing to non existent parachains
      * Reject if routing to self
      * Reject if egress route parachain ids out of order
      * Extract method for checking egress routes
      * Reject empty egress routes
      * Extract test method
      * Generate empty trie root constant in build script
      * Remove unwraps
      * Hardcode EMPTY_TRIE_ROOT and add test to verify
      * Const not pu
  8. Feb 21, 2019
  9. Feb 20, 2019
  10. Feb 19, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Interchain message-passing (#117) · 66c9580c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * compute ingress and routing in polkadot runtime
      * extract parent candidates from block when beginning consensus
      * fetch incoming messages when validating
      * fix consensus tests
      * parachain wasm execution uses messages
      * update parachain tests to check if messages are executed
      * abstract out network service to make room for network tests
      * skeleton for incoming data fetch
      * collate ingress from consensus-gossip
      * keep track of validated candidates in the shared-table
      * add some shared_table tests for new behavior
      * broadcast egress messages on gossip
      * test compute_ingress
      * move network tests to module folder
      * dummy network for consensus-network tests
      * make consensus network generic over executor
      * test egress broadcast and ingress fetch
      * fix test compilation
      * address some grumbles
      * address grumbles and fix parachain shuffle
      * remove broadcast parameter from consensus network trait
  11. Feb 18, 2019
  12. Feb 13, 2019
  13. Feb 09, 2019
  14. Feb 08, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Cleaning up dependencies (#125) · 98b9b4b9
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * cargo update
      * Update to latest ctrlc crate
      * Update vergen
      * Update to latest pretty_assertions
      * Update log
      * Update parking_lot
      * Update hex-rustc
  15. Feb 04, 2019
  16. Jan 29, 2019
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Use new externs for eth crypto (#114) · 98203aab
      Gav Wood authored
      * Add claims.
      * Failing build
      * Updatee to latest substrate, fix tests
      * Remove unneeded
      * Introduce tests with real work sig
      * Use right 64 bytes of pubkey to get eth addr
      * Fix for eth sig
      * Fix build
      * Fix wasm
      * Use new externs for eth crypto.
      * Bump spec version
      * New runtime
  17. Jan 27, 2019
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Updates substrate to latest master (#107) · 11d79181
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Updates substrate to latest master
      * Use slot_duration and not slot
      * Update to latest substrate master again to have latest CLI
      * Rename iherent indentifier
      * Update after master merge
  18. Jan 25, 2019
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Claim yer sale DOTs (#97) · 72a6ffde
      Gav Wood authored
      * Add claims.
      * Failing build
      * Updatee to latest substrate, fix tests
      * Remove unneeded
      * Introduce tests with real work sig
      * Use right 64 bytes of pubkey to get eth addr
      * Fix for eth sig
      * Fix build
      * Fix wasm
  19. Jan 24, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Initial erasure-coding of availability data (#56) · a9767290
      asynchronous rob authored
      * erasure-coding block data
      * adjust error handling
      * merkleize chunks and yield branches for each
      * construction and proving of merkle branches
      * port over to new GF(2^16) impl
      * some tests for wrapped_shard
      * handle extra byte from GF(2^16) better
      * point to github dependency
      * add issue link
      * point to master for reed-solomon-erasure
      * add missing license header
  20. Jan 22, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Parachain execution yields messages to send (#96) · 5893fa7c
      asynchronous rob authored
      * read head-data directly out of WASM memory
      * implement ext_post_message for parachain WASM
      * further refactoring of the parachain module
      * add externalities error type
      * accumulate posted messages when validating parachain candidate
      * define Extrinsic type in primitives
      * availability-store: store extrinsic data
      * compute extrinsic and check against candidate
      * add some egress queue tests
      * grumbles & substrate update
      * ensure everything builds
  21. Jan 18, 2019
  22. Jan 16, 2019
  23. Jan 15, 2019
  24. Jan 08, 2019
  25. Dec 21, 2018
  26. Dec 20, 2018
  27. Dec 11, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Authorship works again (#50) · 13b58b13
      asynchronous rob authored
      * provide through inherent-data when authoring
      * remove unneeded codec round-trip in proposer
      * refactor polkadot-consensus service architecture
      * integrate block authorship into polkadot service
      * remove unused extern substrate-network crate in service
      * write wrapper for unifying errors in consensus proposer
      * extend wrapper further
      * switch temporarily to macro-changing branch
      * runtime compiles
      * implement `inherent_extrinsics` for runtime
      * block authorship works
      * add GRANDPA to polkadot runtime
      * get everything compiling
      * use substrate master branch again
      * remove some unneeded params
      * update WASM
      * parse only extrinsics when pruning availability store
      * update recent deps
      * runtime almost compiles
      * need to expose trait type in build : I had to put phantomdata manually.
      * finish updating authorship to latest GRANDPA and Aura
      * fix tests
      * update wasm
  28. Nov 28, 2018
  29. Nov 26, 2018
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Blocks carry full attestations for candidates (#42) · 4b0c4968
      asynchronous rob authored
      * statement table yields fully-attested candidates
      * attestation types in polkadot-primitives
      * propose block with fully-attested candidates in consensus
      * some signature-checking logic in the runtime
      * fix runtime compilation
      * ensure attestations are full and without duplicate when checking
      * fix consensus-service compilation
      * add some tests
      * use bitvec from crates.io now that it's published
      * sign statements based on primitive statement's encoding
      * remove some serialize bounds
      * Fix error message with duplicate availability attestations
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarrphmeier <[email protected]>
  30. Nov 25, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make work with Substrate master (#36) · a35ddc58
      Gav Wood authored
      * Fix up wasm runtime build
      * Fixes for runtime
      * Fix.
      * More fixes
      * Runtime builds on native.
      * Native and wasm both build without warnings.
      * Fix runtime tests.
      * Merge #20
      * Final fix for native runtime.
      * Compile polkadot wo consensus
      * Reverted changes to polkadot-consensus
      * reintroduce minimal subset of consensus
      * reintroduce checked_block to runtime for std
      * polkadot_consensus compiles without most of the code
      * remove checked_block again and do more checks in parachains for runtime
      * uncomment proposer
      * remove offline tracker
      * extract out parachain-attestation logic from proposal directly
      * reintroduce transaction_pool
      * write some custom aura verification logic for the block verifier
      * use transaction pool in more generic way
      * service compiles again
      * polkadot-network and tests pass
      * remove unused session_key function from router
      * everything but CLI compiles due to service hell
      * Fixes compilation of `polkadot_cli`
      * everything compiles
      * update adder wasm
  31. Sep 12, 2018
  32. Aug 30, 2018
  33. Aug 28, 2018
  34. Aug 20, 2018